Monday, July 30, 2012

Antebellum NC Part 2

Superman: So here it comes again. Linkara is back and so am I for part 2. As Linkara steal and Nostalgia Critic un-steal it, we go through the crappy intro and corrupt investor to SPACE! Owl? TALKING IN SPACE! TIMING! Sub-plot and Rupert Murdoch? Fall in love with... Nuclear War! Teaching moment! Very sappy and Elders and a stupid plot point...BETRAYED! Paste-in flying scene + and the memory-erasing kiss? Cheap. Even the UN have to move to Metropolis! But before that, Goodbye Jeremy! Oh God... It's the UN scene... weird. Failure of the Politics! Lex and Jon Cryer, who should not be spoken. Physic go out the window as nuclear and hair strength becomes arbitrary to hedge clippers. Partly Cloudy is burning my eye! Sun= Nuclear bomb in this universe... strange. A man is borne in the Sun... now that's comedy! And speaking of comedy... actually never speak of comedy again. BLAM. Green villain! A burst? Struggle as you might. Wall-repairing abilities! Aging... and pointless moment. Don't make me yell... or I'll do an slo-mo fight! BREATHING IN SPACE! Moon is out of its orbit? Just... didn't want it enough. BAT CREDIT CARD! what? A good crossover....
Congo: Nostalgia Critic goes gorillas! What store... Lion King? Ah, Bruce Campbell. And the wife dying of cancer... oh wrong story, You took out my eye! After exposition, we see Not-Quite-Steve and his Not-Mr.-Ed seeing that Not-Mr.-Ed is drawing a Jungle. And Tim Curry. Tickle me? More weirdness... Tickle-Me-Amy is sick... Group of unlikely ragtag goes to Congo. New government? Tea party ruined, plane ruined, movie ruined. Call it off? Shouting at TV screen is a solution to everything. Mating season... Ack! Leech in... parts. Bruce Campbell is mostly dead or all dead. Draw an eye! Ferngully... Hungry Nugry Hippos! Whatever. Accent Orgasm! or a Tuna Barf! These gorilla are so gentle. and Hurt. So much Hurt. And a Laser Gun! NO control. Hey, where's my reception? Amy? Amy? Aaaaaammmmyyyyy? End.
Siskel and Ebert: Such lovely duos, mentioned few times here and best-loved critics. Began in 1975 and wow. 80's opening! Bad jokes intelligence. Burns aglore. Animaniacs and Critic. Congo is supposedly made to be funny...? I was frozen today! Oh, Siskel... replacement is not on par. And the Bad Joke... Roeper and Ebert sadly left and not much happen. Siskel and Ebert the people to be admired.
Judge Dredd: Ooooh... movie recently remade. Perfect timing! Clever segway into the movie. Rollover, always a bad sign. Rob Schinder? Off to a bad start. Stallion with a codpiece? Okay. Double Whammy... Lounge music. Spit out twenty years. Comedy moment. Fargo... TIMING! Two wire apart. I read the script. Sex hotline computer? Anyway, Dredd goes to prison with... Rob Schinder and Fargo(Ya) goes for the Long walk... Bad guys comes and go and Fargo is here for the plot point and dies. Lightning later, Rob Schinder uses annoy attack! Fire comes from the other side? What... crap blow up! Hot Asian scientist? Rob is dead! Law? Windows Vista... Liberty? Sunny day? Dead End... Cheese is pleasure. Muxical is actually planned...
Tank Girl: Again, a comic movie that suck... Lawrence of Arabia by a whiny girl. Drawing? Hook-up and drawing later. McDowell again? Smash and Aquafina is people. Drawing again? Flirt later, Blow up! And yak is gone. Witty comeback and Baywatch? Naomi Watts? Lesbian ki... drawing again? SHAFT! Miss... Cats... I was Frozen Today. Now that 's a reference. What is this? Vanilla Sky operation, pedophile and Crow dead. Sing? Um, where are we? Scrawny Starving Children Moment! Giant Kangaroo... with Ice-T? Waste later, roasting a hotdog? Rap? D... you know. Improvise! Parachute... not what... strings. And hologram face. good. Drowning Girl Cam happen more than once.? Happy Happy Joy Joy... this review.
Jack Frost: Christmas again. So, cheesy movie roll in. People like this? Oh well, that explains... Doug Walker in Entrepreneur Magazine... Back to Snow day? What is this Pete and Pete.? That's good! No? Still Jack Frost... No, he's not good. Just do it! Quality waste time. Yeah, that's... more filler later, Magic Harmonica. Oh, Batman. Awful Music and gig later, standard plot happens and he died or something? Cheer up, Charlie... plot point not seen. Filler... And... Snow Hurl! Creepy... Chained Superman with a Batman Head? More Filler! Why a snowman? Is it unoringinal? Why... Snow fight later, what? Endanger people's life. And a giant snowball. Oh good. Still dirty. Nice joke, there. Scare and no fun! Who knew? Hard time convincing there... Charlie? That reaction is beautiful. Cabin... okay. Hallmark again. Come on up! Things and Vicodin and beam me up, Scotty! Frank Capra and Scenery is good. And this review.
He-Man Christmas Special: Oh He-Man knock on the door again. Gay joke we abstain, purple is good. Yeah. Oh,Orco. Big Deal. Scotch Tape Belt and She-Ra. non-blowing space-breathing Earth? Is it the movie? Who are... whatever. Angel? Get out, religion! Technical plot later, pain! Monster and What is Unicorn smoking? Bubbles came here? Easy! What's the anything about him is unknown. Oh it's Grinch. Eh,It's better most Christmas song out there. Frozen again. Oh my... Mega Man. Toy plug! Skeletor's Jewish? Huge Battle commence! Best line ever. Is he the Joker at the end? Review coming...
Christmas Top 11 Again: But not yet. 11- Elf is flat sometime but Ferrell is great. 10- Garfield Special has its charm. 9- Polar Express in 3D is just made classic. Book was better 8- Blackadder's Christmas Carol is the inverse Christmas Carol what a great concept! Only by Blackadder. 7-Gremlins is the unlikely Christmas movie for when Christmas feel cheesy. So watch it. 6- Nativity, of course. spirituality is a block but... I should has guessed Twilight director might make a good movie out of it. 5-Pinky and the Brain, what not to like. I like Invader Zim better, though. 4- All in the Family: Draft Dodger is for awkward at its max. Controversial but funny on the side. 3- Joyous Noel is of course a very heartwarming true story... I only saw an animated version but a great true story. 2-Snowman, a classic. 1- Die Hard is another unlikely Christmas movie but it works. The christmas spirit is there, and... you want to watch it. You WANT to watch it. So make this an excuse and watch it.
Star Wars Holiday Special: So, this is the last one and as we see... where are you going? Oh yes, Holiday Special did exist, though not by George Lucas but in canon. Stock footage and banter and of course Life Day. Chewbacca has a family? No subtitle? Absolute Torture. Now next scene... Is this the Opening Ceremony? Oh, Hamill... cooking show with and not gonna even... no. Sci-fi action! What is Life-day? Back to Wookie. Art Carney... oh god. WoW? Matrix! What is this? Get me out of here! Now C3PO and... whatever. Oh, stormtroopers. Good. Music video? Cartoon and where... whatever. Boba Fett's first appearance... yes. This is where Boba Fett came from. Instruction video? Yes. Every single step! Life on Tatooni(?) with Bea Arthur. This might be actually a Harvey Korman Special that had a Star Wars flavor. With Bea Arthur. When the plot disappears and Wookie Party?! Ohhhhhh... Of course we end with a song.
And we end with Santa Christ! Best character that Nostalgia Critic might have ever created.
Ernest Saves Christmas: Okay, one more. But, only because it's the last episode of 2009 and next episode is Schwarzenegger month and I'm excited. So here it goes. After complaining as always. Cola-Cola advert... misleading? Sultan as Santa? Awesome! Everyone has a Santa-o-Pun-meter, Critic. Name is fine. But the Cab game is marketable. Keep Christ? Oh Christ? Eye squiggle and throne of lies. Be famous... oh god. This is where the autism joke came in, I know Nostalgia Critic has bad taste in joke so I forgive for going too far. Sometime you have to take it there, I know. I have Assburgers. Anyway, the joke gone the plot dictates us the Charlie Jeff is the Santa Claus! And Bourdain is the villain. Oh good.  bada$$ Santa. Adopted a 80's chick! Pummel later, shoot first. Zuul! Children's Soul! Acid for blood... wow. Sack. Trapped in a heating system. Oh great. Government is stupid, 80's kid. Disguise again? Come to Santa! Sci-fi Christmas film. Idiot. How did you... No Thanks... Lollipop Guild... for David Lynch? Let ride the sieigh, miltary hates Jack Skeleton. We're the producer. We're the gods! Turn back the clock or hit Superman. Python end? Ernest is a guilty pleasure for everyone.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tangent: Olympic ceremonies

As the Olympic opening ceremonies is today, I'll go back at look at past Olympic opening ceremonies.
1896: A jolly affair that was cordial at best. Olympic hymn was nice, though.
1908: Controversy at the parade of nation... off to a running start.
1912: The first big ceremony as it were and seeing the circumstances... it was really nicely made. Big fanfare, and the demonstrations. All expertly made. 
1920: Nice theme of WWI with solidier and all that. Flag looked smashing and the doves gave a good touch to those lost in WWI.
1924: Similar to the last one. What a knockoff.
1928: Flame and smoke look so active, and the air plays were sketchy but admirable.
1932: Was the first one to have audio and it look quite nice. The ceremonies are getting better...
1936: For one thing, Nazi did sure know how to put a parade, and to redeem themselves to the world, lot of clear-up extravagant ceremonies like the torch relay and anything else, really. The benchmark to stand our future Olympics. 
1948: It was nice to take the modest route, for London had not much. But for what it gave, it was spectacular and well done. (Are you listening, Danny Boyle?)
1952: Plenty of surprise in this ceremony, Nurmi, German Women ransacking the podium... interesting affair. 
1956: Stockholm- great tribute to the 1912 Olympics.  Melbourne- Good reaction to the Stockholm event.
1960: Established the many finesse of the Olympics, but actual ceremony felt short. 
1964: Does it take an Asian to make a ceremony to an art form? Yes. Balloons and airplanes made the opening ceremony, a cultural event as well athletic one.
1968: Overcrowded stadium lead to balloon and pigeons in the last 'functional' opening ceremony.
1972: It's Germany who embrace the Olympics and made the art form that it is today. Although it didn't interrupted the proceedings, it still gave a nice show.
1976: Come on, transmitted Olympic torch? Still unfinished stadium? Not a good ceremony at all.
1980: Moscow had the full intention of going all the way. Yeah! I mean this sets the massive art piece that is the Olympic opening ceremony.
1984: The challenge to the 1980 Olympics, this one I said... um... maybe over did it a little without many substances... I know... just I felt 80's is just too much crap sometimes...
1988: Of course Seoul brings it a another level, as the act becomes an act, which leads to 1992... 
1992: Which as mention is pretty impressive. The act are presented so well and the program set standard which others copy off to. 
1996: I haven't seen this one, but this looks like the American ceremony done right.
2000: Massive mounds of people and the story-line gives spectacular performance although there's some that late 90's that I can't shake out of... cauldron was cool though. 
2004: This looked more focused and calculated than the 1980, 1992, and 2000. Effect of doing less in fact inflates the beauty and grandeur. As they say, one beautiful daughter is better than ten middling sons. 
2008: Great uses of technology and human power, it is said the best out of all, but I feel that there's something too grand about this that felt over-pushed the message a bit. 

My advice for 2012 opening ceremony, shoot for 2004 and 2010 rather than 2008 or 2000. Be modest but expressive. You don't have the capabilities of going all out. Make a impression. (And not a bad one.)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Subnormality re-review

Subnormality, like other comics, has transgressed. The first few comic won't entice you. Most doesn't. A simple two panel seems insignificant for this ground-braking series. Next one, a simple idea that transgressed through the maturity. Third, a simple gag. Next, preview for the second-long running series. Another weird gag. An Overused gag. Next, just a twisted idea. A simple jab at Nickelback. Simple look at sexism. Weird jab at Ford. These first ten comics show inkling of ideas but not fully formed. It's like the seeds. Next ten is as follows: Bush attack, his wants (fully realized later), PHG's return and perhaps the permanent status of a running character, fist Hell comic and a simple joke, jab at Hollywood, jab at comics,  jab at surgery, First halloween comic, Good reversal at PHG, First of the lesbian that end with a simple gag. All the part are there but not really...
First notion of time travel with Hitler, some Canadian thing, return of the Sphinx as a recurring character, funny insight (one of my first comics), another Bush attack, another PHG, good idea gone by the gag, good ideas... meh, little funny tidbit, and a silly idea.

Still not quite there...

Store idea, another Nickelback attack, really? got nothing, ideas starting to form, another Bush attack, PHG that gets more crazy (refer to #20), some good irony, middling dating silliness, brother version of meta (refer to #20), and another jab at the media.

We're going over the hump, good stuff is coming...

good idea than a gag, Sphinx and the friend motif, hindsight irony and shop idea #2 (I believe), just a thing, throwing the hat out there comic, jobs (mocked later), hmm.. media jab I guess (first of Muggs, I believe), Halloween again, basis for some background gag, forumlated idea of inevitablity

Mow we're getting somewhere. #20 and #50 were turning for Subnormality I think.

51-53: scissor saga. Got PHG to her full potential and lampoon the idiosyncratic ways about the market.
54: simple gag 55: even simpler gag 56: lesbians, I think? simple riff, I guess.
57: foreshadowing 58: weird break-up comic 59: Another Sphinx still in terror stage 60: everyone needs help

61:semantics. 62: Intro to Justine, an oblivious for now... 63: Okay... 64: politics 65: sphinx now more refined (not really) 66: Muggs and the Athiest, good thought. 67: metaphor galore 68: first of the one shots  69: First of the Bernards 70: payoff from eariler from PHG

By here, we get to our middle early stage where observation begin to take more shape as seen by #66, #68, and #69

71: first of the crowd shot 72: First of Mcsquash, quite hard but intended 73: Lesbians? elaboration of idea stretched far enough 74: Media jab, I guess 75: starting of Mongo! and a cool idea 76: cont. of Mongo with special guest PHG! 77: Bechedel (?) test POV 78: Oh, sphinx again 79: Good message 80: nice Walter Mitty look at relationships.

Good ideas in the last two strips. Character starting to build.

81: Samus again. Makes weird, logical points. 82: Transformation of PHG and the art, too compare PHG from #70 83: critique at the modern art 84: Nazi Benz, most ridiculous and intriguing idea! 85: Sphinx's turning point. Being more savvy than threatening 86: simple comic 87: Samus's argument loss? 88: asterisk at important times... 89: PHG at a crazy situation again... getting more serious 90: Crazy Apocalypse (reminds me of Godzilla Eats Las Vegas, a great composition) 

Half silly, half serious... going to a hundred

91: allegory for a times 92: anti-advertising works... sometimes. Sphinx being mean again? 93: sex comic 94: political fantasy 95: main comic for first incarnation of Hell and pretty long, too. 96: coming back to the Nazis, SNL-like sketch to me. 97: sphinx building her identity, I guess 98: First theme crossover Justine and some other from the comics and some insight. 99: preview for #100 and start of that long and satisfying comics 100: sphinx and PHG finally meet. Where two recurring characters meet and they're better together!

It's here that we get Rowntree's thought of humanity. The people and the art matures to its full potential and blossoms into a comic sublime.

another Christmas comic, but the multitude of potentials is nice
of course, another great lesbian study in idea of self. Fascinating.
simple concept piece
simple but effective piece of telling we all are part of a group. No group stands out against others.
allegory, Ow.
New mythmaking as we introduce to Ethel and her crazy job.
Revolutionary work at a single idea that give a lasting impression. One of best 'comic' in the site.
good reversal of ideas and just brilliant in study of fact and knowledge.
Life as a calender. Poignant.
Boss, I seen on cracked. 

sphinx back to its own glory
great thought behind the female character
New version of Hell! 
Great group piece. I always like those.
McSquash again to squash your hope and dreams!
poignant again.
Neo Nazi Time Traveler are brilliant! (comic, that is.)
Mongo in a serious piece. Interesting
Random PHG and poem-ish type of thing...
Justine again.

Tetris tribute. Nice.
Simple one-piece allegory
Sphinx at its finest
Trip of a lifetime
PHG and ann...something. Yep, a good conversation
Time travel idea. good one, too.
little sideways with the idea but the concept was nice.
Love at first sight. PHG has a savior!
Another group one-shot. Many character revisited on a fun way.
Sphinx at its greatest

Things are moving swiftly, many best have been past but the Greats are still to come.

Older Ethel (Mary?) and a interesting idea. will see...
Halloween again
another one-poster. this time about weirdness in all of us. Brilliant. (Muggs at the end)
Bus one-shot not the best, but still...
Hell gets an expansion
Idea to mull about.
A very simple comic. But illustrate so well. Brilliant.
Amazing story. I mean this is a Nebula!
another big one piece of music city mission. Great.
Samus and bro again, taking things to extreme.

Love PHG giving someone a revenge...
Another idea piece. Works really well.
um... okay.
Muggs is so fine. And lovely.
give sphinx one last try...
Amazing... Neo-Nazi and what drug...
Winston himself appears in a vignette. Strange.
Another sex dream
Muggs getting to heart of my ideals. Just... right there.
Sphinx and PHG meet againand cement their relationship.

This gives another turning point to full middle ideas. Lot of one shot and imagination on the way

151was Hell giving its best. And how defying your fate always come worse. Justification for the Hell. 152 was Future lesbian talk about an intriguing idea. They build on it several times after. 153 was another list one-picture thingy about apartments. Liked it. 154 was poker with the monster again, good points about humanity and how did the character change as the art shifted. 155 was the PHG's retransformation! Everyone rejoiced. 156, the creative process. Highly intriguing and helpful in this 'brain crack' times. 157 was a weird piece about signs. Just out there. 158 was sci-fi monkey and mystery and it was bottled up bottle episode. 159 gave another Justine comic and alternate dimension and whatnot. 160 gets PHG doing the ridiculous again for her empathy. Board game looks nice.

161 one piece of pure delight 162 amazing switch-a-roo! It's the waiter, no it's in the background. 163 Hell gets a female visit. Oh great. 164 one piece of what message really? 165 Now this is more like it. I seen goat back in Yellowstone and it reminds me of this. 166 Justine in a great thought piece? I never thought... 167 deconstruction. Always needed. 168 sphinx need a special one. 169 15 puzzle allegory is fun. The friendship builds up. 170 Too late, there?

171 Lesniams in a great thought and many guest appearances. 172 secret place for everywhere 173 Ethel fighting its inner darkness, oh yeah. 174 Another sci-fi. Haven't gooten much from this, unlike other people. 175 another one-post. meh. 176 PHG so different #2 isn't she? 177 So she gets a job again, okay. 178 Hell's finest work. 179 Lesbian working things out in a Duck Amuck way. 180 mixed up and delicious comic form your favorite stars... one setting so much possibility...

181 Ethel goes to protest... whatever. 182 Best dating concept ever. 183 Lennon version. Oh great. 184 I just love these summer talks with PHG and sphinx, you know? 185 Early idea taken a late approach. Interesting. 186 Assumption. Kills relationships. 187 When she gets a chance, crazy must take over. I feel sorry for you, PHG 188 Layout and ideas and the meeting of two complementary character is what seal this comic for me. 189 All conceivable possibilities... 190 Late Subnormality approach to Halloween. Refreshing.

191 was another switcharoo of poor not being invisible but the rich is. It's funny when thought. 
192 let Justine be all she could be in a conversation of shapeshifting and side one about Hitler to disprove. It always works. 
193 made Christmas even more special with PHG and Sphinx. And yes, I sang the song.
194 leading Steps analogy by the Lesbians was some great thought. Continuation of the doors and stuff, right?
195 and Ethel made Valentine special in a totally different way. Awwwwww....
196 or fifth anniversary.Aliens visiting the world to figure out a one paragraph summary. Even the premise sounds nice, and the disjointed layout really made it worthwhile.
197 named the the mission. Of course, it works like that. It's religion we're talking about. Radical new approach from the previous stance.
198 was one shot of golf course in Hell and lot of kernel of thought courtesy of Winston
199 led a quiet summer with PHG and the sphinx. A perfect day.
200 led a new myth making, perhaps and I like the stories of noving through the 5th dimension rather than the 4th or the 3rd. It's nice.

In all, Subnormality made great progress of giving insight to the world and having silly notion to a profound notion of humanity and we thank Winston for that. Thank you for listening to my 3:00 AM rambling!


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tangent: history of animation

(Based on WMG I saw on TV Tropes)
April 6 1906- REPORT
Strange creatures have appeared that are apparently resembling the drawings made in newspapers. They function like humans, but work in a different physical laws that we do. Please send reinforcement for further study.

Ah, I remember the days. ToonTown was what they called it. People working on their shorts minding their business, courteous to the competitors. Sure, Disney, Warner and MGM didn't get along but they didn't mean they acted upon it. No, we just go in to our little cubbies and laugh at whatever has come up. They were others, too. Fleischer, UPA.

Then a strange thing happen. Our town got lot smaller. We got more crappier. We became just lines, not a three dimensional beings. Corporation will raid and put out crap like nobody's business. Bakshi made things that are intentionally dirty. We are dirty, too, but we're sophisticated about it! Then there this Japanese people who called themselves Animane. They said they were inspired by us and was here to study them. They looked all right. Ridiculous, but in other ways than us. We kept them.

ToonTown eventually got too small for all of us. Disney stay at the town, while we left to found some other place. Disney got their renaissance while we got nothing going through barren landscape tasting the bitter dust door blew as it shut. There was one faction that kicked out Disney or somehow but the point is we found a place.

There was this guy named Turner. He said he wanted to make a studio and you looked like the perfect thing. So he made it and called Cartoon Network. There was a guy next door, Nickelodeon but it was all right. In fact they came and made us new people, including one from Canada from all places! But they looked all right.

They were strange call coming from the original ToonTown while we're booming. People started to take over the ToonTown and make a mess. But that they were combating it with a blown up Toon thingy. We heard about this weird 3-D toons and hope nothing will come that make us that desperate. 

Then came call from the our neighbors. They were known for existing peacefully with humans and cartoons with each giving its respect to each other, but the call was devastating. They say human have taken over, a la Disney, and cartoon have become deformed and unrecognizable. We're horrified at the onslaught of this, even Animane were afraid. This was serious.

But we went on make great shows such as Billy and Mandy, Fosters and Kids Next Door and not cared about the others. Then the adult toons, who got the spot after a abondoned Animane site, throw a party that got us PoPo and let mayor resign. The new mayor let the human did their own thing and they started making awful shows. Awful, awful shows. We lost our footing. We were on a war to keep the our place in a world where blandness is taking over creativity. That's where we are right now. Those Canadian show are nothing but crap and live show are going nowhere. There is some trusty friends who help the cartoons but it's not strong enough.

P.S.- Fight is better now. Animane came back after a temporal shift cause the 2007 team to pop up and crush the weird San Fran standup. Our shows are coming back on air and seems like the respect of the Nick is coming back for them. But the damage is still not reversed. Let us go back to era where creativity is a virtue not a hindrance. Please save us.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Tangent: Disney crossover

So I researching rise and fall of networks and I remember a WMG I had when Disney had Wizard On Deck with Hannah Montana crossover. Now Selena Gomez was in all three shows separately before the crossover and I made in my head, a episode to resolve it. So Zach and Cody and Bailey will be talking, when they see Alex passing by for some reason. Zach ask Cody if she's Gwen, girl you kissed before (Tangent: Isn't it strange that Cody's lovers were ones that became famous? Seriously! Victoria Justice, Selena Gomez, Meghan Martin... I mean Cody didn't have much love interest but... weird.) Then we cut to Lily as Lola showing Hannah Alex and saying that she's Mikayla. Hannah is dumbfounded to how Mikayla found her position and try to trap her or something, so the whole episode is Zach, Cody, Hannah, Lily trying to confront with Alex with Alex being clueless to that happening. Alex founds out someone is stalking and she trap the pursuers. Of course the boys and the girls doesn't know they're chasing Alex so they talk out and finds Gwen and Mikayla was the same person. When Alex founds out, Alex is surprised and tells Max and Justin that Gwen/Mikayla was an duplicate created in an accident when she was five. Not knowing what to do, she let her free and somehow got to Boston to Zach and Cody's school and got an agent after some performances and became Mikayla. The three Russos calmly walk away, as they credit roll.

So, there's my speculation. It's pretty air-tight and I had few of this actor crossovers... speaking of which,

So do you know As the Bell Rings, a Italian show that became a British show that became an American show? So in the American show, Demi Lovato played the female lead, then Lindsey Black came after Camp Rock. They share a last name when there's was rumor of Demi was coming back for a cameo adn so I created a episode in my mind where Charlotte (Demi) came back as a superstar and plans to do a concert in their hometown. The groups are excited but Lexi (Lindsey) is suspicious of the advances made by Charlotte to Danny. Then they go to the concert, doing their usual things and after the concert Lexi and Charlotte fight because of jealously over Danny. However, the secret is revealed. Lexi and Charlotte are half-sisters. Lexi's mom and Dad were first married and settled here and then dad had a affair and got Charlotte. Dad ran away with Lexi's mom and Lexi and left Charlotte's mom with nothing. So Charlotte's mother told that Lexi's parent killed Lexi and Lexi's parents fled from persecution. But it was Danny's dad that figured out that Charlotte's mom's story was false and Charlotte's mom fled to China to start a media company and raise Charlotte as the star. (It's a joke.) Lexi's family moved in again and everyone just went with nothing. Now Danny's dad never told anyone about this, so Charlotte's mom got a revenge plan to kidnap Danny and let Danny's dad tell that Lexi's parent threatened to kill Lexi and Charlotte's mom try to stop him. So when everybody heard this, Lexi and Charlotte embrace and everybody goes happy.

This one goes little bit crazy, but I had a good time weaving that story. So did you like it? If not, regular schedules will resume. So don't worry.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Vidcon 2012

So, I'm taking a trip to Montana this summer and I was thinking about Montana and its great city of Missoula  and the city's greatest resident, Hank Green. (Okay, I may be inflating him a bit but let me get to that.) And I'm also thinking about the Hank Green's contribution, VidCon and the vlogs that comes out from it. YouTube started as an aggregation site. It was a place to store the videos to link to their website. Then around 2007, with the success of lonelygirl15 and others, YouTube became a site for stand alone video. Videos for YouTube, not just a easy way to access videos. So a YouTube community was formed and people started to mingle. First YouTube Gathering done by Mr. Safety, as example. Or Renetto meeting with that women whose name I can't remember. But the root of YouTube videos also had outside influnces, Rocketboom and Ze Frank gave to us a basis for video reporting and community-building that still reverberates today. (I still ship Ze and Amanda) What Hank Green did, with his brother John, was bringing it YouTube. Kind of perfect it, you know. John and Hank's Brotherhood 2.0 video made a community that will grow to be a web of great Youtubers with their own fanbase. It gave YouTube a message, with Project for Awesome and after Brotherhood 2.0 they continue to build, eventually with Vidcon. YouTube before Vidcon was at a breaking point. The community of YouTube was starting to fall apart and never to be recovered. Then Vidcon fixed that. Actually, it did better. It homogenized YouTube, bringing the like of Charlieissocoollike to like of ShayCarl, bridging the gap and discovering new YouTubers. Then second Vidcon happened. Fear of commercialization was on everyone's minds, but Vidcon utilized that.  It brought the corporate world  into a sense of being, part of rules they we created, not changing the rules to fit their means. YouTube began to plant its business model with the business of YouTube. Seeing Vidcon videos, I was reminded of how many people with different aspiration and interest came to have fun. Vidcon provided a corner to all of YouTube. The nerdy videoblogger who likes Young Adult novel and came equipped with only a iPhone could sing along with someone who just happened to have a guitar as the big YouTube star who needs help getting his/her merchandise start could interact with his/her fans and sell and spread the shirt and other stuff to make an income. It was a place for Nerds and Cool alike, for YouTuber who has been in YouTube since its inception and a person who just found that YouTube isn't just for cat videos and bad comments. That sense of harmony and affection won't be possible without Hank Green. He has not made the YouTube community, but kept it together. Made it stronger. That way, I revere Hank Green as I do Mark Zuckerberg as the triumph of social interaction, except Hank is not a jerk. I always said in my mind that Vlogbrothers was the spiritual center of YouTube, not like religiously, but they set up rule of moral and conduct to YouTube and condemn the fools that lurks around so much in YouTube. People look up to them, but they are humble and treats the follower as a friend. So I will go John Lennon and say 'Hank Green is Jesus of YouTube' (See, I told you I was going to inflate the person like crazy!)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Antebellum NC Part 1

Ante- before Bellum- war (in this case, Kickassia)
Alone in the Dark- This is where the crossover really blows up. Review with NC, Linkara, and Spoony on a Uwe Boll film. Even without NC's voice, the review was nice. Voice traumatized by that class act, Uwe Boll, Spoony and Linkara come and pressure him for a review. Nostalgia signal and women's clothing aside, let's review with that world-record breaking text scroll, and the reference, evil experiment escapee run into high voltage box only to saved by a flash-forward. Oh, Slater and his monologues... this is so exciting! Anyway, after a opening chase and action sequence with lots of window braking and physic defying street fighter moves, and  a Chuck Norris reference, the man dies not with bullet but a sharp stick. Okay, meanwhile at the Vancouver Museum of Anthropology, because I went there and disguise is... unnoticeable, we see Tara Reid as a women with glasses which means a scientist. Anyway, Slater is followed sorry not followed and look inside a decoder ring. Meanwhile at the sea, someone finds a box made out of pure gold. (A stupid idea, as gold is so malleable, it could easily be broken.) Upon opening, Slater goes Shatner and people just walk away. Okay, meanwhile in the bureau of hot people paranormal investigation, or in the orphanage, or in Slater's house... little transporting there... three (or four) people that disappeared are from the same orphanage. Ah. Now at the museum, we get hugged and punched by Tara Reid (United States of Tara?) as she does more exposition. Duh. In the another room, which is obvious because I went there, security gets killed (two days before retirement) and two main character run and hide? Okay... dorf and friends save him and that's that. Meanwhile at the doctors, the main character... at the museum the old professor does good McGuffin and we're in the house again. Oh great. Sex scene. And flicker. Oh great. Dark action scene. 90's kid, Insano, Ma-Ti and Bum is dead! Oh no! After the comment on the GPK syndrome (Too much and too little plot at the same time) We snoop at the cave mine. Random yelling. Roam Panning. Marco Polo. Thanks, Slater. Dead or Alive or something and I'm acting! Stab and Shot and Explosion and what orphanage in the day? Evacuation of the city in the one night. Everyone had only two days before retirement. Anyway, the review end with Three Stooges and with this review, it is a classic.
Blank Check: Bland... oh so bland... uninventive... tight and uncomfortable shot, two bully and life savings, oh.... So the kid is the only one to operate a computer and Don't rub it, be a man? What... only dorky rides?  Money is everything here and weird love interest. Almost get run over by a car and get no reprimands. One million dollars? Why, just write infinity or one googol? Go all out when you're a criminal! And who is juice? Tone Loc? How you say... meanwhile, the boy starts out by buying a castle. So, Mr. Product plug gets the castle and a comic relief that's no relief. Hello, mindless montage. The girl is a FBI agent. Oh great. So with Michael Jackson PSA later, The girl has no mind to think the strangeness of the situation and just rolls with it.  Product placement later, padding and more padding, a date and the quirky advice you can see from miles, that was... anyway on to the buying love from your family. The date is more awkward and still bland. Oh, it's Atlanta Olympic park water fountain... is it? Anyway, bad guys come and fall and awkward date is over. Mr. McIntosh mistake is checked off and the bad guys show up after the party. Well, Home Alone happens. After... oh the cops show up and girl kiss the boy and... what? Ew.... ew..... what is wrong with you? Bad deed and Money is happiness. Just like Disney. NC knows well
Old vs. New: Charile and the Chocolate Factory- As I watched the bandgeek8408 version and the redux, I feel interested in NC's sayings. It's pretty much the same opinion, except some minor differences. So watch bandgeek8408, let's say he needs more love and... next review. (Duck Amuck was great, NC)
Cool as Ice- Vanilla Ice is just laughable. Weird edits and where's the plot? Scaring the horse. Okay. What, the tree and surprising expression and what's that sound? Don't explain the plot, uninteresting guy. Why is this blank, oh it's just too white... movie is fast forwarding and a boring TV show. Sugar Shack... and who is this? Ninja Ice. It's so white. Dick to another dick. Iceman! Sounds more Italian than black. Nude construction, what is Calvin Klein what is... just move on. Commercial without promotion. Now story appears. Then randomness. Love ring run with inspector gadget. Kidnapping! Weird sound effect and jokes! Chewed-up-black-condom man, oh god... it's blinding me! Spit the end! Oh... well that was a great review, NC. See you.. now (Why I want to end this thing?)
Suburban Commando- Bad idea and another Star Wars rip-off and we meet Iron Chef? Ismy? Oh, he's mine. Envelope to cut off a man's head later, the hero run away like coward. Stop references and that rap song, why torture me with bad rap songs? I'm not ToddInTheShadows... So Lloyd, Duvall, Miller and others do... sorry didn't got it from that rap. Running Jokes... oh god. Okay, Hogan settles down, bad guys is introduced and Lloyd is stalking Hogan. Oh good. Screaming for Health? Oh, a payoff. Funny guys... Hulk Smash! Sneaking music, no sleep and Afterburner. Lloyd and crotch warmer later, bounty hunter chase down the guy and nothing weird about that, Lloyd traveled in time for heaven's sake. Freeze guns, Ghostbusters and random shooting. I was frozen today! What.. just a classic line. Almost kissed? Oh, speeches and emphasis and Black Lagoon. Surf Ninja... Shooting a light? Movie is a guilty pleasure. This is, too. I was frozen today! God, I love that line.
Next Karate Kid- Oh, Hillary Swank. Death's favorite actress. But her start was... bad, bad movies like Next Karate Kid. Karate kid was a standard maker. A movie that followed a million copies. Part II not bad. Part III, that's when it got stale. So there's just a reboot left. So the movie exposition is... done as a line, I suppose and rebel by bird-feeding. By using the move of light throw, police just gives up. After a move to California, unnecessary long shot and an obvious villain, who relish in cruel and unusual punishment and teaching techniques. Do not diss Miyaki, now run back to the house. Now for training, which we take in a babysitting route. Another break-in, but there's the ironical brothers. Anyway, Swank is out for two week and that means more fighting scenes, I guess. And respecting living things. And catching arrows. So we go back to school after that, and we go to the dance because that's where every other school movie goes to. And the monks go bowling. Weird. Bunch of guys at the dance bungee jump from the ceiling. Weird. The security force blow up the car. What? Finish him off? Manslaughter, then more fighting then... what's wrong with this guy? But the movie just ends and well that's that. Good review.
Casper: We'll stop here. Casper is so cruel, isn't he? TIMING! Okay. So we start with kids and the title and Ben Stein. Oh great. Creationism joke. Then Eric Idle. Oh, I feel sorry. Open the pits of hell and let cameo show up like oh, Dan Akyrord. Anyway, the main charcter is played by Bill Pullman and oh, Christie Ricci, done bad movie when young, still does bad movie when old. (Sigh.) Exposition and commercial and what is that. Weird. I saw a ghost or a reflection. Maybe for acting. Weird cameo Pun dialogue and weird logic. Breakfast contraption later and TIMING! and plot device. Strong bond later, creepiness. Then sluttiness and abortion. Filler Night! Mom has 12-year old's body and Rosebud. Just a push away, I guess... what's with... oh it's the GPK syndrome again. God heard her? Duke Snyder? TIMING! Bucket. What kind of prank? Random things. Guardian Angel or a Blue Fairy make Casper live again and that line is still creepy but why I like review, other than Eric Idle, is the Ghostbuster end and its use of convention people... I guess.