Thursday, March 5, 2015


No strategy, fantastic! Game's the thing??

Yes, metal version of the theme song... it must happen.

Great guests, high luck is fun for me!

Not comfortable... great artwork... and great animation!

Always attack Wil - First Rule of Tabletop!

Also good for reading comprehension. Wil is good?

Doesn't sound strong! Ganging up on Wil?

NOT much strategy but fun! Oh lovely!

Nefarious ploy and impotent rage! SO MANY SOUNDS!

NEW ROUND! Wild! Choose and perish! Beat odds, in here?

Everything is coming up WIL WHEATON! Again, great guests!

Again? Oh no. It is piss! Yes, DJ names. Got a snort!

Jonah is right, but he's hurting bad... Maybe not brilliant strategic...

Bad turn every time. Bilingual bell? 15! Massive duplication!!!

Wil about to die. Developed for months... Wil lose as obviously! That's interesting, I like that.

Now we make out... I'm really liking it! Falls all the time! Interesting.

Maybe not make voice when doing this game! Can't even be a sexist...

Emily, the hidden foe!!! Game lasted way too long. Good snacks.

At least this is a dead wizard's lounge, instead!!!

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