Monday, December 31, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Happy New Year!

Maybe not. No that's Barbara Streisand. THAT TURN! Breakfast... it works or not. Good wink.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Freezy Waiter

We have our classic intro. It's so cold... so governor of California. It was a long time ago. Loser? See that's why you have Chyna. It's never boring! SEND MORE WINKS! Gus is fine, I think.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Lego my Blago

Ah, Illinois. The state where Democrats and Republican are corrupt to the core. Let us see how many Governors of Illinois was deem to be corrupt or bad in general for the past 200 years!

Shadrach Bond [DR] (1818-1822) - Great name, not a bad governor.
Edward Coles [I] (1822-1826) - Won a tight election, abolished slavery... pretty cool.
Ninian Edwards [DR] (1826-1830) - Poor relationship with Assembly and Natives... Bad.
John Reynolds [D] (1830-1834) - Favorite with General Jackson, so automatically Bad.
William Lee D. Ewing [D] (1834) - Served for fourteen days.
Joseph Duncan [W] (1834-1838) - Only Whig, supported National Bank. Okay.
Thomas Carlin [D] (1838-1842) - Worked Mormons and moving the capital...
Thomas Ford [D] (1842-1846) - Anti-Mormon, but worked resolve differences. Okay.
Augustus C. French [D] (1846-1853) - No scandals and got the state out of debt! Great!
Joel Aldrich Matteson [D] (1853-1857) - First governor marred with corruption scandal.
William Henry Bissell [R] (1857-1860) - First successful Republican, known for dueling.
John Wood [R] (1860-1861) - Eh. Cool beard.
Richard Yates [R] (1861-1865) - Very effective war governor.
Richard J. Oglesby [R] (1865-1869, 1873, 1885-1889) - Not much about him.
John M. Palmer [R] (1869-1873) - Fiercely independent.
John Lourie Beveridge [R] (1873-1877) - Had large opposition from Greenbacks... okay.
Shelby Moore Cullom [R] (1877-1883) - Not much about his governorship...
John Marshall Hamilton [R] (1883-1885) - He lost out to Oglesby above for the nomination.
Joseph W. Fifer [R] (1889-1893) - Freed a murderer to murder more people, which is awkward.
John Peter Altgeld [D] (1893-1897) - Leading figure in Progressive movement. Very Good.
John Riley Tanner [R] (1897-1901) - Very Progressive, but also pretty corrupt.
Richard Yates Jr. [R] (1901-1905) - Continued progressive policies...
Charles S. Deneen [R] (1905-1913) - Put down a race riot.
Edward Fitzsimmons Dunne [R] (1913-1917) - Very Irish and combated the Ku Klux Klan, cool.
Frank Orren Lowden [R] (1917-1921) - More race riots! Fun!
Len Small [R] (1921-1929) - Pardoned a lot of people and very corrupt, costing his job.
Louis Lincoln Emmerson [R] (1929-1933) - Great Depression really hurt him.
Henry Horner [D] (1933-1940) - Put sales tax and worked to stop corruption.
John Henry Stelle [D] (1940-1941) - Swiftly removed all former officials and so on...
Dwight H. Green [R] (1941-1949) - Governed during WWII, neglect of the mine disaster.
Adlai Stevenson II [D] (1949-1953) - Tried to run for president but failed twice. Good at speeches.
William Stratton [R](1953-1961) - Acquitted for tax evasion, but that's that...
Otto Kerner Jr. [D] (1961-1968) - Imprisoned for a federal crime.
Samuel H. Shapiro [D] (1968-1969) - Caretaker governor, basically.
Richard B. Ogilvie [R] (1969-1973) - Mafia fighting sheriff, created an income tax.
Dan Walker [D] (1973-1977) - Walked across Illinois, fought against Daley. Convicted.
James R. Thompson [R] (1977-1991) - Underfunded pensions, government freeze...
Jim Edgar [R] (1991-1999) - Another moderate Republican.
George Ryan [R] (1999-2003) - Another governor was convicted of prison.
Rod Blagojevich [D] (2003-2009) - Impeached and removed from office.
Pat Quinn [D] (2009-2015) - Abolish death penalty but... also question with corruption.
Bruce Rauner [R] (2015-2019) - Just a terrible Republican.
J.B. Pritzker [D] (2019-) - Future governor, but... corruption? Maybe?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Neti Pots

I really like this intro, actually. Irrigate the nasal cavity! He doesn't want cookies! Nice... Naughty! Saline powder from Girl Scouts? Coming out of the other nostril... YOU'RE WELCOME!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wheezywaiter - 82_Naps

I love siesta. I do it all the time now, which is not good... NOT CHILL! WRITE YOUR alderman?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Chicago Obama Rally

That's a little presumptuous... I mean I think 2008 was a sure win for Obama. This rally was the height of the post-racial hope for Obama. I think most of these people voted for Clinton, honestly. Probably people here drifted into a broader idea what post-racial coalition was, but not the most. Of course, this was when Virginia was an genuine win, rather than a bank. A defining moment.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Silent Senate

Obama 2008 was such a fun campaign. We're riding on the debris of Bush and seeing results we haven't seen before. Will the Obama coalition come around again? Also, I like that Obama developed his foreign policy in his tenure, because DDSS was really refreshing in the end.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Economicon

Wheezy is awake from hibernation. Well, looks like the Great Recession happened. Dance in pool. Early October birthdays are my favorite and also there are lots. I'm gonna kick it! USE COUPONS? Beer and oil changes... getting hammered. Dishes and laundry combo. Look at natural lighting.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/29/2008

Liane can vote! Paper Town is very good! I really like this song... it reminds of 70's infused indie...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/28/2008

I want Oreos. That is still very true. Also, this whole thing is very interesting. Party in Space???

Monday, August 27, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/27/2008

Hank looks so young and yet the same? Where did Kayley go? I'm sure she went to... Vassar? Somewhere in London? God, I do not know. I love how Kayley was so involved, Obama is good.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/26/2008

Lauren has a suite! I can relate to that. Quick recording! I remember the kitchen, huh. That's good... Two more years to go... the light will be bright in the end. Last Polka is very good.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/25/2008

That was some epic cuddling there. Kristina at UW, which is not the best or the worst. Place is beautiful, though... I like just walking around the place... the place has changed a lot in ten years...

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/22/2008

Is this a poem. Seriously, though, Liane feels indebted to this whole thing. COME TO CRYSTAL! Tuxedo is a place? And they Renaissance Faire? Finished Breaking Dawn? ALL THE GROOBS!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/21/2008

Curlers and balls. PAPER SHREDDER! Yearbook! That might still be true. College and High School credits!!! Limited spaces! Abandon hell-hole stuff. Mean Facebook status, cool. ALL TWITTER!

Monday, August 20, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/20/2008

Posing for pictures. That's definitely not there anymore, or anything. STRAW CAKE! 2008 camera quality is so nostalgic, even though it's been a decade. Well, we get nostalgic for things that happened last month. NOT EVEN STAGED. She's acting in a normal way, methinks. I like her like this.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/19/2008

Hank is so enthusiastic about everything. Always have a witch hat. John is always nervous. Ball is always in... Lauren never learned heels. Matching tattoos! Glad to be home, minus minus Hayley.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Wheezy Knight

Lost internet? TV on TV? Losing all that money. GET A NEWSPAPER! Jon? End this thing?

5AG - Monday, 8/18/2008

Rough week after Terminus, so let it be pick me up. Dance montage? Hank is forever a Rock Star.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/15/2008

Wow, two videos in one! Look at The Bean!!! It's all Chicago stuff. Liane seems so grateful for this.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/14/2008

It's all the camp stuff! That musical interlude is lighting up my life... introducing wonderful LIANE?!

Monday, August 13, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/13/2008

Oh god, I remember... CNN bad as always. Terminus, always good. Kayley is going to places, she always goes to places. Losing enthusiasm? There's things, people!!! All the assessments.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/12/2008

Hey, I like photo slides with Potter songs... it feels nostalgic, for a nostalgic time! Right, good times.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/11/2008

Days roll call... All those people in Terminus. Jerry looks young and cool. Those are Best Days...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/7/08

Something much cooler? Pessimist! Why is Hank a dinosaur? Great fun! Having all the missions.

Monday, August 6, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/6/08

He has an weird accent. Also, he was so good at apologies when he was young. Wonder what got to him? She does love Hayley. He does make sounds now? Stop hogging people! He doesn't like it.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/5/08

It's a singing vlog! Vlog done with singing! Lauren is singing because Terminus! Uh, bye.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/4/08

One of the earlier weddings. Eia is so cute. Leaving for Terminus! There's a Mammoth Cave? Right, that's the name for the house!? Right? Oh, Brittany. Blowing bubbles. Good playlist!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/1/08

Liane is so busy!!! There's new Looking for Alaska? Bonus song and bass! Heath Ledger does win?

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 7/31/08

Evan looks like Matt. Women's Day? Is this West Side Story and where is the News? Fun, fun stuff.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Wheezywaiter - 77. Goal!

That seems a bit short. There's dirty things, and then there's supplements. Did they ever get all the winks. you only make a movie out net month. Movie about Hate and punching strangers.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/30/08

There's lot of him in the next week, so don't be triggered. Or, be. Man, it's the early years. Jasper is an interesting choice. I think the really creepy stuff start to happen in 2011 or so... that's what I see.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Punch Drunk Hate

In fact Time Travel... wait, it does exist in your universe. Oh, is it a ruse! Doesn't know what's coming... House will not apologize for anything. George Bush joke, good. Headphones! DING!

5AG - Tuesday, 7/29/08

Lot of problems with Lauren's world right now, and that's discounting the Twilight dilemma.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Lottery

Good Dutch angles, future you spend it on food and booze! And the beard! Think better next time.

5AG - Monday, 7/28/08

Breaking Dawn was a thing? Ten years ago? It feel oddly right? This is the falling out, which will happen throughout the next few months. I really Breaking Dawn... broke a lot of people.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/25/08

Thank you for the theme, Liane. Constant cuddling... and with family! Look at the behind the band? All that terminus memories. Best groupie experience? Drawing whales and singing, all the talent.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Ba(n)d Practice

First time for the venerable Driftless Pony Club, and also the first incarnation of the theme song! Truly a formative time on this channel. This video reminds of The Office. Nice drum fills in the end.

5AG - Thursday, 7/24/08

Maureen Johnson is always good to go... having vacations! All good two weeks? No obligation!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Field Reporting

Driving from work! Sit back and enjoy the...grass? Huh. I can see the haberno sauce. Tact and diction. GET DRUNK! God, Bush is still president here. Doing metaphors. God, $4 gas... I remember... Hey, it's Eliza! And turns she was the one with a gun long before the sketch.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/23/08

Going into Rosianna's school seems weird. That's some interesting time tenses. MORE HANGING best feeling is the truth. Boating in the Summer. There's no isolation! Oh, CODY! So CUTE!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 7/22/08

Look at all the envelopes. Great. That's a great cover that would be cringy ten years later. They don't have the dedicated group or anything. This is why DFTBA Records were formed. All the CDs!

Wheezywaiter - Walkabout

Yes, it's still July! There we go... good news is still Batman! Good as they say. Chicago has lot of pathways. One way walking. Segway is never in the shops. Very underrated. I think I know Lisa?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

5AG - Monday, 7/21/08

Having fun! with play-doh? They are hard to work with, I agree. Good time to reread! Really behind! I'm not actually sure about that, people really like depressed people, for some ungodly reason.

Wheezywaiter - Comb on Over

Showing those male blindness... seems pertinent to here. There's hair growing hair... please don't. These musical cues are really well played. That deliberate editing is also really great.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/18/2008

Liane looks very happy, which is a pretty rare moment. Liane and Lauren went tough stuff in the run.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 7/17/2008

Not going to Terminus. There's always a miss until the end, of course. That is true, and I think Hayley actually made it so that way, because Ohio was where they met. Great friends forever, cat murder?

Wheezywaiter - The Dark Knight (and Robin) Trailer

Classic trailer mashup. Enjoy the glory of 2008. Awk at what? Balance, Adam West! 10 years, ugh.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Bad Noodles

Predicting the stock market... failure. Devastating news, indeed. Did you steal a bagel? That's the classic pant for vlogging. Vaugely sourced information... hmm. All that hot episodes out there...

5AG - Wednesday, 7/16/2008

Seeing all the London people. Leicester Square. Uniting the Wednesdays. Terminus is the turning point for this and Vlogbrothers, so look out for that, really. Oh, local reviews... still does that.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Trophy Thief

Wheezy is such a millennial. Even back then, the editing is flawless. "That is also my car." That's some action... wait, I think you forgot... no? What's with the Owl? Is this revenge clone? Nah.

5AG - Tuesday, 7/15/2008

Voiceless Lauren makes a montage. Thanks for the shower? We all miss Jerry. I can see that.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

5AG - Monday, 7/14/2008

Fun at Portus. Lauren is there? AIRPORT DANCE PARTY! All the hugging and dancing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/11/2008

Liane feels appreciative. Show at Barnes & Nobles. One thing that really ruin the day... All the friends in her small house, it's quite nice. And she goes out to meet all the people out there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Glosstrophobia

Wait, Chris? I think he works for Buzzfeed now? More than 30 times... that's above average. Wow. Shilling for theme songs, Wheezy? You know that you need to give compensation for a theme!

5AG - Thursday, 7/10/2008

Doing volunteering is a good way to think away from... whatever happened. Liane flashes, yeah.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Jurassic Salsa

More community interaction! Also more control of the markets. That was an explosive solo... oh, right not yet a thing that is not a thing... what? Oh no, bull semen! Jalapeno? That's salmonella!

5AG - Wednesday, 7/9/2008

More YouTube meeting? I love Malaray, she's a long haul booktube person. Liz is also a good friend. Long-time member, now in Los Angeles. Answering both questions... depressing? To London.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Temple of Ringo

Good riddle and also control of the markets. That was... okay McConaughey impression. Yes they do. Ringo is still alive, which I guess... this is quite topical actually. Oh god that's the Kyoto Accords...

5AG - Tuesday, 7/8/2008

Tomorrow night in a sense. All that mess. Floor to floor movement, like a snake. Don't have time.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Bug Junk!

This is a really nice short video. Nice use of stop-motion. Second use of asthma? Also hi Nate!

5AG - Monday, 7/7/2008

Getting boring? They are fun as ever. Post a video response! Kristina, the ever capable leader!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wheezywaiter - July of 4th The

Nice use of semi-colon. He's going to get better at this. That's true, mom. Formerly? Pick-up lines... Can believe that he still watches these video to this day... practically shoving it up to Ada.

5AG - Friday, 7/4/2008

It's Friday and Happy Birthday America! Chelsea, the house dog. Signing autographs! These young people are now in the same age as the Liane is... well, Liane is little older? All the jello, 20?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Wall-IMDBEEEEE

Robot falling in love is something I would say. He's very drunk! WHO CAN'T SAY IT'S NOT ART!

5AG - Thursday, 7/3/2008

Summer does that, Hayley. I mean Agatha. Holding the groob? Singing some songs. Ah... okay.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Wheezywaiter - 600

Bad News Wednesday! There's lot of uncensored *shirt*! There's something of proto-style happening. Competing with yourself. Half-size... wait, Vine? Universe has a dent? Outro, too. Hmm.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/2/2008

Evanna Lynch is wonderful, all the random clips! Wait, Malaray of Sunshine was there, huh.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Good News for People who Love Bidets

This is the first challenge from July. GOOD NEWS TUESDAY... Wasn't exploding... well, it's not Wednesday, unless it was before the trial period. WHAT A HIGH TECH TOILET! It's very nice.

5AG - Tuesday, 7/1/2008

Nina is a sub... wait, is she a spy, is she working for the administration? Is she Hope Hicks? She could be? (Turns out she's doing news with Ukranian resistance, which is extremely cool, actually.) Yes, Andrew Slack? I forgot he was in something or now... It's Agatha, Nina! More concerts.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

5AG - Monday, 6/30/2008

YOUTUBE GATHERING! Oh, young Shuller! Not much more. Where's Adam? Great stand-up comedian, see him around... California? Face of concentration. Taking a break from questions!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

5AG - Friday, 6/27/2008

Not The Band? Shoe sale. Almont brothers concert? Interesting. Song for a song. I heard that Liane is singing again, which I'm excited for... probably it won't be released, though. This song is very nice.

Wheezywaiter - Please Comment (Not a Clever Title)

Obama awkwardly promoting Clinton is never going to be awkward. Building that community. Vodka? Comment anonymously... but NSA will see you. Oh no, Playstation, also viewer WINKS!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 6/26/2008

DRAMATIC EFFECT! Not in dream school. Entrance to the house. Did Kayley made a video or not?

Sunday, June 24, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 6/24/2008

Looks like Lauren is having a busy week. Is the Ukelele in tune? That was... something. Challenge?

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Take On Chores

One of my favorite Wheezy Waiter videos. This is the first time we really see the first Wheezy studios, where all the tropes and running jokes are formed. We have Clones and chores for the first time, although there were references... I love the color part. It really shows Craig's mastery here.

5AG - Monday, 6/23/2008

Hat is still awesome. Trouble and accident? Jeez. Potter-dom, kittens, flying, and this channel! Wonderful list, just tell me the place. Oh god, Liane? This is a wonderful cover.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

5AG - Friday, 6/20/2008

Liane is taking a punishment? Taking one sip! Thank you sister and audio is bit off. Oh well. Color!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 6/19/2008

I just Charlie and Alex saying hi... it feels like a 2000's teen movie where the dutiful boys go and rescue the drunk girl. Lot of embarrassing Potter reference? I heard Orwell has a book about that... Too lazy and wet... that explains my... okay, that's not cool. Charlie is extremely awkward here.

Monday, June 18, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 6/18/2008

Badminton it? Your dogs are lovely. Allergy in the summer... Carl is a good name for a camera.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Father's Day Out

Huh, that's a weird setting from the old house. YES, DRIFTLESS PONY CLUB! I still love them. Craig's dad, underrated cast member of Wheezy Waiter. One pack? Yeah, Craig has a sister...

5AG - Tuesday, 6/17/2008

Is it recording week? Mint with bananas, huh. Favorite herb... new song! Oh god! This is exclusive!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

5AG - Monday, 6/16/2008

Jones Soda, such Northwest item. Oh so lot of boys. Creepy. UW... they are not going to be the best, more wizard rock everywhere. I remember this library. GET OUT OF MY FACE! Coldstone, huh.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

5AG - Friday, 6/13/2008

Welcome Matt! Mike is Mike... Is that from Broad City? Day tour! Best tour... That's a small stage. Freaking AUTOGRAPH signing! They have a good group... well, some bad apples here and there.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 6/12/2008

This is a pre-recorded video. Remember all these channels, actually some are still active. Audiobook actually is a thing now, because of Amazon. (I need to whisper... Do you miss... YES. Always yes.)

Monday, June 11, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 6/11/2008

June is a stressful time for many. No fun at paintballing. To Write Love in Her Arm... sudden got popular in the later years P4A... You have to memorize an essay, that seems quite excessive.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 6/10/2008

Go to a cafe! It's Albany, there will be some? I thought Lauren was Liane because of the croaky voice. Everyone misses you too? Punishment should be delayed indeed. Yay, Kristina!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

5AG - Monday, 6/9/2008

Cosplay and bring anime people! Whole bunch of people! Matt! I love Matt... Matt is still around. Portland had lot of YouTube people, but Seattle has more people now. More like Romantic Tragedy.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

5AG - Friday, 6/6/2008

No question for Liane. I think I know Matt from somewhere? Caitlin Hill god... she has a web series, it's an re-interpretation of something that Almost cool did... uh, Freudian Slip! Yes! Link here. Look at freaking Sarah from Pop17... she's a newbie and acting like one. She's like a socialite now.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Magnificent Levin

Finally Summer! All that net worth dropping! Haha... Lesbian. I can't believe Seattle was uncomfortable with Gay Marriage... it was just 10 years ago. Totally rotten. Oh, Carl Levin. Change? Sebelius is very good choice, but it's going to be Biden. Well, she became okay health secretary.

5AG - Thursday, 6/5/2008

Oh, hi... Hayley. Kayley is like Hank, basically. That's not bad. Kayley RAP! That's the last person to rap, isn't it? Jerry will make everything. Go inside! That's a good question. Always the thing to do.

Monday, June 4, 2018

5AG - Wedenesday, 6/4/2008

I think I know Rita? Wait... Also, yes Obama won the nomination then! Good question answering.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Obampadour

I want to write about this event, but this coincides with the 500th day, so that was that. That didn't stop Clinton. I love how Obama mentioned Clinton? Ugh. Gender troubles, apparently. Creepy.

5AG - Tuesday, 6/3/2008

Lauren with a hobbit kitchen with Liane? Aquarium looks cool. Skippy! That five hour drive... wait, is this driving week. That make sense. NO LAUREN! BASS... sorry. What a horrible question!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

5AG - Monday, 6/2/2008

I'm definitely sure you still like popping bubble wrap. Yes, Kalama. Brother... is interesting. Wonder what with him now? Ah! Signed! Kristina, you are still playing Pokemon ten years from now. Todd is cool, he still texts 'poop' to people. Thanks Lauren! COOKIE! Matt is still from Seattle, still cool.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/30/2008

Look at that purple hair! Feedback is amazing, no that's the purple hair. Interaction is pretty good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/29/2008

Fireshot! Algebra, causer of pain and grief. It's important to burn notes, get it on the head. Polynomial in the ashes... right? I WILL NOT PUT WITH THIS MATH DESECRATION. No, it's okay.

Wheezywaiter - Shaving Face

Remember LOST? That was a thing. I remember that. Ugh, Craig had so much hair back then. SCRUFF IT! He needs a sponsor right away. Lost is fine, it was always fine.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Nothing You Ever Wanted to Know About Wheezy Waiter

Don't feeling silly today? Absolutely no tables... Casting judgment, a large net. What accent is that? Watching Ze Frank is very good example. Small tap to the education! Craig has gotten better.

5AG - Wednesday, 5/28/2008

Coming back to Narnia!!! Interesting package? London with Rosianna, that group is still going strong. Cardiff and Doctor Who? Oh, Edmund is down! They keep killing me?! Oh, Groob.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/27/2008

THEY HAVE COME BACK! Surprise Arkansas! This is so heartfelt, so this was a rollercoaster.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/26/2008

YAY, another LONG VIDEO! Yes, channel was hacked! It will be hacked again. There was many hacking incident in like 2009-2011 or something? It was very weird, I think security got better. Young Willy is pooping! May Willy be where somewhere to be beautiful. Paper Towns is very good. Quickly edited books! Road trip, huh! Well, it's the ARC... I think it's the Christmas thing. Taken? That's a future reference here. (I love future references.) End at the Gateway Arch.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/23/2008

Interesting fact, Liane Graham... well, it's Levy now, actually is doing a recording because of the Looking for Alaska serial. Yeah, didn't you know that? Seriously, though, I recommend this. Remember The Dresden Dolls? Egozi is very good, indeed. It's long but it's good, Liane.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/22/2008

So, what is the flavor? I like chocolate chips. That's every bear. She doesn't. Spunkmeyer is pretty good. It's very weird. Living room concert is so cool. See, the sad voice! I need a belt.

Monday, May 21, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/21/2008

It's a good shirt. Odd Couple is good. Impressed. Meyer is cool, Twilight not so much. Do we want to go to the basement? I'm not sure. Good question for Hayley! Kayley looks so dejected???

Sunday, May 20, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/20/2008

I think we took a wrong turn. I think we're going... on a trip! She's a Snape gal, hmm. There's no time rule, anyway! You never established a time rule! Graham is cool, right? I don't know... Great fall.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/19/2008

No one likes tripods, for some reason. I hope your honeymoon is okay. Museday has return, see because they are both Muses and Monday + Tuesday? Like... okay. GREEN BROTHERS? Lauren looks so young, and she's going on tour now... Amherst is a good place. Lauren is a book?

Friday, May 18, 2018

Wheezywaiter - I'm Swayze for You

Rolly chair not yet equipped with angelic singing. So many sins in Alabama... is this the mini-series? Miniature concentration? Craig is so young? Actual formation. Does Chyna get jealous about this? HELLO DAVE? Is it that Dave? That's some commercials. One with the water. Sexy Obama... Oh... Going back to home, back to the old Midwest... that final wink, lovely. YES, POINT BREAK!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/16/2008

YEAH, IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING! Love from everyone. It's an AirBnB... in like five years? Sam is... Sam. Really, pomegranate? THE Lauren Fairweather...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/15/2008

You might know Lia... least I think so. So many cleaning. Doing the old... wait, you are not even in college? I mean that's true... first childhood memories... yeah, that's that. Favorite fruit?

Monday, May 14, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/14/2008

She is pretty sick... but she's excited about Stephanie Meyers. She's a fun person to meet.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/13/2008

TOUR YEAH! Also, you are still going on tour after ten years... and a baby. Yeah, tour spirit is always going to be there... can't get any cooler than that. YES, EXCITEMENT! Jerry is gay...

Saturday, May 12, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/12/2008

What a mess... least you still like Pokemon. Still pretty reckless with cameras. Yes, haircut! That's good... cleaning the closet. Muse will be good concert. Is anyone 20? That's very good thought. What about being thirty? How do you feel about that? Shopping spree, I know what the answer is...

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/9/2008

Already made the video response... So many song, so many AIDS cured! Liane is freaking 30 now. Creepy, especially considering the circumstance... You will not have a good 20th birthday, sorry.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/8/2008

God, does prom feel ten years ago, Hayley? Do some picture montage! We need the vocabulary! Sporn... yeah... Skype chat? It's still the sidebars. Groob? Don't tell anyone. Now we have a face!!! Rap intro is the best. HANK COVERED LAUREN'S SONG! Sprite does make you sick...

Monday, May 7, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/7/2008

Kayley has a wanderlust... she always has wanderlust, also just go to Greece in like two years time, because whole economy is going to collapse there and everywhere! HAYLEY! Passion reading, yay! Monday - Eye, Tuesday - Smile, Wednesday - Forfeit, Thursday - Funny Bone, Friday - Fingers!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/6/2008

List of weird commonalities... hmm... Liane brighten everyone's day! Kayley is the newcomer.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/5/2008

Informally known as Hanko de Mayo... like it's not even a big holiday, I guess that's true for Hanukkah. Kristina & Lauren pick the other three... Compilation album? Interesting connections. Also, the gooeyness is appropriate as you are married as of yesterday ten years from now. Cool.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/2/2008

Tetanus shot really hurts. Liane is a really good rapper. I mean if you are good musician, you have a good flow... and that's a good reference, I think there was a full rhyme video challenge later. This actually reminds me of Eurovision, which is happening next week... so, Disney Princess.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/1/2008

Oh, they have a shirt now. The devil, SAT... never too good. Ten years is too much jump... One Awesome Fanboy, he does VR stuff now... it's pretty cool. What's the perk? We all miss you.

Monday, April 30, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/30/2008

Die is back... Liane has two question now. Kayley (and Rosianna) is still loving Doctor Who, but the channel didn't last long. But the love is still strong... and so... when's the next season, next year??? Ah, October. She likes turtles... She still don't like needles, has plenty of tattoos, though. Good voice.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/29/2008

Doing Truths! It's a good headband. SOLO CD! Woo! This is the original... also successful, and her song are so cute. She's never let up on her wonderful spirit, well it will go down in the years. BUT it will be back up... it's just that we won't see the upswing. But have fun in the meanwhile... plug, yay!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/28/2008

SPINNING KRISTINA! Also LOST... that was the good times... not good at American Government. Injecting knowledge... I think Brotherhood 2.0... and also you should probably should learn because that's where your honeymoon is... wait, don't listen to that. That's for the future. Cruel friends. I thought you were a Slyth... maybe you are a Hufflepuff after all. DIE IS BACK!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/25/2008

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY! Harry Potter and Twilight? As always, solid song. Nicely constructed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/24/2008

Beach house! Look at that sea turtle going back to the sea! I remember HATC production... maybe they are in the industry, and maybe they crossed path in LA, and she's thrown back... hmm. BLACKMAIL? I also failed Spelling Bees... Elephant, Tow? I mean it's so confusing.

Monday, April 23, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 4/23/2008

Very rare winning game. What was the primary? (Oh Pennsylvania... yeah, wait till May 6th, cool.) The Stranger is really good. Absolutely great. Kaitlyn... Katrina! She's like married and stuff now. Both, I believe? Right? Oh, Rosianna... always Rosianna... met her several times, just in sight.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/22/2008

Bill Nye is always exciting. WE HAVE MERCH! Oh, here's Nerdfighterlike. Abby is so unfortunate. I'm sure she's fine. That cover was pretty cool. I suggest short hair, that's the preferred.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/21/2008

Concert at EMP, now called MOPOP. Yeah, that stage is awesome! Britney... you'll have hard time, but things are going to be better. Liz is very good. GROOB has been passed. (It's an USB, I think?) Here's a new intro coming soon... and I think she's... is she still making videos? I don't know.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/18/2008

Liane is wishing for such a nice day from you ten years ago. Lauren transfer is complete? Nothing is passover here... sorry, that was from Hayley? Look at the grandma, here's some Hebrew. It's hard.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/17/2008

Hayley is so Christian... she's so awkward. Bad wind! Hayley is angry... Great Gatsby and Catcher... FANTASIES? That's not... the intention... there sexual awkwardness? Weird voices all the way down.

Monday, April 16, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 4/16/2008

Kristina is playing a show. SCIENCE STUDENT OF THE MONTH! Different mood sneezes? Catherine Tate? Aren't you bothered by her? Sorry, that was too forced. Not-some week... Shirt!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/15/2008

Ah, the bedside vlog. Poke-rap is very good... booking a tour is always hard. Dream tour? There's a living room thing, if you are still sleepy... I guess you have a child and all. There's no theme here.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/14/2008

WELL NO ONE HAS A THEME? Jason should not move to Seattle. Hey, it's the old friend! She's like a cosplayer now. They had a breakdown, but they are close again, which is cool. Seattle Aquarium is so cool. Rolling with the next week's theme. LAUREN!!! I'm too tired too. Book 13.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/11/2008

That's Liane is the businesswoman. Lauren, you will get bangs soon. More curing and playing songs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/10/2008

Remember that Kayley is the most liberal member and Hayley is the most conservative member at that time, although I'm not sure that's true anymore. Well, hello lamp... sorry, sorry.

Monday, April 9, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/9/2008

Sitting here, eating toast... Kayley is still friends with everyone, and that's just her. Ten years is such a long time, like... everything is all mixed up, everywhere. Forks is good place... though. OWLS!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/8/2008

I think the green lines are Liane's thing, Lauren. Liane would have been a good contender.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/7/2008

Welcome to my favorite week! I think Kristina still like peanut butter. Kristina was always popular... HEY, Hayley has the Groob! That was inappropriate... dates are always a problem, isn't it?

Wheezywaiter - Spring Cleaning

YEAH! Rolly chair! New Shoes! God, Hilary Clinton... ugh. 401K? More spring cleaning? Exquisite golfer? Atta boy son!!! Freaking Paterson! Disgruntled... look at YOUNG JAKE JARVI! Does the joke work better or worse in 2018? It is your call. That's a good wink. (Was that Eliza? Not sure.)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/4/2008

IT IS SPRING! Of course, New York never really got to spring there... Seriously, where did all those motivation about George and The Princess. Buffy is still good, despite everything. Phillip Pullman... Politics is very very bull, and Liane still has plenty of opinion. Thank you for the awkward jag?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/3/2008

Hayley was quite conservative back in the day. She certainly gone through the transformation. I guess Japanese theme is better in the end. Dog-shaped rock? At least a week? Hanging out in May!

Monday, April 2, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/2/2008

Passionate... is a word. Disney shirt montage. Save the Whales! Still thinking heavily about Harry Potter... going to Forks, several times. Definite traveler. Still Gilmore and Doctor Who (you know, back when it was good) Also Blue Planet is good. Fashion nerds? Kayley is so young...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/1/2008

Why don't we have Charizard? All that pinball... oh, the trading Gameboy game, the meta of meta. She does look like a choir mom... sorry. Doing the Fools joke! That's some dedication.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/31/2008

THIS IS NERD WEEK! Start of theme week. Very nerdy, indeed. Books, books, books, books... Oh, baseball, not... whatever. Still with Pokemon. That's an retro reference. Oh, the Neopets... The whole thing will only get bigger and bigger... really bad novels? Yes, all that motivation... I understand.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/28/2008

HUMAN VERSUS ZOMBIE! There's some much analyze, isn't it? Good five part video.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/27/2008

TOL, The Other Lauren! The Superior British Version. LENT SUCCESSFUL! Hayley turn out to be a better non-fiction writer, but she is really good at writing, regardless. Glad to have you, Jerry.

Monday, March 26, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/26/2008

Seriously, I concur with the thanks. Vegas and FORKS! I am astounded about collab abilities that Kayley had in early 2008, like this Alan Lufstka level. Molly and Adam is all fine, obviously. Kayley still has large connection with people in New York, because Kayley is the vagabond.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/25/2008

You're still wonderful with the glasses, especially as you age. Mean comment, the bane of... everything for millennia. I... could we even... is it really the anonymity? Lauren is going on a vengeance streak! Hmm, I guess giving all the bulls away is a way stay long in YouTube. Does Lauren still not wear make-up? Seems like you had it pat down in the next 10 years...

Saturday, March 24, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/24/2008

Split-second GROOB! Friend from Montana? Playing around in photobooth, oh that was the 2008. Still reading those books! Boring Spring Break... agh. Hmm... Zombie? Foreshadowing! Doing a Kayley... shower curtain competition? Oh, Ryan... is he... is he part of that Zombie thing? Uh...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/21/2008

PURIM! Is it usually Good Friday, or is it something else? Condoleezza Rice... heh heh.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/20/2008

Hayley is still usually blonde, isn't it? Hayley kind of looks like Rachel. The steps... oh...

Monday, March 19, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/19/2008

Does Kayley miss Francis the Pineapple? Do the dance party. Skye and Kelsie... wonder where are they now? I'm not going to sleuth... I feel like some nasty stuff is going to pop out...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/18/2008

Lauren has puff levels? Lauren does wear green all the time. Hey you should look around, you know, Kayley seems to have good friends... Not in your field. Hush Sound, huh. Whole year to go!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/17/2008

Dice challenge is so February. Explaining Twilight? Ah, whatever. He's reading Potter? Huh. Page 3 is a really good page and essential oils? Doing all the phone conferences. Alan is good.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/14/2008

Liane is not excited... maybe that's a sign to come. Oh, here's the line again. He is a vampire with a dark soul. Okay, not be that mean. Bus is very interesting. Wait, Liane is outside New York?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/13/2008

It's still weird that Hayley used to sing? Accidental 77,000 views? She is fantastically acumen for business, apparently. I mean I don't what she does... some web stuff. Almost pornographic. What is they talking about... OH, MUGGLECAST VERSUS POTTERCAST. More nostalgia flows in.

Monday, March 12, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/12/2008

Husband? Sue Upton? Potter Cast makes me nostalgic. Woo, August Rush! I remember WASL... yes, I am from Washington, why do I think I have affinity for Kristina and Kayley? Honeydukes is a long future reference... I guess it's a past reference again. Kayley has a brother? Two Deathly Hallows, that was the beginning of a long trend... Hey, she's in future videos... so we have that?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/11/2008

PART TWO! So many people here. Kansas, woo hoo! It's frequent... Weekend still exist? 2008 Alex Carpenter looks like the douche that he is. That should have been the first sign! No bowling.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/10/2008

We have a reunion! Filming videos. Fake Slytherin day? Are they making local commercials like Rhett and Link? I don't if Jason was... I thought he might have been... Lauren needs to leave. I know someone who might fit the bill, except he's not named Tuesday? Kansas is monochrome!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/7/2008

Letter from Sarah! You look at that puppy! Inanimate objects. More visiting people!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/6/2008

HALF DAY! YouTube is always be a slut... WILL ALWAYS BE. Let that be a lesson. The Other Lauren. Don't worry, we'll always think of you. Who are you, again? No Social Media, right?

Monday, March 5, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/5/2008

More birthday gifts! Kayley has severely understated how much she loves Atonement. That was beautiful shirts... I'm glad they are still together, although I believe they are far away.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/4/2008

There weren't better ones? Also, really weird seeing Lauren with long hair, because I don't think Lauren has had long hair since the project ended. There is a ball of yarn! Beginning of craft Lauren? Why Kansas, though... seems a little faraway from everywhere... Lauren is going on tour? Weird.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/3/2008

Early March is a busy week for Washingtonians... because it's Spring. First reunion is happening... Oh, first appearance from the... I should call them Echo Boys. (It's a reference, more approximate and oblique reference) Two books! Challenges were a two-month trial. Why is your mother not coming?

Thursday, March 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/29/2008

ACK! I forgot leap day exist then, but not now. It's a bad thing 10 is not divisible by 4. Well, I'll try to place it in the best place I can... That also means the 'weekends' are off! Oh well. Sorry, the video... Song is great as always. There's always something about Liane that reminds me of Amy Winehouse.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/28/2008

Not much snow this year, I believe. Fortunately, Hayley has realizes her beauty since then.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 2/27/2008

Still a Gryffinclaw? YOUTUBE PARTNERS... now I think it's opening up to everyone? Kristina is the curator, that's why you are Monday! Oh, finger... Do they have scars? Strange facts... Challenge getting back to you... that's how it works? The response takes so long... it's the flaw of this project.

Monday, February 26, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/26/2008

Using your own song? Well, you'll be better at make-up. Trouble with spam? That's not happening. Again, they are just two years early! Two Years... so it's now twelve years. Lauren is still going strong, while Hayley is making blogs... right? Happy anniversary gifts?! Yeah, you should...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/25/2008

Lauren... what was that? Oh, Britney... you have fallen out... but you come back. It's fine. Everything is fine. Making a mess with fingerpaint. Nice insert there. Book club chugs along. Fan names??? Adopted channel? Braking a rule. CHEESE OF QUESTIONABLE ORIGIN. That was not cool.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/22/2008

Winter wonderland and the female bathroom... hmm, illicit and intimate. Eat those cheese dip... Hayley has an essay... I already remarked on that. Here's the Walk-Off. Liane don't get challenges.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/21/2008

This is one-shot bur we have show notes. Hell high school? I thought you were in Ohio? Sixth Awesome Girl? The other person? Thank you for the exclamation point? Five um's is good.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/20/2008

I hope they are still in touch. Stealing forks in Forks. Don't do this, but named after spices. Remember the Vegetable Wars? I think you are very adorable, Kayley. Strangely, that's the ending of the Third Fantastic Beast movie. GOOD IMPRESSION! (Oh, we're skipping birthday videos.) Early birthday package? Thank Lauren for the... bar of Soap? I guess it's a useful thing.

Monday, February 19, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/19/2008

(First mention of the Groob?) CHALLENGE and you won't get the jokes... Karen Kavett is still incredible. All those wallpapers. Doing the challenges. Mess and a punishment? Jason Mraz too? Well, the songs are pretty good. Guest video is very good. It's always a surprise.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/18/2008

Welcome to Forks! Hayley is turning the leaf. It's the Olympic Peninsula. I'm surprised that the movie didn't even came out... Driving up the Pacific Coast... Port Angeles is actually a nice place. Going through the book club. Still at six books. I'm sure you were in Pirates of The Caribbean... no, that was not the place. Creepy stalkers... and here's the parking lots. Logging is great. Worst Places?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/15/2008

More friends to check out. Nah... This is Liane at her now-ness, not in appearence, but in demeanor. So, I guess this week is about consistency. Jackie is still Liane's friend, I think. (Is this Esther Day?)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/14/2008

Making a boy. You'll find a boy... but not that one. Yeah... or... you honestly just wait it out until like 2015... and you'll be fine. Ah, Remus Lupins... just put them as Ones to Avoid. This won't work. Hayley here also looks remarkably like her from now. That is pretty freaky.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/13/2008

I wonder how Leah is doing after 10 years? She's honestly the same person as she was 10 years ago. This kind of semi-consistency is amazing and you did a really good job subbing for Kayley! Kudos!

Monday, February 12, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/12/2008

Lauren does the Costa Rica, and she looks like her from like... now. Wow, Lauren didn't age at all. Jeez, now I feel sad. Oh, Kristina. Kristina is getting so and then she had to create the ads. Lauren, you're just getting ads from three years later. That's just something that happens with time travel.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/11/2008

Too much to do. Too much to do. Thanks brother and a friend. This experience would be very helpful in Job Hunters, remember Job Hunters? Not talking. Weirdest... good for adding yet. Kristina is learning to do the Hank fast-talk, and Hank cringe-good rap? John Green is a good rap critic.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/8/2008

Wonderful world of pajamas... Working hard... I appreciate your sacrifice. Also being drugged... Considering your future... this is not good. Magical die of wonder, hire actors???

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/7/2008

Spilling CDs everywhere. Text message, lending on One. Well, only for a year. Yes, Hayley's a fellow Methodist... she's not much a churchgoer anymore. Although... who knows. Also... Mitt Romney? Really? I guess you have turned by 2012, certainly... right? Right? Good luck on writing.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/6/2008

OBAMA CAUCUS! Yes, Washington still does a caucus for Democrats. It sucks. Grocery shopping. Thanks, Arf Nerf. Here's the paint picture. Kayley is going under the knife... please be okay.

Monday, February 5, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/5/2008

Justin's first appearance and yeah... this is always the rap video. Oh, Lauren. Don't feel embarrassed. Don't let the baby see the video!!! The rap was going south certainly in the end. Good job, though.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/4/2008

First dump... there will be two more before she finally finds her love. Cookies & Mixtapes. I think Hayley is still the best cookie-maker. Mail the Groob? Mrs. Horner is always great. Gossip Girl is a good read. 40%... Also not good at politics like Biss. IN DETAIL! Oh, Charlie. Young Charlie.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/1/2008

It's Forks weather for six months in the Pacific Northwest. And no, I'm jiving on the Meyer, I've seen the recent Ellis video. I'm not going to hurt the teenagers, this is about celebration! Calling hospital. Freaking HotForWords, where are all the Russians gone? All lurking in the background...

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/31/2008

That was pretty good. Today is awesome... oh Kayley. Do something with a sock puppet? Oh Liane. Freaking rap video? This is an actually an important moment in history. Not really, but kind of.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 1/30/2008

YAY CLAPPING MONKEY. Still Maureen Johnson and Libba Bray! Good play and directing! Ives is always great. I remember that Kayley talks about Atonement a lot... she still probably think Atonement is her top 10. And who to judge? It's an classic. Goat interlude. High school friends... Kayley and Kristina... both with the same initials and same place... HAYLEY WROTE A STORY?

Monday, January 29, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/29/2008

I think you're more being awkward at this point. Umbrella is pretty important... she likes green and she's a ravenclaw? Singing in the Rain! Hayley is doing an accent... so climactic.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

5AG - Monday, 1/28/2008

Not as funny? That was very funny! Good on you, Kristina. After is pretty okay. Let us put some clothes for the second challenge. Man, are those challenges piling up... Whew, Liane! She actually knows a second language. Five Awesome Guy IS A SPIN-OFF! DO NOT BE CONFUSED! Boys were more famous on YouTube... I think I only really follow Todd in the group now. Dang.