Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wheezywaiter - nepotistic baseballistic missile

LOOK AT THAT SPECIAL EFFECTS! Thanks mom and dad! See I told you, young Kubrick. Apple bosom? Gecko Prison? I know it's Jim Belushi? Brewers... I don't they got close? Cone vendetta. Hindeburg? GET DRUNK!!! YES THAT'S THE BEGINNING! Zero comments... wow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Wheezy warden?

Craig looks like... I don't know, I seen him somewhere... Double Shift... that's a quite a shift? OW! Talking to a mirror? Crazy... That's a weird burp. Tired gust of sleepiness of the working man?

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Wheezywaiter - doctor doctor

Taking the camera and going to a field trip... TO THE DOCTOR'S OFFICE! Pain in the side? You must be laughing too much. HELP! You won't get help, ever. Stay tuned??? Tape and urine... Desserts are usually eaten while ambling? Just a muscle spasm. I really like this song. More of this, please.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Wheezywaiter - That'll be Costenya

Waiting table is... well, there's the WHOLE INTERNET! Okay, call him? Nice REM reference. Ryan's camera... That's the Wolff sign. Oh, this is the 2007 version of Patreon. Sponsorship?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Verbal Tip

Wow, that full shot of Craig was... unnatural. Did Craig got shorter over the years? He kind of looks like young Stanley Kubrick? Oh, don't swear! No, that's for Platoon of Power Squadron. Being nice, and tipping. He does like rubbing his nipple. Thanks for the compliment. Friendship?

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Holiday Road!

Thanks for that subtle plug, Craig. Never would I guessed it. New and improved beard with fake British accent. This is the best accent, though. Stick by close friend. Six Flags is pretty good, I guess. Feeling giddy, indeed. Early 90's party... Nice use of Wonderwall, and there's SAM! Nice pun.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Vega Genesis

So, this is the Golden Episode... strange he doesn't count Flip-Flop because it's included in other anniversaries, but of course, I'm not sure... Have I ever counted right? Thanks, Suzanne Vega... Yes, I know the song, seriously, don't play it! What's with the clone dance? Thanks, Matt Weber!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Cap'n crunch time

Good tippers! Since you've been gone in Chicago? Working a double shift. Yeah, this. Start working!

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Wheezywaiter - To Friends

A Friday celebration! Speed in the creed! 307! That's great! We need a drink post and C & S Song! Writing naked? That's what I am, right now! That's so prescient! A song is appreciated. Ooh, electric!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Wheezywaiter - the day after yesterday

I love the snarky behavior with the audience. That's so unlike Wheezy I know and that's... so great. They just sit there and be hilarious. You have no idea. Good time, apparently. That's a lot of drinks... Make some funny faces... that's pretty good. Pretty frantic version of the segment outro.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Ian-dence Day

Maybe I'm misunderstanding this. Looks like his beard is getting better. Danzig. Barbecutest!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Krang Time

Watching a baseball, and editing this sequence? Waiting a table, sure. Watching Matt Lauer...  Benevolent power, oh no. I do agree about the clam chowder opinion at the end there.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Wheezywaiter - Peacockula

ONE HOUR! THIS IS A CHALLENGE! Checking the news! Peacock vampire... so hilarious! Philosophy... it is obsolete, why till 1983? That's some good outtakes in the end there.