Sunday, September 16, 2012

To Boldly Flee: Blind Run

So, Nostalgia Critic has finally finished. That means I'll add another year to my reviews and make it a retrospective. But first, I want to share my experience of seeing 'To Boldly Flee' for the first time. So there...

Part 1
0:00 Oh new logo...
0:30 Flashback to Suburban Knights, I see.
1:20 Most hearty. I still laugh at that line.
2:45 Nice flashback to Star Trek titles... Not sure, actually.
5:20 What's with the satellite dish?
6:15 Run, Paw!
6:50 Yes, Nostalgia Critic.
7:20 Oh, the picture.
7:45 Nice lampooning...
8:40 Oh yes, a complete breakfast...
9:10 YES! Terl... Spoony's swan song is great!
10:40 nice explanation of the commercial break...
11:20 Orlando does nice geeky impression
13:55 Nice HAL reference there.
14:20 Daffy-ness of Critic shows...
15:10 In not too distant future
15:50 perfect answer for everything
16:25 Oh...
16:56 Spoony? or Ma-ti?
17:40 Hole doctor?
18:30 I met you on Thursday...
19:27 Oh, Linkara... how many comic-book review is in Minnesota
20:35 Oh so... I don't know. Dr. Tease was my favorite character for NChick!
22:45 Lampshades... and Mr. Brick?
23:20 MechaLinkara?
24:20 Oh, more reference...
25:16 More reference and character... interesting.
26:20 Oh, sorry. No character. Or not?
27:10 Oh great. Sci-fi Guy is... whatever.
28:00 Interruption nicely done.
29:45 Plot... great exposition, very meta.
30:32 Oh yes.
31:05 Oh, everyone has it.
31:50 Oh great...
32:20 More...?
33:00 Still have that thread. Triangle exposed?
34:15 Oh, you kid...
35:44 Oh god...
36:10 She's smarter than she thinks...
38:00 Plot is developing... New technology?
39:15 Of course.
40:20 Is this the hole?
total running time- 40:37

Part 2
00:20 Oh... D-list? He's at C+
01:00 That was little bit forced, isn't it?
02:15 Gift shop?
03:30: What was that? The music, I mean.
04:50 Nice use of minor reviews here.
06:25 So we meet again...
07:00 And 8-bit Mickey
07:20 Not again.
07:50 Cardboard box...
08:10 Nice callback...
09:00 Nice acting...
09:30 Oh, selfish interest... and MechaLinkara
10:40 Elisa is gone? But is Insano here?
11:00 Oh yes!
11:30 Plot Hole is... done by Real Life Comic
12:20 Yes, Linkara
12:50 Not timely-wimey?
13:40 Insano was here...
14:10 Mad scientist insurance? and a Commercial break
15:15 We got a ship.
16:18 Douches Detected...
17:30 Of course it's a vibrator...
18:10 Munchkin... oh no.
18:50 Good job.
19:36 And the ship is flying
20:00 Critic is just dirty...
20:30 oooooohh...
21:30 Oh, it's Zod!
total running time 62:46

Part 3
00:16 What happened?
01:30 I love how minor character gets a shine...
02:10 V-log by Paw
03:10 Oh my...
03:35 Oh, it always works...
04:10 Always a funny mecha...
05:40 What happened? Jesu is a great impersonator.
06:25 Plant in the corner+ Lucas wipe= awesome
07:20 Ferdinand? Hope you're not a Archduke who wants to take me on...
08:05 Simulation of sleep anema...
09:00 No, Todd... Is this...
10:00 Love Triangle and 8-bit's wise words...
11:58 Beautiful.
12:25 And who are you?
13:00 Character meld together nicely...
14:43 Great innuendo work, Film Brain
15:20 Nchick is Seven of Eleven? AWESOME!
16:46 Oh, you two.
17:16 Use of Jupiter demostrates your musical knowledge
17:46 Oh Phelous, calling Paw Wesley...
19:02 Nice action pose...
19:40 He's alive!
19:57 Shipping and Handling sickness...
20:34 More like a mansion...
total running time- 83:30

Part 4
00:00 Wow, In media res!
01:00 Strange proverb
01:20 I love Bennett being 'psychic'
02:00 Oh, great...
02:40 Shield down!
03:35 Oh no!!!
04:17 That's what Nintendo taught you?
06:10 As with Red Shirt and Phelous, he must die... But it's so hard!
07:40 Phelous always resurrects!
09:30 OH things getting serious...
10:00 Of course...
10:12 I'm the law! Dredd, with remake just came out
10:55 Cut! And what with the transporter...
12:00 Nope!
12:45 Outside the Building, ton of guards!
13:15 What's with Cherry?
14:00 Gort?
14:50 Reusing footage for fun!
15:30 Benzaie! (I'm dying)
16:08 I love Paw...
17:00 Benzaie is not a good translator...
17:43 Great use of running gags!
18:47 Not a good time!
19:05 Not a good place!
20:15 Oh...
total running time- 1:45:50

Part 5
00:40 Still with Obi-Wan?
01:20 Well, he's Film Brain
01:48 Rob and Mrs. Jones?
02:44 Bradiken?
04:00 Poor writer... but Snob?
04:46 Brad's friends and actual crew...
05:55 Oh, the holodeck...
06:10 Plot hole commence...
07:22 Interesting...
07:46 Torpedo?
08:22 He's being discreet...
09:00 Not a relationship, but there's a threesome?
09:34 Traitor...
10:06 Todd is RoboCop!
11:05 Third time is the charm!
11:48 Blank state?
12:19 Painkiller is so fun!
12:54 Yes.
13:13 Love my momma!
13:22 Very grating, and yes you do.
14:11 Oh god, Spoony!
15:00 Oh, more stuff about Joe? Keep bringing it on...
15:50 Manos?
16:20 So Bad, it's Good?
17:30 Nice words. And Quick Linkara shot!
18:45 Ma-Ti wants the Critic!
19:39 Oh crud...
total running time- 2:05:32

Part 6
00:15 Rob and Geek fight!
01:38 NO Snob!
03:40 I love this scene! The best part of the Prequel, and that's not much....
05:00 Oh god! This is awful! Who is Evil? Who is good? Who knows?
06:15 NO Jesu Edward!
06:45 Beauty!
07:10 You're doing a disservice, J-Dub
07:40 Todd is not good at this...
08:20 Maybe it's a lemon grenade?
08:50 Power of love saves all!
09:30 That shock us all.
10:00 So lovely!
10:40 Mechakara... I'm sorry
12:00 I'm sorry, Film Brain
12:40 New world for dumb... isn't there a easy way?
13:10 Sorry Luke.
13:50 Do the NO! (But I like it.)
total running time- 2:20:00

Part 7
00:15 Master Oan?
01:00 Star War reference...and Film Brain
02:15 reliable source of party!
03:30 teach the ways of the Plot... yes, we shall.
05:00 Balance of the Plot is true and dear...
06:30 History is served!
07:10 Love Acting Allusion....
07:33 Nice gulp.
08:00 What's bhaton?
08:35 Distraction done. Cameo Jesus!
09:25 In his own protection...
10:10 Great Party!
13:00 This is just...
14:00 Only hope is Film Brain?
14:40 So Traumatic and what is CR?
15:50 1983 Krypton Single?
17:15 That's hating words!
18:00 Only contribution...
23:00 Best montage ever!
24:00 Armada destroyed.
24:45 Oh, Spoony...
25:50 Phelous is doing something!
total running time- 2:46:22

Part 8
00:50 What the hell?
02:00 So much is happening!
02:30 Where, what, huh?
03:00 Oh god, it's so meta!
04:05 Great line
04:30 Really, Transformer 3?
05:45 God, that's annoying.
07:00 You are a Character!
08:00 Evolved!
08:40 Reality... take the 1/0 route.
09:15 Yes.
10:40 There's the beauty...
11:38 Cat+Reference= Brilliant!
13:00 So existential...
15:00 So awful...
17:00 Try to kill or dental plan?
17:30 You're all dumb in this world.
17:40 Coffee does nothing!
19:50 Oh, Blue Shell...
21:00 Oh yeah, forgot about that.
24:10 Great music and choice! It's true art...
25:30 You did reeeeal good. Ma-Ti. I love you.
27:00 So philosophical!
27:45 AVGN!!!
28:32 Nash...
29:30 Oh... so good.
30:05 Another great use of minor character!
31:00 let the world be gone... so poetic, so beautiful.
31:30 Equilibrium was third, Film Brain
33:00 Wise words, AVGN...
33:50 HAL again.
35:00 He's gone...
36:00 It's Santa Christ!!!
37:00 Oh you... remember?
38:00 Nothing makes sense anymore!
38:30 Dr. Insano makes good plot dump...
39:15 Independent coke party is much better, anyway.
41:00 this is getting weird...
42:00 Yes, you are...
44:20 Rob... The true hero of TGWTG
45:00 Oh you, Sci-Fi Guy...
total running time- 3:31:39

What a great send-off to the Nostalgia Critic. Threads are well-meshed, though there's still some thins that are off, but overall a spectacular job.

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