Saturday, September 3, 2016

Look at YouTube NextUp USA August 2016

(Warning: The comment below can be very mean. I'm sorry for any hard feelings. Seriously.)

This blog is not just about YouTube of the past, it's also about YouTube of the Future!

YouTube NextUp is running again and I think it's high time to see these new crops.

Amy Schmittauer - Well, we start with a meta channel. It's a channel about growing your internet audience... Backlogs goes 5 year and it's consistent. Person goes from looking like a teenager to being slightly drunk... I'm sorry, I'm being mean. It's okay. I just have an aversion to meta channels. They do feel like they are selling snake-oil, so... I get squirmishy but the channel is okay... it's okay.

Answers With Joe - Okay, looks old, looks really old.. not that it's a detriment. From Texas? Sure, started out a comedy movie maker and got into nerdfighteria I see, that's a plus. And eventually goes off into weird science, which is a little minus. Could be one way or the other. Little drowsy, but the explanation are clear so I won't give too much (Sure, I'm a mean first impression guy.)

backtrackvocals - Music channel. Specifically an acapella channel. They are dime-a-dozen and I can't really distiniguish good acapella from bad ones, so a free pass. Maybe there was some cast changes? Perhaps... I don't care about acapella that much, so good for them for being here.

Crystal Joy - Hey, I actually know this channel. She does animation a bit, mostly a typical vlog channel, didn't know was she was married, she looks 22 at best, and maybe she is... but striking that, there are quite well-produced and fresh... A lively character, that's always nice.

DIY Tyler - I've seen him somewhere. Pretty confident, little southern, that's my personal peeve, so don't worry about that. No fanciness, I think it's nice. Realness seems important in DIY, so approved.

Hannah Hoffman - More animation. It's crude, but intentional crude, it's a mid-2000s aesthetic, it's approatie for the topics, it feels hashed out, which most let's play are... herself... she's a Phan, that's makes me back away slowly, and her vlogs definitely shows the cynical yet poppy girl, but hey, there's a crowd for it ans she seems very much suited for that crowd. So good luck.

Joe Edelman - He's fun old... he's a exciting elder, you know those teachers that you feel happy going to his/her class and feels almost assured of a good education, but you are still excited. He's a portrait photogrpaher and a stellar one at that and yeah, if you are interested, make a take a look.

Joey Ahern - He's pretty funny, I guess. I don't feel like I want to get his humor... turns out he recently had a breakup with Meghan McCarthy, so he needs that bump... he will be fine. Not for me, though.

Kyla Laird - Ah, and it's a Black Beauty Youtuber... makes sense to a certain extent. Beauty in a sense was a gateway for minorities, think about Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty and there has been a lot of Black Beauty Guru showing up in a past couple years, kind of foretelling of how YouTube fills a niche that is needed, and Black Beauty is a certainly in a dire need of media attention, so there you go. As Beauty Gurus go, she's a very typical one, but hopefully she does carve out that niche...

Melissa Denise - Speaking of black beauty gurus... (told you there was lot of them!) she's more real, I think... she also touches of health so there's variety. I think her voice is more calming, so there's that.

MikeAndLaurenTV - Travel and finance is an interesting combination. That's fresh. I like it, It's a couple channel and the back-and-forth is very nice, reminds me of Casey and Candice in terms of how they are opposite of each other but they creates a complement and banter.

Natalie Barbu - Beauty personality really. She's coming up-er, like Kina Grannis where in the first year, she gains massive fame and her channel not about growing but keeping fame as it inevitably slips away. Seems to have good relations with others, so that's fun.

Nick Ferry - Another builder. Seems more fun than strictly educational. Seems to have a strong mind and it will be interesting to see how his channel grows. Never into this stuff, but hey...

PolymomoTea - Seems like a Korean YouTuber who makes little tiny stuff. COOL! I'm just impressed, like it's something I'm just in awe of. But overall it's a good channel.

Sensational Finds - We had a travel and finance and this a DIY and finance channel. Fascinating.

The Vegetarian Baker - Finally, a cooking channel and it's a baking a channel and it's by a very cute boy if I don't say that myself. I have no desire watch this channel, so I'll leave at that.

That's all the New York NextUp winner and now the LA winners.

Alli Cherry - Beauty with aesthetic. Seems to be a moody, millenial type of gal. Enjoying nature...

Andru Edwards - He's a good host. Fast mouth and good enunciation which is so important in technology channels. Seems to make a living out in the conventions as well, so good job.

Ashlee Marie Cakes - Again a baker or a Home Chef. Little bit of Patty Dean there... with that gusto.

AsianGlow - Oh, it's a male. And it's parody... that's long gone tradition. Well, thanks for keeping the light around... and also you do chereography. COOL. Yeah, keep doing that.

BrettLarkinYoga - Again, yoga channels are something that I feel creepy and this is no exception. She does seems to professional... going through all the stage of Yoga, whatever that is.

BriansThing - Oh, it's a saxophone cover channel. Cool... Yeah, I have liking to music cover channels but I don't have any criticism. Saxophonist are the silly ones usually, so eh.

Chris Commisso - Another music channel. I don't understand his music though, so pass.

Claire Ryann - She's three, from Utah... I will not say anything about this channel.

FlavCity with Bobby Parrish - That name makes me want to avoid channel completely. Also he's all-around cook and this personality is needed for cooking, so I'm peeved, but it's okay.

Freakin Rad - Ooh, VFX channel, we haven't had that in our list. Pretty standard stuff, little bit more work here and there but overall nicely done. It's presentable.

GoBillyKorean - Oh, Korean learning channel, I guess I'm the best to review this channel. But I get squirmish when I encounter Korean in unexpected places, so I'll pass.

Riley J. Dennis - Newly changed Riley is The One that I Know. This is our trans YouTuber. But Riley's much more than that... and I do believe Riley is pretty competent is all aspect, so yeah!

Keishanista - Here's the Black Female YouTuber from LA. Doesn't have much video as I thought and again not much I could say about this channel that I didn't say before, so next one...

Long Long Honeymoon - Yep, they seems like a traveler from Alabama. They are trying, oh man are they trying... but I think this is pretty untouched genre. (With reason I think... I'll stop here.)

Mr Otter Art Studio - Despite the name, they are two females. Art is well done and I don't know I kind of feel art is not paticular tutor-heavy subject so... I have no idea.

PictureFit - ASAP Science but with health and fitness. It's a derivation but it's well done enough to forgive. I actually don't prefer ASAP's work paticularly... I mean there are people who dig it, but really I want something more either in depth or in personality and I don't know...

Professor Dave Explains - He looks like he's comprehensive but like it's watered down. This teacher is for people who just want to get things done really. That might harshest criticism of them all.

Sierra Schultzzie - AND WE END WITH THE DEEP END. God I cannot say any farther.

Man, this group was significantly worse than those of New York. Yeah, it's a challenge.

I shouldn't post this. Oh well.

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