Thursday, July 2, 2015


Nice use of Spellsingers music... The Chase is better as a game shows.

Here's a deckbuilder for you! Wait for it...

LEGAL DISCLAIMER!!!! Now Marvel on! Ooh, feedback loop!

This was the most expensive episode, isn't it? Normal difficulty...

ACK! No Spiderman! Of course, Wil... Pull me up! Interesting.

Markplier with Magic and Marvel... Alliteration! Agent is for the males...

It's the mulligan card... The villains duo. Not doing very well...

Mark's childish but he has a deep voice that makes him more like dad than a child.

It's RECRUITMENT BREA! We already discussed it in... you didn't went to the meeting...

THIS IS NOT GOING WELL! SHIELD pusher? SHIELD insider trading... wow.

He is very structured! Surprising... Now with SHIELD intervention...

Allie just punches like crazy... Nobody likes you... Take the best card...

YOU NEVER WERE BETTER THAN MARIA... I can punch now... Excelsior!

I called two scheme, everybody gets a wounds! ALL PUNCHING! WOW 13 punches...

Everything is doing a lot... 15 punching is great!!! MARIA BETRAYS MARK!!!

We all win, but most point wins trophy... Of course, Allie wins.

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