Monday, June 5, 2017

WheezyWaiter - you make me feel so dumb

WELCOME TO ANOTHER 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY REWIND SERIES!!!!! Yes, it's the ten year anniversary of Wheezy Waiter. Now, this is will be in 'messy' style, akin to the Vlogbrothers. My Goal here is to demonstrate just how good Wheezy Waiter is. I'm going to say 99% of Craig's videos are good, it's might be more than 99%, because I'm not sure there's aren't 12 videos in this channels that I would consider bad and boring. And there are 1200 videos! Consider this one minute video. 99% of all YouTuber's first video is bad. Really, really bad. No one just comes up and hits a home run! Unless your name is Wheezy Waiter. I mean look at the dialogue, the cinematography, the JOKES! You make me feel so dumb, on account how awesome, you are! This is a journey that will only go up. So, strap your seats and be ready for the clones and eagles and coffee... let's go!

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