Quick sidenote to my last post. There has been weird connection that have defying the chart, but I still like. Here's three connection.
Nerimon and Wheezywaiter
It feels weird to me that these two have been collaborating for so long, but 20 year old British kid who sings about Doctor Who and 30 year old Chicagoan man who sings has a nice combo. They met once a year for 3 years.
Hank Green and Mark Douglas
Really just a questioning moment. How could these two come together? Anyway, as Barely Political are the vagabonds of the chart, I think I can give him a break.
I think it's because John coined Key of Awesome before Mark did and needs Green's approval. Proof here.
Winter Spring Pro
It's just an anomaly rather than weird. Working with Barely Political, then just moving to LA then joining the station? I don't know...
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Vidcon! and youtube chart update
This week was vidcon and to commemorate this occasion, I'll talk about how vidcon change the youtube chart. Unfortunately, the chart project itself is abandoned and probably will for a long time. But the idea is there on the prototype.
Youtube chart started in 2006-7 when Renetto started to collaborate with other people, like FilthyWhore and Nalts, and when SMPFilms held the first youtube gathering, but the today's chart wasn't created till second generation formed with the Youtube Live, in November of 2008. Youtube Live gave us some kind of equal platform between the celebrities and the youtubers for the first time and led the youtubers to manage themselves in a more high quality. By 2009, two distinct group formed. The Cools, held by the station and their allies and the Nerds, spearheaded by Vlogbrothers and its friends. As demonstrated by this video, the Nerds have been known as the Other Side of Youtube, not actually called that but you know... felt like, the guys and gals who are more interesting than the Cools, who have falling steadily in their laughs, but not seen by causal viewer, who whiff through front page and never dig deep. But in June of 2010, that changed with Vidcon. Vidcon, like Youtube Live gave the Nerd chance to be equal to the Cool, and Cool saw it they potential, unlike the rotten fest they had then. The integration of Nerds and Cools led to a new group, the Hips. Making of Hips was agitated by two factor from each side. For the Nerds, Wrock was giving out. People didn't had much fervor about Harry Potter as before and the formerly wrock group started to write nerdy songs. Which piqued Cools' ears. For the Cool side, ShanePhil incident led the Station to be isolated, and when the Station net broke out, they broke out big. Olga Kay and her friend grabbed viewers, Fine Bros finally found the success formula, along with DaneBoe. If it weren't for Totally Sketch and Nice Peter, the Station might have been long dead. Anyway, by the start of 2011, Hips fully formed, along with new interesting people who didn't make side and enjoyed both side equally, like Winter Spring Pro and Tobuscus. Now, ideas pass like crazy throughout the chart, leading to happy homogenization that Youtube can market, it's seen as renaissance of youtube, despite the haters.
Youtube chart started in 2006-7 when Renetto started to collaborate with other people, like FilthyWhore and Nalts, and when SMPFilms held the first youtube gathering, but the today's chart wasn't created till second generation formed with the Youtube Live, in November of 2008. Youtube Live gave us some kind of equal platform between the celebrities and the youtubers for the first time and led the youtubers to manage themselves in a more high quality. By 2009, two distinct group formed. The Cools, held by the station and their allies and the Nerds, spearheaded by Vlogbrothers and its friends. As demonstrated by this video, the Nerds have been known as the Other Side of Youtube, not actually called that but you know... felt like, the guys and gals who are more interesting than the Cools, who have falling steadily in their laughs, but not seen by causal viewer, who whiff through front page and never dig deep. But in June of 2010, that changed with Vidcon. Vidcon, like Youtube Live gave the Nerd chance to be equal to the Cool, and Cool saw it they potential, unlike the rotten fest they had then. The integration of Nerds and Cools led to a new group, the Hips. Making of Hips was agitated by two factor from each side. For the Nerds, Wrock was giving out. People didn't had much fervor about Harry Potter as before and the formerly wrock group started to write nerdy songs. Which piqued Cools' ears. For the Cool side, ShanePhil incident led the Station to be isolated, and when the Station net broke out, they broke out big. Olga Kay and her friend grabbed viewers, Fine Bros finally found the success formula, along with DaneBoe. If it weren't for Totally Sketch and Nice Peter, the Station might have been long dead. Anyway, by the start of 2011, Hips fully formed, along with new interesting people who didn't make side and enjoyed both side equally, like Winter Spring Pro and Tobuscus. Now, ideas pass like crazy throughout the chart, leading to happy homogenization that Youtube can market, it's seen as renaissance of youtube, despite the haters.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
It's been a long time, but
Nerds | Hips | Cools |
Link to see it in full size. https://docs.google.com/drawings/pub?id=1GnwoiSF39rtSZRWI8L7QxgwwrHQK5y32KlY2f6hCv88&w=1574&h=724
It's been a hard work putting this together and maybe a better one will be made soon. At the of Vidcon, Perhaps?
Disclaimer: any wrath of people included or not included will be
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tv Tropes preview No. 1
Disclaimer: this is a preview of my new idea, where I talk about tropes. Viewer discretion is advised. visit www.tvtropes.org !
Today, I'm going to talk about Nostalgia Chick's three 'controversial' tropes: Big Lipped Alligator Moment, MacGuffin, and The Smurfette Principle.
1: Big Lipped Alligator Moment or BLAM
This trope is commonly defined as moment that comes out of nowhere, go all crazy upon us and leaves without mention afterwards. Now most people are confused to which crazy moment is a BLAM, but I have an simple answer. Ask this question, is it a show stopping moment that feel out of place and taken out of the media without ruining any details. If you said yes, then it's a BLAM.
Let's take an example. Original BLAM from All Dogs Go to Heaven. Is it a show-stopping number (yes) that feels out of place (yes) and taken out the media without ruining any detail (well...) It's an debate. I mean, in term of screenplay, it's fine to take it out, but in the feel of the movie, it establishes the Alligator as a character to look out for, which make the final scene appearence seem like an AH than a HUH?. In other terms, Siskel will say yes but Ebert will not. Siskel- anayltical, Ebert- artistic. Depending on other examples, Siskel will be fine, but maybe we should give a special term for full critics yes, like the Ferngully lizard moment.
2: MacGuffin
One-use plot device. Or is it? the MacGuffin in the Nostalgia Chick seems little different than Tvtropes one but I could find the video so let's skip that and move to...
3: The Smurfette Principle
Not much of a controversy as unfortunate trend. What I think about the principle is that most male just don't go around females. Having a female buddy is awkward for some, any annoyance for others. Personally, I think females are great friends, but most boys doing boy stuff, girl doesn't fit in and most non female dominated shows is basically look into boys night out. I think it's hard to avoid circumstance, and thing in mind while writing.
So that's it. I hope you like what I'm trying out and I'll get back as soon as the project gets over.
Today, I'm going to talk about Nostalgia Chick's three 'controversial' tropes: Big Lipped Alligator Moment, MacGuffin, and The Smurfette Principle.
1: Big Lipped Alligator Moment or BLAM
This trope is commonly defined as moment that comes out of nowhere, go all crazy upon us and leaves without mention afterwards. Now most people are confused to which crazy moment is a BLAM, but I have an simple answer. Ask this question, is it a show stopping moment that feel out of place and taken out of the media without ruining any details. If you said yes, then it's a BLAM.
Let's take an example. Original BLAM from All Dogs Go to Heaven. Is it a show-stopping number (yes) that feels out of place (yes) and taken out the media without ruining any detail (well...) It's an debate. I mean, in term of screenplay, it's fine to take it out, but in the feel of the movie, it establishes the Alligator as a character to look out for, which make the final scene appearence seem like an AH than a HUH?. In other terms, Siskel will say yes but Ebert will not. Siskel- anayltical, Ebert- artistic. Depending on other examples, Siskel will be fine, but maybe we should give a special term for full critics yes, like the Ferngully lizard moment.
2: MacGuffin
One-use plot device. Or is it? the MacGuffin in the Nostalgia Chick seems little different than Tvtropes one but I could find the video so let's skip that and move to...
3: The Smurfette Principle
Not much of a controversy as unfortunate trend. What I think about the principle is that most male just don't go around females. Having a female buddy is awkward for some, any annoyance for others. Personally, I think females are great friends, but most boys doing boy stuff, girl doesn't fit in and most non female dominated shows is basically look into boys night out. I think it's hard to avoid circumstance, and thing in mind while writing.
So that's it. I hope you like what I'm trying out and I'll get back as soon as the project gets over.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
But here's a riddle for you.
What is a state, a country, a strait, and a female name?
Answer is in the question.
anyway, while searching this, I found that there's was a show about Alaska hosted by former governor of Alaska. That is not Sarah Palin's Alaska. WHAT?
Turns out Jay Hammond, guy apparently opposite of Palin, that did a show called (you guessed it) Jay Hammond's Alaska from 1985 to 1992. Proof that whole state of Alaska is crazy.
I'm doing a big project for this blog that ties a lot to my blog, so little less on posting for a while.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
First thought for thoughts...
... cannot be found. Sorry, rummaging through my pile gather up nothing. recap is that music uses three different brain signal: heart, and regulatory beats for rhythm, muscle memory for tone and brain for everything else. Second one was that neuroscience and psychology can is vital for solving much of the problems we face today.
( Sidenote: I decided to move my Youtube plan into the blog, so please leave me your favorite youtuber so I can talk about it/him/her.)
( Sidenote: I decided to move my Youtube plan into the blog, so please leave me your favorite youtuber so I can talk about it/him/her.)
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thinking about Thoughts
Few month ago, I wrote a piece in my notebook called "Thinking About Thoughts". I have continue my thoughts about thoughts and I going to share with you a piece of it. And also the original piece, which will coming later.
Imagine you woke up, or realized during the day/night but it doesn't matter in a different person's body, any body except yours. You could be shorter, you could shorter, fatter, more slender, stronger, weaker, in an opposite sex, or even you physically look the same. The crux is that no one knows you had this life, and instead had the other life. You could persuade people is acknowledge the fact 'you' are a misplaced being, and some do the near opposite, they knew that you're misplaced. But you can't go back, least for now. But now is forever, so you can't ever escape! (The First law of TG, but it'll work in this perspective.) You need to act like this new identity, think like the identity, meeting people you don't know, and some you might know but act and think differently. (The Third law of TG, although I skewered around a bit.) Then, you get familiar with your new identity, so familiar that you can't recognize which is which anymore.(The Second law of TG, though I took out a will there.) It makes sense in context. Richard Dawkins, I believe, said there's five different force which shape you. Your gene, your hormone, your immune system, your brain, your environment. You can't change your genes, a la first law (probably), you could change your hormone, but keeping it takes inconsiderable amount of surgery, and mental training. Just ask any transgender. you could change your immune system, with a flu shot or antibiotics, your brain is already different, and your environment? Well, it'll take long time for people to settle on you being a different person. Imagine you're on that situation. So, what? One against four and only one you effectively change without trouble, other than getting a shot? That's poor bet against you, and no matter because you are actually that person! Turns out your imagining your other stuff. You're all fine...
wait. That last three sentence rings a different bell. I mean you're saying that life I live in with all my friend and family, all my achievement and possession, all my memories and belief is product of my imagination/hallucination/dream/virtual reality/act/conspiracy? Then you realize, what if you're right? What if life was just a ruse and this weird life I think of is me? Or another life? Am I reading this right now, or is it just all in your mind? I think, therefore I am, but what if what I think isn't actually who I am? Do I ignore completely and enjoy the show?
Now think about this, if I inject your mind with memories, is that part of you? Let's say I gave you memory of you in super strength. You surely use the power, the muscle remember the injected memory. But is that part of your life? What if you lost your memory, but instead giving back, I give you a new one. Is that part of you? Oh, surely not, but remember, you don't remember your life. Only thing in your brain is what I injected. Sure, it's all about perspectives. I resurrected you with memory you bestow, but only because I secretly live streamed your brain signals, and copy and paste that to your own body? Is that you?
You're only confined by your thoughts, and you can't venture outside of it. It's like you can't venture out of the universe, or the multiverse. If you say, "Well, my soul can come out of your body, so what's your saying is false." Well, your thought IS your soul, at least in this explanation. "But my soul IS me, how it could not?" look at the second paragraph. "But, but.. that's impossible, how that..that.... I give up!!! (cries)." Well, actual comment will discuss more about my topic and many other topic I scrawl on this electronic pages. So, look forward to two more topics and other thing as well. Till next time...
Imagine you woke up, or realized during the day/night but it doesn't matter in a different person's body, any body except yours. You could be shorter, you could shorter, fatter, more slender, stronger, weaker, in an opposite sex, or even you physically look the same. The crux is that no one knows you had this life, and instead had the other life. You could persuade people is acknowledge the fact 'you' are a misplaced being, and some do the near opposite, they knew that you're misplaced. But you can't go back, least for now. But now is forever, so you can't ever escape! (The First law of TG, but it'll work in this perspective.) You need to act like this new identity, think like the identity, meeting people you don't know, and some you might know but act and think differently. (The Third law of TG, although I skewered around a bit.) Then, you get familiar with your new identity, so familiar that you can't recognize which is which anymore.(The Second law of TG, though I took out a will there.) It makes sense in context. Richard Dawkins, I believe, said there's five different force which shape you. Your gene, your hormone, your immune system, your brain, your environment. You can't change your genes, a la first law (probably), you could change your hormone, but keeping it takes inconsiderable amount of surgery, and mental training. Just ask any transgender. you could change your immune system, with a flu shot or antibiotics, your brain is already different, and your environment? Well, it'll take long time for people to settle on you being a different person. Imagine you're on that situation. So, what? One against four and only one you effectively change without trouble, other than getting a shot? That's poor bet against you, and no matter because you are actually that person! Turns out your imagining your other stuff. You're all fine...
wait. That last three sentence rings a different bell. I mean you're saying that life I live in with all my friend and family, all my achievement and possession, all my memories and belief is product of my imagination/hallucination/dream/virtual reality/act/conspiracy? Then you realize, what if you're right? What if life was just a ruse and this weird life I think of is me? Or another life? Am I reading this right now, or is it just all in your mind? I think, therefore I am, but what if what I think isn't actually who I am? Do I ignore completely and enjoy the show?
Now think about this, if I inject your mind with memories, is that part of you? Let's say I gave you memory of you in super strength. You surely use the power, the muscle remember the injected memory. But is that part of your life? What if you lost your memory, but instead giving back, I give you a new one. Is that part of you? Oh, surely not, but remember, you don't remember your life. Only thing in your brain is what I injected. Sure, it's all about perspectives. I resurrected you with memory you bestow, but only because I secretly live streamed your brain signals, and copy and paste that to your own body? Is that you?
You're only confined by your thoughts, and you can't venture outside of it. It's like you can't venture out of the universe, or the multiverse. If you say, "Well, my soul can come out of your body, so what's your saying is false." Well, your thought IS your soul, at least in this explanation. "But my soul IS me, how it could not?" look at the second paragraph. "But, but.. that's impossible, how that..that.... I give up!!! (cries)." Well, actual comment will discuss more about my topic and many other topic I scrawl on this electronic pages. So, look forward to two more topics and other thing as well. Till next time...
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Just an Update
Sorry about yesterday, here's a new font for you.
The girls are out for few day, but us boys have been sitting around... and nothing.
As any summer day, we look outside, eat and lie down with the laptop
Reading magazines, playing solitaire...
It's quite boring, I say.
Nothing to do, nothing to need
Grey sky overwhelm us while we long for the yesterday's sun.
Anyway, apologies to the mean spirit in the last post,
That was a character I was trying to do.
There has been no much readership in here.
How I suppose to bring viewers?
Everything about me is a sham.
Composing a blog post
Obscure as I, this gets lost
Making a statement or two
Perhaps picture and video, too
Useless ideas plague my brain
Trite thought, It's hard to obtain
Entertainment I seek.
Retain your vigor, my friend...Aren't I a geek?
The girls are out for few day, but us boys have been sitting around... and nothing.
As any summer day, we look outside, eat and lie down with the laptop
Reading magazines, playing solitaire...
It's quite boring, I say.
Nothing to do, nothing to need
Grey sky overwhelm us while we long for the yesterday's sun.
Anyway, apologies to the mean spirit in the last post,
That was a character I was trying to do.
There has been no much readership in here.
How I suppose to bring viewers?
Everything about me is a sham.
Composing a blog post
Obscure as I, this gets lost
Making a statement or two
Perhaps picture and video, too
Useless ideas plague my brain
Trite thought, It's hard to obtain
Entertainment I seek.
Retain your vigor, my friend...Aren't I a geek?
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
About sigularity
You know what I hate?
It's somewhere between Rebecca Black and Rick Astley, but Hatsune Miku's constant singing of nya's (or rather its cover of it) pierce the brain of over 120 million people world wide as of July 5th.
But who is Hatsune Miku?

No, really who is the signer of the nyan cat?

Oh. Turns out it's wasn't a real person. Anyway, Hatsune Miku is a vocalcoid program that people use to make songs with and appearently did well enough to do a live concert. With an hologram.
Which is good because is some crazy fan rips out an hologram, the company can still use it. like the song they ripped from them. (Maybe. I don't know. You know much better than me!)
Another song theyripped covered, the first one in fact, was Lotiuma's 1986 finnish hit "Levan Polkka" which of course turned into...
Leekspin. This gal has 2 meme under her belt, and she's not even real!
Anyway, let's go to a commercial break.
That commercial was from AKB 48 who has released their 62nd member, do they have one for every prefecture of Japan?, Eguchi Aimi. listen to her announcement.
So, what do you think of her? Well, too bad she's not real. It's was just an advertising ploy for a candy commercial. What a waste. She might be the first one to jump over the uncanny valley, and it's just for a candy commercial.
Here's how they did it.
is it me or I feel like whole country of Japan is not real?
This photoshop pop star and vocaloid signing sensation reminds me of our fisrt review, and yes I wrote an 500 word prelude for this, Pixel Perfect.
Pixel Perfect is Disney Channel Original Movie made in 2005, starting Ricky Ullman. The story starts with Ricky Ullman or Roscoe showing a virtual cat to his UST friend, Samantha. Well, this has an another meaning in our time, but here it's holographic cat. I don't know where's the light source, but it turns plaid. Scene cuts to an club where Samantha has an band called Infectious Measles. Really? Where the club manager shuns them for not being flashy, because sound is soooo not important anymore. Being distraught, the band looks for a new frontrunner, in a sequence a la that other more famous DCOM, and finds Loretta, girl with acrobatic moves and... singing. The group quickly finds out Loretta is an hologram made by Roscoe, which mades me wonder how did Roscoe put the laser up there without the girls noticing.
Anyway, with Loretta armed Because her right hand is unfinished and now it is and ready the band, now called Zetabytes, wows the boring audience and get Sam jealous. With Roscoe and Loretta now shipping, Roscoe and his friend go on a double date with Sam and Loretta in a diner with a conviently placed laser. Unforunately the computer has a meltdown, which leads to all kind of visual hi-jinks of Loretta until the program is saved. After that pointless scene, the band gets a new song and gets the approval of the club manager with Sam being jealous, when Sam finds out Loretta is actually part her!Specifically, her eyes and ears. In other news, the club finds out Loretta is an hologram, and they are... quite fine. After our compulsory girl go out montage, the band recording with Loretta?! Geezes, could they have just downloaded her singing? Oh sorry, you needed another 'Sam is jealous' scene.
So Sam is umpteenly jealous, because 'things don't go way I want to' and Loretta goes to our standard is AI human? and stupid copyright laws. Then Loretta uploads herself to the internet, and finds the whole new world, because that how programs look at internet. Whole scene is just weird, There's a trucker, who's that suppose to mean, and server is a black hole and and email and blurry security dogs, and what the heck is this? How could a programs expect there's going to be holographic AI singer who might need assistance, I mean there's no else to speak to!
Anyway, Sam gets Loretta, how the hell does she know that?, and Sam finally blows up the love interest and after some pointless scenes, Loretta uploads to the internet again, and Sam fills in for Loretta, which inevitably leads to Sam in the hospital. Loretta then decide to go inside the ECG, but Roscoe says "you can't go out." I Have a problem with this, the ECG only output information, there's no way you override into the person's brain, and... Loretta's already there. Instead of seeing neurons, Loretta sees an barren landscape with an starving Sam, and this weird scene, Sam becomes Loretta (what?),mentally, and enjoy the rain before... dying, I suppose. In all, Sam's memorial song becomes a hit and.. Loretta bcomes Zetabytes's guardian angel? How the hell does a program an guardian angel, of all gods?
This movie is bad, not bad as other DCOMs, bad nevertheless. It's has loose plot, producer and Max for example, and has some unnecessary scenes. But overall, It's a good approach to imagining AI singer scenario, least better than s1m0ne, which became a virtually reality in just 5 years.
Thanks for reading this review of Pixel Perfect, I hope I'll do more soon, and leave some old Disney or Nick movie or series in the comments. This is been Davidkkimlive production, bye!
It's somewhere between Rebecca Black and Rick Astley, but Hatsune Miku's constant singing of nya's (or rather its cover of it) pierce the brain of over 120 million people world wide as of July 5th.
But who is Hatsune Miku?
No, really who is the signer of the nyan cat?
Oh. Turns out it's wasn't a real person. Anyway, Hatsune Miku is a vocalcoid program that people use to make songs with and appearently did well enough to do a live concert. With an hologram.
Which is good because is some crazy fan rips out an hologram, the company can still use it. like the song they ripped from them. (Maybe. I don't know. You know much better than me!)
Another song they
Leekspin. This gal has 2 meme under her belt, and she's not even real!
Anyway, let's go to a commercial break.
That commercial was from AKB 48 who has released their 62nd member, do they have one for every prefecture of Japan?, Eguchi Aimi. listen to her announcement.
So, what do you think of her? Well, too bad she's not real. It's was just an advertising ploy for a candy commercial. What a waste. She might be the first one to jump over the uncanny valley, and it's just for a candy commercial.
Here's how they did it.
is it me or I feel like whole country of Japan is not real?
This photoshop pop star and vocaloid signing sensation reminds me of our fisrt review, and yes I wrote an 500 word prelude for this, Pixel Perfect.
Pixel Perfect is Disney Channel Original Movie made in 2005, starting Ricky Ullman. The story starts with Ricky Ullman or Roscoe showing a virtual cat to his UST friend, Samantha. Well, this has an another meaning in our time, but here it's holographic cat. I don't know where's the light source, but it turns plaid. Scene cuts to an club where Samantha has an band called Infectious Measles. Really? Where the club manager shuns them for not being flashy, because sound is soooo not important anymore. Being distraught, the band looks for a new frontrunner, in a sequence a la that other more famous DCOM, and finds Loretta, girl with acrobatic moves and... singing. The group quickly finds out Loretta is an hologram made by Roscoe, which mades me wonder how did Roscoe put the laser up there without the girls noticing.
Anyway, with Loretta armed Because her right hand is unfinished and now it is and ready the band, now called Zetabytes, wows the boring audience and get Sam jealous. With Roscoe and Loretta now shipping, Roscoe and his friend go on a double date with Sam and Loretta in a diner with a conviently placed laser. Unforunately the computer has a meltdown, which leads to all kind of visual hi-jinks of Loretta until the program is saved. After that pointless scene, the band gets a new song and gets the approval of the club manager with Sam being jealous, when Sam finds out Loretta is actually part her!Specifically, her eyes and ears. In other news, the club finds out Loretta is an hologram, and they are... quite fine. After our compulsory girl go out montage, the band recording with Loretta?! Geezes, could they have just downloaded her singing? Oh sorry, you needed another 'Sam is jealous' scene.
So Sam is umpteenly jealous, because 'things don't go way I want to' and Loretta goes to our standard is AI human? and stupid copyright laws. Then Loretta uploads herself to the internet, and finds the whole new world, because that how programs look at internet. Whole scene is just weird, There's a trucker, who's that suppose to mean, and server is a black hole and and email and blurry security dogs, and what the heck is this? How could a programs expect there's going to be holographic AI singer who might need assistance, I mean there's no else to speak to!
Anyway, Sam gets Loretta, how the hell does she know that?, and Sam finally blows up the love interest and after some pointless scenes, Loretta uploads to the internet again, and Sam fills in for Loretta, which inevitably leads to Sam in the hospital. Loretta then decide to go inside the ECG, but Roscoe says "you can't go out." I Have a problem with this, the ECG only output information, there's no way you override into the person's brain, and... Loretta's already there. Instead of seeing neurons, Loretta sees an barren landscape with an starving Sam, and this weird scene, Sam becomes Loretta (what?),mentally, and enjoy the rain before... dying, I suppose. In all, Sam's memorial song becomes a hit and.. Loretta bcomes Zetabytes's guardian angel? How the hell does a program an guardian angel, of all gods?
This movie is bad, not bad as other DCOMs, bad nevertheless. It's has loose plot, producer and Max for example, and has some unnecessary scenes. But overall, It's a good approach to imagining AI singer scenario, least better than s1m0ne, which became a virtually reality in just 5 years.
Thanks for reading this review of Pixel Perfect, I hope I'll do more soon, and leave some old Disney or Nick movie or series in the comments. This is been Davidkkimlive production, bye!
Monday, July 4, 2011
Start Here
Hello, and there's no better time to start the blog than anniversary of United States of America! Sidenote: Those who say that America is based in Christian belief are more wrong than saying America is based on Islamic belief.(least it'll bring some trolls.) Basically, this is a backup from my youtube stuff, www.youtube.com/davidkimlive, and I'll probably post review of other media other than the web. But for now, post of stuff I was going to do, before technical difficultity is cleared.
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