Monday, January 2, 2012

Vlogbrothers intro

Vlogbrothers is one of best leading channels in YouTube, in prominence of bringing awesome into the cruel world of the internet. As I talked about how they bring the awesomeness into the internet, now let's talk about they did.

Vlogbrother's mission statement slowly grow out as the brothers gather more viewers and started to have fans. Relived pressure of commercialism comparably, the Green brothers pursued its power to do good on other people as we started the Project for Awesome. Yearly project on Dec 17th in which the people put out videos of charity and have people like, comment and favorite enough, they go to the statistics of the day. This simple, but elegant maneuver piqued interest in YouTube itself, sponsoring the event in 2010. Other things to decrease world suck, is as follows:
Fund to Decrease World Suck- in which donation in which it's put into a fund for various purposes.
Educational Videos- To educate the masses on subject that seemed boring.
DFTBA Record and Vidcon- Giving homogeneity and cultural prominence to great talents in YouTube.

Overall, Vlogbrother is Jesus of YouTube. They give inspiration and hope to many poor souls around the world, and their gospel is spread throughout the world. They give sense of direction to what YouTube is all about and guide the way to world peace. They don't want worship or blessing, just live your live in the most awesome way as possible. And to think, all this started from simple back and forth assignment. We'll explore the road in which Vlogbrothers paved the way for goodness in the world and how they cultivate nerdiness to export to the rest of Earth.

First post will be on next Sunday, Jan 8th. Enjoy your pilgrimage.

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