Thursday, December 8, 2016

10 Years: Bandgeek8408

This is not really a ten years recap blog much as an log of all the plot of Matt's work with some commentary. I think Matt might be the best reviewer on YouTube of his kind, so it's a look back.

Dorm Weirdness (Dec 8, 2006)
First video made by Matt. This was back in College, jeez. That's a long ago

Prologue/Tower of Babel (Jan 1, 2007)
Matt really likes Godspell, like there's four version of this song on the channel?

Re: Tuesday #2- Yay for nerds! (May 29, 2008)
This is the first vlog, according to Matt, even though there was video before

Friday #6 - Musical Stranger...emphasis on "strange" (Jun 27, 2008)
This is the first appearance of Matt in SPVH and the intro to ET, in proto form.

Friday . . . I mean, Thursday #20: Musing (Oct 2, 2008)
This is where Matt enters the SPVH effectively. Again, Matt was the only one who entered without permission, this is important somehow. Scrapbook is also how I create things.

Thursday #27: SHVP News, Thursday Edition (REUPLOAD 2) (Dec 14, 2008)
This is the first edition of SHVP News with Bobby Brimstone, Marty Fireand, and Samuel Baptist

Favorite Books Review #1: The Book Thief (Jan 19, 2009)
This is the first video review by Matt, starting his long-running Favorite Book Reviews.

Favorite Books Review #3: A Series of Unfortunate Events (Feb 19, 2009)
Month later, we have a intro. The review is haphazard like the book stack behind him, though.

Favorite Books Review #6: Number the Stars (Mar 2, 2009)
Change in the background and a pretty good review.

Favorite Books Review #9: Mary Called Magdalene (May 3, 2009)
New intro and booktube recommendation.

Thursday 49: 18 Themes in Under 5 Minutes (May 7, 2009) [one week break, non-count]
This is the beginning of one of my favorite character, many themes in one video man! I love him.

Favorite Books Review #10: Angels and Demons (May 9, 2009)
Favorite Books Review #15: Dear Mr. Henshaw (Aug 19, 2009)
The famous old vlogging setup. And then the bookshelf.

Thursday 59: Creepy . . . (Jul 16, 2009)
One of my favorite series in SHVP, it's the serenade trilogy! I don't why I like it... Good songs.

Friday 66: Behind the Scenes, with Friday (Sep 4, 2009)
So, Matt jumps to Friday in SHVP and what better intro than a Behind the Scene!

Sunday 70: Sigmund made me do it (Oct 2, 2009)
Part 2 of the serenade trilogy. This is my favorite? No, I think I like Jordan better.

Friday 74: Attack of the Clones (Oct 30, 2009)
Friday 75: Decepticon Awareness Week (Nov 6, 2009)
Friday 76: The Final Showdown . . . (Nov 13, 2009)
(deleted scenes)
Evil Twin Takeover, this is where the plot really begins. Not much to add here, just well done.

Favorite Books Review #26: Crime and Punishment (Feb 6, 2010)
Classic book and a new intro for the new year.

Friday 88: Lost . . . in the internet (Feb 5, 2010)
The second plotline in SHVP. The plot maybe silly, but the character interaction is brilliant.
Friday 89: Literary Romance (Feb 12, 2010)
Part Three of serenade trilogy and perhaps out of canon of this series, but again, it's good.
Friday 90: Crushes (Feb 19, 2010)
So the canon just pop here again. And Evil Twin is a great character and really shines here.
Friday 91: SHVP Olympics! (Feb 26, 2010)
There's lot of in-jokes in here, but it's okay, and there's plot progress so there's that.
Friday 92: Searching Google: A Story (Mar 5, 2010)
This is a reference to Google Stories ad that was pouring during early 2010, lot of parodies...
Friday 93: Riddle Me This! (Mar 13, 2010)
Introduction to the riddles in Matt's storyline, the riddle aren't hard to figure out, but it's fun.
Friday 94: ? (Mar 20, 2010)
Did you solve the riddle? First two is pretty easy, third is little harder but you can figure it out.
Friday 95: Fingertips, TMBG (Mar 27, 2010)
Matt is known for his music skill and the cover was excellently done. Also, there's the wand!
Friday 96: Peanut Butter and WHAT?!? (Apr 2, 2010)
I guess SHVP Eats is an yearly occasion I guess, but seriously the riddles isn't hard... at all.
Friday 97: Decidedly Un-rappy (Apr 9, 2010)
The rap week was postponed but that third riddle was explained, see not that hard of a riddle.
Friday 98: 24 hour rap (Apr 16, 2010)
The rap is not the best of Matt's work, but it's serviceable. Is the plot still going though?
Friday 99: So close... (Apr 23, 2010)
Background Singer #3 has a plan? Well, that's good news!
Friday 100!: It's Matt! No, really! No, really . . . (Apr 30, 2010)
Last of the song trilogy which is not a trilogy... I should have known... but it's okay, this is great.

Favorite Books Review #33: Matilda (Apr 25, 2010)
Books vs. Movies: An Introduction (Apr 29, 2010)
This is the start of main crutch of Matt's review... First season unrelated, so I'll give the gist below

Friday 101: Coming Soon . . . hopefully . . . (May 7, 2010)
This is actually well-involved series, but there's actually three concurrent series, so let's focus on Matt
Week 102 (May 14, 2010)
Friday 103: Discount Flashback Warehouse (May 21, 2010) Setting up the plot.
Friday 104: An Awesome Idea! (May 28, 2010)
Being a pretty big deal made Matt want to a collab channel. Third snark, I guess?
Friday 106: The Search Begins (Jun 4, 2010) [right on schedule now]
Friday 107 (Jun 11, 2010)
The plotlines start to appear, and Matt is still in the road, and framing device for a vlog.
Friday: A story from 3 locations (Jun 18, 2010) [Week 108]
Seems like people are jumping into 'reality'! This is all fun and good, but what's happening.
Friday: Three (Jun 25, 2010) [Week 109]
Friday: It was all a dream? (Jul 2, 2010) [Week 110]
Update of life, as that's the theme I think? But this is also a dream and the plot must continue.
To Be Continued... (Jul 9, 2010) [Week 111]
The Epic Finale of Epicness - Part 1 (Jul 17, 2010)
The Epic Finale of Epicness - Part 2 (Jul 17, 2010) [Week 112]
Evil Twin creates clones starting the evil clone saga and that multiple wands! Great ending.

Reviews of Shame: Disney's A Wrinkle in Time (Jun 24, 2010)
This is an interesting aside to the books vs movies, little of quieting audience and also writing.

Favorite Books Review #38: Jennifer Murdley's Toad (Jul 7, 2010)
I think this is a fun intro to include in this retrospective

Favorite Books Review #41: MWA-HA-HA-HA! (Aug 1, 2010)
What's with Bruce Colville and creative intros?

Episode 199: Books vs. Movies Favorite Review #42: Inception (Aug 7, 2010)
This is a great review and it's his first stab at elaborating genre mixing.

Why the Epilogue ISN'T Crap (VEDS 1) (Sep 1, 2010) This is VEDS 2010, truncated view...
Favorite Movies Review #1: V for Vendetta (VEDS 6) (Sep 6, 2010)
Reviews of Shame: The Lightning Thief (VEDS 13) (Sep 13, 2010)
(START HERE) Clone or Not? ROUND 1: Evil Twin or ET (VEDS 18) (Sep 18, 2010)
ET is not a clone and News Team is not as well. Background singer is, but beatbox is not. Moving on Many Themes in One Video Man, Matilda, and Future Matt is Matt. Matt Hatter is not a clone... yet!
Try to Remember (VEDS 28) Yeah, his cousin died of cancer a long time ago.

Friday: Another Boring Video (Oct 1, 2010) [Week 124]
Friday: Another one? (Oct 8, 2010) [Week 125]
Who's that at the door? (Oct 15, 2010) [Week 126]
Another clone spotted (Oct 22, 2010) [Week 127]
The Offer (Oct 29, 2010) [Week 128]
An Alliance? (Nov 5, 2010) [Week 129]
An Alliance with Quartus? (Nov 12, 2010) [Week 130]
An Alliance with Matt? (Nov 19, 2010) [Week 131]
A Confrontation with Secondus? (Nov 26, 2010) [Week 132]
Don't Call Me ET! Trailer (Dec 2, 2010) [Week 133]
A Message from Twin Prime (Dec 10, 2010) [Week 134]
Evil clone is finally introduced, A twin, mastermind, simpleton, watcher, spook, defector, lackey...

fiveawesomegirls: The End of an Era (Dec 24, 2010) [Week 136]
5AG will be something I would review as for the perennial 10 year celebration! Also, the end.

Favorite Books Review #48: Ella Enchanted (Dec 29, 2010)
New set, and a book that come later as a Book vs Movies and 76 is the target!

Books vs Movies Season 1
#1: Matilda (May 4, 2010) - Split into three parts - Book wins
#2: Freaky Friday (May 18, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (switch?)
#3: Wizard of Oz (May 27, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (technical tiebreak, song)
#4: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (Jun 6, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins
#5: Wayside (Jun 9, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#6: Time Traveler's Wife (Jul 27, 2010) - three parts - Book wins (Dramatic, much?)
#7: To Kill a Mockingbird (Aug 16, 2010) - three parts - Book wins (tiebreaker)
#8: A Little Princess (Aug 28, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#9: Charlie and The Chocolate Factory (Sep 14, 2010) - three parts - Book wins
#10: The Princess Bride (Oct 11, 2010) - three parts - Movie wins (figment joke)
#11: Holes (Oct 29, 2010) - ONE PART - Book wins (ridiculous hat)
#12: V for Vendetta (Nov 5, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins (With Jesse)
#13: Oz Sequel (Dec 10, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins
#14: The Prestige (Dec 15, 2010) - Three parts - Movie wins (With Evil Twin & #3)
#15: The Christmas Carol (Dec 24, 2010) - Three parts - Book Wins

The Alliance - 1 (Nov 1, 2010) This is a choose your adventure [to 12, 7, 2]
The Alliance - 2 (Nov 2, 2010) Secondus was expecting him... [to 3, 6]
The Alliance - 3 (Nov 3, 2010) Banished! [to 15, 10]
The Alliance - 4 (Nov 4, 2010) Back to Yukon [Sad ending!]
The Alliance - 5 (Nov 5, 2010) It's his apartment? [to 17, 18]
The Alliance - 6 (Nov 6, 2010) Phone and a voice mail... [to 14, 9]
The Alliance - 7 (Nov 7, 2010) He's been expecting... [to 10, 11, 20]
The Alliance - 8 (Nov 8, 2010) Tertius thinks it's all easy [to 4]
The Alliance - 9 (Nov 9, 2010) Having fun? Nowhere to go... [to 15, 10]
The Alliance - 10 (Nov 10, 2010) Running and he sees something [to 5, 18]
The Alliance - 11 (Nov 11, 2010) Quartus makes an offer [to 19, 23]
The Alliance - 12 (Nov 12, 2010) No sir-ee! Matt is not talking. [to 10, 16, 22]
The Alliance - 13 (Nov 13, 2010) Tied up in the tangle [Good ending]
The Alliance - 14 (Nov 14, 2010) Welp [to 17, 18]
The Alliance - 15 (Nov 15, 2010) It's a mystery [to 26, 16, 8, 5, 11]
The Alliance - 16 (Nov 16, 2010) There's Sextus? [to 25, 24]
The Alliance - 17 (Nov 17, 2010) Banished! and Banished by Tertius [to 4]
The Alliance - 18 (Nov 18, 2010) Back to the start [to 2, 7, 12]
The Alliance - 19 (Nov 19, 2010) Make do [to 2, 12, 17]
The Alliance - 20 (Nov 20, 2010) Quartus has a wand!!! [to 26]
The Alliance - 21 (Nov 21, 2010) Prime pleads for an alliance [to 27, 28]
The Alliance - 22 (Nov 22, 2010) Don't need no alliance... [to 26]
The Alliance - 23 (Nov 23, 2010) Thought so highly of you... [to 26]
The Alliance - 24 (Nov 24, 2010) Desire? and beaten! [to 4]
The Alliance - 25 (Nov 25, 2010) Do you, Evil Twin? [to 30, 21]
The Alliance - 26 (Nov 26, 2010) He's now at Quintus's house, OH NO! [Bad ending!]
The Alliance - 27 (Nov 27, 2010) That was not good... [to 26]
The Alliance - 28 (Nov 28, 2010) He cannot be trusted [to 13, 29]
The Alliance - 29 (Nov 29, 2010) People are safely hidden [Okay ending.]
The Alliance - 30 (Nov 30, 2010) Let's not talk about this... [Uncertain ending]

Matt Hatter's Top 10 Favorite Movies (Jan 3, 2011) For reference.

What's All The Fuss About? #100: Ben-Hur (Jan 15, 2011) Start of a new series.

Top 15 Most Likable Villains in Visual Media (with Matt's Evil Twin) (Jan 24, 2011)
Evil Twin is a pretty good reviewer!

Evil Twin Intervenes (Feb 6, 2011)
2011's steam ran out pretty quick and so Matt Guion need an evil twin to persuade him. Oh well.

Returning to bandgeek8408 . . . (Mar 4, 2011) Let Season 2 Begin! (Everything ex. Beauty & Beast)

Books vs. Movies Review: The Little Mermaid (Mar 8, 2011)
#16... and Matt is not here? And I forgot Matt hates The Little Mermaid, and there is this person who goes to watch every single review of Little Mermaid and vitriolically defending them! Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Catcher in the Rye (Apr 1, 2011) Good April fools joke.

The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 1 (May 2, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 2 (May 3, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 3 (May 4, 2011)
The Twilight Reviewing Saga: Part 4 (May 5, 2011)
Books vs. Movies Review: Twilight (May 4, 2011)
#17: This is where it gets interesting and I know this isn't the point of the series but I really this twist comparing bad adaptation of bad novels. There should be more, but for health's sake... Movie wins.

Being a Better YouTuber (May 15, 2011) 2011 intro and start of 31 days challenge.
Movie Review: The Social Network (2010) (Review #1) (May 16, 2011)
Book Review: Watchmen, by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons (May 17, 2011)
Expectations (Review #3) (May 18, 2011)
Favorite Movies Review #6: The Sandlot (1993) (Review #4) (May 19, 2011)
WATFA? The Lost 23: (#99) Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? (Review #5) (May 20, 2011)
Top 10 Underrated Musicals (Review #6 & 7) (May 22, 2011)
Scotty just appears...  Perhaps 31 review leads to a rift... Also, Editor deemed as the web reviewer...
The Five People You Meet in Heaven, by Mitch Albom (Review #8) (May 23, 2011)
Matt with a ponytail, Matt's classic look, least for me.
Book Review: Devilish, by Maureen Johnson (Review #9) (May 24, 2011)
Stage Justification (Review #10) (May 25, 2011) This is put into vlog.
Trailer Review (Kinda): Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 (Review #11) (May 26, 2011)
What's All The Fuss About? #98: Yankee Doodle Dandy (Review #12) (May 27, 2011)
Top 10 Most Overrated Musicals (Reviews #13 & 14) (May 29, 2011)
Scotty got his name and intro, and do not have an Scottish accent. Pretty good.
Movie Review: On Stranger Tides . . . with CodedLockFilms! (Review #15) (May 30, 2011)
First of many split screen Jesse-Matt reviews, which is entertaining to look at.
Shows I've Done #1: Annie Warbucks (Review #16) (Jun 1, 2011) It might be out of sync.
Mythology (Review #17) (Jun 2, 2011)
Book Review: Maus II: And Here My Troubles Began (Review #18) (Jun 3, 2011)
Books vs. Movies Review: Where the Wild Things Are (Review #19 & 20) (Jun 5, 2011)
#18: Matt is going wild and the review is fine. Three Round review and Movie wins.
Imagination (Review #21) (Jun 9, 2011) Regular Scottish Hatter... Wait? The date...
Favorite Movies Review #7: Alice in Wonderland (1951) (Review #22) (Jun 10, 2011) Trilogy begin.
Shows I've Done #2: Alice in Wonderland, the Musical (Review #23) (Jun 11, 2011)
Movie Review: Alice in Wonderland (2010) (Review #24) (Jun 12, 2011)
Broadway Junior: A Rant (Review #25) (Jun 13, 2011)
Review of Future Reviews (Review #26) (Jun 14, 2011) (Notice phone convo, good to fake)
You missed five days. Fun to peer, though. (Also, remember when Netflix was a mail service?)

Books vs. Movies Review: Alice in Wonderland (Jun 24, 2011) (Cassie's persona showing?)
#19: This is a very tight review and Scotty went to wonderland to break that tie. Movie wins!

Books vs. Movies (vs. Musicals) Review: The Secret Garden (Jul 8, 2011)
#20: Cassie enters in this three way review and upstart win by Musical... but Movie gets the point.

Books vs. Movies Review: Coraline (Jul 31, 2011)
#21: This might the least  derive from the original ... but the plotline is continuing. Movie wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (Aug 13, 2011)
#22: Cassie wants book to win... and Hatter is in run and still Movie wins. Cassie is still here.

Magical Transporting Coffee Cup! (Aug 27, 2011)
Mug is a great plot device and it really does wonders. Anyway not showing the other parts.

Ask Matt's Evil Twin Questions . . . NOW! (Aug 29, 2011)
Matt's Evil Twin Answers Your Questions (Aug 30, 2011)

Are you watching closely? (Aug 31, 2011) Answer is VEDS and other stuff.

Books vs. Movies Review: The NeverEnding Story (VEDS #13) (Sep 13, 2011)
#23: Hatter is suck into a book, and used the fact that he's in Vidcon (cramped one) Book wins!

From Stage to Screen: The Music Man (Oct 16, 2011)
This is a new series that will come more... later. More dueling persona is more fun, too!

Books vs. Movies Review: Harry Potter (yes, really) (Oct 31, 2011)
#24: Might be the most hasty review of the second series and Amish Dumbledore appears, but okay... This is where we have the split of the persona, we remember four are already mentioned. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Watchmen (Dec 5, 2011)
#25: The split has occurred. Four person evil persona review of awesome. Good review. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Animal Farm (Dec 21, 2011)
#26: In the timeline, this is happening concurrently. This is a light review for this series. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Peter Pan (Jan 12, 2012)
#27: TIEBREAK! Three adaptations and a double agent? Now that's a review. Book wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: Tuck Everlasting (Jan 27, 2012)
#28: There's NO GIMMICK... let's repeat, NO GIMMICKS. Book wins. (There's a gimmick)

Books Vs. Movies: Behind the Scenes (Jan 28, 2012)
This is good reference but there's is a secret...
Secret Video 1 (Dec 8, 2012)
Secret Video 2 (Dec 8, 2012)
Secret Video 3 (Dec 8, 2012)
People were changing in the background. This is very important.

Ultimate Recommendation Book Club: The Book Thief, Prologue (Feb 2, 2012)

To Be Continued . . . (Part 1) (Feb 9, 2012)
To Be Continued . . . (Part 2) (Feb 14, 2012)
Nice gimmick in the middle and good discussion of a topic.

Books vs. Movies Case #29: Who Censored/Framed Roger Rabbit? (Mar 2, 2012)
#29: Matt's personal favorite and it shows. This is a perfect marriage, theme and review. Movie wins.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Bible vs. Jesus Christ Superstar (Apr 1, 2012) Again...

Movie Review: Memento (Apr 4, 2012)
Memento is something you just want to emulate, and good emulation it is.

From Stage to Screen: Godspell (Apr 6, 2012)
This is really good review and I did talk about his love for this musical. Also plot in the end.

What's All The Fuss About? Recap: AFI and Lost 23 #91-100 (Apr 14, 2012)
Little bit of recap and also some plot in the end, it would come later.

Movie Review Double Feature: Rashomon (1950) and Vantage Point (2008) (May 23, 2012)
This is a good look at a classic and some remake of it... it's pretty decent and some story.
What happened? (Dec 8, 2012)
Reg's Story (Dec 8, 2012)
ET's Story (Dec 8, 2012)
The Background Singers' Story (Dec 8, 2012)
Review Security Footage, May 23, 2012 (Dec 8, 2012)
Editing Matt's Dream (Dec 8, 2012)
There's YouTube code hidden in 8, those lead them to other social media sites and you get the clues
1 (hat - King of the Web) - Vital, 2 (said - Bandcamp) - Knows 3 (text - twitter) - Accident
4 (TV - VYou) - Disloyal 5 (board - Tumblr) - Isn't 6 (Security - Dailybooth) - Suspects
7 (kindle - Goodreads) - Is 8 (dream - YouTube) Red Herring Along with tumblr clues and dream...
7,5,1,3,4,6,2,8 Reg, Scotty, Hatter, Hoodie, Obvious, Editing, ET, Amish Dumbledore... add it all up,
Reg is [the source] Scotty isn't [real] Hatter vital [to the mission] Hoodie Accident [self-explantory] Obvious disloyal [Deus - does whatever] Editing suspects [is this rift bad?] ET knows [he knows] Amish Dumbledore red herring [he seems important but he's not] That's some complicated stuff.

Bargain Bin Reviews! Beauty and the Beast (1987) (May 26, 2012) [WITH CAPTAIN OBVIOUS]
The biased white hoodie guy does his mark with this terrible movie... perhaps for BvM review?

Books vs. Movies the Musical!: Faerie Tales vs. Disney (Act One) (Jun 11, 2012)
Books vs. Movies the Musical: Faerie Tales vs. Disney, Act Two (Jun 12, 2012)
Books vs. Movies the Musical: Faerie Tales vs. Disney, Act Three (Jun 13, 2012)
Cassie brings Pretentious Director and there's Jeffery and The Singing Guy and Jerry as well!
#30: Grand Finale of Season 2, not a lot happens on this one. Anyway Movie wins, so a tiebreak.

Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: Matilda vs. Matilda (Jun 28, 2012)
The redux series! Cassie plotline is shutdown but not without passing on the baton, so to say.
Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Jun 30, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review REDUX: The Wizard of Oz (Jul 7, 2012)
Back to the nostaglic stage and Season 3 preview. [Missing Reviews: Shawshank (37?) Aladdin? Howl's Moving Castle? Tangled? Freedom Writers? Fairy Tale Theater? (It?)

From Stage to Screen: The Fantasticks (Oct 30, 2012)
This is a good review and did Scotty disappear? And there's biased hoodie guy making his mark.

Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Fellowship of the Review (Nov 2, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Two Trolls (Nov 12, 2012)
Books vs. Movies Review: The Lord of the Reviews: The Return of the Hat (Nov 17, 2012)
I love how the round 1 basically ended before the review began! There's also Scotty as a voice. Haberdasher's name is revealed. Round 2! Done at home and seven persona have been revealed. Round 3 is passed and Haberdasher & Secondus does the Round 4. Jesse as Gollum is top notch. Captain obvious pops out of nowhere. Scotty is acting weird. Round 5 quickly commences, yikes. Haberdasher acts as Scotty... because he's fictional! One and Two does Round 6 banishing them. Round 7 comes quite quickly, Just what he needs to be... Lot of good camera angles in this part. Battle scene and the characters... Scotty? That long ending scene as round 9 is genius Movie wins.

The Situation - 1 (Nov 16, 2012) 1, 4, 6 discuss the bomb. [2 or 3]
The Situation - 2 (Nov 16, 2012) 2 did not. It can't 5 [4 then 5 or 6]
The Situation - 3 (Nov 16, 2012) 4 is disarmed and 5 did not do it. [9 or 10]
The Situation - 4 (Nov 16, 2012) 7 did not. Disarmed.  [7 or 11]
The Situation - 5 (Nov 16, 2012) 7 did not and left. [8 then 16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 6 (Nov 16, 2012) It's the same as 11 or something [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 7 (Nov 16, 2012) It's just the last part of vid2. [13 or 14]
The Situation - 8 (Nov 16, 2012) It's a good idea??? [20 or Bad ending]
The Situation - 9 (Nov 16, 2012) 3 is not making any sense [12 or 15 or 13]
The Situation - 11 (Nov 16, 2012) Did 6 do it or not? I'm confused [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 12 (Nov 16, 2012) Unnecessary but necessary one. [20 or ending]
The Situation - 13 (Nov 16, 2012) Did 3 do it or not? [8 then 16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 14 (Nov 16, 2012) It's pretty much the same thing.. [16 or 17 or 19]
The Situation - 15 (Nov 16, 2012) Kind of a concentrated version [16 or 17 or 18]
The Situation - 16 (Nov 16 2012) Yeah, hotshot, Bad ending [Bad ending]
The Situation - 17 (Nov 16, 2012) Good guesswork. [Good ending]
The Situation - 18 (Nov 16, 2012) We're going now... [Neutral ending]
The Situation - 19 (Nov 16, 2012) EVACUATE [Neutral ending]
The Situation - 20 (Nov 16, 2012) DISARM [Good ending]

Shows I've Done #4: Arsenic and Old Lace (Dec 4, 2012)
https:// Just a good old Scottish theater review of a three-part comedy and killing people. 32?

Games Of My Childhood: Myst (Dec 8, 2012) Arcana the Wizard and he reviews video games and it's high time! 33?

Project for Awesome 2012: The WikiMedia Foundation (Dec 17, 2012)
document/d/ This is the P4A video but it's also a review of sort. Editing Matt does that. 34?

Review of Shame (x3): I Am Legend (Dec 21, 2012)
End of the World and Hatter is from the future reviewing something bad. Reg and Editor and Deus This future hasn't happened yet and it would take YEARS before we reach this stage, I think...? Review of Shame is for a shameful three part adaptation of the first real zombie novel... Scotty?

Books vs. Movies Review: The Incredible Journey (Jan 5, 2013)
Long awaited review #32 - The review is getting ridiculous. Short review, Scotty! Movie wins.

BG8408 News: 2013 (Jan 17, 2013)
Bobby, Marty and Samuel is here again! This is just a bunch of promise. Not the time. Skip the Doc.

Books vs. Movies Review: Matt Guion (Apr 1, 2013) Another April. ET?

TV Episode Review: "All Good Things . . ." (Jun 5, 2013)
Evil Twin is filling the television, mindless crap? Seems to the perfect fit! Also there's good story.

BG8408 News: Exclusive Interview (Aug 8, 2013)
The news is back! Special interview for all that hiatus. Cassie reveal is good! Not the time.

Previously on bandgeek8408 . . . (Jan 28, 2014)
This is good recap... because like you need it. Just skip to here!

Doctor Who, a Review; Episode 1: Variations . . . (Feb 6, 2014)
Apartment is a TARDIS! This is very much a thematic series, which is very nice.

Books vs. Movies Review: Frankenstein (Feb 10, 2014)
The reviews keep rolling with #33 - and what's with the reviewers? Book wins. Not the time.

Books vs. Movies Review: Psycho vs. Psycho (Nov 6, 2014)
#34 and Deus does well, really well actually. Scary, don't you think? Movie wins. Scotty?!

Books vs. Movies Review: Misery (Apr 29, 2015)
#35 and Reg appears again! And they are trapped, because... duh! Finally the time! Book wins.

12 Books vs. Movies Considerations (May 5, 2015)
Let's consider and start the exhibits... Here's Exhibit A (May 5, 2015)

10 Books vs. Movies Reviews We Will Never Do (May 15, 2015)
This is very much needed video. Exhibit B is also here.

When Is A Musical No Longer a Musical? (May 18, 2016)
Good discussion, Scotty... but really I'm here for Exhibit C.

Prologue/Tower of Babble" by the Reviewing Personas. (Aug 27, 2016)
Is this the fourth time this has been covered some way? Geez, I told you he loves this song.

VEDS! and stuff (Sep 1, 2016)
VEDS returns to main channel and altogether after 3 years? Deus and ET making videos...
Five-minute Friday: Books vs. Movies (VEDS 2) (Sep 2, 2016)
Games of My Childhood: Companions of Xanth (VEDS 3) (Sep 3, 2016)
The video reviewing series returns! And what a glorious return!
VEDSies, Challenge, and Shoutouts (VEDS 4) (Sep 4, 2016)
Two challenges! (VEDS 5) (Sep 5, 2016)
Little bit of housekeeping this time. VEDS have lot of housekeeping, this make video ideas easier.
Five Fantasies (VEDS 6) (Sep 6, 2016) One challenge done!
Top 10 Favorite Musicals (VEDS 7) (Sep 7, 2016)
Long form video today (and tomorrow) and this is fairly easy to guess.
Canon (VEDS 8) (Sep 8, 2016)
Sixties were great for franchises, Doctor Who and then Star Trek! Exhibit D and more plot.
blarg (VEDS 9) (Sep 9, 2016) Last-minute housekeeping, but that skip made the rest so on point.
Six-minute Saturday: Punk music (VEDS 10) Extra minute for extra day!
The Story (VEDS 11) (Sep 11, 2016) First poem for an auspicious September occasion.
Tragic Heroes (VEDS 12) (Sep 12, 2016) Two challenges done!
Back to the Future Reboot (VEDS 13) (Sep 13, 2016) Three challenges done!
Four-Chord Song Challenge (VEDS 14) (Sep 14, 2016) FOUR challenge done!
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child discussion with CodedLockFilms (VEDS 15) (Sep 15, 2016)
Q&A Part 1: Personas (Sep 16, 2016) Questions for Personas!
Another Short One (VEDS 17) (Sep 17, 2016) Again, a short break.
From Stage to Screen #5: Into the Woods (VEDS 18) (Sep 18, 2016)
Again, an old series dredged up again because let's face it, we need this. Scotty is gone...
This video does not exist (VEDS 19) (Sep 19, 2016) Exhibit E
Q&A Part 2: General Matt questions (VEDS 20) (Sep 20, 2016) OUT OF CANON!
Auditory Storytelling (VEDS 21) (Sep 21, 2016) Exhibit F Where did that happen before?
Top 10 Favorite Musicals That I Haven't Seen (VEDS 22) (Sep 22, 2016)
This is the second list, because Scotty like to do pair... that's not Scotty! Why is Deus here?
Five-Minute Friday: Storytelling Classification (VEDS 23) (Sep 23, 2016)
The Art of Letter Writing, with Cassie Greenlee (VEDS 24) (Sep 24, 2016)
Cassie, now married?, also it's the time Cassie showed in VEDS for a certain project.
Updates and Reminders (VEDS 25) (Sep 25, 2016) Again... update is good.
Bargain Bin Review: Doctor Who, the Movie (VEDS 26) (Sep 26, 2016)
Long time no see and Doctor Who returns... And this is also Exhibit G
Doctor Who, A Review: ...On a Theme (VEDS 27) (Sep 27, 2016)
Next on a Doctor Who thematic review, REGENERATION! And also plot and Exhibit H
The Visit (VEDS 28) (Sep 28, 2016) Second poem for an auspicious September occasion.
Games of My Childhood: The Super Solvers series (VEDS 29) (Sep 29)
Video game reviews are now a thing now? What? What? And Also... Exhibit_I 
Hatter - Reason, Reg - Analysis, Scotty - Imagination, Editor - Context, Arcana - Accountability
Background Singers? - Passion, Haberdasher - Bias, Deus - X Factor, and that is clue that you get.
Five-minute Friday: Web-based Storytelling (VEDS 30) (Sep 30)
Editing Clone is obviously doing Web-based reviews as you expected, but where does he go?
VEDS, a Reflection (VEDS 31) (Sep 31)
#36... spoilers I guess. Yes, no rounds... necessarily, but still Exhibit J and Book won and... oh no.

Friday, November 11, 2016


The blog will be in hiatus till end of the year.

There will be new projects, probably.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

10 Years: Natalie Tran (communitychannel)

Natalie Tran is an unparalleled figure on YouTube.

Her video were remnant of the old days of YouTube, a paint of nostalgia and 'what if'... that feeling you get when you wonder if YouTube was more open to open creator content.

Her videos are Seinfieldian, in a sense. It is usually about a very trivial topic and stretching that gum until all the juice have been evaporated. It contains multiple acting of superb variety.

The oldest video on record shows how little change Nat has gone through in ten years. The video is about a trivial topic, little bit of insecurity exemplified by a little hesitation in her speech.

Parody of NoHoGirls "Indecent Proposal"
Blow me (Re:Re:Parody of NohoGirls Indecent Proposal"
This is kind of her first turn in fame... of course, this contains mild sensitivity issues and also the fact that YouTube drama was well and alive in 2006. (Don't even tell me about it)

Housekeeping#5 and gregory peck
So Natalie made her mark using these housekeeping videos, which several are available... this is the best I think of the early ones... (I mean look at that photoshop skills!)

i know..
Movie Career? I think not...
a little example of what goes on inside my head (reposted)
This is very classic 2006-07 video of Natalie. Again, (much like Lily Singh), the video contains more edge than current videos. But the middle sketch section is best as it always been.

Evil Teacher Nat
Now this is a good video. Like this is... yes, there's stumbling blocks, but you see it the process there. AND SHE WAS 20, that mean she's THIRTY NOW! She doesn't look over 23... how does she...

Just randomness... i don't know why i sat so close :s
This is included for the Lonelygirl15 interpretation and What Not to Wear.

Man, this is another good it's much better Rachel Levin at this stage.

Re: The Australians are fooling us
I can call myself Australian if i want to
This is a response video to boh3m3, which most think it's the greatest loss of YouTube... not that he's dead... just... you know... this is really well-done response video. (Also, f--k those haters.)

SORTA housekeeping but not really!! hrm
ID photographs.. sorry this isnt very good guys
just a blog.. blah
This is false. It's exceptionally good.

Katers17 had a crazy life... just... she had thing with SMP Films at then you know terrible things.

Quick Vid- Aus One gathering
It's really what happened to Caitlin. But she's so great, you know.

sorry - Just to point out she had real insecurities back then.

just to say hello and stuff about my project.. blah
... i was the dancing girl (follow up on my project)
This is great two-parter. Look at how the first part works on its own, but the second part develops upon it to achieve a greater effect. The video has so much nuance now. It's brilliant.

The truth about Caitlin and me (read the description)
Again, Caitlin is one of the greats... and she's doing okay. I just adore her.

Hey... I heard you YouTube...
Did we moved from that... and is that good? I should ask Zach.

random hello/harry potter/outtakes
Nice variety of short sketches, and a decent Scottish accent I might add.

things are going to start to change...
'Once' and random ramblings in english
Again, she's 21 here... I can't believe this... Something about Asian... I totally relate. Candy video.
There's bit of Dodie Clark in the end there, and it's current Dodie, one with hesitation. Interesting.

little things and one year on
First year... aww. Now nine more year has passed. Last season of Friends? Characters & split screen!

Hi, parents video, that lady, caitlin, and... hi :s
This is a step back, but I'm including it, because Caitlin is really good. Violin (I forgot!)

virgin...!? spammers and thewinekone. OH and my dress!
This is better variety of videos. Hotforwords... I don't where she's gone. I know where Tony is.

almost famous
Audition? Or just production. It's interesting trajectory. AMY reference! Background is interesting.

the ultrasound.
I do not why this is so popular, but this video is great, anyways, so.

Easter Bunny breakdown with santa and the tooth fairy
This video is nice turn, an extravagant sketch with that Natalie Tran touch.

Voices (and I'm going to America!)
In a bed with Molly and Caitlin in New York!!
That video is so cute. Molly is so beautiful and smart. She's alone because her friends all disappeared.

dodgy photos
Slow start on this one, but that porno music will bring you memories (OF THIS CHANNEL!)

I saw a squirrel!!!!!! and my doorknobs.sorry about this one
Don't feel sorry, this is one of your best works. She's Gryffindor?

I am Iron Nat

orgasm blush and america!
In bed with Kevjumba, Ninjadrops, and Mememolly
silly me and LA!!!!! (videos from the trip in the middle) sorry its a bit long
Sex comedy, bed talk, and more footage of those past. This is just for nostalgia, really.

Joggers and Dead Bodies theory
If it's the same jogger... Have you read Paper Towns? (Also, Troye is still a fan)

don't look now
This video has everything, intro posits the frame which is surprising, because the whole video feels like a piece of a conversation you have with your best friend (#RELATABLE) and the skit was short and simple and there's the only consistency in her videos, apologize for her inconsistencies.

Grocery Stores
How in the hell did Natalie thought that animated series would work?

chorus time
There's an urgency in her videos, which establishes the familiarity and connection.

Youtube Audio Preview Man (challenge)
Remember Audio Previews? Those were a thing.

how did you get in?
Nice prompt and different responses.

it's hot...and hamish rocks
hey hamish
Speaking of Seinfeld... does this compare?

Maxim models and women of the web? Quick weekend rant
I like how this rant doesn't go where you think it will go... There's a Grace Helbig in that.

oh... with a name like that
I think Vlogbrothers made a similar video and reference this... I think?

the usual
you're different
I like how Marie just sits outside Nat as she monologues. She's more scripted now. Then it starts devolve like usual... (how about that) also the first porno music/comments time.

It'll keep playing
My friend and me running joke is well done. Good introduction her arena of jokes.

it'll grow on you
This brings the trapping of typical Nat's video... The aside, the diegetic topic intro and comments.

being grateful asian style and my mum is awesome
MUM! She's so precious. Oh, all my suspicions are gone now.

Mate there is very good. Shame she doesn't have a YouTube channel.

irrational killer spider fears
OH LOOK, It's HD! It actually fills the screen! Chocolates!

Couldn't fit another bite
Nat eating a cake is strangely... no, I cannot espouse that here. Also it's the video with lamingtons.

there's no time!!! last words
I think that's plot point in some movie actually, but I like YouTube corrected this.

come over here and say that
This is here because an outdoor split screen should always be recognized!

she was a quiet girl?
And this is the video with the promise. This was day before Obama's inauguration.

good directions
Good thing people have smartphone now these days...

but i can dance!
Perfect parody and just the worst dancing... perfect combination.

to run or not to run
Good variety and Zach & Miri is okay, later ones are better. (Your mum rates me)

Natalie's video at this time is known for its very short main segment and very long 'other' segment.

you didn't say goodbye
tell that story!
Too soon??
Classic dilemma. Good pacing on this video. Two videos of comedian's lament.

sliding escapes and POWERboards
You just don't recognize how good physical comedian Natalie is, but this video shows.

the "We Just Touched Awkwardly" song
This is the greatest song that ever entered in my earholes.

That song! You know the one
This is a solid video. Have everything down.

communitychannel makeup like a celeb in 1 minute *SARCASM*
Just in case you thought beautyblog was a new thing...

names, names, names
Simple sketch and fond look twitter's quaint interface back in the day.

nat in new york, new york!
u s of a trip.
The foreign triple. CD album! What's with Red Cups?

"who's this" and my mum... yes, you heard me, my mum
Having your mum in video like HAWP, I see... that won't get you far.

crowds LOVE ugly people (britain's got talent parody)
Nice one-point parody... this is on par with CollegeHumor. (CH is more surreal, though)

you stole it and racist dollshops
This video is worth it just that exchange at the end.

AIR SUPPLY, sexiest shower scene ever, and the granny dance
you can hold her
my precious
She's such a weird nerd triple. That's why we love her.

hand gestures
Hand gestures and friends was great but 'I want donuts' just gets me.

Are you sure?
John Green loves Nat, so this is nice. You did, by the way.

Not Sorry Now!
Oh, the title is freaking capitalized now, you fancy YouTuber.

Ok, Cya Then!

I'm Starbuck from BSG...dorkiest vlog ever (supanova)
wisdom teeth and Viktor stood me up
Free Stuff Is Better
Natalie is a nerd, part two. Also, she's 23 there? Max Nerd Charlie there. (Oh, I remember now, that Shay Carl got into Comic-Con because HotForWords had an extra ticket and so he got in)

Popular Kids In Movies
Best friend is probably one of the best part of video around this time.

single girls looking for fun ads... if they could talk
This is a really good video, just all the characters are interesting.

Baby I Know and Ben Abraham? Seriously? He's pretty awesome...

Neglected Keystrokes
It's for programming proposes.

How They Make Love Scenes
Yes, Truth or Fail. A new show, that unfortunately became a defunct show.

Sorry it's been a while!
You should never listen to Amy. Amy can't even spell her own name.

Can you do this?
Double-jointed, she's very talented?

Dr. Google
Kind of proto-If Google Was a Guy... although Cracked was the first one to... okay.

SOO Smart!
This video is well-serviced. It's quick and simple and all-in-all good.
Also the second video has a wonderful fellow... and good special effects.

Nat's PROJECT FOR AWESOME video- r u ok day
This is a great video, I think this is only P4A video by Nat, but this is great.

Pretend That You Like It (A Christmas Song)
Nat is comptent at singing, because she played an instrument at all.

Inappropriate Behaviour with Sentimental Toys
Comment time is intergral part, but I do skip a lot when it comes, because I have no connection...

cutting in
American travel later and she's broke. Amelia situation very good joke. ALSO A UKE

Don't blow the rape whistle!
Nat can do great rape jokes? I should not condone this. Also Wong Fu!

The bottom scroll is always the most entertaining.

Tessa from Retail is just the greatest character, just the accent and the attitude.

Wicked Brolli Moves and Wondercon
Natalie loves convention and also look at those moves... she's talented, you know.

Amazing Results
The scientist gets more money so much. Bowling ball? Red liquid jokes.

Fictional characters are well-envisioned here. Classic meta jokes.

Spanish Lesson Gone Wrong
A riff of different kind of standardized words for topics.

Old Folks and Phone calls
Animation is terrible crappy. But this is because an emergency, so it's okay.

This is probably most iconic background, other than the first, perhaps. Blackboard is iconic.

This is great evolution of the concepts and that sad alone part was too real.

This might be the best 'Is this going through my subscription video' ever?

This is the first in unlisted extra videos that is actually revolutionary during this time...

are you okay?
This is a follow-up to P4A video she made in 2009...

Nat might the pass returning videos of all time. Actual video is also great.

Hello??? She doesn't know she called me!
This is so great... and you just enjoy this. (kisses my arm)

Seriously, don't move. There's something... oh, oh, oh... no, it's back. Just stay here.

Terms and Condit... I'm not reading that
I love how she lean into a fall! Most people lean out but she wants that fall! Then the freaking the easter egg at the terms & conditions... then the reference to one of the stories in the actual story. YOU KNOW HOW SATISFYING THIS IS! Collecting souls was an actual thing for an April Fool's Joke. Some website wrote that person agreed to their soul forever and ever and what not.

World Trip and Body Bruises
Flasher! Whoops!
If You've Ever Had a Pet...
OMG you look SO hot
How do you...
The BEST E-Card you will ever get
Can You Solve This?
A Hardcore Cure
The Quicker Way!
You Loooove It
Towels and Code
Getting A Room- A Valentines Day video
Unnecessarily Intimate
Under The Bed (p.s. You Must Be A Model...)
You Looking At P@#!?
The Body Shiver
Googlemaps Breakup
Lonely Planet... I love their guides. Nat is so awesome, but like... whatever.
Maldives is pronounced that way? Singapore is fun, but like that's east?
First real look at Rowan (not as Iron Man) All YouTubers like West Wing.
Then you go back to Dubai? The itinerary is all back forth. Well, Egypt make sense.
Then you go back to Jordan? Sure, Egypt then Jordan... least it was before the revolution.
Where you will be New Year's Eve...? Paris is a great place. Cows in Buenos Aires is the only thing.
Miami... lite Buenos Aires. For Caribbean cruise, I bet. Couple is nice, though.
Kind of the expanded version of that touching video. And she's back in New York?
Freaking Mexico now... so close to each other. Los Angeles makes sense, though.
I just have bad temperature regulation, espically in Las Vegas.
This is the better of Google sketches and cooking bacon with a iron... All that lapse.

sorry sorry
Start of the long hiatus. Not the start, really it's the end.

Talking Trash to mum
She's reading Will Grayson? Also, her birthday is near? Oh... I should know that.

( We Broke Up )
So, Mitch was the first and then you met Rowan? God, she is lucky.

natalie.tran is taken
Documentary of a weird job person starts here... I think. It's the best kind of videos recently.

Blackboard is back! You'll be back, right? PROMISE ME! ALSO KITTY!

Nice To Meet Me
Natalie can do magic, too? Natalie is so talented and she doesn't even know...

This is one of my favorite videos. I don't why, this is one I think of.

BACK IN MY DAY! a video for my new niece
What's with the giant airplanes at your desk. Trading sperms, though.

You didn't even celebrate your fifth anniversary... Your outtakes are great. You make it to TEN!

Say You're Sorry
That is some good lighting... The production has notched up big time!

Where Did It Go??
Look at this video, just developing the sketch and then going around... Natalie don't like Atonement?

I'd Rather DIE
Wait, Natalie cut her hair short, now all the viewers will think you are a male. Unbelievable!

Old People and Technology
Comedy Week video... and it showcase her strengths, like how she went on a tangent and then came back like she was doing some kind of stunt move almost, like a catching a speeding train...

Does he LIKE-LIKE me?
Contrastive Focus Reduplication is the technical term, Remembering drawing, full potential!

Stealing a Heart
This is a really interesting video presentation, like she is a good presenter as well.

Autofill In Real Life
Nice cold open and Nat at her max creepiness.

Nerdy Girls and Boy troubles: Love Conundrums callout
Dating Awkwardness Love Conundrums
Love Conundrums is interesting turn for Natalie... I mean it's a logical step.

Birthday Coffee
If you are baking something, why don't you make LAMINGTONS!

Annoying Things People do in Group Photos
How To Handle Taking Photos Of Friends
Group photos double. All the nuance in that five seconds. Melbourne is a hug city.

Why it's Good if Your Friend Feels Sick
This video makes me want to talk about Foucault and his idea about medicine... but I'll skip it.

How You Act When You've Seen A Movie
Pssh, it's just an offside. Knowledge exhausted... Band of Brothers is good history, though. Ending?

What Kind of Person Would A Cockroach Be?
This is a great presentation. Red dot on the window is a nice touch.

What People Think About In the Shower
Pizza Pocket = World Peace... OBVIOUSLY. Rock Scissor Paper... what and end is empty.

Nothing Much...
She's such a dirty pig, LIKE ME! Let's not shower together!

In Your Dreams
Alan Alda? Seriously? That's a science-fiction film. Or was it a web sketch.

We Want More!
That's some huge confetti. Also, showing up your workplace is interesting.

When Your Favourite Show Ends
Natalie's take on a pretty well-worn road for a surprisingly... wait, how did she know it would be...

Let Me Google You
Thumbnail fonts are very inconsistent in Nat's video.

Watching You Watch
I actually have a whole show idea called Expert vs Newbie and also Vidcon!

Adult Themes
It's ok, I'm her PG
Switching friends with a remote is so ridiculous and envious.
This is not as connected as the the first, but it's still around the same topic.

Instagram In Real Life
Pretty high-tech and yet very much Natalie... it's very much of a marriage.

Prank Calls
The cold open is very Natalie and good. (Frederick Hayek?)

Reverse Halloween. If Witches, Zombies, and Ghosts dressed as humans
I really like this sketch. She is branching out in many ways.

They Spit In Your Food- When people complain at restaurants
Very interesting domestic abuse joke, Natalie Tran can get racy.

Travel with Nat: Monaco
Travel with Nat: Austin
Natalie's travel series shows her strength as a presenter.

Trying To Save Movie Snacks
Hiding Food From Yourself
Natalie really love food double. Are you Keemstar? Falling hard for that placebo effect.

How To Cross When A Car Stops For You
Staircase Superiority Syndrome
Transportation anxiety doubles. This is a simple observational comedy. R + J parody on point.

For People Who Skip Ads
This is a really good video, out of norm for Nat, for perfectly played.

King Size
King sketch was a full sketch in itself, but there's the receptionist. Whole box of Tim Tams... weird.

Why Jigsaw Photos Are Boring
One weird ideas leads to the just one weird sketch. But it's still very Nat.

Dealing With Multiple Sneezes
Rodney reminds of Vince Gallaghan's character in Season 4 of Community, they exhibit the same arc of existing as comic punchline and then slowly adding character until it gets very depressing. I mean comparing Natalie's video to one of the best TV comedies of the decade should make you think...

Bloody Passwords (reposted)
Must Contain One Uppercase Letter
This is pretty much the same topic, but see if there's an improvment in the last 10 years.

The YEP System
This is a Seinfeld formation moment. Like this is going to reference by everyone.

Tell Them I Said Hi
This is a narrative forming moment here. What's with Amanda? HOW DID SHE DIED!

Awkward Photo Hands
Another of the trivial ideas that slowly grows into a masterpiece. Walter Mitty, much?

You Can't Name The Baby That - A Video For My Niece
There was also a name video in the early days, but I forgot. (I'm sorry, Judy)

What Would Flies Say?
The fly character is a such cute persona. Amanda died of chips! Of course!

Umbrella/Baby Stress
You're not school of life, weird intro. Tangents are great and more elaborate.

Indoor Plant Serial Killer
This video is great, because the video just goes on forever and ever and the joke becomes how far can Nat pushes this very trivial joke and it just continues. And it's brilliant.

The Shoulder and Death Vignette
Good Photo Side
Another comparison, what do you think?

10 years!
And there's the anniversary video. This is so great. Also the jumper... still relevant.

Man, Natalie has grown so much. I never knew how edgy she was and how her edge never dulls as much as I thought. Also, I like Nat starts character development in the later videos, something Wheezy Waiter-like in terms of narrative and number of tangents.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Look at YouTube NextUp USA August 2016

(Warning: The comment below can be very mean. I'm sorry for any hard feelings. Seriously.)

This blog is not just about YouTube of the past, it's also about YouTube of the Future!

YouTube NextUp is running again and I think it's high time to see these new crops.

Amy Schmittauer - Well, we start with a meta channel. It's a channel about growing your internet audience... Backlogs goes 5 year and it's consistent. Person goes from looking like a teenager to being slightly drunk... I'm sorry, I'm being mean. It's okay. I just have an aversion to meta channels. They do feel like they are selling snake-oil, so... I get squirmishy but the channel is okay... it's okay.

Answers With Joe - Okay, looks old, looks really old.. not that it's a detriment. From Texas? Sure, started out a comedy movie maker and got into nerdfighteria I see, that's a plus. And eventually goes off into weird science, which is a little minus. Could be one way or the other. Little drowsy, but the explanation are clear so I won't give too much (Sure, I'm a mean first impression guy.)

backtrackvocals - Music channel. Specifically an acapella channel. They are dime-a-dozen and I can't really distiniguish good acapella from bad ones, so a free pass. Maybe there was some cast changes? Perhaps... I don't care about acapella that much, so good for them for being here.

Crystal Joy - Hey, I actually know this channel. She does animation a bit, mostly a typical vlog channel, didn't know was she was married, she looks 22 at best, and maybe she is... but striking that, there are quite well-produced and fresh... A lively character, that's always nice.

DIY Tyler - I've seen him somewhere. Pretty confident, little southern, that's my personal peeve, so don't worry about that. No fanciness, I think it's nice. Realness seems important in DIY, so approved.

Hannah Hoffman - More animation. It's crude, but intentional crude, it's a mid-2000s aesthetic, it's approatie for the topics, it feels hashed out, which most let's play are... herself... she's a Phan, that's makes me back away slowly, and her vlogs definitely shows the cynical yet poppy girl, but hey, there's a crowd for it ans she seems very much suited for that crowd. So good luck.

Joe Edelman - He's fun old... he's a exciting elder, you know those teachers that you feel happy going to his/her class and feels almost assured of a good education, but you are still excited. He's a portrait photogrpaher and a stellar one at that and yeah, if you are interested, make a take a look.

Joey Ahern - He's pretty funny, I guess. I don't feel like I want to get his humor... turns out he recently had a breakup with Meghan McCarthy, so he needs that bump... he will be fine. Not for me, though.

Kyla Laird - Ah, and it's a Black Beauty Youtuber... makes sense to a certain extent. Beauty in a sense was a gateway for minorities, think about Michelle Phan and Bubzbeauty and there has been a lot of Black Beauty Guru showing up in a past couple years, kind of foretelling of how YouTube fills a niche that is needed, and Black Beauty is a certainly in a dire need of media attention, so there you go. As Beauty Gurus go, she's a very typical one, but hopefully she does carve out that niche...

Melissa Denise - Speaking of black beauty gurus... (told you there was lot of them!) she's more real, I think... she also touches of health so there's variety. I think her voice is more calming, so there's that.

MikeAndLaurenTV - Travel and finance is an interesting combination. That's fresh. I like it, It's a couple channel and the back-and-forth is very nice, reminds me of Casey and Candice in terms of how they are opposite of each other but they creates a complement and banter.

Natalie Barbu - Beauty personality really. She's coming up-er, like Kina Grannis where in the first year, she gains massive fame and her channel not about growing but keeping fame as it inevitably slips away. Seems to have good relations with others, so that's fun.

Nick Ferry - Another builder. Seems more fun than strictly educational. Seems to have a strong mind and it will be interesting to see how his channel grows. Never into this stuff, but hey...

PolymomoTea - Seems like a Korean YouTuber who makes little tiny stuff. COOL! I'm just impressed, like it's something I'm just in awe of. But overall it's a good channel.

Sensational Finds - We had a travel and finance and this a DIY and finance channel. Fascinating.

The Vegetarian Baker - Finally, a cooking channel and it's a baking a channel and it's by a very cute boy if I don't say that myself. I have no desire watch this channel, so I'll leave at that.

That's all the New York NextUp winner and now the LA winners.

Alli Cherry - Beauty with aesthetic. Seems to be a moody, millenial type of gal. Enjoying nature...

Andru Edwards - He's a good host. Fast mouth and good enunciation which is so important in technology channels. Seems to make a living out in the conventions as well, so good job.

Ashlee Marie Cakes - Again a baker or a Home Chef. Little bit of Patty Dean there... with that gusto.

AsianGlow - Oh, it's a male. And it's parody... that's long gone tradition. Well, thanks for keeping the light around... and also you do chereography. COOL. Yeah, keep doing that.

BrettLarkinYoga - Again, yoga channels are something that I feel creepy and this is no exception. She does seems to professional... going through all the stage of Yoga, whatever that is.

BriansThing - Oh, it's a saxophone cover channel. Cool... Yeah, I have liking to music cover channels but I don't have any criticism. Saxophonist are the silly ones usually, so eh.

Chris Commisso - Another music channel. I don't understand his music though, so pass.

Claire Ryann - She's three, from Utah... I will not say anything about this channel.

FlavCity with Bobby Parrish - That name makes me want to avoid channel completely. Also he's all-around cook and this personality is needed for cooking, so I'm peeved, but it's okay.

Freakin Rad - Ooh, VFX channel, we haven't had that in our list. Pretty standard stuff, little bit more work here and there but overall nicely done. It's presentable.

GoBillyKorean - Oh, Korean learning channel, I guess I'm the best to review this channel. But I get squirmish when I encounter Korean in unexpected places, so I'll pass.

Riley J. Dennis - Newly changed Riley is The One that I Know. This is our trans YouTuber. But Riley's much more than that... and I do believe Riley is pretty competent is all aspect, so yeah!

Keishanista - Here's the Black Female YouTuber from LA. Doesn't have much video as I thought and again not much I could say about this channel that I didn't say before, so next one...

Long Long Honeymoon - Yep, they seems like a traveler from Alabama. They are trying, oh man are they trying... but I think this is pretty untouched genre. (With reason I think... I'll stop here.)

Mr Otter Art Studio - Despite the name, they are two females. Art is well done and I don't know I kind of feel art is not paticular tutor-heavy subject so... I have no idea.

PictureFit - ASAP Science but with health and fitness. It's a derivation but it's well done enough to forgive. I actually don't prefer ASAP's work paticularly... I mean there are people who dig it, but really I want something more either in depth or in personality and I don't know...

Professor Dave Explains - He looks like he's comprehensive but like it's watered down. This teacher is for people who just want to get things done really. That might harshest criticism of them all.

Sierra Schultzzie - AND WE END WITH THE DEEP END. God I cannot say any farther.

Man, this group was significantly worse than those of New York. Yeah, it's a challenge.

I shouldn't post this. Oh well.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Little look back at YouTuber days of Yore

The link is the list of most popular YouTuber subscriber from June of 2006.

This is not the oldest page I can find, this is the second oldest... I did a page on the first one... ???

Whatever, this page is more interesting.

We see that the top five YouTubers had some history in the intervening ten years.

Judson Lappiy is still trying to hold on that fame... Smosh is the exceptional outlier, We knew how Brooker went, The Wine Kone is stape stape of YouTube comedy... and there's Emmalina.

If you knew Emmalina from that time, she had a very different career than what you expect.

She got pregnant just a year later to a divorcee? And now has like two children, along with three more stepchildren? She still lives in Tasmania, though... well, I guess with that fact this is expected.

(That's Tasmania is a hick-town joke... you don't have to get it.)

Anyway, if you look at the bottom, we see GayGod, which is not a porn channel, but Matthew Lush, who also consistently made video and gotten that ~1000 sub to 1,000,000 just this month.

So, that's the basic rundown.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ten Year Rewind: Ze Frank

Welcome to a new series where we witness the great vlog series ten years ago to the day.
Why don't we start with the progenitor of vlogging as we know now. The Show with Ze Frank.
I'm using Vlogbrother's backlog, minus the three missing one, I'll read the transcript.

March 17
The show starts off surprisingly with this guy shouting about racing cars and power moves? Certainly a turn-off if you ask me. But again, kind of intriguing. Which is why it's so great.

Then the introduction begins, intersperse with Ze drinking coffee. It's there to so a few thing.

1. To mask the multiple takes he did with the shot.
2. Implictly telling the first reason while saying that he's tired.

Then, he becomes blunt about saying that he quit smoking and 'nothing feels good'. He blinks a lot.

Why did he this show three days after quitting? That's when you are the crankiest.

Anyway, we move to the news. "I wonder what's that about." He say to intice the viewer but in a way that disengage them. Perfectly articulated to millennials. *snick* He's liberal slanted. Obviously.

He hates fluff culture... hah! Little critical about Bush in Iraq. Okay, a lot critical.

The starbuck sip continually underpins the internal tiredness while the news continues with Google privacy (Hi Google!) and $100 laptop that feels little ridiculous now. Oh wait, he's skewing Gates?

Bit of extra sarcasm with 'And that's Everything that happened in the world today.'

Overall, bit a taste of Ze. But we'll see how it develops.

March 20
INTRO SCREEN! And a burp. If you're watching this episode, you're probably not minding that.

I think he's doing the self-deprecating intro. Off to the news.

Leaving the outtakes. AUTHENTIC. Bush and Shaft and a follow-up joke that undermine the previous joke and make the joke anew. And less crass, perhaps. But the burp brings it back.

Thinking, so you don't have to. New slogan. Still in the experimental stages. Ze is more normal here.

March 21
This time the intro is much personal. Better camera and lighting, I believe. The personal stories give insight to greatness of Ze that stretch into the Human Test of 2013? Anyway, those are funny.

After the abortion/adoption scandal we get Sportracer thing again. ACK! .xxx was such a great idea...

Ze Frank #TeamInternet since 2006. Seriously, though. TIME is still doing this! Their website is crap, and crappier with every update. This disdain for Web 2.0 is outrageous.

I support Supreme Court Calender. Today's Calender will be little more bonkers than this one, though
I might smoking again... lovely. Washington Post, thank you for bringing the hypocrisy.

Overall, this is much polished version of the news. It's strange most early site started with news. And now we have what? Pranks? Facts? Reaction videos? I mean reaction videos were a thing since 2008.

March 22
Sportracers is now a thing as we move in to a room tour. This is the first vloggy thing that Ze does and it shows the right balance of description... and silliness. And then there's the interaction. Newscaster had a tendency to interact with audience but with vlogging, the bond is stronger.

'Paper version' of the internet brings the news with Baseball and blinking message lights. This interruption doesn't feel revolutionary right now, but... Windows Vista! Underwear perverts!

We end with extended joke about the Iraq War and Bush's role in it. Still, no sign of the future.

March 23
Thursday March 22... Wrong date is a thing right? Duckies! Ze Frank's manicness really sells the show. Also how he's hungover. Truth rocketship? Here, Ze is framing this series as something he has do, and not with his volition. Or least, he's not enjoying it. So, the shampoo scene.

More perverts. Abu Gharib and more social commentary. Fake country of Belarus and overall sickness from Ze. At this point, Ze is more flexible with the news approach.

March 24
The intro become more elaborate as we move to what Vlogbrother will define as Thoughts From Places. But we soon move into news. "First Coming". Great.

Rest is typical politic stuff. Really, it was more left-leaning than other vlogs. What's with the phone?

March 27
Pretty straightforward news vlog today. Also, Amanda Congdon is first mentioned in this vlog. I wrote a sketch where they got married, but it was bad. Other than that, butt adjust, standard.

Also, 700 mile fence and Scalia 'recusing' with a reference to the Dick Cheney's Duck Hunt? Weird.

March 28
This is in worse quality than usual. Thought From Places again. Racism? Always a nice cat. Bolton. Just that mustache... Lying for a war. Editing is not... well, it's a jump cut but not a useless one.

March 29
Solar Eclipse is cool. BitTorrent, oh my. Scalia's ill health makes me wonder why he hasn't died eariler... I kid, I kid. Oh, that's... I can't fathom how insightful this is today. Commentary is on.

March 30
This is how Ze talks about birthday. It's a foreshadowing, but not really. Weirdo, indeed. That was something, blatant lie and an interesting response, And Ze can play the guitar? Interesting.

March 31
Ah, the ironic cut. Wonderful usage of a classic trope. Little late on the cut though. Little bit of authenticity and moving back to the weirdness. Cutaway to the previous cutaways... all fascinating.

April 3
Little low energy today. Jokes are little low energy again. Little dip into internet subculture at the end.

April 4
Ze Frank slowly adds more internet related content, replying to comments and lampooning media's look at internet culture. He's thinking about this, all right. Also that Iranian boat is hilarious.

April 5
Oh god, look at Flicker in 2006. Comments again. "Future was right where you were". Interesting.

April 6
Something from the comments... and here's the explanation and power moves. This is really where The Show become what it is today. College comments are harsh, but understandable. Purina... heh.

April 7
Syracuse, New York's balls. Uranus's Rings. Black hole merger. Scooter Libby... oh my.

April 10
Look how he's building his community. It's so subtle. Cream ale review? Duckie in the pond song... one of my favorites. Anonymous... that's a clever joke. Happy kissing! They were in China...

April 11
Pretty weird. France do like the streets. Power move is for people. But what about the duckies...?

April 12
Ze Frank is a Yankees fan? Now, I'm not sure I want to watch this anymore. Good Bush content, tho.

April 13
Remix? They don't get it. Pity... Hard charger? League of Awesomeness lore builds up. Hide spy docs. Why is that familiar. Glorious leader. Safety education? Fingerhole is a important part.

April 14
Stick is sick. Regular coffee? Six generals? Two wars were great? Refugee camps now, jeez. Did time ever move forward? That's some burp. Defiance? Genitals... not easy. Little duckies. Glitch?

April 17
Hm, I don't know. Taxes, only knowledge knows. Mobile banking??? WHAT? what. This was weird.

April 18
Repeating a lot... Remain engaged... huh, that's a good joke. Song is so good. Well, you have one now. All the naughty bits. Sorry. Sex education comment is still very relevant, unfortunately.

April 19
Duckie! Corporate whore, what were we thinking. Above the supply and demand! Basic use, indeed. What good old days... Hooter's girl recruiting station... hmm. Ouch, Tom. Decider comment, oh my.

April 20
Weird song as always. Deck... bad sunburn. Good power move, indeed. That MoveOn burn is so... Fast lane and slow lane, where did I heard that before. Howdy. Oh, Howdy... A-holes.

April 21
Always add a genital joke than not, news lesson from Ze Frank. This show gets so weird sometimes. Chief decider... in the land of the free. FDA dismissed the review? All that duckie in the weed.

April 24
Are the new viewers gone yet? Starts... Always three times. Horny slut is 2006 joke and mustache, too. Wuss... Positive thinking. Civilian use only... yes... Zaniness is only getting started.

April 25
Picture of duckies have taken over the news. This is lot less a news show now. Power move diversity. Song completes the power-move segment and of course Ze unsubtley suggest a new logo contest.

April 26
Great pronunciation. Banter...  When Austin was actually weird. Duckie intensifies. Secret CIA prison... Nice use of Timothy Dalton. I actually knew that fact... I read a whole article about it.

April 27
Are the new viewers gone yet segment shows Ze's brillance of utter absurdity. How does he think about this stuff? Hi, Congdon. His affair with Congdon is just lovely. West wing! Food doesn't work.

April 28
Oh, that's where Hank got his song. Fake minority. 'Genocide'. Hey, that's Ze. This is just great.

May 1
This is fun! Hard chargers... Wow, great commentary with jokes. State secret privilege is entrance. seamless advertisement.  Ah, when Specter was a Republican. Wow, what a teaser.

May 2
France theme park in the sky! Why is he in Cannes? Ad integration perfect. First show without news.

May 3
For the French audience out there. Wow, deportation for an aspiring scientist... it's familiar yet there no correspondence to today. The french noir inserts are brilliant. Ze's great observation shines here.

May 4
55% that's crazy... Don't expose us to this! Great anagrams, by the way.

May 5
Cool and French = anti-intellectualism. Freaking Chelsea Peretti? Logos that look very 2006 and a social platform that lost its relevance five minutes after this was posted? Prescient eye for the web.

May 8
I think the intro was a parody of an ad. Very quiet. German joke. Legacy... Gay things.. it's not bad. Junta! I remember Hayden very well. Glimpse in the soul... oh really.

May 9
Are the new viewers gone yet? And also Ze speaks German! He's German! Also, American... but you know what I mean. This song is one of my favorite Ze songs. Reintpretation of sign is a classic.

May 10
Hall of fame? Jokes for nerds. Avoiding blinks is finally mentioned to our brains.

May 11
Two obsolete piece of technology. And also I like how there's fake producers in 2006. How do you work this thing? is one of my hits. Incomplete, really? Distance language. Jeb and Hilary? Really?

May 12
Good hiding lessons. Wow. FIRST! King of the comments. Hard Charger alert! Trolling! Impeach!

May 15
Is this Ze Frank's song phase. Good songs, though. Love of airport is shared by John Green.

May 16
League of Awesome, and Earth Sandwich. One of the first real projects. Oh, the Guards... (ANGER) Maybe I should write this more. I think this first project was to show the prowess of the audience by gauging in a very hard task (area of antipodes are small and sparse) and this gave freedom after.

May 17
I love that anti-drama move there. It's good comedy. Nice transition. This give the whole package.

May 18
Internet addiction... bleh. Dirty politics. Damaging gossip, indeed. Wow, this is close.

May 19
Man, for a joke, that was powerful stuff. I mean this is the reason Ze Frank is so great. It's lowbrow, for sure, then it's not sometimes... Ze Frank should have kept the lowbrow... well, animal facts. BoingBoing??? Wow. IMMIGRATION anger rising! Oh, Hayden. Peretti has good advice. (NOT)

May 22
King of the comments! So many scandal that year. 2006 was a bad year. Bush tax cuts!!!!

May 23
Look at that! T-Shirts! Brand placement! All the merch! STATE SECRETS! This news is... yeah.

May 24
I miss those days. Great song, man. Is this a Herman Cain commercial? Don't worry, economy doesn't collapse for another two years!!! Signing statements? This is just so terrible.

May 25
That intro segment was vague yet humane, quintessential Ze Frank. Not wearing pants, that's a thing that would be in Vlogbrothers. An Inconvenient Truth is ten years old now. Sep. of Power...

May 26
Mardi Gras... that was inspiring. Lot of cans. So much incompetence. No, X-3 sucks. Relevant again.

May 30
He has whole team and brainstorm... DAMN BOBO TWINS. Iran's getting closer? Bush is confusing administration. All that inside jokes. All that song is great, summer jam of 2006.

May 31
This is great... There we go! That joke just rolls and rolls... it's quite amazing the string of words it creates... it's an underrated gem really. Sermon news, it's like I'm in the 15th century again!

June 1
That was more and more non-sequitur... that's why this is the word salad. Good stuff for starbucks. Seriously, though, the report for the Iraq war is quite eye-opening. I forgot so many bad things...

June 2
Local newspapers and more Iran news. Nice use of ass. Banning Gay marriage... so funny.

June 5
There's only losing in fabuloso friday. Hypochondriac. Another thing John Green stole. Meaningless products and ordinary tool! Hootie and The Blowfish... but then Iraq war happened again.

June 6
What's an adult? Is this the first verse of Stressed Out? No comment... vlog? Republican party... bring your gun... STD and a rainforest party. Oh, Nader. Yeah, that's what you get in these shows. Popularity of MySpace is fading... so funny... something to do... people love ugly. Nice interaction.

June 7
Have no money! Shirt are so easy to sell. Paypal link! $10,000 shirt! That's very... great joke. Wiki! Electoral college... oh goody. Wiretapping, I forgot. Florida in a shape of skull?

June 8
Call your intimate partner! Thanks... it's so warm. Slurry mouth... Culture war... that's prophetic.

June 9
No more than 3 minutes? This is pretty groundbreaking, actually. That's really out there... like there's some bad edits here and there, but Ze pushes through it! I'm sure that was in the script. That condiment joke was well done... good job audience. Football news is well-needed. Good song, too.

June 12
Another Thoughts from Places, it's so weird, but poignant. It is a underrated gem. Also, SANDWICH

June 13
Haha... Prince... I get it. Also, good answer. Happy, not cool. TOO NICE! YEAH, PASTA!

June 14
That's great.... baby. Ze is now fully philosophical. I have no words. Magic dumpster?

June 15
I think this Vegas trip is big changing point for Ze. Big Bush burn in this episode.

June 16
This is weird episode... it really feels like Ze has broken down here... although next week is rebirth?

June 19
Last show was taken out for a while... Net Neutrality, still important. She's 13 now! (Bonesaw)

June 20
Selling out? Core values? Nice segway! Sorry, Bonesaw but this is still very true. Science study...

June 21
Delta is so bad... This is sue-worthy. Broke plane is certainly reimbursement. Not again... Wow... That terrorist line is something that I would have to think about for a long long time.

June 22
Kestrals... Oh, it's Shark Week! Immigration is still important... Hastert... ew. Against Gates, I see.

June 23
No such reference... this is not a issue? Voting Rights Act... same argument just 8 years later... Internet comments are still the same, I see. Local assets... there... oh, another interactivity.

June 26
This is much of a conversation now, this is I think what I called connecting with the audience! News is still the sadness that is 2006, it's the underdog of terrible years, least recently. Not denying!

June 27
That mistake was kept to keep out the new viewers. What reading & writing is just one half of how language functions? That's madness. What not every deterrance is useful? More madness. Faction!

June 28
Thinking man's contact sport! Tony Snow sees ambiguity in everything. Being perfectly circular.

June 29
You have to write down everything I have to say! Just... transcribers have heard worse. SMACKED!

June 30
I think I'll disallow the laxative but allow the binge and purge method. Binge and purging is pretty hard to do... although it would be said you do have to swallow 99% of the burger consumed in order to count as a burger eaten. How many do you eat before you purge. OH ELSEWHERE! Make sense. Ugly MySpace contest is something you can only do in 2006. And Thank God for that... seriously.

July 5
A long weekend! That was legitimately confusing. And Ze recounts the American Revolution.

July 6
I really needed that advice. Good jokes, admittedly. Missile of North Korea... always trying.

July 7
MySpace is very ugly. Redistricting challenge, lovely. Oh, that's what shirt is about.

July 10
This feels really sad, it's like a man in twenties rant that you can hear on Reddit. Not the best work. Hatch is still batch of problems and Fabluoso is not doing so well in chess.

July 11
Running out of ideas is a good speech, and oh... Brain Crack. It's a term coined and widely used in some circle that is explained here. Three times of experience and a NEW SONG! This is well done!

July 12
Interesting comment in comments. Complete mystical experience? Classical Music? Neuroscientist... Seriously he was studying neuroscience in the college before making stuff like this... Oh, variety!

July 13
He is full of... whatever he said, he hasn't gone to the bathroon yet! God, that was terrible. Ze's response is more eloquent though. Supreme Court... eh. Freaking Geneva convention, am I right?

July 14
I feel like there's lot of projects done by Ze, but the whole thing are given layers of importance as to make the whole production smooth. Technological disruption calmly explained by Ze Frank.

July 17
Back when Ze was doing auditions... Headshots and all... Least we have a power move!

July 18
I guess it was very hot ten years ago as well... Castrating science, you know what happened.

July 19
Now G8 has two females! Least they got intelligence they don't listen to. Make Assad happen? Jump-cuts provides action in what really is Ze talking something very serious straight into the camera.

July 20
Nice comedy bit, but... Well least was Ze was honest. I know Ze actually did that.

July 21
Yes, YouTube created the 'standard' license that most videos are still under today. No, DVD collection was a 2011 April Fool's Prank, not a real thing. Veto and State Secret Privilege in one fell swoop!

July 24
Fight = care. HEADSET, not much... I like he does the multiple takes thing and then turn it into a joke... it's masterful. Also, I get my dose of dirty science news. Home planet? New house? Oh...

July 25
"News is depressing" 2016 in three words. Ceasefire??? Shaping up and a new song!

July 26
I thought they won that year? Sustainable aids... That backrub is a good gaffe. Don't tell... why?

July 27
Lance Bass came out? IP Lawsuit! Remember the motto? Very interesting, compare & contrast.

July 28
Was it all superficial? I love that proof. Complexity is overrated. Core activity and complexity. Sidenote: According to the comments below, this is where Craig got his inspiration for his career.

July 31
Mustache segment is really nice and a good transition from earlier. Nice joke pulled there...

Aug 1
God, I missed David day. Chuck Hagel... was he in Obama's cabinet? There's so much cleverness.

Aug 2
This is lesser of a episode. I think this is little too much pushing. Anti-Semitic joke, though...

Aug 3
Ze is starting new projects and build a correspondence with the commenters. There's news, too!

Aug 4
Quick recap of the projects and a run-down of the news. Hilary against war and minimum wage? This is going to shake this presidential campaign. I need to show this to... oh right that cereal song.

Aug 7
More about Sugar... um, there's Billy Reid. I support Ze Frank in full. Sith training!

Aug 8
This is underrated gem. A personal story really shows the storyteller in Ze. It really gets to you.

Aug 9
Beginning of The Human Test? Maybe? Bacteria thing is very weird but okay. Man, that picture...

Aug 10
Ha ha Top 10 list, buzzfeed, it's funny that way? Ze likes the word 'rash'. Good word on terror.

Aug 11
Preemptively ripped. It's start of fire eagle thing. This will be the news section of the show.

Aug 14
There's now structure! Comments! Nice baseball commentary... This works so well in 2016.

Aug 15
Speaking of baseball... Resolution... pretty good. Little too Russian, you think.

Aug 16
I resign... Next year reference beings. I remember George Allen... ugh. That joke, though.

Aug 17
He feels 6 out of 10? (No one will get that joke.) Also TFiOS reference here? It's highly duitiable. Sickness monologue is very well done and is a classic, but poor delivery. I mean he's sick.

Aug 18
No video for that day. It's simple news day anyway. Not much to see here. Theme song though.

Aug 21
This is a comment response in proto-form. Hippies existed? This video was little weak.

Aug 22
you don't want Gregori Perelman. See, donut ball exist. Stupid mathematician. Pluto demoted. Ahh, memories. Ze Frank gives me scientific nostalgia.

Aug 23
Airplane is such a weird thing. A miracle and a nuisance. Crappy donuts and Star Wars Kid?

Aug 24
Audience intros, it's long-varied tradition before and after Ze Frank. Ze's LA speech is very nice. Maybe this is a metaphor for web media in general. That's a good induction.

Aug 25
New intros, I think, yeah. How's that a intentional slight... I knew this, tribes of racial lines. Mostly because a Korean won that edition. Tiny dick is way to go. I mean Dick, as in Dick Cheney.

Aug 28
Look at him and how so efficient he is just after five month of him doing this. You get that intro joke and go to the comment, but first power moves... so good at doing a show... Like this? Compression! And callbacks that makes joke meaningful or provide a new dimension to the situation acted.

Aug 29
Repeating a word joke. Okay. FIRST, really? This feels like Buzzfeed's MO... Like this tells it all.

Aug 30
Fingers in fruit, probably one of the best 'Are the new viewers gone yet?'

Aug 31
Of course, the best part is the punchline appears in the next episode. Demographic changes, and transparency act. Oh that bill. Anonymous block and the famous Bridge of Nowhere. Too soon.

Sep 5
I like how Ze settles back into things and yet continue the procedure of showing power moves at the start of each week. By now, Ze is comfortable enough in his sequence that he could manipulate it. Then like always a proto-Thoughts From Places. No cuts this time, but there's this innocence turning into wisdom that doesn't feature in Thoughts From Places, to a certain extent TFP is a mockery of it, but it's something you do get sucked in, there's also a sense of false science to evoke emotions, too.

Sep 6
Burning Man, oh I missed that (thank god) and also Steve Irwin (he's one of those people who we mocked so much when he was alive but when he was dead we all become sincere and talk about how cool he was? People think it's Michael Jackson fits in here, but not really. Jackson's legacy will always be mixed with sarcasm and cyncism, he was too big to avoid that.) Kind of reverse joke that skirts on stereotype but so obscured that you're just confused? Polls joke was okay, but man the stingray thing goes on for too long and he hopes that you think it's just absurd.

Sep 7
9/11 starts to creep around this time. First postmodern disaster, or least a 21st century disaster... which makes many confused and upset, unlike previous one beforehand, this tragedy is one felt without the guidance of authority and what authority there is, is deemed incompetent and corrupt.

Sep 8
I forgot this poem was made up or from somewhere. Detention center and 'not torture', oh good times.

Sep 11
This is quite an art piece. This reminds of music videos back then, lot of cut but it's done is such an artistic way that you recognize but not get irritated by. It's not 100% good, but it's very good.

Sep 12
Disposable! Green tech. College as a sorta place is a very wise point. Nothing but the best from Ze.

Sep 13
This advice little more obscure but I can get the gist. How you live, not why you live... interesting.

Sep 14
Now is at a point where Ze pushes the pretense of making a news show to Fridays and just make commentary about life and also make different challenge for the audience, in a sense, fun! And also, Ah, back when Speaker Boner joke was actually funny.

Sep 15
Good thing Benedict abdicated. Pump that area! Freedom fries and Abrhamoff... good times. Appropriation bill is full of fun earmarks. Not in the legislation? Transparency, good old myth.

Sep 18
Standard fare of a video, interesting science and ever-talking of Bush like you expect. Oh, I forgot...

Sep 19
This is Day 2 of Happy Week. This is interesting experiment in Ze Frank. It's a deliberate jump with an additional funny thing so keep viewer's occupied. And it contains more interesting video here. Oh, I forgot Ray's song project, which probably the crown jewel of Ze Frank's projects.

Sep 20
CBS Chairman? Oh, be happy. Dentist thing is reminscent of vlogbrother or Aranda video. Temporary break in the routine? That is quite meta, don't you think? Oh, also peanut butter face.

Sep 21
Rolling out sponsorship! Ze Frank is a pioneer in advertising as well, no wonder he runs Buzzfeed. Science of Happiness, there's a whole study, is fascinating stuff... there was a class at my college. Daniel Gilbert, person you might now know as the guy John Oliver mocked during the retirement episode, focuses on how cognitive biases affect our future and our happiness. No choice = happy.

Sep 22
5-minute remix is beautiful. Gesture of goodwill??? Weird, but effective. Bush still terrible.

Sep 25
We found Ray! Little cable show of Dubuque, Iowa... and epic thrashing of Ze. It's mighty fine.

Sep 26
That's a good rendition. It's not like we're dealing them... Regional variant always a crowd pleaser.

Sep 27
In media res and a hard rock song? That's quite a jump. More news on Iraq, same as always.

Sep 28
Kansas City of Missouri! Scary clown and dirty space news that was jam-packed with you know...

Sep 29
Um, animation was... not on-par, much like Kansas City (BURN) Why isn't the remarks not dated?

Oct 2
This should not be so relevant today. Mark Foley hoopla, again, should not be relevant.

Oct 3
This advice is actually is pretty relevant today. Or have the rules changed because...

Oct 4
May be that 2006 is a good approximation of 2016? Maybe 6's are the bad years.

Oct 5
Miss Direction is terrible and will not leave for ten years. WHY! COIN is okay, I guess.

Oct 6
Now, that's awesome. Nice use of 'minger' and also Brexit was not foretold... /s

Oct 10
Subconscious narrative episode. I dig it. I mean it makes sense to do one of those episodes.

Oct 11
More travelling jokes and Ze has not given up. He's still the old Ze that you know and love. WORST

Oct 12
Forcing myself to be creative. I mean this is a strength of Ze's creativity? Ducks hate freedom.

Oct 13
Indeed The Show > Sleep. Planet is seething with activity. Oh, Liddell. Rosy economy... so naive.

Oct 16
Autumn is coming and election day is coming! Low voters, so relatable. Nice headshot. All swanky! This is actually really informational. I'm quite surprised and happy. This is also very relatable.

Oct 17
Ze Frank's brillance shows as he squeezes out a genius episode all about freaking mucus. DUCKY

Oct 18
Forever changing the advertising industry! News, now, really becomes the side-track for more human related discussion. Really, perhaps, the news was always a distraction. Something of small talk.

Oct 19
Ze Frank also has a nice deep sick voice, which is nice. Also, Ze is megagaltastic? Sure.

Oct 20
That girl probably has a baby now. Russians are weird bunch of people. Their jokes are... bitter.