Monday, July 1, 2013

Unfinished Titles: Possibility Series

This is a story of untold stories, stuff I had in my mind since 5th grade that I never seem to muster.

Well, least this one is.

It's been 7 years ,but I'm knew where to start with. The dialogue, the words...

This is a story about two astronauts named John and Mary who goes out to the center of the galaxy to find precious minerals. The story begin as they are sucked into the black hole and 'miraculously' come out. This make it more fantasy than science-fiction. Yes, there's science and fiction ,but it's just exploring different world strung together like an anthology more going more technical into specs and details. Maybe that's where I got it wrong.

John and Mary ,after escaping, comes into a meadow, where the first world is introduced and this is basically a rip-off of the main 'block' in HG Wells's The Time Machine. There's Elois and Morokais and they are different and yet same and Eloi is so happy and Morokai is sad and machine-like and whatever. There's also that museum that my fan-fiction latched on to, as John and Mary is introduced to a picnic with a elderly teacher and a bunch of school Elois.

They talk about the future and how did the world of 'today' turn into world of here and the gist of 'bait' is here. John and Mary skip forward in time, like that phenomenal episode of Futurama, and discover weird worlds. So basically Star Trek with Futurama spiced on there. Anyway, they realize they are skipping through the future and realize that they will be gone soon. The elderly pleads with them to go on the adventure and inexplicably he does.

This is really setting of the concept, also World 2, and introducing the Elder as a wise but bumbly type ,as commonly seen as like Polonius from Hamlet. He is also the buttmonkey in this one and serve pratfall with Mary.

World 2 is a post-apocalyptic landscape with John and Mary with Elder heading separate ways to find human life. Mary and Elder bumble their way through the destruction and eventually find a Eloi boy. While John finds clues about this world and after finding a Morokai girl. They meet-up together and Eloi boy and the Morokai girl is tasked with continuing the human race, akin to Adam and Eve.

Now when people read this hypothetical book, they will ask two things. Why is Mary The Scrappy and is John, a Mary Sue. Answer is Yes and Not Sure. I think having a female character that is independent and yet still get into humiliating situations is very refreshing to the types we see today. The brashness is not thought as revolutionary or the humiliation degrading. It's just how Mary works and that's that. Now John however, I am not sure. You might consider him a Marty Stu consider he never gets into 'trouble', least not much as other characters and he gets a romantic interest at the end. In the fourth world, I placed in better context, for reasons you'll see later.

After the Adam and Eve ceremony ,the three is transported to a tropical island where Models play around and enjoy the luxury they have in us. This is the Utopia scene. There's emphasis on the beauty because I was fascinated with beauty and still do... not as much, though. Anyway, after cordial invite, they are inadvertently taken to a the 'bad side' where disfigured workers work to get raw materials and energy while having bootleg surgeon to make them pretty. This is just overwrought, I think, but it gives to a uprising (that is doomed to fail) spearheaded by John and Mary. After John goes all emotional, there are transported 'just at the right time'.

There's so many enforced cliche in this story. People leaving at the perfect moment, miraculous escape in the beginning... that are lampooned in the Mary and the Elder sections. It's much of a counterpoint to a dramatic slop of John's story and I give more due to them. I like Mary and Elder, even more than John or Sarah. They are the interesting part, part that don't like this cliche so much and wants to escape. John is very happy to be here. It's like a self-referential fan fiction.  Which is good, if not overdone.

World 4 is anthology within an anthology. Three worlds, all widely different (actually five but the last two is not important) and the two couples, John and Sarah, Mary and Elder, in completely different situation. John and Sarah talks about their relationship and how Sarah was fascinated by being militant and stuff. I have not explained the story very much, didn't I? Well, too bad. This is more like a director's note than a summary.

Sarah is a interesting character herself. (In fact, John is least understood character even he's the 'hero' we understand less about him than any other in the story. He's a young brash man in his 20's who likes to party and other manly stuff. But he's not a full-fledged character. He's not supposed to be. he's more of a reflection. Perhaps, it's wish fulfillment, but you see why you don't want to be John, not necessarily.) Sorry, about Sarah, yes, she's also a independent character, in fact she leads John more than John leads her, and she has a nice backstory of 'deformed' girl who excelled during military training. Feeling of oneness is what they talk about in the scene of lunch in animal grazing house.

Also did I tell you that World 4-1 is world run by intelligent animals? Well, Sarah applies for a job run by horses. She gets to be the janitor with consequences and Elder gets to stay home with the pigs and deal with weird animal stuff. This is the separation we are talking about as John and Sarah gets vaguely dramatic, Sarah and Elder is just more fun!

World 4-2 takes a whole different level. Sarah and Elder are poor peasants and John and Sarah are nobles, enjoying the glitter and vapidity. The description flourish but the plot and dialogue is vague... on purpose! Sarah and Elder resents the position and spend all day complaining to the others, if they have the chance.

World 4-3 takes a spin at the structure. Sarah looks for abnormalities while others act normal. Sarah takes the front seat but while the other are trying to be the center focus. It's a submarine world, by the way.

The rest is the crew finding the switch while climbing the Himalayas and the big giant hot woman coming to tell her story and preparing to destroy them  but they disappears! (How coincidental)

It's basically to tie up World 4 to World 3. Anyway, up to World 5 where there's alien and how it relates to World 4 and how they get out of loop in the first place. It's to clean up the plot, really.

Now when they come back, the ship has collected enough minerals, weirdly enough, and there's the rescue option... Sarah and Elder are fine with the cover-up but Eil (I'll call him) the alien looking, is the biggest trouble... They tried to whisk him off... of which they do but the aftermath is botched so Eil gets a new story and there's the epilogue.

Sarah becomes a professor with Elder as the assistant. Sarah wins pageants then marries John and have happy life. Eil goes on the lecture circuit and becomes enamored by the community. The epilogue is there to look back and wise-crack again about the story and it's not there for plot reason. Also Eil needs more plot!

Sorry, for rambling but I guess you're used to that. So Thank you and good-bye.

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