Tuesday, July 31, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 7/31/08

Evan looks like Matt. Women's Day? Is this West Side Story and where is the News? Fun, fun stuff.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Wheezywaiter - 77. Goal!

That seems a bit short. There's dirty things, and then there's supplements. Did they ever get all the winks. you only make a movie out net month. Movie about Hate and punching strangers.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/30/08

There's lot of him in the next week, so don't be triggered. Or, be. Man, it's the early years. Jasper is an interesting choice. I think the really creepy stuff start to happen in 2011 or so... that's what I see.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Punch Drunk Hate

In fact Time Travel... wait, it does exist in your universe. Oh, is it a ruse! Doesn't know what's coming... House will not apologize for anything. George Bush joke, good. Headphones! DING!

5AG - Tuesday, 7/29/08

Lot of problems with Lauren's world right now, and that's discounting the Twilight dilemma.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Lottery

Good Dutch angles, future you spend it on food and booze! And the beard! Think better next time.

5AG - Monday, 7/28/08

Breaking Dawn was a thing? Ten years ago? It feel oddly right? This is the falling out, which will happen throughout the next few months. I really Breaking Dawn... broke a lot of people.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/25/08

Thank you for the theme, Liane. Constant cuddling... and with family! Look at the behind the band? All that terminus memories. Best groupie experience? Drawing whales and singing, all the talent.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Ba(n)d Practice

First time for the venerable Driftless Pony Club, and also the first incarnation of the theme song! Truly a formative time on this channel. This video reminds of The Office. Nice drum fills in the end.

5AG - Thursday, 7/24/08

Maureen Johnson is always good to go... having vacations! All good two weeks? No obligation!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Field Reporting

Driving from work! Sit back and enjoy the...grass? Huh. I can see the haberno sauce. Tact and diction. GET DRUNK! God, Bush is still president here. Doing metaphors. God, $4 gas... I remember... Hey, it's Eliza! And turns she was the one with a gun long before the sketch.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/23/08

Going into Rosianna's school seems weird. That's some interesting time tenses. MORE HANGING best feeling is the truth. Boating in the Summer. There's no isolation! Oh, CODY! So CUTE!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 7/22/08

Look at all the envelopes. Great. That's a great cover that would be cringy ten years later. They don't have the dedicated group or anything. This is why DFTBA Records were formed. All the CDs!

Wheezywaiter - Walkabout

Yes, it's still July! There we go... good news is still Batman! Good as they say. Chicago has lot of pathways. One way walking. Segway is never in the shops. Very underrated. I think I know Lisa?

Saturday, July 21, 2018

5AG - Monday, 7/21/08

Having fun! with play-doh? They are hard to work with, I agree. Good time to reread! Really behind! I'm not actually sure about that, people really like depressed people, for some ungodly reason.

Wheezywaiter - Comb on Over

Showing those male blindness... seems pertinent to here. There's hair growing hair... please don't. These musical cues are really well played. That deliberate editing is also really great.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/18/2008

Liane looks very happy, which is a pretty rare moment. Liane and Lauren went tough stuff in the run.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 7/17/2008

Not going to Terminus. There's always a miss until the end, of course. That is true, and I think Hayley actually made it so that way, because Ohio was where they met. Great friends forever, cat murder?

Wheezywaiter - The Dark Knight (and Robin) Trailer

Classic trailer mashup. Enjoy the glory of 2008. Awk at what? Balance, Adam West! 10 years, ugh.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Bad Noodles

Predicting the stock market... failure. Devastating news, indeed. Did you steal a bagel? That's the classic pant for vlogging. Vaugely sourced information... hmm. All that hot episodes out there...

5AG - Wednesday, 7/16/2008

Seeing all the London people. Leicester Square. Uniting the Wednesdays. Terminus is the turning point for this and Vlogbrothers, so look out for that, really. Oh, local reviews... still does that.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Trophy Thief

Wheezy is such a millennial. Even back then, the editing is flawless. "That is also my car." That's some action... wait, I think you forgot... no? What's with the Owl? Is this revenge clone? Nah.

5AG - Tuesday, 7/15/2008

Voiceless Lauren makes a montage. Thanks for the shower? We all miss Jerry. I can see that.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

5AG - Monday, 7/14/2008

Fun at Portus. Lauren is there? AIRPORT DANCE PARTY! All the hugging and dancing!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

5AG - Friday, 7/11/2008

Liane feels appreciative. Show at Barnes & Nobles. One thing that really ruin the day... All the friends in her small house, it's quite nice. And she goes out to meet all the people out there.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Glosstrophobia

Wait, Chris? I think he works for Buzzfeed now? More than 30 times... that's above average. Wow. Shilling for theme songs, Wheezy? You know that you need to give compensation for a theme!

5AG - Thursday, 7/10/2008

Doing volunteering is a good way to think away from... whatever happened. Liane flashes, yeah.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Jurassic Salsa

More community interaction! Also more control of the markets. That was an explosive solo... oh, right not yet a thing that is not a thing... what? Oh no, bull semen! Jalapeno? That's salmonella!

5AG - Wednesday, 7/9/2008

More YouTube meeting? I love Malaray, she's a long haul booktube person. Liz is also a good friend. Long-time member, now in Los Angeles. Answering both questions... depressing? To London.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Temple of Ringo

Good riddle and also control of the markets. That was... okay McConaughey impression. Yes they do. Ringo is still alive, which I guess... this is quite topical actually. Oh god that's the Kyoto Accords...

5AG - Tuesday, 7/8/2008

Tomorrow night in a sense. All that mess. Floor to floor movement, like a snake. Don't have time.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Bug Junk!

This is a really nice short video. Nice use of stop-motion. Second use of asthma? Also hi Nate!

5AG - Monday, 7/7/2008

Getting boring? They are fun as ever. Post a video response! Kristina, the ever capable leader!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Wheezywaiter - July of 4th The

Nice use of semi-colon. He's going to get better at this. That's true, mom. Formerly? Pick-up lines... Can believe that he still watches these video to this day... practically shoving it up to Ada.

5AG - Friday, 7/4/2008

It's Friday and Happy Birthday America! Chelsea, the house dog. Signing autographs! These young people are now in the same age as the Liane is... well, Liane is little older? All the jello, 20?

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Wall-IMDBEEEEE

Robot falling in love is something I would say. He's very drunk! WHO CAN'T SAY IT'S NOT ART!

5AG - Thursday, 7/3/2008

Summer does that, Hayley. I mean Agatha. Holding the groob? Singing some songs. Ah... okay.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Wheezywaiter - 600

Bad News Wednesday! There's lot of uncensored *shirt*! There's something of proto-style happening. Competing with yourself. Half-size... wait, Vine? Universe has a dent? Outro, too. Hmm.

5AG - Wednesday, 7/2/2008

Evanna Lynch is wonderful, all the random clips! Wait, Malaray of Sunshine was there, huh.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Wheezywaiter - Good News for People who Love Bidets

This is the first challenge from July. GOOD NEWS TUESDAY... Wasn't exploding... well, it's not Wednesday, unless it was before the trial period. WHAT A HIGH TECH TOILET! It's very nice.

5AG - Tuesday, 7/1/2008

Nina is a sub... wait, is she a spy, is she working for the administration? Is she Hope Hicks? She could be? (Turns out she's doing news with Ukranian resistance, which is extremely cool, actually.) Yes, Andrew Slack? I forgot he was in something or now... It's Agatha, Nina! More concerts.