Thursday, February 19, 2015


Whee! Another excited episode!

Dramatic intro... so poetic! Also done by Board with Life, but not linking here as I think it sucked.

Even the rule explanation is exciting! Dodger is beautiful and Grant & Ashley is beautiful too!

Game is exciting, look at all the production! Grant is such a liar!!

Dodger and Ashley is so good at camaraderie! Wil and its bad roll appears again!

Ashley's slight shaking... amazing! Food, food, food!!

Oh no! Grant is evil... She's in a DnD campaign? There's a sound I'm used to...

What's with that laugh??? The ninja is crazy! THE MORE YOU ROLL!

Dodger, the grand vizier from Alhambra? Accidentally psychological and cheating!

We do not trust Grant! That is very low morale! Wil might be paranoid?

Grant is really bad at this game!!! I think Wil is the betrayer?

Strangely stressful game... and maybe Ashley? Oh my god, that was the 3 food!

Wil's dice roll... another beautiful roll! Again, wonderfully escalated!


The game wins. It's been a long time... Man, brutal episode...

Thursday, February 5, 2015


(Oh, I'm excited for this one.)

Doctor Who this season... haha. Operating expense? Oh I've seen this...

Now I'm doubly excited, so Board with Life played this as well and it was awesome.

This feels a little boring after a while... but fun people, fun game...

I love those dice... it's good, it's already good.

He stole my fashion... so funny. It's a quiet show... Ford Expedition?

Butter turning DICK AND PICKLES returns! That's true...

Derek took quite a hit for the three truths. It's cheese season now?

Dick and Pickle... I didn't know... Okay, I knew. Earl of bread. Yes.

Another disrespect of the redhead! Tsk, tsk, Wil... tsk, tsk.

How many kind of bread? He does have a fetish... Dick bread wasn't just sausage.

Just Nottingham Science, just ask Sir Marytn. Very well played.

Adapt to the health standards... TAKE HER DOWN!!~!~!

There's the fight... Meredith vs Ashley in a bluffing game... Smoke damage.

Taking a rest... new sheriff. El Paso, Nottingham? Two... I forgot.

Deadhead butter.... Meat and Meat Pie. Pupil dilation reference. Derek with a good round.

Right, sometime honesty might get you somewhere... ONE COIN SWEAR TAX!

I have seen chicken feet necklace... Melanie is very generous! Wil is great liar, though...

Nottinglandtown... Margarine is for dicks... in Dicks & Pickle!

Melanie make so much mistakes... clearly, THA Pre-check!! Ew. Oh my...

Oh, the thinking cup, come back around? Love the comdary! NO CHEESE!

Life of crime is not cut out!!! We're scoring!!! CRIME DIDN'T PAY!!!

never really done it before... most incredible win? YAY ASHLEY!