Tuesday, August 16, 2011

On the Web

I lay down on the web
The web of lights and currents 
The information slowly ebb
in a wash of slutty comments

Who are you to say
You suck, everything is wrong
You're fake and gay
The words which makes the weak strong

You can find every secret
Security always comes up short
There's everything on the net
Every fact you can contort

It's sucking the life of all
The imprint is there to see
The chats, the merchandise, it's a mall
You could get everything you could perceive

Why we forsake freedom
So we can slouch in the dark
Why do we sell our life to the modem
When you can just go to the park

Web is made for the spider
It could catch the pest and save the gardens
but as a tortured soul, it's a biter
that poison you into the heavens 

I lay down in the net
in the home of over a billion people
I throw myself as a bet
but I couldn't follow...but an apple

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