Thursday, August 20, 2015


ALL RIGHT, Let's get this season over with!

RPG in a box! What a... idea. We're playing mice, cute!

Really clever and really adorable. Simple, too.

Shuffle for initiative! Tilda is the marker today... Flich in action.

I think movement is awkward but dice rolling is very horrible.

Mana feels subpar... some quick house rules. More terrible dice.

That rule is clever, though. Range and Melee confusion?

Bad mothering... and Flich is in danger! Room is done.

We're searching... not something you want to 'search'.

Moving on to the sewer. Go into the water... order and search.

Another house rules and we're slowly... defeating the roaches.

Off day??? Nice surge tactic. Page as difficulty is kind of confusing.

Rat has a quick day. THUNDERSQUEAK! Weird movement...

Dinner fork! Ramble mini-game. Verge of drowning...  lot of hearts.

Healer is the marker. Fishing hook is nice to have. Cheese the wheel???

Dagger in the tail!!! Totally survived... mostly...