Thursday, May 7, 2015


Interesting roleplaying game split into two parts. Second part below the brake.

Yes, it's Jenga + roleplay... which somehow becomes a spinoff...

1983 spring break... great graphics. Wil is the game master.

Bunch of loners on Saturday... Aging hippie? (I like the missing pieces)

(The greatest moment in TableTop) I just want to be a part of something!!!

Cool? Struggle... ANIMAL! First block... NOPE. Made you?

It's pretty stable. All going swimmingly... WE HAVE TO LEAVE!

For making a single... Guerney? The Swedish scream! (?) Top is more stable but obviously more wobbly and so it might fall in the aftershock... Night before full moon?!?

Let's get away, get away! You're now safety? 'The creature'? Emily paranoia...

I saw a pair of eyes. Messed up Pete. Dawn... FLARES! Radio? 1983 is cool.

That was great use of the radio. Wave at the Sessna. It could be alive...

We need to stay awake... THE MOON, THE MOON! Shadow on the canyon?

Huge creature... leaps on the canyon!!! Yes, let's stop here, too scary.
Great graphic, though. Leaps over the canyon! Religious?

Away from parents... bigger than us? Take her first!

HOLE! Difficult for likes for you-whoo... FAMILIAR BLACK SHAPE!

Still have knife... Now in the cave? Need a few beer!

Maddox had a sad life, man. Pick up that razor-sharp teeth baby!

That tower looks risky. That pedant, remove it! WHAT DID YOU DO!

Get me some rock! Get in the raft! NOT HUMAN EYES!

Max is just a sad dude... Pete was a cool guy? MOST PERIL!

DO the flare... So loose or not? This is pretty good... Classic Alice?

ANOTHER ONE! She is going to die! Molly Lewis has guts!!!

Rebuilt the tower. I'm a werewolf a now! Well, Maddox is done!

Look at that twist, that's a beautiful twist. Classic.

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