Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Subnormality re-review

Subnormality, like other comics, has transgressed. The first few comic won't entice you. Most doesn't. A simple two panel seems insignificant for this ground-braking series. Next one, a simple idea that transgressed through the maturity. Third, a simple gag. Next, preview for the second-long running series. Another weird gag. An Overused gag. Next, just a twisted idea. A simple jab at Nickelback. Simple look at sexism. Weird jab at Ford. These first ten comics show inkling of ideas but not fully formed. It's like the seeds. Next ten is as follows: Bush attack, his wants (fully realized later), PHG's return and perhaps the permanent status of a running character, fist Hell comic and a simple joke, jab at Hollywood, jab at comics,  jab at surgery, First halloween comic, Good reversal at PHG, First of the lesbian that end with a simple gag. All the part are there but not really...
First notion of time travel with Hitler, some Canadian thing, return of the Sphinx as a recurring character, funny insight (one of my first comics), another Bush attack, another PHG, good idea gone by the gag, good ideas... meh, little funny tidbit, and a silly idea.

Still not quite there...

Store idea, another Nickelback attack, really? got nothing, ideas starting to form, another Bush attack, PHG that gets more crazy (refer to #20), some good irony, middling dating silliness, brother version of meta (refer to #20), and another jab at the media.

We're going over the hump, good stuff is coming...

good idea than a gag, Sphinx and the friend motif, hindsight irony and shop idea #2 (I believe), just a thing, throwing the hat out there comic, jobs (mocked later), hmm.. media jab I guess (first of Muggs, I believe), Halloween again, basis for some background gag, forumlated idea of inevitablity

Mow we're getting somewhere. #20 and #50 were turning for Subnormality I think.

51-53: scissor saga. Got PHG to her full potential and lampoon the idiosyncratic ways about the market.
54: simple gag 55: even simpler gag 56: lesbians, I think? simple riff, I guess.
57: foreshadowing 58: weird break-up comic 59: Another Sphinx still in terror stage 60: everyone needs help

61:semantics. 62: Intro to Justine, an oblivious for now... 63: Okay... 64: politics 65: sphinx now more refined (not really) 66: Muggs and the Athiest, good thought. 67: metaphor galore 68: first of the one shots  69: First of the Bernards 70: payoff from eariler from PHG

By here, we get to our middle early stage where observation begin to take more shape as seen by #66, #68, and #69

71: first of the crowd shot 72: First of Mcsquash, quite hard but intended 73: Lesbians? elaboration of idea stretched far enough 74: Media jab, I guess 75: starting of Mongo! and a cool idea 76: cont. of Mongo with special guest PHG! 77: Bechedel (?) test POV 78: Oh, sphinx again 79: Good message 80: nice Walter Mitty look at relationships.

Good ideas in the last two strips. Character starting to build.

81: Samus again. Makes weird, logical points. 82: Transformation of PHG and the art, too compare PHG from #70 83: critique at the modern art 84: Nazi Benz, most ridiculous and intriguing idea! 85: Sphinx's turning point. Being more savvy than threatening 86: simple comic 87: Samus's argument loss? 88: asterisk at important times... 89: PHG at a crazy situation again... getting more serious 90: Crazy Apocalypse (reminds me of Godzilla Eats Las Vegas, a great composition) 

Half silly, half serious... going to a hundred

91: allegory for a times 92: anti-advertising works... sometimes. Sphinx being mean again? 93: sex comic 94: political fantasy 95: main comic for first incarnation of Hell and pretty long, too. 96: coming back to the Nazis, SNL-like sketch to me. 97: sphinx building her identity, I guess 98: First theme crossover Justine and some other from the comics and some insight. 99: preview for #100 and start of that long and satisfying comics 100: sphinx and PHG finally meet. Where two recurring characters meet and they're better together!

It's here that we get Rowntree's thought of humanity. The people and the art matures to its full potential and blossoms into a comic sublime.

another Christmas comic, but the multitude of potentials is nice
of course, another great lesbian study in idea of self. Fascinating.
simple concept piece
simple but effective piece of telling we all are part of a group. No group stands out against others.
allegory, Ow.
New mythmaking as we introduce to Ethel and her crazy job.
Revolutionary work at a single idea that give a lasting impression. One of best 'comic' in the site.
good reversal of ideas and just brilliant in study of fact and knowledge.
Life as a calender. Poignant.
Boss, I seen on cracked. 

sphinx back to its own glory
great thought behind the female character
New version of Hell! 
Great group piece. I always like those.
McSquash again to squash your hope and dreams!
poignant again.
Neo Nazi Time Traveler are brilliant! (comic, that is.)
Mongo in a serious piece. Interesting
Random PHG and poem-ish type of thing...
Justine again.

Tetris tribute. Nice.
Simple one-piece allegory
Sphinx at its finest
Trip of a lifetime
PHG and ann...something. Yep, a good conversation
Time travel idea. good one, too.
little sideways with the idea but the concept was nice.
Love at first sight. PHG has a savior!
Another group one-shot. Many character revisited on a fun way.
Sphinx at its greatest

Things are moving swiftly, many best have been past but the Greats are still to come.

Older Ethel (Mary?) and a interesting idea. will see...
Halloween again
another one-poster. this time about weirdness in all of us. Brilliant. (Muggs at the end)
Bus one-shot not the best, but still...
Hell gets an expansion
Idea to mull about.
A very simple comic. But illustrate so well. Brilliant.
Amazing story. I mean this is a Nebula!
another big one piece of music city mission. Great.
Samus and bro again, taking things to extreme.

Love PHG giving someone a revenge...
Another idea piece. Works really well.
um... okay.
Muggs is so fine. And lovely.
give sphinx one last try...
Amazing... Neo-Nazi and what drug...
Winston himself appears in a vignette. Strange.
Another sex dream
Muggs getting to heart of my ideals. Just... right there.
Sphinx and PHG meet againand cement their relationship.

This gives another turning point to full middle ideas. Lot of one shot and imagination on the way

151was Hell giving its best. And how defying your fate always come worse. Justification for the Hell. 152 was Future lesbian talk about an intriguing idea. They build on it several times after. 153 was another list one-picture thingy about apartments. Liked it. 154 was poker with the monster again, good points about humanity and how did the character change as the art shifted. 155 was the PHG's retransformation! Everyone rejoiced. 156, the creative process. Highly intriguing and helpful in this 'brain crack' times. 157 was a weird piece about signs. Just out there. 158 was sci-fi monkey and mystery and it was bottled up bottle episode. 159 gave another Justine comic and alternate dimension and whatnot. 160 gets PHG doing the ridiculous again for her empathy. Board game looks nice.

161 one piece of pure delight 162 amazing switch-a-roo! It's the waiter, no it's in the background. 163 Hell gets a female visit. Oh great. 164 one piece of what message really? 165 Now this is more like it. I seen goat back in Yellowstone and it reminds me of this. 166 Justine in a great thought piece? I never thought... 167 deconstruction. Always needed. 168 sphinx need a special one. 169 15 puzzle allegory is fun. The friendship builds up. 170 Too late, there?

171 Lesniams in a great thought and many guest appearances. 172 secret place for everywhere 173 Ethel fighting its inner darkness, oh yeah. 174 Another sci-fi. Haven't gooten much from this, unlike other people. 175 another one-post. meh. 176 PHG so different #2 isn't she? 177 So she gets a job again, okay. 178 Hell's finest work. 179 Lesbian working things out in a Duck Amuck way. 180 mixed up and delicious comic form your favorite stars... one setting so much possibility...

181 Ethel goes to protest... whatever. 182 Best dating concept ever. 183 Lennon version. Oh great. 184 I just love these summer talks with PHG and sphinx, you know? 185 Early idea taken a late approach. Interesting. 186 Assumption. Kills relationships. 187 When she gets a chance, crazy must take over. I feel sorry for you, PHG 188 Layout and ideas and the meeting of two complementary character is what seal this comic for me. 189 All conceivable possibilities... 190 Late Subnormality approach to Halloween. Refreshing.

191 was another switcharoo of poor not being invisible but the rich is. It's funny when thought. 
192 let Justine be all she could be in a conversation of shapeshifting and side one about Hitler to disprove. It always works. 
193 made Christmas even more special with PHG and Sphinx. And yes, I sang the song.
194 leading Steps analogy by the Lesbians was some great thought. Continuation of the doors and stuff, right?
195 and Ethel made Valentine special in a totally different way. Awwwwww....
196 or fifth anniversary.Aliens visiting the world to figure out a one paragraph summary. Even the premise sounds nice, and the disjointed layout really made it worthwhile.
197 named the the mission. Of course, it works like that. It's religion we're talking about. Radical new approach from the previous stance.
198 was one shot of golf course in Hell and lot of kernel of thought courtesy of Winston
199 led a quiet summer with PHG and the sphinx. A perfect day.
200 led a new myth making, perhaps and I like the stories of noving through the 5th dimension rather than the 4th or the 3rd. It's nice.

In all, Subnormality made great progress of giving insight to the world and having silly notion to a profound notion of humanity and we thank Winston for that. Thank you for listening to my 3:00 AM rambling!


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