Saturday, March 31, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/31/2008

THIS IS NERD WEEK! Start of theme week. Very nerdy, indeed. Books, books, books, books... Oh, baseball, not... whatever. Still with Pokemon. That's an retro reference. Oh, the Neopets... The whole thing will only get bigger and bigger... really bad novels? Yes, all that motivation... I understand.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/28/2008

HUMAN VERSUS ZOMBIE! There's some much analyze, isn't it? Good five part video.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/27/2008

TOL, The Other Lauren! The Superior British Version. LENT SUCCESSFUL! Hayley turn out to be a better non-fiction writer, but she is really good at writing, regardless. Glad to have you, Jerry.

Monday, March 26, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/26/2008

Seriously, I concur with the thanks. Vegas and FORKS! I am astounded about collab abilities that Kayley had in early 2008, like this Alan Lufstka level. Molly and Adam is all fine, obviously. Kayley still has large connection with people in New York, because Kayley is the vagabond.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/25/2008

You're still wonderful with the glasses, especially as you age. Mean comment, the bane of... everything for millennia. I... could we even... is it really the anonymity? Lauren is going on a vengeance streak! Hmm, I guess giving all the bulls away is a way stay long in YouTube. Does Lauren still not wear make-up? Seems like you had it pat down in the next 10 years...

Saturday, March 24, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/24/2008

Split-second GROOB! Friend from Montana? Playing around in photobooth, oh that was the 2008. Still reading those books! Boring Spring Break... agh. Hmm... Zombie? Foreshadowing! Doing a Kayley... shower curtain competition? Oh, Ryan... is he... is he part of that Zombie thing? Uh...

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/21/2008

PURIM! Is it usually Good Friday, or is it something else? Condoleezza Rice... heh heh.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/20/2008

Hayley is still usually blonde, isn't it? Hayley kind of looks like Rachel. The steps... oh...

Monday, March 19, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/19/2008

Does Kayley miss Francis the Pineapple? Do the dance party. Skye and Kelsie... wonder where are they now? I'm not going to sleuth... I feel like some nasty stuff is going to pop out...

Sunday, March 18, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/18/2008

Lauren has puff levels? Lauren does wear green all the time. Hey you should look around, you know, Kayley seems to have good friends... Not in your field. Hush Sound, huh. Whole year to go!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/17/2008

Dice challenge is so February. Explaining Twilight? Ah, whatever. He's reading Potter? Huh. Page 3 is a really good page and essential oils? Doing all the phone conferences. Alan is good.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/14/2008

Liane is not excited... maybe that's a sign to come. Oh, here's the line again. He is a vampire with a dark soul. Okay, not be that mean. Bus is very interesting. Wait, Liane is outside New York?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/13/2008

It's still weird that Hayley used to sing? Accidental 77,000 views? She is fantastically acumen for business, apparently. I mean I don't what she does... some web stuff. Almost pornographic. What is they talking about... OH, MUGGLECAST VERSUS POTTERCAST. More nostalgia flows in.

Monday, March 12, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/12/2008

Husband? Sue Upton? Potter Cast makes me nostalgic. Woo, August Rush! I remember WASL... yes, I am from Washington, why do I think I have affinity for Kristina and Kayley? Honeydukes is a long future reference... I guess it's a past reference again. Kayley has a brother? Two Deathly Hallows, that was the beginning of a long trend... Hey, she's in future videos... so we have that?

Sunday, March 11, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/11/2008

PART TWO! So many people here. Kansas, woo hoo! It's frequent... Weekend still exist? 2008 Alex Carpenter looks like the douche that he is. That should have been the first sign! No bowling.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/10/2008

We have a reunion! Filming videos. Fake Slytherin day? Are they making local commercials like Rhett and Link? I don't if Jason was... I thought he might have been... Lauren needs to leave. I know someone who might fit the bill, except he's not named Tuesday? Kansas is monochrome!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

5AG - Friday, 3/7/2008

Letter from Sarah! You look at that puppy! Inanimate objects. More visiting people!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 3/6/2008

HALF DAY! YouTube is always be a slut... WILL ALWAYS BE. Let that be a lesson. The Other Lauren. Don't worry, we'll always think of you. Who are you, again? No Social Media, right?

Monday, March 5, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 3/5/2008

More birthday gifts! Kayley has severely understated how much she loves Atonement. That was beautiful shirts... I'm glad they are still together, although I believe they are far away.

Sunday, March 4, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 3/4/2008

There weren't better ones? Also, really weird seeing Lauren with long hair, because I don't think Lauren has had long hair since the project ended. There is a ball of yarn! Beginning of craft Lauren? Why Kansas, though... seems a little faraway from everywhere... Lauren is going on tour? Weird.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

5AG - Monday, 3/3/2008

Early March is a busy week for Washingtonians... because it's Spring. First reunion is happening... Oh, first appearance from the... I should call them Echo Boys. (It's a reference, more approximate and oblique reference) Two books! Challenges were a two-month trial. Why is your mother not coming?

Thursday, March 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 2/29/2008

ACK! I forgot leap day exist then, but not now. It's a bad thing 10 is not divisible by 4. Well, I'll try to place it in the best place I can... That also means the 'weekends' are off! Oh well. Sorry, the video... Song is great as always. There's always something about Liane that reminds me of Amy Winehouse.