Wednesday, February 28, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/28/2008

Not much snow this year, I believe. Fortunately, Hayley has realizes her beauty since then.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 2/27/2008

Still a Gryffinclaw? YOUTUBE PARTNERS... now I think it's opening up to everyone? Kristina is the curator, that's why you are Monday! Oh, finger... Do they have scars? Strange facts... Challenge getting back to you... that's how it works? The response takes so long... it's the flaw of this project.

Monday, February 26, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/26/2008

Using your own song? Well, you'll be better at make-up. Trouble with spam? That's not happening. Again, they are just two years early! Two Years... so it's now twelve years. Lauren is still going strong, while Hayley is making blogs... right? Happy anniversary gifts?! Yeah, you should...

Sunday, February 25, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/25/2008

Lauren... what was that? Oh, Britney... you have fallen out... but you come back. It's fine. Everything is fine. Making a mess with fingerpaint. Nice insert there. Book club chugs along. Fan names??? Adopted channel? Braking a rule. CHEESE OF QUESTIONABLE ORIGIN. That was not cool.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/22/2008

Winter wonderland and the female bathroom... hmm, illicit and intimate. Eat those cheese dip... Hayley has an essay... I already remarked on that. Here's the Walk-Off. Liane don't get challenges.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/21/2008

This is one-shot bur we have show notes. Hell high school? I thought you were in Ohio? Sixth Awesome Girl? The other person? Thank you for the exclamation point? Five um's is good.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/20/2008

I hope they are still in touch. Stealing forks in Forks. Don't do this, but named after spices. Remember the Vegetable Wars? I think you are very adorable, Kayley. Strangely, that's the ending of the Third Fantastic Beast movie. GOOD IMPRESSION! (Oh, we're skipping birthday videos.) Early birthday package? Thank Lauren for the... bar of Soap? I guess it's a useful thing.

Monday, February 19, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/19/2008

(First mention of the Groob?) CHALLENGE and you won't get the jokes... Karen Kavett is still incredible. All those wallpapers. Doing the challenges. Mess and a punishment? Jason Mraz too? Well, the songs are pretty good. Guest video is very good. It's always a surprise.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/18/2008

Welcome to Forks! Hayley is turning the leaf. It's the Olympic Peninsula. I'm surprised that the movie didn't even came out... Driving up the Pacific Coast... Port Angeles is actually a nice place. Going through the book club. Still at six books. I'm sure you were in Pirates of The Caribbean... no, that was not the place. Creepy stalkers... and here's the parking lots. Logging is great. Worst Places?

Thursday, February 15, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/15/2008

More friends to check out. Nah... This is Liane at her now-ness, not in appearence, but in demeanor. So, I guess this week is about consistency. Jackie is still Liane's friend, I think. (Is this Esther Day?)

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/14/2008

Making a boy. You'll find a boy... but not that one. Yeah... or... you honestly just wait it out until like 2015... and you'll be fine. Ah, Remus Lupins... just put them as Ones to Avoid. This won't work. Hayley here also looks remarkably like her from now. That is pretty freaky.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/13/2008

I wonder how Leah is doing after 10 years? She's honestly the same person as she was 10 years ago. This kind of semi-consistency is amazing and you did a really good job subbing for Kayley! Kudos!

Monday, February 12, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/12/2008

Lauren does the Costa Rica, and she looks like her from like... now. Wow, Lauren didn't age at all. Jeez, now I feel sad. Oh, Kristina. Kristina is getting so and then she had to create the ads. Lauren, you're just getting ads from three years later. That's just something that happens with time travel.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/11/2008

Too much to do. Too much to do. Thanks brother and a friend. This experience would be very helpful in Job Hunters, remember Job Hunters? Not talking. Weirdest... good for adding yet. Kristina is learning to do the Hank fast-talk, and Hank cringe-good rap? John Green is a good rap critic.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/8/2008

Wonderful world of pajamas... Working hard... I appreciate your sacrifice. Also being drugged... Considering your future... this is not good. Magical die of wonder, hire actors???

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 2/7/2008

Spilling CDs everywhere. Text message, lending on One. Well, only for a year. Yes, Hayley's a fellow Methodist... she's not much a churchgoer anymore. Although... who knows. Also... Mitt Romney? Really? I guess you have turned by 2012, certainly... right? Right? Good luck on writing.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 2/6/2008

OBAMA CAUCUS! Yes, Washington still does a caucus for Democrats. It sucks. Grocery shopping. Thanks, Arf Nerf. Here's the paint picture. Kayley is going under the knife... please be okay.

Monday, February 5, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 2/5/2008

Justin's first appearance and yeah... this is always the rap video. Oh, Lauren. Don't feel embarrassed. Don't let the baby see the video!!! The rap was going south certainly in the end. Good job, though.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

5AG - Monday, 2/4/2008

First dump... there will be two more before she finally finds her love. Cookies & Mixtapes. I think Hayley is still the best cookie-maker. Mail the Groob? Mrs. Horner is always great. Gossip Girl is a good read. 40%... Also not good at politics like Biss. IN DETAIL! Oh, Charlie. Young Charlie.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/1/2008

It's Forks weather for six months in the Pacific Northwest. And no, I'm jiving on the Meyer, I've seen the recent Ellis video. I'm not going to hurt the teenagers, this is about celebration! Calling hospital. Freaking HotForWords, where are all the Russians gone? All lurking in the background...