Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rise of the NC Part 1

Pokemon: The First Movie: As Nostalgia Critic move away to, one of the thing he enjoyed was more airtime. And as we  go back to the roots, it's striking to review another fan-based exploartory review; this time on Pokemon. As anime give adult Americans nausea, intro we could skip(except for how Pokemon is such a movie machine 14 in all! Is this Land after Dinosaur?) After an in media res opening, which i think more of an cliche..., after an frustration about the name Pokemon, which to me seems obvious, and our running gag which come back in save by the bell -last of our post- There's also 'You know for kids!' joke used frequently in Nickelodeon month. Overall movie is all just bland, just nerdgasm of fighting (nice Barber) and corporationgasm of morals and cliche tear scene(nice stoned joke), which leads moral contradiction that loses all meaning.   Review itself gets stale sometimes but it's a good watch.
Wizard: It's that classic review. From flawed advertisements and morals to boring opening to 'great' plot holes (runaway teenager or adult with growth disease and adults with some premature brain disease, weird subtext of the subplot, wrong people playing video games, instant romantic interest, weird background and reference, and bad video games.) combined with Critic's awesome references (60's Batman, Nintendo 'playing with power') and ... Lucas. Ohhhhhh.... Lucas. and NERDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, all emotion aside this review shows how interactive he is with the movie and how he's just great. I LOVE YOU, DOUG!
Top 11 naughtiest Animaniacs moments: Love of Animaniacs is clearly shown here in this short list video. What could I say but... censors don't know anything.
Batman and Robin: Just Amazing. Starts with a great overview, and horrible one-liners, that is 60s bad (not the review, the movie) NC trying to kill himself, 'Of course' jokes, and American British, openly (gay) Batman, then... bat credit card madness that lasts for one minute. Robin is too annoying, Barbra is nice, then bad then whatever... and Alfred is dying. No wonder he gets the dummy to do the job. Batgirl and cliche lines later, tranquilizer to the rescue... bad morals, whatever. Movie's awful, review's great.
Top 11 catchiest theme song: Great nostalgia. Although short remark is also great. Now to researching Richard Stone.
90's sports movies: One of the last 'group movies' reviews (along with drug specials) It's exploration review of different cliches of sports movies and this is why I like the Nostalgia Critic. It's the interactions of slow clap cliche and turning perspectives using out-of quote clips. It shows that Doug really got along with the subject.
Top 11 Drug PSAs: Be an original, Dead boy lecture, drug promotion? Well the Drug PSA is quite crazy, just like the drug they said to avoid, well this shows all kind of crazy stuff, like songs that doesn't do much, avant-garde piece of What?, Shamalyan twists and unlikely promoters.Overall, they shouldn't be on drugs when writing anti-drug message. Review is cosmic!
Captain Planet: What could I say? Magic Rings and Wheeler. Voice-activated power and What kind of lame power is heart anyway? Leading up to introduction of Ma-ti, or Bhargo. Soon later Captain Planet comes and he's not much good. Gaia is a chicken (and I'm turkey). Different topic is too much. Just too much. Real educating.
Double Dare: Another positive review, this one I sincerely like.This game show was revolutionary in its showing kids' dreams of getting messy and traditional gameplay of Double Dare, which was high academical quiz show, with sense of humor, in the 1970's by most assuredly second best game show host, Alex Trebek (with mustache). Now Marc Summers might be the best after that splodge of game show that came in 1990s. I've seen Marc Summer in  other game shows like a prototype of 'Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?', and contestant/guest host of Scrabble, and I think he had great sense of enthusiasm to do whatever producer throw at him, although his OCD was severe. I mean you'll never see Howie Mandel do Double Dare. Overall, he made lasting contribution to game show and deserve its spot in game show hall of fame.
3 Ninjas: The intro seamlessly go into the review of everything just mixed together. Is this kid's movie, a heist movie, or a I don't know Cake? Jelly Beans? The movie is convoluted and review shows that clearly. Good review.
Top 11 Hot Animated Women: As with all top 11s, this is short. Thick accents, Transformation remarks, Cardboards, and many sexual innuendo, and navels.  What more than HOTHOTHOTOHOTHTOHTHO...
(Sorry, Video game Review AVGN combo review and other reviews will be relegated in the bonus section. Sorry, Wikipedia made me do it!)
He-Man and Master of the Universe: Gay overtones galore in this awful movie. With John McCain trying to take over the world blocked by Ralph Laugrad and Courtney settings of New Jersey. It's mixed-up and weird All good and that in the review with turntable sub-titles and moral mishaps. It's a great one in terms that the in-jokes are piling up a bit.
Follow That Bird: When Nostalgia Pang hits The Critic, it's Bum to the rescue! Bum as a whole, it's pretty great. Lines gets repeated a few times but it's improv so silly mistake like that is fine. Most reason why I don't see bum is that I didn't saw the movie and since there's no movie cut, I don't know what movie was about. Anyway, the great segway and overall good review.
Saved by the Bell: Last review for today. First fictional TV series review. We are quite skeptical about how could a movie reviewer could pull off a TV show, but he did. With the solid background, character, episode structure the review seen as the expansion point of the Critic. The show is campy and wow should be put back to 50s where racism and awful messages. And Critic's weird background adds to the... AHAAAHAHAHAHAHA... sorry, that was just... wow. A great review!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

YouTube Era

Cartoon All Stars Drugs Special : This is the first cynical Nostalgia review. I continue to stand by the view that at first Doug was trying to portray a depressed middle age where he thought he could find hope in the past, but found horribleness instead. In all, he's really pissed that meeting of all these character was all for a stupid government crap.He's not angry, he's not 'Why do I live?' shouting, just pissed. But it's going to changed soon.

Cloverfield Trailer: Of course at that time (August 2008) it was called 1-18-08. Oh you think you are so clever, JJ Abhrams. But the point here is Nostalgia Critic moving away from Depressed Middle-age  man to just an Man of Anger as critic freaks out at the nonsense of ambiguity that is the trailer, also Donkey Kong scenario fit into the famous detour that Critic is known for.

Power Rangers: the Movie: As I saw this first 'real' review of the Critic, I saw two things. Voice, which turns from calm voice of middle-aged man to the angry Daffy Duck (slightly) at the end. The style is almost there. But  sadly the review is done calmly with no accents and nothing to take from. In all, the joke passes by, not saying hello. So most jokes are aren't laughed until second later. But it was good.

HP7 Book Launch: What if Nostalgia Critic got into the way as comedic interviewer, like Mediocre Films, instead of a reviewer. Congrats! This is the video. Nothing more to say, because it just shows how good Doug Walker is at comedy than anything else.

Teenager Mutant Ninja Turtles: He's kind of  explaining into his final form... change of mind have been done. It's definitely a mid-point. Geek out mode over, funniness of his most cherished series start. The review becomes more and more angst till 'horriblef--kus'. Now we know we're getting somewhere.

Top 11 Scariest Nostalgic Moment: Yes, first top 11, and it's standard. it's too quick, but they had fit the time limit back then. (and no. 11 in Wikipedia is wrong, just saying.)

Super Mario Bros: The Movie: This is the earliest movie that has running out-of-video jokes. For the movies , What? To me, first 'standard' review.

Cloverfield: Let's get this recent review over with. Also, yes Donkey Kong Jesus was referenced again in the first anniversary, but that's outside the reviews...SO IT DOESN'T COUNT! Bum is slowly forming... INTO A GIANT MONSTER! No, I'm kidding. I guess this is the all caps review...

Street Fighter: OF COURSE! Skull and Guns. Entirely Pointless. I feel satisfying. Very best of reviews. Hmmm... This is audience suggested. That's why he is not the way he was? Does he just doing it for his job?
(pointless action sequence)
Mortal Kombat: Well, nostalgia is annoying. This is also great!  Trumpet shrug is there, too, but it belongs here. It happens. Some stock Aesop and chickification later, the movie hangs out, and we clear our eyes.

Space Jam: Yes, first movie I saw he reviews! I thought it sucked, but as it was commercialized 90's movie so I thought it should suck and I'll just enjoy it. (Wow, I never thought young me acted like Lupa) But with Lola, I didn't care because I believe Lola was in Baby Looney Toons... (searching) She was! Anyway, fun fact: Lola Bunny is voiced by Katie Soucie which also voiced Princess Sally in Sonic SatAM, and that's her natural voice! Get her the Furries hotline stat! But yeah... she described as Hawkisan women, Tomboy and Femme Fatale. And what do you get if you mix red, blue and yellow?  Brown! you get brown. Don't mix conflicting characteristics! I mean, how fractured your mind is when you're part tomboy and part femme fatale?! anyway, a classic review and one I show to my newcomers.

and that's it for Youtube era. We'll shelve more into Nostalgia Critic's greatness with review such as 'The Wizard', 'Batman and Robin', and 'Captain Planet' as we go to Part 1 of Rest of 2008. See you guys there.