Thursday, October 27, 2011

Intro and the transformers

Our first total rewind start in a quaint little town of Naperville, IL where young 30s man working at Circuit City decide he wanted his childhood back. He just started to watch some old cartoon and movies from his childhood when he realized passage of time did some nasty things to them. He was aspring filmmaker named Doug Walker, and with his brother Rob Walker and his co-worker Mike Michaud they decide to knock on the doors of web entertainment, mostly because they were laid off.

First video of Nostalgia Critic seems more like a Bum review than anything else. But mostly it took the form a character that much like himself, excited and happy for the moment of childhood, into the Critic than the tortured soul that slouch to review a horrible movie, that Critic had become. It was way of showing that Transformer was bad, but it was just childish fun; something that most critic didn't figure out till the third movie. It was till second review that the he review the horrible stuff but it felt more like a warning that pure anger. 

So my not-so-good review continues as we see a gradual move from man in the 30s who wanted his childhood back and got bunch of crap to pure bile of anger and emotion that is the Critic today. See you next time on the YouTube era.

(This review will cover from Transformer to Transformer 3. Anything farther will be reviewed next July as part of my yearly recap.)

Monday, October 24, 2011


Sorry, but unfortunately the 'total review' is dis-abandoned in the the second blog, but the'total review' is moving to the this blog with the Nostalgia Critic.

Introduction and/or First update sometime this week.