Wednesday, August 29, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/29/2008

Liane can vote! Paper Town is very good! I really like this song... it reminds of 70's infused indie...

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/28/2008

I want Oreos. That is still very true. Also, this whole thing is very interesting. Party in Space???

Monday, August 27, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/27/2008

Hank looks so young and yet the same? Where did Kayley go? I'm sure she went to... Vassar? Somewhere in London? God, I do not know. I love how Kayley was so involved, Obama is good.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/26/2008

Lauren has a suite! I can relate to that. Quick recording! I remember the kitchen, huh. That's good... Two more years to go... the light will be bright in the end. Last Polka is very good.

Saturday, August 25, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/25/2008

That was some epic cuddling there. Kristina at UW, which is not the best or the worst. Place is beautiful, though... I like just walking around the place... the place has changed a lot in ten years...

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/22/2008

Is this a poem. Seriously, though, Liane feels indebted to this whole thing. COME TO CRYSTAL! Tuxedo is a place? And they Renaissance Faire? Finished Breaking Dawn? ALL THE GROOBS!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/21/2008

Curlers and balls. PAPER SHREDDER! Yearbook! That might still be true. College and High School credits!!! Limited spaces! Abandon hell-hole stuff. Mean Facebook status, cool. ALL TWITTER!

Monday, August 20, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/20/2008

Posing for pictures. That's definitely not there anymore, or anything. STRAW CAKE! 2008 camera quality is so nostalgic, even though it's been a decade. Well, we get nostalgic for things that happened last month. NOT EVEN STAGED. She's acting in a normal way, methinks. I like her like this.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/19/2008

Hank is so enthusiastic about everything. Always have a witch hat. John is always nervous. Ball is always in... Lauren never learned heels. Matching tattoos! Glad to be home, minus minus Hayley.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Wheezywaiter - The Wheezy Knight

Lost internet? TV on TV? Losing all that money. GET A NEWSPAPER! Jon? End this thing?

5AG - Monday, 8/18/2008

Rough week after Terminus, so let it be pick me up. Dance montage? Hank is forever a Rock Star.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/15/2008

Wow, two videos in one! Look at The Bean!!! It's all Chicago stuff. Liane seems so grateful for this.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/14/2008

It's all the camp stuff! That musical interlude is lighting up my life... introducing wonderful LIANE?!

Monday, August 13, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/13/2008

Oh god, I remember... CNN bad as always. Terminus, always good. Kayley is going to places, she always goes to places. Losing enthusiasm? There's things, people!!! All the assessments.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/12/2008

Hey, I like photo slides with Potter songs... it feels nostalgic, for a nostalgic time! Right, good times.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/11/2008

Days roll call... All those people in Terminus. Jerry looks young and cool. Those are Best Days...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

5AG - Thursday, 8/7/08

Something much cooler? Pessimist! Why is Hank a dinosaur? Great fun! Having all the missions.

Monday, August 6, 2018

5AG - Wednesday, 8/6/08

He has an weird accent. Also, he was so good at apologies when he was young. Wonder what got to him? She does love Hayley. He does make sounds now? Stop hogging people! He doesn't like it.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

5AG - Tuesday, 8/5/08

It's a singing vlog! Vlog done with singing! Lauren is singing because Terminus! Uh, bye.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

5AG - Monday, 8/4/08

One of the earlier weddings. Eia is so cute. Leaving for Terminus! There's a Mammoth Cave? Right, that's the name for the house!? Right? Oh, Brittany. Blowing bubbles. Good playlist!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

5AG - Friday, 8/1/08

Liane is so busy!!! There's new Looking for Alaska? Bonus song and bass! Heath Ledger does win?