Thursday, December 8, 2016

10 Years: Bandgeek8408

This is not really a ten years recap blog much as an log of all the plot of Matt's work with some commentary. I think Matt might be the best reviewer on YouTube of his kind, so it's a look back.

Dorm Weirdness (Dec 8, 2006)
First video made by Matt. This was back in College, jeez. That's a long ago

Prologue/Tower of Babel (Jan 1, 2007)
Matt really likes Godspell, like there's four version of this song on the channel?

Re: Tuesday #2- Yay for nerds! (May 29, 2008)
This is the first vlog, according to Matt, even though there was video before

Friday #6 - Musical Stranger...emphasis on "strange" (Jun 27, 2008)
This is the first appearance of Matt in SPVH and the intro to ET, in proto form.

Friday . . . I mean, Thursday #20: Musing (Oct 2, 2008)
This is where Matt enters the SPVH effectively. Again, Matt was the only one who entered without permission, this is important somehow. Scrapbook is also how I create things.

Thursday #27: SHVP News, Thursday Edition (REUPLOAD 2) (Dec 14, 2008)
This is the first edition of SHVP News with Bobby Brimstone, Marty Fireand, and Samuel Baptist

Favorite Books Review #1: The Book Thief (Jan 19, 2009)
This is the first video review by Matt, starting his long-running Favorite Book Reviews.

Favorite Books Review #3: A Series of Unfortunate Events (Feb 19, 2009)
Month later, we have a intro. The review is haphazard like the book stack behind him, though.

Favorite Books Review #6: Number the Stars (Mar 2, 2009)
Change in the background and a pretty good review.

Favorite Books Review #9: Mary Called Magdalene (May 3, 2009)
New intro and booktube recommendation.

Thursday 49: 18 Themes in Under 5 Minutes (May 7, 2009) [one week break, non-count]
This is the beginning of one of my favorite character, many themes in one video man! I love him.

Favorite Books Review #10: Angels and Demons (May 9, 2009)
Favorite Books Review #15: Dear Mr. Henshaw (Aug 19, 2009)
The famous old vlogging setup. And then the bookshelf.

Thursday 59: Creepy . . . (Jul 16, 2009)
One of my favorite series in SHVP, it's the serenade trilogy! I don't why I like it... Good songs.

Friday 66: Behind the Scenes, with Friday (Sep 4, 2009)
So, Matt jumps to Friday in SHVP and what better intro than a Behind the Scene!

Sunday 70: Sigmund made me do it (Oct 2, 2009)
Part 2 of the serenade trilogy. This is my favorite? No, I think I like Jordan better.

Friday 74: Attack of the Clones (Oct 30, 2009)
Friday 75: Decepticon Awareness Week (Nov 6, 2009)
Friday 76: The Final Showdown . . . (Nov 13, 2009)
(deleted scenes)
Evil Twin Takeover, this is where the plot really begins. Not much to add here, just well done.

Favorite Books Review #26: Crime and Punishment (Feb 6, 2010)
Classic book and a new intro for the new year.

Friday 88: Lost . . . in the internet (Feb 5, 2010)
The second plotline in SHVP. The plot maybe silly, but the character interaction is brilliant.
Friday 89: Literary Romance (Feb 12, 2010)
Part Three of serenade trilogy and perhaps out of canon of this series, but again, it's good.
Friday 90: Crushes (Feb 19, 2010)
So the canon just pop here again. And Evil Twin is a great character and really shines here.
Friday 91: SHVP Olympics! (Feb 26, 2010)
There's lot of in-jokes in here, but it's okay, and there's plot progress so there's that.
Friday 92: Searching Google: A Story (Mar 5, 2010)
This is a reference to Google Stories ad that was pouring during early 2010, lot of parodies...
Friday 93: Riddle Me This! (Mar 13, 2010)
Introduction to the riddles in Matt's storyline, the riddle aren't hard to figure out, but it's fun.
Friday 94: ? (Mar 20, 2010)
Did you solve the riddle? First two is pretty easy, third is little harder but you can figure it out.
Friday 95: Fingertips, TMBG (Mar 27, 2010)
Matt is known for his music skill and the cover was excellently done. Also, there's the wand!
Friday 96: Peanut Butter and WHAT?!? (Apr 2, 2010)
I guess SHVP Eats is an yearly occasion I guess, but seriously the riddles isn't hard... at all.
Friday 97: Decidedly Un-rappy (Apr 9, 2010)
The rap week was postponed but that third riddle was explained, see not that hard of a riddle.
Friday 98: 24 hour rap (Apr 16, 2010)
The rap is not the best of Matt's work, but it's serviceable. Is the plot still going though?
Friday 99: So close... (Apr 23, 2010)
Background Singer #3 has a plan? Well, that's good news!
Friday 100!: It's Matt! No, really! No, really . . . (Apr 30, 2010)
Last of the song trilogy which is not a trilogy... I should have known... but it's okay, this is great.

Favorite Books Review #33: Matilda (Apr 25, 2010)
Books vs. Movies: An Introduction (Apr 29, 2010)
This is the start of main crutch of Matt's review... First season unrelated, so I'll give the gist below

Friday 101: Coming Soon . . . hopefully . . . (May 7, 2010)
This is actually well-involved series, but there's actually three concurrent series, so let's focus on Matt
Week 102 (May 14, 2010)
Friday 103: Discount Flashback Warehouse (May 21, 2010) Setting up the plot.
Friday 104: An Awesome Idea! (May 28, 2010)
Being a pretty big deal made Matt want to a collab channel. Third snark, I guess?
Friday 106: The Search Begins (Jun 4, 2010) [right on schedule now]
Friday 107 (Jun 11, 2010)
The plotlines start to appear, and Matt is still in the road, and framing device for a vlog.
Friday: A story from 3 locations (Jun 18, 2010) [Week 108]
Seems like people are jumping into 'reality'! This is all fun and good, but what's happening.
Friday: Three (Jun 25, 2010) [Week 109]
Friday: It was all a dream? (Jul 2, 2010) [Week 110]
Update of life, as that's the theme I think? But this is also a dream and the plot must continue.
To Be Continued... (Jul 9, 2010) [Week 111]
The Epic Finale of Epicness - Part 1 (Jul 17, 2010)
The Epic Finale of Epicness - Part 2 (Jul 17, 2010) [Week 112]
Evil Twin creates clones starting the evil clone saga and that multiple wands! Great ending.

Reviews of Shame: Disney's A Wrinkle in Time (Jun 24, 2010)
This is an interesting aside to the books vs movies, little of quieting audience and also writing.

Favorite Books Review #38: Jennifer Murdley's Toad (Jul 7, 2010)
I think this is a fun intro to include in this retrospective

Favorite Books Review #41: MWA-HA-HA-HA! (Aug 1, 2010)
What's with Bruce Colville and creative intros?

Episode 199: Books vs. Movies Favorite Review #42: Inception (Aug 7, 2010)
This is a great review and it's his first stab at elaborating genre mixing.

Why the Epilogue ISN'T Crap (VEDS 1) (Sep 1, 2010) This is VEDS 2010, truncated view...
Favorite Movies Review #1: V for Vendetta (VEDS 6) (Sep 6, 2010)
Reviews of Shame: The Lightning Thief (VEDS 13) (Sep 13, 2010)
(START HERE) Clone or Not? ROUND 1: Evil Twin or ET (VEDS 18) (Sep 18, 2010)
ET is not a clone and News Team is not as well. Background singer is, but beatbox is not. Moving on Many Themes in One Video Man, Matilda, and Future Matt is Matt. Matt Hatter is not a clone... yet!
Try to Remember (VEDS 28) Yeah, his cousin died of cancer a long time ago.

Friday: Another Boring Video (Oct 1, 2010) [Week 124]
Friday: Another one? (Oct 8, 2010) [Week 125]
Who's that at the door? (Oct 15, 2010) [Week 126]
Another clone spotted (Oct 22, 2010) [Week 127]
The Offer (Oct 29, 2010) [Week 128]
An Alliance? (Nov 5, 2010) [Week 129]
An Alliance with Quartus? (Nov 12, 2010) [Week 130]
An Alliance with Matt? (Nov 19, 2010) [Week 131]
A Confrontation with Secondus? (Nov 26, 2010) [Week 132]
Don't Call Me ET! Trailer (Dec 2, 2010) [Week 133]
A Message from Twin Prime (Dec 10, 2010) [Week 134]
Evil clone is finally introduced, A twin, mastermind, simpleton, watcher, spook, defector, lackey...

fiveawesomegirls: The End of an Era (Dec 24, 2010) [Week 136]
5AG will be something I would review as for the perennial 10 year celebration! Also, the end.

Favorite Books Review #48: Ella Enchanted (Dec 29, 2010)
New set, and a book that come later as a Book vs Movies and 76 is the target!

Books vs Movies Season 1
#1: Matilda (May 4, 2010) - Split into three parts - Book wins
#2: Freaky Friday (May 18, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (switch?)
#3: Wizard of Oz (May 27, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (technical tiebreak, song)
#4: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Jun 6, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins
#5: Wayside (Jun 9, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#6: Time Traveler's Wife (Jul 27, 2010) - three parts - Book wins (Dramatic, much?)
#7: To Kill a Mockingbird (Aug 16, 2010) - three parts - Book wins (tiebreaker)
#8: A Little Princess (Aug 28, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#9: Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Sep 14, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#10: The Princess Bride (Oct 11, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (figment joke)
#11: Holes (Oct 29, 2010) - ONE PART - Book wins (ridiculous hat)
#12: V for Vendetta (Nov 5, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins (With Jesse)
#13: Oz Sequel (Dec 10, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins
#14: The Prestige (Dec 15, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins (With Evil Twin & #3)
#15: The Christmas Carol (Dec 24, 2010) - Three parts - Book Wins

The Alliance - 1 (Nov 1, 2010) This is a choose your adventure [to 12, 7, 2]
The Alliance - 2 (Nov 2, 2010) Secondus was expecting him... [to 3, 6]
The Alliance - 3 (Nov 3, 2010) Banished! [to 15, 10]
The Alliance - 4 (Nov 4, 2010) Back to Yukon [Sad ending!]
The Alliance - 5 (Nov 5, 2010) It's his apartment? [to 17, 18]
The Alliance - 6 (Nov 6, 2010) Phone and a voice mail... [to 14, 9]
The Alliance - 7 (Nov 7, 2010) He's been expecting... [to 10, 11, 20]
The Alliance - 8 (Nov 8, 2010) Tertius thinks it's all easy [to 4]
The Alliance - 9 (Nov 9, 2010) Having fun? Nowhere to go... [to 15, 10]
The Alliance - 10 (Nov 10, 2010) Running and he sees something [to 5, 18]
The Alliance - 11 (Nov 11, 2010) Quartus makes an offer [to 19, 23]
The Alliance - 12 (Nov 12, 2010) No sir-ee! Matt is not talking. [to 10, 16, 22]
The Alliance - 13 (Nov 13, 2010) Tied up in the tangle [Good ending]
The Alliance - 14 (Nov 14, 2010) Welp [to 17, 18]
The Alliance - 15 (Nov 15, 2010) It's a mystery [to 26, 16, 8, 5, 11]
The Alliance - 16 (Nov 16, 2010) There's Sextus? [to 25, 24]
The Alliance - 17 (Nov 17, 2010) Banished! and Banished by Tertius [to 4]
The Alliance - 18 (Nov 18, 2010) Back to the start [to 2, 7, 12]
The Alliance - 19 (Nov 19, 2010) Make do [to 2, 12, 17]
The Alliance - 20 (Nov 20, 2010) Quartus has a wand!!! [to 26]
The Alliance - 21 (Nov 21, 2010) Prime pleads for an alliance [to 27, 28]
The Alliance - 22 (Nov 22, 2010) Don't need no alliance... [to 26]
The Alliance - 23 (Nov 23, 2010) Thought so highly of you... [to 26]
The Alliance - 24 (Nov 24, 2010) Desire? and beaten! [to 4]
The Alliance - 25 (Nov 25, 2010) Do you, Evil Twin? [to 30, 21]
The Alliance - 26 (Nov 26, 2010) He's now at Quintus's house, OH NO! [Bad ending!]
The Alliance - 27 (Nov 27, 2010) That was not good... [to 26]
The Alliance - 28 (Nov 28, 2010) He cannot be trusted [to 13, 29]
The Alliance - 29 (Nov 29, 2010) People are safely hidden [Okay ending.]
The Alliance - 30 (Nov 30, 2010) Let's not talk about this... [Uncertain ending]

Matt Hatter's Top 10 Favorite Movies (Jan 3, 2011) For reference.

What's All The Fuss About? #100: Ben-Hur (Jan 15, 2011) Start of a new series.

Top 15 Most Likable Villains in Visual Media (with Matt's Evil Twin) (Jan 24, 2011)
Evil Twin is a pretty good reviewer!

Evil Twin Intervenes (Feb 6, 2011)
2011's steam ran out pretty quick and so Matt Guion need an evil twin to persuade him. Oh well.

Returning to bandgeek8408 . . . (Mar 4, 2011) Let Season 2 Begin! (Everything ex. Beauty & Beast)

Books vs. Movies Review: The Little Mermaid (Mar 8, 2011)
#16... and Matt is not here? And I forgot Matt hates The Little Mermaid, and there is this person who goes to watch every single review of Little Mermaid and vitriolically defending them! Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Catcher in the Rye (Apr 1, 2011) Good April fools joke.

The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 1 (May 2, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 2 (May 3, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 3 (May 4, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 4 (May 5, 2011)
Books vs. Movies Review: Twilight (May 4, 2011)
#17: This is where it gets interesting and I know this isn't the point of the series but I really this twist comparing bad adaptation of bad novels. There should be more, but for health's sake... Movie wins.

Being a Better YouTuber (May 15, 2011) 2011 intro and start of 31 days challenge.
Movie Review: The Social Network (2010) (Review #1) (May 16, 2011)
Book Review: Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (May 17, 2011)
Expectations (Review #3) (May 18, 2011)
Favorite Movies Review #6: The Sandlot (1993) (Review #4) (May 19, 2011)
WATFA? The Lost 23: (#99) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? (Review #5) (May 20, 2011)
Top 10 Underrated Musicals (Review #6 & 7) (May 22, 2011)
Scotty just appears...  Perhaps 31 review leads to a rift... Also, Editor deemed as the web reviewer...
The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom (Review #8) (May 23, 2011)
Matt with a ponytail, Matt's classic look, least for me.
Book Review: Devilish, by Maureen Johnson (Review #9) (May 24, 2011)
Stage Justification (Review #10) (May 25, 2011) This is put into vlog.
Trailer Review (Kinda): Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (Review #11) (May 26, 2011)
What's All The Fuss About? #98: Yankee Doodle Dandy (Review #12) (May 27, 2011)
Top 10 Most Overrated Musicals (Reviews #13 & 14) (May 29, 2011)
Scotty got his name and intro, and do not have an Scottish accent. Pretty good.
Movie Review: On Stranger Tides . . . with CodedLockFilms! (Review #15) (May 30, 2011)
First of many split screen Jesse-Matt reviews, which is entertaining to look at.
Shows I've Done #1: Annie Warbucks (Review #16) (Jun 1, 2011) It might be out of sync.
Mythology (Review #17) (Jun 2, 2011)
Book Review: Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began (Review #18) (Jun 3, 2011)
Books vs. Movies Review: Where the Wild Things Are (Review #19 & 20) (Jun 5, 2011)
#18: Matt is going wild and the review is fine. Three Round review and Movie wins.
Imagination (Review #21) (Jun 9, 2011) Regular Scottish Hatter... Wait? The date...
Favorite Movies Review #7: Alice in Wonderland (1951) (Review #22) (Jun 10, 2011) Trilogy begin.
Shows I've Done #2: Alice in Wonderland, the Musical (Review #23) (Jun 11, 2011)
Movie Review: Alice in Wonderland (2010) (Review #24) (Jun 12, 2011)
Broadway Junior: A Rant (Review #25) (Jun 13, 2011)
Review of Future Reviews (Review #26) (Jun 14, 2011) (Notice phone convo, good to fake)
You missed five days. Fun to peer, though. (Also, remember when Netflix was a mail service?)

Books vs. Movies Review: Alice in Wonderland (Jun 24, 2011) (Cassie's persona showing?)
#19: This is a very tight review and Scotty went to wonderland to break that tie. Movie wins!

Books vs. Movies (vs. Musicals) Review: The Secret Garden (Jul 8, 2011)
#20: Cassie enters in this three way review and upstart win by Musical... but Movie gets the point.

Books vs. Movies Review: Coraline (Jul 31, 2011)
#21: This might the least  derive from the original ... but the plotline is continuing. Movie wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (Aug 13, 2011)
#22: Cassie wants book to win... and Hatter is in run and still Movie wins. Cassie is still here.

Magical Transporting Coffee Cup! (Aug 27, 2011)
Mug is a great plot device and it really does wonders. Anyway not showing the other parts.

Ask Matt's Evil Twin Questions . . . NOW! (Aug 29, 2011)
Matt's Evil Twin Answers Your Questions (Aug 30, 2011)

Are you watching closely? (Aug 31, 2011) Answer is VEDS and other stuff.

Books vs. Movies Review: The NeverEnding Story (VEDS #13) (Sep 13, 2011)
#23: Hatter is suck into a book, and used the fact that he's in Vidcon (cramped one) Book wins!

From Stage to Screen: The Music Man (Oct 16, 2011)
This is a new series that will come more... later. More dueling persona is more fun, too!

Books vs. Movies Review: Harry Potter (yes, really) (Oct 31, 2011)
#24: Might be the most hasty review of the second series and Amish Dumbledore appears, but okay... This is where we have the split of the persona, we remember four are already mentioned. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Watchmen (Dec 5, 2011)
#25: The split has occurred. Four person evil persona review of awesome. Good review. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Animal Farm (Dec 21, 2011)
#26: In the timeline, this is happening concurrently. This is a light review for this series. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Peter Pan (Jan 12, 2012)
#27: TIEBREAK! Three adaptations and a double agent? Now that's a review. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Tuck Everlasting (Jan 27, 2012)
#28: There's NO GIMMICK... let's repeat, NO GIMMICKS. Book wins. (There's a gimmick)

Books Vs. Movies: Behind the Scenes (Jan 28, 2012)
This is good reference but there's is a secret...
Secret Video 1 (Dec 8, 2012)
Secret Video 2 (Dec 8, 2012)
Secret Video 3 (Dec 8, 2012)
People were changing in the background. This is very important.

Ultimate Recommendation Book Club: The Book Thief, Prologue (Feb 2, 2012)

To Be Continued . . . (Part 1) (Feb 9, 2012)
To Be Continued . . . (Part 2) (Feb 14, 2012)
Nice gimmick in the middle and good discussion of a topic.

Books vs. Movies Case #29: Who Censored/Framed Roger Rabbit? (Mar 2, 2012)
#29: Matt's personal favorite and it shows. This is a perfect marriage, theme and review. Movie wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Bible vs. Jesus Christ Superstar (Apr 1, 2012) Again...

Movie Review: Memento (Apr 4, 2012)
Memento is something you just want to emulate, and good emulation it is.

From Stage to Screen: Godspell (Apr 6, 2012)
This is really good review and I did talk about his love for this musical. Also plot in the end.

What's All The Fuss About? Recap: AFI and Lost 23 #91-100 (Apr 14, 2012)
Little bit of recap and also some plot in the end, it would come later.

Movie Review Double Feature: Rashomon (1950) and Vantage Point (2008) (May 23, 2012)
This is a good look at a classic and some remake of it... it's pretty decent and some story.
What happened? (Dec 8, 2012)
Reg's Story (Dec 8, 2012)
ET's Story (Dec 8, 2012)
The Background Singers' Story (Dec 8, 2012)
Review Security Footage, May 23, 2012 (Dec 8, 2012)
Editing Matt's Dream (Dec 8, 2012)
There's YouTube code hidden in 8, those lead them to other social media sites and you get the clues
1 (hat - King of the Web) - Vital, 2 (said - Bandcamp) - Knows 3 (text - twitter) - Accident
4 (TV - VYou) - Disloyal 5 (board - Tumblr) - Isn't 6 (Security - Dailybooth) - Suspects
7 (kindle - Goodreads) - Is 8 (dream - YouTube) Red Herring Along with tumblr clues and dream...
7,5,1,3,4,6,2,8 Reg, Scotty, Hatter, Hoodie, Obvious, Editing, ET, Amish Dumbledore... add it all up,
Reg is [the source] Scotty isn't [real] Hatter vital [to the mission] Hoodie Accident [self-explantory] Obvious disloyal [Deus - does whatever] Editing suspects [is this rift bad?] ET knows [he knows] Amish Dumbledore red herring [he seems important but he's not] That's some complicated stuff.

Bargain Bin Reviews! Beauty and the Beast (1987) (May 26, 2012) [WITH CAPTAIN OBVIOUS]
The biased white hoodie guy does his mark with this terrible movie... perhaps for BvM review?

Books vs. Movies the Musical!: Faerie Tales vs. Disney (Act One) (Jun 11, 2012)
Books vs. Movies the Musical: Faerie Tales vs. Disney, Act Two (Jun 12, 2012)
Books vs. Movies the Musical: Faerie Tales vs. Disney, Act Three (Jun 13, 2012)
Cassie brings Pretentious Director and there's Jeffery and The Singing Guy and Jerry as well!
#30: Grand Finale of Season 2, not a lot happens on this one. Anyway Movie wins, so a tiebreak.

Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: Matilda vs. Matilda (Jun 28, 2012)
The redux series! Cassie plotline is shutdown but not without passing on the baton, so to say.
Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Jun 30, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: The Wizard of Oz (Jul 7, 2012)
Back to the nostaglic stage and Season 3 preview. [Missing Reviews: Shawshank (37?) Aladdin? Howl's Moving Castle? Tangled? Freedom Writers? Fairy Tale Theater? (It?)

From Stage to Screen: The Fantasticks (Oct 30, 2012)
This is a good review and did Scotty disappear? And there's biased hoodie guy making his mark.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Fellowship of the Review (Nov 2, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Two Trolls (Nov 12, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Return of the Hat (Nov 17, 2012)
I love how the round 1 basically ended before the review began! There's also Scotty as a voice. Haberdasher's name is revealed. Round 2! Done at home and seven persona have been revealed. Round 3 is passed and Haberdasher & Secondus does the Round 4. Jesse as Gollum is top notch. Captain obvious pops out of nowhere. Scotty is acting weird. Round 5 quickly commences, yikes. Haberdasher acts as Scotty... because he's fictional! One and Two does Round 6 banishing them. Round 7 comes quite quickly, Just what he needs to be... Lot of good camera angles in this part. Battle scene and the characters... Scotty? That long ending scene as round 9 is genius Movie wins.

The Situation - 1 (Nov 16, 2012) 1, 4, 6 discuss the bomb. [2 or 3]
The Situation - 2 (Nov 16, 2012) 2 did not. It can't 5 [4 then 5 or 6]
The Situation - 3 (Nov 16, 2012) 4 is disarmed and 5 did not do it. [9 or 10]
The Situation - 4 (Nov 16, 2012) 7 did not. Disarmed.  [7 or 11]
The Situation - 5 (Nov 16, 2012) 7 did not and left. [8 then 16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 6 (Nov 16, 2012) It's the same as 11 or something [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 7 (Nov 16, 2012) It's just the last part of vid2. [13 or 14]
The Situation - 8 (Nov 16, 2012) It's a good idea??? [20 or Bad ending]
The Situation - 9 (Nov 16, 2012) 3 is not making any sense [12 or 15 or 13]
The Situation - 11 (Nov 16, 2012) Did 6 do it or not? I'm confused [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 12 (Nov 16, 2012) Unnecessary but necessary one. [20 or ending]
The Situation - 13 (Nov 16, 2012) Did 3 do it or not? [8 then 16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 14 (Nov 16, 2012) It's pretty much the same thing.. [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 15 (Nov 16, 2012) Kind of a concentrated version [16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 16 (Nov 16 2012) Yeah, hotshot, Bad ending [Bad ending]
The Situation - 17 (Nov 16, 2012) Good guesswork. [Good ending]
The Situation - 18 (Nov 16, 2012) We're going now... [Neutral ending]
The Situation - 19 (Nov 16, 2012) EVACUATE [Neutral ending]
The Situation - 20 (Nov 16, 2012) DISARM [Good ending]

Shows I've Done #4: Arsenic and Old Lace (Dec 4, 2012)
https:// Just a good old Scottish theater review of a three-part comedy and killing people. 32?

Games Of My Childhood: Myst (Dec 8, 2012) Arcana the Wizard and he reviews video games and it's high time! 33?

Project for Awesome 2012: The WikiMedia Foundation (Dec 17, 2012)
document/d/ This is the P4A video but it's also a review of sort. Editing Matt does that. 34?

Review of Shame (x3): I Am Legend (Dec 21, 2012)
End of the World and Hatter is from the future reviewing something bad. Reg and Editor and Deus This future hasn't happened yet and it would take YEARS before we reach this stage, I think...? Review of Shame is for a shameful three part adaptation of the first real zombie novel... Scotty?

Books vs. Movies Review: The Incredible Journey (Jan 5, 2013)
Long awaited review #32 - The review is getting ridiculous. Short review, Scotty! Movie wins.

BG8408 News: 2013 (Jan 17, 2013)
Bobby, Marty and Samuel is here again! This is just a bunch of promise. Not the time. Skip the Doc.

Books vs. Movies Review: Matt Guion (Apr 1, 2013) Another April. ET?

TV Episode Review: "All Good Things . . ." (Jun 5, 2013)
Evil Twin is filling the television, mindless crap? Seems to the perfect fit! Also there's good story.

BG8408 News: Exclusive Interview (Aug 8, 2013)
The news is back! Special interview for all that hiatus. Cassie reveal is good! Not the time.

Previously on bandgeek8408 . . . (Jan 28, 2014)
This is good recap... because like you need it. Just skip to here!

Doctor Who, a Review; Episode 1: Variations . . . (Feb 6, 2014)
Apartment is a TARDIS! This is very much a thematic series, which is very nice.

Books vs. Movies Review: Frankenstein (Feb 10, 2014)
The reviews keep rolling with #33 - and what's with the reviewers? Book wins. Not the time.

Books vs. Movies Review: Psycho vs. Psycho (Nov 6, 2014)
#34 and Deus does well, really well actually. Scary, don't you think? Movie wins. Scotty?!

Books vs. Movies Review: Misery (Apr 29, 2015)
#35 and Reg appears again! And they are trapped, because... duh! Finally the time! Book wins.

12 Books vs. Movies Considerations (May 5, 2015)
Let's consider and start the exhibits... Here's Exhibit A (May 5, 2015)

10 Books vs. Movies Reviews We Will Never Do (May 15, 2015)
This is very much needed video. Exhibit B is also here.

When Is A Musical No Longer a Musical? (May 18, 2016)
Good discussion, Scotty... but really I'm here for Exhibit C.

Prologue/Tower of Babble" by the Reviewing Personas. (Aug 27, 2016)
Is this the fourth time this has been covered some way? Geez, I told you he loves this song.

VEDS! and stuff (Sep 1, 2016)
VEDS returns to main channel and altogether after 3 years? Deus and ET making videos...
Five-minute Friday: Books vs. Movies (VEDS 2) (Sep 2, 2016)
Games of My Childhood: Companions of Xanth (VEDS 3) (Sep 3, 2016)
The video reviewing series returns! And what a glorious return!
VEDSies, Challenge, and Shoutouts (VEDS 4) (Sep 4, 2016)
Two challenges! (VEDS 5) (Sep 5, 2016)
Little bit of housekeeping this time. VEDS have lot of housekeeping, this make video ideas easier.
Five Fantasies (VEDS 6) (Sep 6, 2016) One challenge done!
Top 10 Favorite Musicals (VEDS 7) (Sep 7, 2016)
Long form video today (and tomorrow) and this is fairly easy to guess.
Canon (VEDS 8) (Sep 8, 2016)
Sixties were great for franchises, Doctor Who and then Star Trek! Exhibit D and more plot.
blarg (VEDS 9) (Sep 9, 2016) Last-minute housekeeping, but that skip made the rest so on point.
Six-minute Saturday: Punk music (VEDS 10) Extra minute for extra day!
The Story (VEDS 11) (Sep 11, 2016) First poem for an auspicious September occasion.
Tragic Heroes (VEDS 12) (Sep 12, 2016) Two challenges done!
Back to the Future Reboot (VEDS 13) (Sep 13, 2016) Three challenges done!
Four-Chord Song Challenge (VEDS 14) (Sep 14, 2016) FOUR challenge done!
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child discussion with CodedLockFilms (VEDS 15) (Sep 15, 2016)
Q&A Part 1: Personas (Sep 16, 2016) Questions for Personas!
Another Short One (VEDS 17) (Sep 17, 2016) Again, a short break.
From Stage to Screen #5: Into the Woods (VEDS 18) (Sep 18, 2016)
Again, an old series dredged up again because let's face it, we need this. Scotty is gone...
This video does not exist (VEDS 19) (Sep 19, 2016) Exhibit E
Q&A Part 2: General Matt questions (VEDS 20) (Sep 20, 2016) OUT OF CANON!
Auditory Storytelling (VEDS 21) (Sep 21, 2016) Exhibit F Where did that happen before?
Top 10 Favorite Musicals That I Haven't Seen (VEDS 22) (Sep 22, 2016)
This is the second list, because Scotty like to do pair... that's not Scotty! Why is Deus here?
Five-Minute Friday: Storytelling Classification (VEDS 23) (Sep 23, 2016)
The Art of Letter Writing, with Cassie Greenlee (VEDS 24) (Sep 24, 2016)
Cassie, now married?, also it's the time Cassie showed in VEDS for a certain project.
Updates and Reminders (VEDS 25) (Sep 25, 2016) Again... update is good.
Bargain Bin Review: Doctor Who, the Movie (VEDS 26) (Sep 26, 2016)
Long time no see and Doctor Who returns... And this is also Exhibit G
Doctor Who, A Review: ...On a Theme (VEDS 27) (Sep 27, 2016)
Next on a Doctor Who thematic review, REGENERATION! And also plot and Exhibit H
The Visit (VEDS 28) (Sep 28, 2016) Second poem for an auspicious September occasion.
Games of My Childhood: The Super Solvers series (VEDS 29) (Sep 29)
Video game reviews are now a thing now? What? What? And Also... Exhibit_I 
Hatter - Reason, Reg - Analysis, Scotty - Imagination, Editor - Context, Arcana - Accountability
Background Singers? - Passion, Haberdasher - Bias, Deus - X Factor, and that is clue that you get.
Five-minute Friday: Web-based Storytelling (VEDS 30) (Sep 30)
Editing Clone is obviously doing Web-based reviews as you expected, but where does he go?
VEDS, a Reflection (VEDS 31) (Sep 31)
#36... spoilers I guess. Yes, no rounds... necessarily, but still Exhibit J and Book won and... oh no.

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