Friday, October 18, 2013

Poem #2 '-ender'

(It's slightly off, but you might enjoy it)

To engender.
To smell the lavender,
Go to the bartender and hear the blender
Running and to see who’s tender.
An attender by the ascender comes to me.
I render you’re a spender,
a moneylender to make me surrender
Think I’m a contender, a goaltender
Trying to be a mender
but you’re a offender, pretender
Using me for a weekender
Ready with a descender
Thinking you’re on fire like a hellbender.
You see gender through a cullender
You must wait for a calender or a supercalender
Glossing the centerfold to sell to the vender
The page is a slender girl taking off a suspender...
But all love by you is a fender bender.
Only way I’ll touch you is through an extender,
Because I’m the defender, not a lender.
Because I don’t need a provender.
I’ll return the drink to the sender.
Besides, you don’t know I’m a transgender.

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