Wednesday, January 31, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/31/2008

That was pretty good. Today is awesome... oh Kayley. Do something with a sock puppet? Oh Liane. Freaking rap video? This is an actually an important moment in history. Not really, but kind of.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 1/30/2008

YAY CLAPPING MONKEY. Still Maureen Johnson and Libba Bray! Good play and directing! Ives is always great. I remember that Kayley talks about Atonement a lot... she still probably think Atonement is her top 10. And who to judge? It's an classic. Goat interlude. High school friends... Kayley and Kristina... both with the same initials and same place... HAYLEY WROTE A STORY?

Monday, January 29, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/29/2008

I think you're more being awkward at this point. Umbrella is pretty important... she likes green and she's a ravenclaw? Singing in the Rain! Hayley is doing an accent... so climactic.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

5AG - Monday, 1/28/2008

Not as funny? That was very funny! Good on you, Kristina. After is pretty okay. Let us put some clothes for the second challenge. Man, are those challenges piling up... Whew, Liane! She actually knows a second language. Five Awesome Guy IS A SPIN-OFF! DO NOT BE CONFUSED! Boys were more famous on YouTube... I think I only really follow Todd in the group now. Dang.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

5AG - Friday, 1/25/2008

Yes, Five Awesome Guys. Also, the first song for Liane! She sounds like... there's little darkness. Surely, she could have been great, although I think she's very happy in her current place.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/24/2008

Hayley seemed so well-adjusted. This is actually brings me back. HELLO, GLADYS! It's so weird, they are high schoolers. I'm much older than them now, which is just weird. Thank you, Charlie? Extensive vocabulary... Liane is so heavenly... seriously, all twelve songs are great. KRISTINA!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

5AG - Wedensday, 1/23/2008

Sunday advice... I mean you can do it next week? I mean... Hank cameo is pretty cool. This early seal of approval is amazing. Gotta do what gotta do. You need Hank for so many situation!

Monday, January 22, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/22/2008

Applesauce is... okay in large doses. Freaking Alvin and The Chipmunks? Sure, why not. Theodore is a spunky chipmunk. It was very cold that winter, especially in the Northeast. Juno is good. DIE!

Sunday, January 21, 2018

5AG - Monday, 1/21/2008

That is pretty good bangs. Freaking file coverters. CLOVERFIELD? Freaking Rock Band, and also are they still friends? Good thing, the whole thing is crappy to not get ID'ed. Jace is flirting. That's four books. Ooh, Dessen and Abundance as well. Pigtails for Liane. Yeah, go look more.

Friday, January 19, 2018

5AG - Saturday, 1/19/2008

Mac Store vlogs... those were big things... it's sad that it's gone? Couldn't people do it anymore? Whole thing makes me quite nostalgic. NEW MUSIC FRIDAY! Oh, yes, this is very good.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/17/2008

Nerdfighter notes, still a thing. 10 - Abundance of Katherine, 9 - The Bell Jar, 8 - The Great Gatsby, 7 - Eclipse (it's strange that Hayley went out to the other side first), 6 - Second Helpings, 5 - Pride and Prejudice (but not Lizzie Bennet Diaries), 4 - Year of Secret Assignments, 3 - This Lullaby, 2 - Catcher in The Rye (for the crazies), 1 - Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince. (2nd favorite?) Self-actualization? This is getting way too erotic... although interesting variety of books.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

5AG - Wednesday 1/16/2008

Least that's an improvement. There's one clip! Kind of sorry? Yes, the finals which are in January! Thestral cry might need improving... least, it's not quite useful. Lovely Snohomish beach.

Monday, January 15, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/15/2008

Reading some old fanfics... don't worry. You'll be fine. Anyway, Kayley has some work to do.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

5AG - Monday, 1/14/2008

(I think I have been to that breakfast place) BOOK CLUB MONDAY! That didn't last long... although she did booktube later on. That's a terrible glasses. That's a stack! Punishable offense? Looking for Alaska is good. Special is okay. Kristina is very bad at politics in 2008? Good choice.

Friday, January 12, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Cincuenta

This is a short video. This is Ashleigh. She's a friend... I believe. I'm never sure in these early days.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

5AG - Friday, 1/11/2008

This is a quick video, because computer is going to freeze! Also I don't... I don't think there was four minute rule. Getting pranked? It was her more angsty days. We started with one line and end w/ five.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/10/2008

Hayley does the great re-enactment of... I don't remember the page number, but I remember the scene. Hayley should do a butter job, she can spoon your way to the top! This is really bad puns.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 1/9/2008

Kayley is a ghost and she's pretty proud! SERIOUSLY, LOWER THE FREAKING AGE! I really support this thing. Dice matters, very into my niche. Hayley is piling the challenges!

Monday, January 8, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/8/2008

Yes, lighting is a tricky thing. Finished New Moon... Borders... aug, this is painfully 2008. Eventually, she's got a GED right? Challenge? IT'S THE DIE! Happy dance!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

5AG - Monday, 1/7/2008

Yes, it's kind of gross. I can't believe Kristina looks so different... Kristina meets hail. Hail is a thing. Justin from Hypercube, so he has learned. Southern excursion! I'm so glad she's still friends with Eia. Monday is where a theme of the week is done, so Kristina had to think of theme all the time...

Thursday, January 4, 2018

5AG - Friday, 1/4/2008

This is from Liane's... more tumultuous days. It will get better, but you won't be a singer. And those famous green lines. It's imperative that Liane's video contain those famed green lines.

Wheezywaiter - Silent Waiter

This is a fun video. Nice use of the Kuleshov effect and everything. Yep. That's what this is.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 1/3/2008

So it was Hayley's idea... I can't believe she was a junior in High School in there. Then why is the Hayley the bad singer of the group? I think Hayley is working in entertainment industry. Not bros. This is a different thing, which is really important. Hayley... she... there's part of her that changed a lot, lot more than I expected, but there are still parts of her that didn't change as much? Hard to tell.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 1/2/2008

Kayley is the newcomer in this year. Kayley will now have her hair pretty short most of the time... Kayley will be the one to moving a lot. Doctor Who , Kayley loves and Twilight... oh man. Disney is still her second home, volunteered there, as you do. This is as awkward as the last one.

Monday, January 1, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 1/1/2008

It's kind of strange to go back from who Lauren is now to who Lauren was ten years ago. All the other times, the people were in their late 20's or I haven't followed them recently, but this is a big gap, stretching across the twenties of their lives. Lauren is still nerdy then as she is now. Five-a-day vlog was a new thing and it was an courageous adventure. Would it work, it worked for a bit. Does Lauren still have crush on all three Jonas Brothers. Well... you will have a great NYE for 2008. Lauren is so awkward, that's her charm. She's a little awkward. There's a January 2007 Hank about this.

5AG Retrospective Intro

Hello and this is the (probable) final part of the five part ten year YouTube/Web Video retrospective (Other parts were Ze Frank [abandoned], Lonelygirl15 (Season 1), Vlogbrothers, and Wheezywaiter) and yes, this will be the complete three year journey through Five Awesome Girls. Stay Tuned.