Thursday, April 23, 2015


Drunk aunt's favorite game! Charades! Myriad of two ways. Or three!

Ah, french game! Rein like a reindeer! POINTS! Powered by friendship!

Rhett and Link and someone else. Loserville is nice... Worst clock ever.

Wax melting is fun! Sub concepts! Don't!!! Increase the shame threshold!

First question, breaking out in a cold sweat! I know about sports...

Piece of cake! Break the laws of maths! It's all about the cake! Boolean, perhaps?

Family tanning bed... Racism is over? Nailing this! Throwing things from the far place!

Shame has come... pulling the hair out! Progress! Twice! Beyonce from nowhere!

Very bad card... You know that hit! I don't hear no negativity... no. 1 in that country...

Depeche Mode... I forgot! Answer like fast as lightening... After Luc Besson hate/love...

Going for the win! Cut in line to the winning wall?! No trophies though.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Little review for one thousand and one nights... for a great game.

Yeah, five tribes looks hard, and you can go really deep, but (almost like 7 wonders to me) it's simple to play... It has an intuitive mechanic. Like, seems convoluted but... intuitive!

Slave cards are blunt but they get the job done. You know what it is, right away. And (this is me being racist) that's why I like the idea of slave cards... yeah? Oh, well, helpers works too.

(Going to tangent mode here, when people get offended about mentioning slaves, saying like 'oh, it's very dark moment in our time and I don't want to remember it...' feels like a double standard because when people make joke about a 'touchy' subject the same people go angry about 'how we are belittling these people' or whatever and we want to get to our lives as well! Of course, there's who says using of slave in game is inappropriate and that see above basically.)

Bidding for first is weird but it's interesting. Good genie first is good.

Satine is not doing so well... Wil getting his thinking cap off.

Richard (or Lord English) sound so smart... Satine goes for the blues now.

Jenna creating a great joke! Lord getting viziers... like the variety of play!

That's a pun... oh god. Satine trying spices in Italian. Organized crime now!

The position of blue tiles is important... Efficiency! You can do it in both places!


Wil math dance later. Djinlandia!!!! Bombay and Tankeray???

Sean didn't buy you a drink? Sean! Really? He should had bought her a drink! It's been 2 seasons!

Oh you mafias... Scattering? Hoarding is Wil's thing!

I'm actually the evilest... Collecting things okay. Richard is close.

Jenna is just being crazy!!! Making no legal moves. Uh? WIL'S FIRST WIN AT SEASON 3!!!