Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Putin's World

(This is the world roughly divided into Language Families)

The most prominent part of this world is the West, where it's split into four countries. Britain on Mid-North, plus Belize and Guiana. Romantics on South and the Caribbeans, and the Native Federation spread throughout, with the Canadian Shield on the North and Amazonian on the South. Now, we all know that France, Spain and Britain took its American land in the 1700's and successfully defeated all the rebellions. But the turning point happens in WWII, when Nazis took over Britain and America (which was a dominion before, granting autonomy in the turn of the 20th century.) There was an in-fighting and Franco and Mussolini teamed up and took a major chunk out, which lead to destabilization and massive protest in the 60's. So, both countries is now a democracy... thankfully. (Also Basques successfully separated in the chaos.) Ireland is now west Ireland, Wales, Brittany and the Highlands... (Don't ask me why... The Irish question was more convoluted in this universe) Dominion of America, after independence, took its stride and took over most of Pacific, Philippines, Indonesia and Saigon and left soon as British regained control (along with Madagascar). New Guinea broke away from the fighting and became its own nation. Inuits recently separated from the federation and take up the northernmost part of the Americas.

Russia isn't really what Putin imagined but it's a good ploy. By focusing on eastern Europe, Putin became lenient on Siberia, leading to decision like selling much of Siberia to Turkey (after trading with Slavic region) and letting the Tungus and Kamchatka be independent... although the railway and major towns are still governed by Russia. Putin also has the advantage of keeping the Stalin's expansion in the west as Gorbachev made a smooth transition from Communism to Capitalism, while keeping the Parliament mostly intact. (Baltic left quickly, and Caucasian more slowly, as they had lot of problem to deal with... leading to frequent invasion and Armenia creating their own country) There's also the Finn-Hungarian empire, relic of the 1910's, which also has territories in Siberia.

The Caliph dominates the Middle East and North Africa although there's some confederation left up north, like the Berber Fed. in the middle-western Sahara, and (much diminished) Chad, now occupying the left of 'our' Chad in the west Sahel. Sahel is actually is their own country, rising from their colonial French past. Abyssinia still has their Nubian territory from the Italian occupation... Britain colonies in Mid and Southern Africa formed the Bantu Coalition, with Britain still holding on to the Southernmost part, which the Northern part seceded into Namibia. From the east, Iran is sitting pretty and little expanded and India, which is split classically North and South... and has been that way for centuries.

Japan are in roughly same shape and Korea actually took the stand and were not divided after WWII. China is little diminished now as the Tibetan were never conquered... and Mongols took more territory. As mentioned above, Turkey bought most of Northeast Siberia (for the price of Slavic) and kept its Ottoman territories to the East... but still financially struggling as the more prosperous western part became independent, such as Albania, and Greece.

For Indochina, Vietnam took over Cambodia; Thailand went roughly unscathed and Tibetans took over Burma (!!) ,and in Australasia, Aboriginals defended the British from encroaching up the Outback and the Northern Australia and set their own confederacy.

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