Wednesday, May 30, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/30/2008

Look at that purple hair! Feedback is amazing, no that's the purple hair. Interaction is pretty good.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/29/2008

Fireshot! Algebra, causer of pain and grief. It's important to burn notes, get it on the head. Polynomial in the ashes... right? I WILL NOT PUT WITH THIS MATH DESECRATION. No, it's okay.

Wheezywaiter - Shaving Face

Remember LOST? That was a thing. I remember that. Ugh, Craig had so much hair back then. SCRUFF IT! He needs a sponsor right away. Lost is fine, it was always fine.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Nothing You Ever Wanted to Know About Wheezy Waiter

Don't feeling silly today? Absolutely no tables... Casting judgment, a large net. What accent is that? Watching Ze Frank is very good example. Small tap to the education! Craig has gotten better.

5AG - Wednesday, 5/28/2008

Coming back to Narnia!!! Interesting package? London with Rosianna, that group is still going strong. Cardiff and Doctor Who? Oh, Edmund is down! They keep killing me?! Oh, Groob.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/27/2008

THEY HAVE COME BACK! Surprise Arkansas! This is so heartfelt, so this was a rollercoaster.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/26/2008

YAY, another LONG VIDEO! Yes, channel was hacked! It will be hacked again. There was many hacking incident in like 2009-2011 or something? It was very weird, I think security got better. Young Willy is pooping! May Willy be where somewhere to be beautiful. Paper Towns is very good. Quickly edited books! Road trip, huh! Well, it's the ARC... I think it's the Christmas thing. Taken? That's a future reference here. (I love future references.) End at the Gateway Arch.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/23/2008

Interesting fact, Liane Graham... well, it's Levy now, actually is doing a recording because of the Looking for Alaska serial. Yeah, didn't you know that? Seriously, though, I recommend this. Remember The Dresden Dolls? Egozi is very good, indeed. It's long but it's good, Liane.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/22/2008

So, what is the flavor? I like chocolate chips. That's every bear. She doesn't. Spunkmeyer is pretty good. It's very weird. Living room concert is so cool. See, the sad voice! I need a belt.

Monday, May 21, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/21/2008

It's a good shirt. Odd Couple is good. Impressed. Meyer is cool, Twilight not so much. Do we want to go to the basement? I'm not sure. Good question for Hayley! Kayley looks so dejected???

Sunday, May 20, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/20/2008

I think we took a wrong turn. I think we're going... on a trip! She's a Snape gal, hmm. There's no time rule, anyway! You never established a time rule! Graham is cool, right? I don't know... Great fall.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/19/2008

No one likes tripods, for some reason. I hope your honeymoon is okay. Museday has return, see because they are both Muses and Monday + Tuesday? Like... okay. GREEN BROTHERS? Lauren looks so young, and she's going on tour now... Amherst is a good place. Lauren is a book?

Friday, May 18, 2018

Wheezywaiter - I'm Swayze for You

Rolly chair not yet equipped with angelic singing. So many sins in Alabama... is this the mini-series? Miniature concentration? Craig is so young? Actual formation. Does Chyna get jealous about this? HELLO DAVE? Is it that Dave? That's some commercials. One with the water. Sexy Obama... Oh... Going back to home, back to the old Midwest... that final wink, lovely. YES, POINT BREAK!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/16/2008

YEAH, IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING! Love from everyone. It's an AirBnB... in like five years? Sam is... Sam. Really, pomegranate? THE Lauren Fairweather...

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/15/2008

You might know Lia... least I think so. So many cleaning. Doing the old... wait, you are not even in college? I mean that's true... first childhood memories... yeah, that's that. Favorite fruit?

Monday, May 14, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/14/2008

She is pretty sick... but she's excited about Stephanie Meyers. She's a fun person to meet.

Sunday, May 13, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/13/2008

TOUR YEAH! Also, you are still going on tour after ten years... and a baby. Yeah, tour spirit is always going to be there... can't get any cooler than that. YES, EXCITEMENT! Jerry is gay...

Saturday, May 12, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/12/2008

What a mess... least you still like Pokemon. Still pretty reckless with cameras. Yes, haircut! That's good... cleaning the closet. Muse will be good concert. Is anyone 20? That's very good thought. What about being thirty? How do you feel about that? Shopping spree, I know what the answer is...

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/9/2008

Already made the video response... So many song, so many AIDS cured! Liane is freaking 30 now. Creepy, especially considering the circumstance... You will not have a good 20th birthday, sorry.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/8/2008

God, does prom feel ten years ago, Hayley? Do some picture montage! We need the vocabulary! Sporn... yeah... Skype chat? It's still the sidebars. Groob? Don't tell anyone. Now we have a face!!! Rap intro is the best. HANK COVERED LAUREN'S SONG! Sprite does make you sick...

Monday, May 7, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 5/7/2008

Kayley has a wanderlust... she always has wanderlust, also just go to Greece in like two years time, because whole economy is going to collapse there and everywhere! HAYLEY! Passion reading, yay! Monday - Eye, Tuesday - Smile, Wednesday - Forfeit, Thursday - Funny Bone, Friday - Fingers!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 5/6/2008

List of weird commonalities... hmm... Liane brighten everyone's day! Kayley is the newcomer.

Saturday, May 5, 2018

5AG - Monday, 5/5/2008

Informally known as Hanko de Mayo... like it's not even a big holiday, I guess that's true for Hanukkah. Kristina & Lauren pick the other three... Compilation album? Interesting connections. Also, the gooeyness is appropriate as you are married as of yesterday ten years from now. Cool.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

5AG - Friday, 5/2/2008

Tetanus shot really hurts. Liane is a really good rapper. I mean if you are good musician, you have a good flow... and that's a good reference, I think there was a full rhyme video challenge later. This actually reminds me of Eurovision, which is happening next week... so, Disney Princess.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 5/1/2008

Oh, they have a shirt now. The devil, SAT... never too good. Ten years is too much jump... One Awesome Fanboy, he does VR stuff now... it's pretty cool. What's the perk? We all miss you.