Thursday, August 20, 2015


ALL RIGHT, Let's get this season over with!

RPG in a box! What a... idea. We're playing mice, cute!

Really clever and really adorable. Simple, too.

Shuffle for initiative! Tilda is the marker today... Flich in action.

I think movement is awkward but dice rolling is very horrible.

Mana feels subpar... some quick house rules. More terrible dice.

That rule is clever, though. Range and Melee confusion?

Bad mothering... and Flich is in danger! Room is done.

We're searching... not something you want to 'search'.

Moving on to the sewer. Go into the water... order and search.

Another house rules and we're slowly... defeating the roaches.

Off day??? Nice surge tactic. Page as difficulty is kind of confusing.

Rat has a quick day. THUNDERSQUEAK! Weird movement...

Dinner fork! Ramble mini-game. Verge of drowning...  lot of hearts.

Healer is the marker. Fishing hook is nice to have. Cheese the wheel???

Dagger in the tail!!! Totally survived... mostly...

Thursday, July 16, 2015


Hm, I'm getting ravenous for a new tabletop!!!

Let's troll... the heck of Wil!!! Bowie goes for it... THREE SIXES!!!

Set of fives... starting the ace game... wow, that's... weird.

Bowie always has this day sense of humor... Intriguing.

John get to the scoring business (I think we already played Tortoise and the Hare)

Wil scores points in a dice game??? John goes ahead. YOU MAY NOT?

Wil is in the lead???? Great joke... Wil versus John... Hale going for small games.

NOW WIL VERSUS JASON!!! Wait, rabbit is sleeping??? Dice Abuse... 12 pip process...

This is a serious problem guys... guys? One pip away. Every one is in the one game!!

I've in the one game... WHY IS WIL SO GOOD?!?!? Going back? Intervention?

Jason going big... John will drink... might win? How do you roll a three?

AND JOHN RUNS AWAY... and he gets a one!! Jason is so sad...

Now... SUSHI GO. Cutest dumpling... So many variety... counter! Perfect small game.

Momentum and passion... all strategy. Good chopsticks. John gets an one.

Nice nigiri game. Interesting. Sashimi is a long term risk but usually pays,

Getting to the pudding... 4 left. Maki game strong. Nice swoop... Keep the dumpling.

Oh. The simple cards... UGGGH... CHOPSTICKS OF SHAME. Jason leading after first.

Commit seppuku??? Good job. Pudding is always a sneaker. Chopstick is fun.

Taking a dumpling chance. I'M THE MAKI MAN!!! Dumpling play... Tempura risks...

Dumpling payoff... OH MY GODDD!!! Sharing the love... or Complete dumpling.

Good salmon. Jason is still in the lead. Pudding for series is really nice. More pudding.

Crazy maki fight... A FLUKE! Return of the kingmakers. WIL WON SUSHI GO!!!!!!

AND WE GET A WIL WIN!!!! Love your work... NOT EDIBLE?

IS this the first Wil win? I'm not sure. Thank you, John.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


Nice use of Spellsingers music... The Chase is better as a game shows.

Here's a deckbuilder for you! Wait for it...

LEGAL DISCLAIMER!!!! Now Marvel on! Ooh, feedback loop!

This was the most expensive episode, isn't it? Normal difficulty...

ACK! No Spiderman! Of course, Wil... Pull me up! Interesting.

Markplier with Magic and Marvel... Alliteration! Agent is for the males...

It's the mulligan card... The villains duo. Not doing very well...

Mark's childish but he has a deep voice that makes him more like dad than a child.

It's RECRUITMENT BREA! We already discussed it in... you didn't went to the meeting...

THIS IS NOT GOING WELL! SHIELD pusher? SHIELD insider trading... wow.

He is very structured! Surprising... Now with SHIELD intervention...

Allie just punches like crazy... Nobody likes you... Take the best card...

YOU NEVER WERE BETTER THAN MARIA... I can punch now... Excelsior!

I called two scheme, everybody gets a wounds! ALL PUNCHING! WOW 13 punches...

Everything is doing a lot... 15 punching is great!!! MARIA BETRAYS MARK!!!

We all win, but most point wins trophy... Of course, Allie wins.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Go! (Trumpet blast!) Well, it's more a board game that my grandpa used to play...

New twist on a old game... I see. All about adjacency. TONS OF REPLAY!

He's wearing a suit... so much happiness. Yuri is very old... man, he looks 26.

The powers that be... large connecting settlements, little Ticket to Ride style...

Oh, here's the owl. He's just up the whole thing! So great...

Wil Wheaton, built for gaming. Crowdfunded arms... GET SOME MINING POINTS.

He loves a tux. Strip poker? Don't help him... suit is working!

Anything could happen. Want that ore. Wil Wheaton arm for sale...

BLOCK! DOUBLE BLOCK! Tara, Queen of the Desert. Inspector Gadget???

Here's the wall. Taken the black. MORE BLOCCCCKKK! Nice option.

Paul the Mountain King, so much the Starks. Greyjoy, so fun.

Giants and vampires... oh, that's why they want the ore OWN THE THEATER

And we move to the after dark section of the broadcast. Face-Off... Home Invasion?

Crazier the better... You show me the top and I'll go over it... inspiring.

Marked up the tree... sandwich is the face. Fear still live within...

Did a mafia thing in Monopoly... WHY DON'T WE HAVE THAT AS A RULE.

I thought it was 12... de javu? Yeah. Sunk the battleship and no option.

Now we end the game. He's in the Orc King? Yuri wins in Citizen. Well done!

Wait, you're not playing to win? Precursor to Diplomacy??? See, right cards.

Step it up with that $1,000,000 projects. Opponent were great.

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Love Letter and Coup! So many variations...

So simple, yet so elegant... burning cards and lets get the game started.

First blind guessing, high stakes... Early protection. GREAT JOKE!

Bad telepathy. Big accuse but no idea. Bad baron play. DOUBLE HANDMAIDEN!

Double priest and Fine guess. But Wil still won this round.

Second round, quick maid play... A impressive King play. Countess super play.

Felicia forgets to call directly. Wil forgot how to play. Rafi forgot the rules. So Benny wins.

Always plotting. Early Prince. He wishes... LITTLE DEVIL! Put the accusatory hand!

KING OR NOT KING? There's the maid. Another and WHAAAA? Benny princess win again!

Moving to Coup. Lie your anicent guts out.

One or two or pay seven for a coup. Assassin three coin to kill except countessa.

Duke can block two coins but is it really true??? Allying? Getting single coins and three for duke?

PURELY SCHOLARLY! ASSASSIN! Fool it? Fool you! AMAZING! NOT lying, Felicia.

Double bluff! Foreign aid... Veris and Littlefinger. GOT DUPED. Deep and rent free.

Not a duke. Ambassador can trade cards. Assassinate over here... New card for you.

Captain take two coins and cap and ambassador blocked. All assassins gone!

Double captain! Wil has only one role. SEVEN and a coup! Benny is out w/ countessa!

DOUBLE CAPTAIN and Wil is Rafi? Round TWO Rafi starts with three or lost a countessa.

Two dukes. Ready to coup! Benny stop talking. Here's a countessa... talk into a duke out.

Captain Captain. Wil cannot be that lucky. DUKE can't call bull. Ambassdor and Rafi out.

Feels nice to get out. Captain to captain... Benny bluff and Countessa gone. Swap out...


Benny and Wil wins... LEGIT LOSS.

Thursday, May 21, 2015



Another pirate bluffing game? Higgs boson? TIMING!

Seth Green, Clare Grant, Karen Gillan SO MUCH BIG STARS!

Confident Clare... Interesting... Choose your booty!

Sly and Aggressive. Wil always get killed. Terrific for Karen!

Most... inefficient. I don't think so either. Stop giving rules!

PUNCH PUNCH! Barrel of... something. CURSES!

Essence of pirate... or Dr. Mr. Grandma. DAMN!

Love in the gallery. Burp? Husband death! Oh no.

Swarming in booty... Maps for sale... Piling curse mask... gone.

Vow broken... TAKE THE MAP, LASSIE!

Seth is rolling in booty. Pretty excited. Let's see the divorce paper.

Back to stupid sixthe graders. BEAUMONT, CALIFORNIA!

Great Wil impression. (LOSING HORNS) Random?

Great move... powerful. Captain??? OH NO THE MONKEY!

Ugh, captain. Swell. 23... sad. DESTROY HIM!

Foolproof? Take that, governor! Such a... NO SENSE! Goatee?

Critical... Clare's rage is high. Testing marriages. It's quite a match...

Wrong graphic! Weirdest... moving to last round. Villain move???

I think Wil will win... This is going to divorce. AWWWWWW!~!

Another evil Wil win? SIXTY-SEVEN?!? Argument in cat-speak.

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Interesting roleplaying game split into two parts. Second part below the brake.

Yes, it's Jenga + roleplay... which somehow becomes a spinoff...

1983 spring break... great graphics. Wil is the game master.

Bunch of loners on Saturday... Aging hippie? (I like the missing pieces)

(The greatest moment in TableTop) I just want to be a part of something!!!

Cool? Struggle... ANIMAL! First block... NOPE. Made you?

It's pretty stable. All going swimmingly... WE HAVE TO LEAVE!

For making a single... Guerney? The Swedish scream! (?) Top is more stable but obviously more wobbly and so it might fall in the aftershock... Night before full moon?!?

Let's get away, get away! You're now safety? 'The creature'? Emily paranoia...

I saw a pair of eyes. Messed up Pete. Dawn... FLARES! Radio? 1983 is cool.

That was great use of the radio. Wave at the Sessna. It could be alive...

We need to stay awake... THE MOON, THE MOON! Shadow on the canyon?

Huge creature... leaps on the canyon!!! Yes, let's stop here, too scary.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Drunk aunt's favorite game! Charades! Myriad of two ways. Or three!

Ah, french game! Rein like a reindeer! POINTS! Powered by friendship!

Rhett and Link and someone else. Loserville is nice... Worst clock ever.

Wax melting is fun! Sub concepts! Don't!!! Increase the shame threshold!

First question, breaking out in a cold sweat! I know about sports...

Piece of cake! Break the laws of maths! It's all about the cake! Boolean, perhaps?

Family tanning bed... Racism is over? Nailing this! Throwing things from the far place!

Shame has come... pulling the hair out! Progress! Twice! Beyonce from nowhere!

Very bad card... You know that hit! I don't hear no negativity... no. 1 in that country...

Depeche Mode... I forgot! Answer like fast as lightening... After Luc Besson hate/love...

Going for the win! Cut in line to the winning wall?! No trophies though.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


Little review for one thousand and one nights... for a great game.

Yeah, five tribes looks hard, and you can go really deep, but (almost like 7 wonders to me) it's simple to play... It has an intuitive mechanic. Like, seems convoluted but... intuitive!

Slave cards are blunt but they get the job done. You know what it is, right away. And (this is me being racist) that's why I like the idea of slave cards... yeah? Oh, well, helpers works too.

(Going to tangent mode here, when people get offended about mentioning slaves, saying like 'oh, it's very dark moment in our time and I don't want to remember it...' feels like a double standard because when people make joke about a 'touchy' subject the same people go angry about 'how we are belittling these people' or whatever and we want to get to our lives as well! Of course, there's who says using of slave in game is inappropriate and that see above basically.)

Bidding for first is weird but it's interesting. Good genie first is good.

Satine is not doing so well... Wil getting his thinking cap off.

Richard (or Lord English) sound so smart... Satine goes for the blues now.

Jenna creating a great joke! Lord getting viziers... like the variety of play!

That's a pun... oh god. Satine trying spices in Italian. Organized crime now!

The position of blue tiles is important... Efficiency! You can do it in both places!


Wil math dance later. Djinlandia!!!! Bombay and Tankeray???

Sean didn't buy you a drink? Sean! Really? He should had bought her a drink! It's been 2 seasons!

Oh you mafias... Scattering? Hoarding is Wil's thing!

I'm actually the evilest... Collecting things okay. Richard is close.

Jenna is just being crazy!!! Making no legal moves. Uh? WIL'S FIRST WIN AT SEASON 3!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Great disclaimer.

It was surprising that it was all women and then I realized they were the worst.

Interesting, I love the graphics. Horse is rich in nutrients.

Racist round later, heartbreaking. Two card is hard.

Aisha knows everything! Blow out your guts! That's good.

All the same guy, quite probable. Very nice. That's just truf.

Aisha is good. Very good. Only good for booze. Very likely choices.

That doesn't make sense... SHOOTING LASERS! And Laina wins!

Confident? Sadness. Great cuts.... great jokes. Nice, whiskey.

HELP!!! Let's manifest some s#!t! I'M A TIME LORD! That's it!

This is Aisha's game, though. Really. Always dick butt, why anything else.

In the sunglasses... That must be the winner. Tons of fun... uh, uh?

Cat pee is the expensive part. That must be the winner. Trying really hard!

Good Cop, Sniff Cop... oh no. Taste like Gulag and Borscht! Can't add croton. Ebola wins!

Show in Dallas, Aisha wins and story time. Interesting.

Laina is so pissed. Well, Aisha wins! That's was intended.

Thursday, March 5, 2015


No strategy, fantastic! Game's the thing??

Yes, metal version of the theme song... it must happen.

Great guests, high luck is fun for me!

Not comfortable... great artwork... and great animation!

Always attack Wil - First Rule of Tabletop!

Also good for reading comprehension. Wil is good?

Doesn't sound strong! Ganging up on Wil?

NOT much strategy but fun! Oh lovely!

Nefarious ploy and impotent rage! SO MANY SOUNDS!

NEW ROUND! Wild! Choose and perish! Beat odds, in here?

Everything is coming up WIL WHEATON! Again, great guests!

Again? Oh no. It is piss! Yes, DJ names. Got a snort!

Jonah is right, but he's hurting bad... Maybe not brilliant strategic...

Bad turn every time. Bilingual bell? 15! Massive duplication!!!

Wil about to die. Developed for months... Wil lose as obviously! That's interesting, I like that.

Now we make out... I'm really liking it! Falls all the time! Interesting.

Maybe not make voice when doing this game! Can't even be a sexist...

Emily, the hidden foe!!! Game lasted way too long. Good snacks.

At least this is a dead wizard's lounge, instead!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Whee! Another excited episode!

Dramatic intro... so poetic! Also done by Board with Life, but not linking here as I think it sucked.

Even the rule explanation is exciting! Dodger is beautiful and Grant & Ashley is beautiful too!

Game is exciting, look at all the production! Grant is such a liar!!

Dodger and Ashley is so good at camaraderie! Wil and its bad roll appears again!

Ashley's slight shaking... amazing! Food, food, food!!

Oh no! Grant is evil... She's in a DnD campaign? There's a sound I'm used to...

What's with that laugh??? The ninja is crazy! THE MORE YOU ROLL!

Dodger, the grand vizier from Alhambra? Accidentally psychological and cheating!

We do not trust Grant! That is very low morale! Wil might be paranoid?

Grant is really bad at this game!!! I think Wil is the betrayer?

Strangely stressful game... and maybe Ashley? Oh my god, that was the 3 food!

Wil's dice roll... another beautiful roll! Again, wonderfully escalated!


The game wins. It's been a long time... Man, brutal episode...

Thursday, February 5, 2015


(Oh, I'm excited for this one.)

Doctor Who this season... haha. Operating expense? Oh I've seen this...

Now I'm doubly excited, so Board with Life played this as well and it was awesome.

This feels a little boring after a while... but fun people, fun game...

I love those dice... it's good, it's already good.

He stole my fashion... so funny. It's a quiet show... Ford Expedition?

Butter turning DICK AND PICKLES returns! That's true...

Derek took quite a hit for the three truths. It's cheese season now?

Dick and Pickle... I didn't know... Okay, I knew. Earl of bread. Yes.

Another disrespect of the redhead! Tsk, tsk, Wil... tsk, tsk.

How many kind of bread? He does have a fetish... Dick bread wasn't just sausage.

Just Nottingham Science, just ask Sir Marytn. Very well played.

Adapt to the health standards... TAKE HER DOWN!!~!~!

There's the fight... Meredith vs Ashley in a bluffing game... Smoke damage.

Taking a rest... new sheriff. El Paso, Nottingham? Two... I forgot.

Deadhead butter.... Meat and Meat Pie. Pupil dilation reference. Derek with a good round.

Right, sometime honesty might get you somewhere... ONE COIN SWEAR TAX!

I have seen chicken feet necklace... Melanie is very generous! Wil is great liar, though...

Nottinglandtown... Margarine is for dicks... in Dicks & Pickle!

Melanie make so much mistakes... clearly, THA Pre-check!! Ew. Oh my...

Oh, the thinking cup, come back around? Love the comdary! NO CHEESE!

Life of crime is not cut out!!! We're scoring!!! CRIME DIDN'T PAY!!!

never really done it before... most incredible win? YAY ASHLEY!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


That was a very geeky intro... he's so happy...

minutiae, one of my favorite words... something something something...

Anne and Bonnie VANDALEYES!!! versus some variation of awesome.

This is very basic and yet very fun. Just pick up a kit?

Eight characters... Don't shame? 0.5 okay... Wow.

Going to the death... Shame points. Screaming points!

This was Kermit singing Sweet Home Alabama...

I skipped a lot... sorry, I guess I'm stickler in things, so I skipped a lot.

Sorry, game ruined the fun for me. 2 out of 5.

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Ooh, look at that wood...

I'll agree on the Legend of Zelda... soft agree.

The guest, I am excited. Oh, Wil... Jesse Cox? Not personal...

Back on anger head... No pact... Murder-Death List, wow.

Evil Wil to Nika? Bazaar! That was the best roll for Wil in this whole series.

Aggressively breed?? Oh, yeah... The traitor king speaks!

Cox blocking... Pushing babies? GET TO WORK, KID!

Owlbear math... I'm good? 1,2,3 That's a terrible roll! Good curse.

Wil on board. One wood and CURSED! Only one die... Chew down tree!

Nika is actually a rabbit. I REALLY NEED THIS AS EXTENDED!

Nika is a really good hunter... Wil gone. Look at all that medication.

Oh, great joke everyone. This is weird. This is getting weird. 3 6's and 1!

This episode is amazing... I must see the expansion! Maron was smart.

Jordan wins and Nika and Jesse second and Wil dead last. THIS IS ORDER.

Return of the porn couch? Always pretend. Contention for the best episode.