Saturday, October 19, 2013

Kevin's year...

I'm trying to bring YouTube content back to my main blog, so bear with me if you're not interested.

Kevin was wading in the waters of YouTube when he decided to do a cover of that Tumblr avbytes thingy.

Well, that exploded, so what does he do? Try to make a video 3 times a week for a year. That was recently finished ,so let us recap one by one.

10/17/12 - The Pilot. Look at the sweater! He was quite experienced as he did Kevin and Kyle show. Look at his enthusiasm! He's a natural. Dying joke is actually funny.

10/19/12 - The Terrified. New set and New York Federal Reserve bombing scare. More morbid jokes. What's with Kevin and death? (Must be October)

10/22/12 - The Mondayne. Life expectancy and weird maths... debates! Football! Interesting humor.

10/24/12 - The Byter. Music and wave physics. Fun. Kevin trying to be Hank... and succeeding! Clones are nice, too.

10/26/12 - The Beloved. Hah, Nazi. Also, confusing slashes.... Damn math and its bad notation!

10/29/12 - The Stormy. Oh, Sandy... Kevin is more comedic here with the umbrella...

10/31/12 - The Ad-Hoc. Even with Sandy, Kevin is still making those videos.

11/2/12 - The Dehydrated. Still no power and water but keeping singing those tunes...

11/5/12 - Probably my favorite of the early Kevin videos... song is just beautiful.

11/7/12 - The Alive. Parent's House... This is a slow ascent of Kevin being a speaker, well as a comedian. Good research.

11/9/12 - The Regressing. This is so cute and nicely done.

11/12/12 - The Spirited. The books and cassettes and the definitive change to his current style that I adore.

11/14/12 - The Stately. So, Kevin works at Mashable... And that AvBytes video... ah, yeah. They are good, just again I think it was tad a bit late.

11/16/12 - The Literate. Oh, education... Why? is sacred gem like oil. Tangential Learning! This is where the joke and the soapbox meld quit nicely and this is why I like Kevin...

11/19/12 - The Scared. 64 Subscribers... Charlie is a great conversation starter and hah... video responses.

11/21/12 - The International. Change the editing style and Google's scare! Well researched, again.

11/23/12 - Nice Parody... There's a lot of Black Friday parody ,but one could suffice.

11/26/12 - The Evangelical. (out of intro) Nice essay? It's quite inspiring... Kevin has that talent which is slowly being released here.

11/28/12 - The Copyrighted. Still What's Up Wednesday... The video is great! Facebook is... a company. It's, it's...

11/30/12 - The Mythological. A failed series about holiday... Good research video like Hank.

12/3/12 - The Newly Famous. Hey, why is he rhyming? Oh, nice transition.

12/5/12 - The Restless. Nice behind-the-scenes and I like his style of anecdotes.

12/7/12 - The Nouveau. First real YouTube video... redesign from an expert.

12/10/12 - The Resweatered. Creativity? Fault? moving, isn't it? Reading fiction!

12/12/12 - The Delightful. Get started... Name? Does all upstart YouTuber have to a giveaway?

12/14/12 - The Plucky. The Sweaters...? Comments... Arm off by a bear... mad libs?

12/17/12 - The Sagacious. The Derelict. The Bootylicious. The Insane. The Outrageous. Nice use of meta- editing. Perqs... It's the MAD LIB! Perks is a duds.

12/19/12 - The Apocalyptic. Don't panic. Again. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT! Streisand effect. Nice reminder to the future.

12/21/12 - The Un-mic'd. Prettyideal is nice but don't the expect the videos to flow. As for... ah let's skip it.

12/24/12 - Carol is nice... just great.

12/26/12 - The Carol. New November set... Tool check. Beginning of the Blue Sweater.

12/28/12 - The Well-Traveled. Social Anxiety...

12/31/12 - The Feverish. Small Changes... and so resolution for YouTube (hopely 720p)

1/2/13 - The Romanticized. Dating a Fever...

1/4/13 - The Benevolent. I, for one, welcome our new overlord.

1/7/13 - (Flat intro starts) The Incomp... Good skit and let's try it out...

1/9/13 - Show? Hair story? Whatever...

1/11/13 - YouTube goes 4k? Check out the new videos.

1/14/13 - Yes, it's a Wednesday but I'll call it a Monday. Wheezy is sweet dancer. Good joke.

1/16/13 - Great opera style break-up. I applaud.

1/18/13 - The Wheezy. Pure evil, secret poject, it's a good stuff.

1/21/13 - The Adventurous. Get Lost? Superpower realized! Endscreen!

1/23/13 - The Fiftieth. Nice wheezy-style video.

1/25/13 - The Hasty. Bad rap about this... No mixed fandoms...PoPS!

1/28/13 - The Single. Boundless entertainment!

1/30/13 - The Free-to-Play. Ads... so many ads. Paid Subs? (Beginning of fancy thumbnails.)

2/1/13 - The Subcultured. Label and its meaning?

2/4/13 - The Long-Distance. Great... great... uses of guests.

2/6/13 - The Real. I really how he can just do some much different types of videos with ease.

2/8/13 - The Farewell. Let's not mention... um... yeah.

2/11/13 - Nice history of the... world? The future?

2/13/13 - nice slow valentine's song.

2/15/13 - The Quotable. I remember a person who used Taylor swift picture and put Hitler quote to look like T. Swft had said it in a cheesy fashion... it was very funny.

2/18/13 - The Hysterical. Comedy is an art and a science.

2/20/13 - The Basic. Being adamant! What's up? That's what happens.

2/22/13 - The Sleepless. Typical insomniac videos...

2/25/13 - And so the simple but effective viral video. Stage 2 begins.

2/27/13 - The Viral. Sick and On fire.

3/1/13 - Great song! Just great chemistry.

3/4/13 - Typical.

3/6/13 - Women, Women, Women. A bit weak on my tea, but it's okay.

3/8/13 - Be Yourself? Great editing skills! Lovely...

3/11/13 - Another slow montage and narration... more comical this time.

3/13/13 - Business, Business, Business!

3/15/13 - The Superior. Oh, when in doubt just use another YouTuber.

3/18/13 - The Troubled. His struggle is what makes me watch this.

3/20/13 - The Zombiefied. What to worry?

3/22/13 - The Paradoxical. Get your stuff. Plane and superpowers are common causes of heartburn.

3/25/13 - Playlist Live 'the celebrity convention' And the talks about lesser YouTubers? Weird.

3/27/13 - Hmmm... Marriage? Governmental obstruction...

3/29/13 - The Ill-Defined. Elevator pitch... Vaudeville!

4/1/13 - The Blurry (End joke) April Fools is weak... for some people.

4/3/13 - The Offensive. Aristocrats... wisdom. (But not the Aristocats... they just...)

4/5/13 - Now, Kevin forays into to great silent videos! Kevin, your talents are boundless.

4/8/13 - The Factual. Don't watch IT.

4/10/13 - The Televised. TV Shows... Three's Company? Seriously? Louie... great. Family Guy, the original. SNL, bad year...30 Rock, why! HIMYM... okay. (It's not the point) Star Trek... hm. Don't cry. Fraiser. Better Off Ted, no it was on ABC. But oh god was it so good. AD, we all know it's good, next. Cheers... can't disagree... I mean only show which 11 seasons which all were decent.

4/12/13 - The Professional. Software Developer... Mashable have finally called you!

4/15/13 - The Sexy. Turn On and Turn Offs... Emma Blackery... that's a diverse watch.

4/17/13 - The Ugly. More Vanity! Body conscious.

4/19/13 - The Pensive. Chop wood and carry water. All them shout-out.

4/22/13 - The Diplomatic. Another take of Kim Jong Un.

4/24/13 - The Collaborative. Vash and Justin!

4/26/13 - The Toilet Tag. Hank isn't a revered drag? Have you seen Hankroll? Best song, I believe.

4/29/13 - The Narrative. Kevin is a pretty good storyteller...

5/1/13 - The Shattered. One thing does lead to another...

5/3/13 - The Questionable. Interesting... What's up Friday?

5/6/13 - The Hipstery. Sure, being a hipster has its perks... I mean perqs. Except with, you know...

5/8/13 - Mother's day is heartfelt day. Call your mother. Precursor to the 'last' outro.

5/10/13 - The Uncloned. The Hermione cloning effect... I see, I see.

5/13/13 - The Hasty. 4000 Subscriber... Travel back in time... unapproved.

5/15/13 - The Haphazard. Video about not making videos? Quite meta, I see.

5/17/13 - The A Bridged. Little reevaluation after a milestone doesn't hurt.

5/20/13 - The Acquired. Oh, Tumblr... Oh, Yahoo.

5/22/13 - The Self-helpful. Mistake is okay once, or twice if unknowable.

5/24/13 - The Futuristic. I concur, let's move on.

5/27/13 - The Arresting. Little good, little bad... certainly different.

5/29/13 - The Abstract. One of best out of the year. Certainly relatable and very funny.

5/31/13 - The Creative. Original? Value?

6/3/13 - The Morlockian. Three of you?

6/5/13 - The Nomenclative. Thank you, Bishop and what's going to happen?

6/7/13 - The Revealing. More shout-out. That's Zuccotti... Bob and George?

6/10/13 - The Social. Ah, Vloggerfair... The serendipitous... Networking on the internet...

6/12/13 - The Questionable. More question! Interesting.

6/14/13 - The Vloggable. Kate... also this kind of video should be #22.

6/17/13 - The Georgian. Love how the different personality are well-thought out. Get out. What?

6/19/13 - The Bob. Logical Bob. I like him as well.

6/21/13 - The Kevin. Oh no...

6/24/13 - First real focus on YouTube... really heartfelt...

6/26/13 - The Seated. Nice talk, Kevin.

6/28/13 - The Lazy. It's nice talking with you, again.

7/1/13 - The Gamified. CyborgBirdie! Bob and George!!! Great video. One of my favorite.

7/3/13 - The Independent. It wasn't the best, but it's fine.

7/5/13 - The Crabby or Nitpicky. Ah. Color correction.

7/8/13 - The Epileptic. Epilepsy is said to a sign of a sage. That's what I know.

7/10/13 - The Deterministic. Losing identity... Holy, that's scary.

7/12/13 - The Time-Sensitive. Hour? What. UTC is okay right?

7/15/13 - Pleasing everyone by saying 'ass' (The donkey, I mean!)

7/17/13 - The Discussiony. Knowing thought. YouTube talky stuff.

7/19/13 - The Newsworthy. Look at Kevin doing stuff!

7/22/13 - The Hedonistic. Post-scarcity society! That's the future!

7/24/13 -The Reconciliatory. Great success rate! Now get off! That's evolution!

7/26/13 - Pressure is off every last Friday. Interesting story to be in NY.

7/29/13 - The Meaningful. That was a great episode ,best of later Becoming YouTube. As for the argument... again, this is Ben being a troll... I suggest Episode 7, the female episode, is the first of series which he'll finish in Episode 12. Ben has a strong argument, so much so to enrage people to do something.

7/31/13 - The Flighty. Don't be too excited!

8/2/13 - Love the banter between the two... it's nice seeing the balance... there's a word...

8/5/13 - The Vidcon. The community convention... you can see I'm posting the flavor of the convention.

8/7/13 - The Connected. You don't want to know me...

8/9/13 - The Totally Sick. Be well and pass out.

8/12/13 - Intuitive happiness.

8/14/13 - Play for sympathy and good taste. Manifesto week? Singing Outro!

8/16/13 - Clean corners... makes a clean house.

8/19/13 - Fallbacks are important, you know?

8/21/13 - You've seen it first! Niall is great!

8/23/13 - Little improv and London. Once you seen it, you want to go back again... least for YouTubers.

8/26/13 - Anamorphic!!! Also, barrier... Simple (current) outro.

8/28/13 - Buggy Video Response.... Oh, great. Better YouTube?

8/30/13 - So, let's build better YouTube. What to do?

9/2/13 - The OZ argument. You all have what you need.

9/4/13 - Out of body experience... Stuck with human frailty.

9/6/13 - Depression... hmmm... getting on the horse.

9/9/13 - Thumbprints... Everybody's thumbprint... privacy for convenience.

9/11/13 - Right way...? Wrong way. Roomba!

9/13/13 - Fear? Balloons. Sa... skip. Best idea...? Embarrasing parents... we saw your junk... Leaving empty space... okay. Ice cream!

9/16/13 - Getting meta... wait, what, huh?

9/18/13 - That quarter... screens? Looking straight on.... he'll look at you. Two disjointed thoughts.

9/20/13 - Comforting food. Environment is not alone. Out of hand... insecurity has no half-life. It's not a bug, it's a feature.

9/23/13 - Countdown starting... Think about it... (no tags.)

9/25/13 - So, where the community go? Alex is great...

9/27/13 - So much topics and so fast talking! End with some jazz!

9/30/13 - Great tag. Now the review.
Jackie - Great if a slow turnout of videos, lovely gal and lovely videos
Morgan - I appreciate the style. I just feel too awkward to watch Morgan's videos, but her style is very typical of the Seattle style... I guess that's the word. Kind of no flash, no trucks style of vlogging... she's very good at that.
Niall - What a great YouTuber. Just his video have so personal style to them that it pops without any effects, it's gritty it's working class Britain. It's nice.
Mr. Collins - Interesting person, didn't realize he was dutch, so that's new. He is a more edgy Mickeleh. If you like Mickeleh's ponting, you'll like Collins.
Lamarr - One of the great person in YouTube, almost in Buck standards of happiness and hopefulness. He's always trying new stuff and he does good job of it. Watch it, if you like variety and personality.
Sharkee - He might be interesting... it's more comedic VSauce, so I don't mind but you might not be the core audience, just take a look and see.
Michael - Just a well-eloquent cool old guy. There's humor and wit, but when it's needed.
Mike - Not a self-helper but probably the greatest self-helper that is. Also makes great music.
Mari - I'm not her style but there's something punk aunt-looking lady's way of life that will interest some people.
DK - I don't know, but I like him.

10/2/13 - Take your resource and do the best... no shame in quality low or high. Nice breakdown! Just great thought of the process and the message. (Also low-fi week is why I think YouTube will survive without video response...)

10/4/13 - (order) Great videos... waiting... no comment. Forgot the person who said it, but there's a quote "If you believe 80% of what I said, vote for me. If you believe in 100% of what I said, go see a doctor." Order is good, but chaos reign. (definition ending)

10/7/13 - (design) Number in physical relationship... use your multiplication. Make connection in disparate things. That's human.

10/9/13 - (tension) This will be good video. Arrogance! Personal Significance... stress about dumb stuff.

10/11/13 - (composition) Look back on my life... Obsess a series of stuff... list of news... No closing line.

10/14/13 - (balance) No number. No weakness. Have you stop watching? Google backfired!? Huh?

10/16/13 - (light) Shirt is the thing now. New stuff... hmm.

10/18/13 - (white) So, we are done. Or not. So they are killed... off? Again, a great ending!

So, how he fare? Well, I think he did a great job. He had so much up and down and change in video style over the year that I think he has such a future. I like Kevin and his show.

(That's a horrible ending.)

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