Monday, April 30, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/30/2008

Die is back... Liane has two question now. Kayley (and Rosianna) is still loving Doctor Who, but the channel didn't last long. But the love is still strong... and so... when's the next season, next year??? Ah, October. She likes turtles... She still don't like needles, has plenty of tattoos, though. Good voice.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/29/2008

Doing Truths! It's a good headband. SOLO CD! Woo! This is the original... also successful, and her song are so cute. She's never let up on her wonderful spirit, well it will go down in the years. BUT it will be back up... it's just that we won't see the upswing. But have fun in the meanwhile... plug, yay!

Saturday, April 28, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/28/2008

SPINNING KRISTINA! Also LOST... that was the good times... not good at American Government. Injecting knowledge... I think Brotherhood 2.0... and also you should probably should learn because that's where your honeymoon is... wait, don't listen to that. That's for the future. Cruel friends. I thought you were a Slyth... maybe you are a Hufflepuff after all. DIE IS BACK!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/25/2008

NEW MUSIC FRIDAY! Harry Potter and Twilight? As always, solid song. Nicely constructed.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/24/2008

Beach house! Look at that sea turtle going back to the sea! I remember HATC production... maybe they are in the industry, and maybe they crossed path in LA, and she's thrown back... hmm. BLACKMAIL? I also failed Spelling Bees... Elephant, Tow? I mean it's so confusing.

Monday, April 23, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 4/23/2008

Very rare winning game. What was the primary? (Oh Pennsylvania... yeah, wait till May 6th, cool.) The Stranger is really good. Absolutely great. Kaitlyn... Katrina! She's like married and stuff now. Both, I believe? Right? Oh, Rosianna... always Rosianna... met her several times, just in sight.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/22/2008

Bill Nye is always exciting. WE HAVE MERCH! Oh, here's Nerdfighterlike. Abby is so unfortunate. I'm sure she's fine. That cover was pretty cool. I suggest short hair, that's the preferred.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/21/2008

Concert at EMP, now called MOPOP. Yeah, that stage is awesome! Britney... you'll have hard time, but things are going to be better. Liz is very good. GROOB has been passed. (It's an USB, I think?) Here's a new intro coming soon... and I think she's... is she still making videos? I don't know.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/18/2008

Liane is wishing for such a nice day from you ten years ago. Lauren transfer is complete? Nothing is passover here... sorry, that was from Hayley? Look at the grandma, here's some Hebrew. It's hard.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/17/2008

Hayley is so Christian... she's so awkward. Bad wind! Hayley is angry... Great Gatsby and Catcher... FANTASIES? That's not... the intention... there sexual awkwardness? Weird voices all the way down.

Monday, April 16, 2018

5AG - Wendesday, 4/16/2008

Kristina is playing a show. SCIENCE STUDENT OF THE MONTH! Different mood sneezes? Catherine Tate? Aren't you bothered by her? Sorry, that was too forced. Not-some week... Shirt!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/15/2008

Ah, the bedside vlog. Poke-rap is very good... booking a tour is always hard. Dream tour? There's a living room thing, if you are still sleepy... I guess you have a child and all. There's no theme here.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/14/2008

WELL NO ONE HAS A THEME? Jason should not move to Seattle. Hey, it's the old friend! She's like a cosplayer now. They had a breakdown, but they are close again, which is cool. Seattle Aquarium is so cool. Rolling with the next week's theme. LAUREN!!! I'm too tired too. Book 13.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/11/2008

That's Liane is the businesswoman. Lauren, you will get bangs soon. More curing and playing songs.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/10/2008

Remember that Kayley is the most liberal member and Hayley is the most conservative member at that time, although I'm not sure that's true anymore. Well, hello lamp... sorry, sorry.

Monday, April 9, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/9/2008

Sitting here, eating toast... Kayley is still friends with everyone, and that's just her. Ten years is such a long time, like... everything is all mixed up, everywhere. Forks is good place... though. OWLS!

Sunday, April 8, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/8/2008

I think the green lines are Liane's thing, Lauren. Liane would have been a good contender.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

5AG - Monday, 4/7/2008

Welcome to my favorite week! I think Kristina still like peanut butter. Kristina was always popular... HEY, Hayley has the Groob! That was inappropriate... dates are always a problem, isn't it?

Wheezywaiter - Spring Cleaning

YEAH! Rolly chair! New Shoes! God, Hilary Clinton... ugh. 401K? More spring cleaning? Exquisite golfer? Atta boy son!!! Freaking Paterson! Disgruntled... look at YOUNG JAKE JARVI! Does the joke work better or worse in 2018? It is your call. That's a good wink. (Was that Eliza? Not sure.)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

5AG - Friday, 4/4/2008

IT IS SPRING! Of course, New York never really got to spring there... Seriously, where did all those motivation about George and The Princess. Buffy is still good, despite everything. Phillip Pullman... Politics is very very bull, and Liane still has plenty of opinion. Thank you for the awkward jag?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 4/3/2008

Hayley was quite conservative back in the day. She certainly gone through the transformation. I guess Japanese theme is better in the end. Dog-shaped rock? At least a week? Hanging out in May!

Monday, April 2, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 4/2/2008

Passionate... is a word. Disney shirt montage. Save the Whales! Still thinking heavily about Harry Potter... going to Forks, several times. Definite traveler. Still Gilmore and Doctor Who (you know, back when it was good) Also Blue Planet is good. Fashion nerds? Kayley is so young...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 4/1/2008

Why don't we have Charizard? All that pinball... oh, the trading Gameboy game, the meta of meta. She does look like a choir mom... sorry. Doing the Fools joke! That's some dedication.