Sunday, April 30, 2017

Last Week - March

Last Week I Was SO ANGRY (February 27th - March 5th)
Monday - Restart! It failed again. Not a fan. Look at that angry Tom! Calmed down. Burning feeling of anger... it's the coal within you. That's the main reason. Burning fire... Those were words? Probably? Oh, little willy. Rebecca Sugar is a naughty person.
Tuesday - PANCAKE DAY! Good at getting bullied. It won't flush. Stand up and leave... Fill the darkness with the light. OH NO! NO! Talented musician. Going through the mail. So UPSET! Custom made... Mail Time! Why are you... oh it's Colbert. Justified Hype! Social zeitgeist, ongoing survival (Walking Dead plays) full and happy life. You are cute. Join and be insufferable. Let's massive doubt ourselves. Pancake broken.
Wednesday - Definite Eddsworld Legacy poster. Unlicensed game... fun and with love. They respond and say yes. Hard on the body and mind.
Thursday - Camera loves Eddie! Talking about next week. Excited for the vlog and Crash Zoom, that's when we quit. That thing, part of a program... Good stuff. Creepy.
Friday - Bit of bad news. Developer ran away... Shooting vlogs about mainstream media. Dog in the bathroom, exciting time. Doobadidoo! Nice Zelda sound. Ordered. DAN HOWELL TWEETED AT ME! THEY ARE COMING! Run... or embrace the masses.
Saturday - Weight loss is going well? Dog! Dad's house clan. Hitting act 3. Magical moment. BIG ASS BEE! It's Teach, not each! That is the level of gaslighting??? Young fan recognized. Not what it normally looks like. Back to writing. Leaking spoilers. 10,000 pounds?
Sunday - Chloe, just a right amount of rain. White dude confusion? Wanted to water... legally water. Bubble because Chloe. Do a signing? Don't brag your home. Milkshake, wait? Supposedly to be the worst line? Chloe got nothing. Wanna fight... HERE WE GO! Schadenfreude!

Last Week I Lost My Integrity (March 6th - March 12th)
Monday - The horrible supplement. Poem from Tom, age 11. That's lot of catharsis in that poem. That's the soundscape. Already turned into a song. Such a lovely art. Subscribe to... OH NO! Just nah. Too scary to relay. Poorly written film. Calm down omelette. It's nice.
Tuesday - How do guide dogs work? Maybe you should ask a guide dog. Replacing phone... Dab? We'll all miss him. Zach the doggo. Not the frame. In-shape and outgoing? Talking to the kind viewers of Last Week... without trousers? Doesn't feel like it. Nice work and SHAME, ethereal beauty justice! Prewind the bag! I refuse to be in...
Wednesday - Look at that price. Love water. Needle warning. That's a bear. It's coming around. Cool concept, but narrative is gibberish. Do not understand Asian storytelling. Of course, Last Unicorn is Charlie's favorite movie. Oh, Tom. You Cutie.
Thursday - That's pretty bad. Writing scripts. Very dark day. Holiday to Rome. Classical music... pretty apt music choice there. Inspiration and moving and... they don't. Illustrated Tomee Bear... Ten minute excitement. Queries about YouTube. He finally has found creative integrity! THE MOVIE IS COMING SOON! Stubbed toe. Todd is struggling. Scream for me! Put in the order and then in the book, lifetimes worth of memories. There's Zoella.
Friday - Mad on Amazon. Slightly pitched down. Complete sincere. Scrapped week 4 is having very very soon! That's some scrapped video. People are awesome... ALL RIGHT! Very very disappointed with the quality of the sewage, I'm surprised, don't they know. Comedy that is all about safe space, that seems like a paradox to me? No, it's not.
Saturday - Tightly and meticulously scripted. More video like this COMING SOON! Adding little caption to... oh no. AN EMPTY PAGE! The secret address is REVEALED! Don't send me a scripts. That's way out of the question. Don't even like his scripts...
Sunday - Spring is like Winter. Family is playing but not the kid. I do very much look like myself. ANDY RIVAL! Good at socializing. This is very hard. It delivers! Robot returns.

Last Week We Got BIG News (March 13th - March 19th)
Monday - New font, new song and a cold open! Hit stop! Poor Eddie came early. That's a CLEAR DOWNWARD SLOPE. Picking buzzwords. The anger comes from inside? Actual people who watched this? Interesting. I trusted you??? Cleaning up? It's Charlie! Drawer work? Not such an handsome distraction. Can you handle it? SO ROUGH, wheels off chairs. Get Out reviewer. Movie Geek Suk... wait? What a great film. Lit Cheers.
Tuesday - People seem to like it. Here's ten pound. Tom is early??? Jeremiah McDonald, see almost every viral hit has a background. Gigantic tax bill. This is not more efficient. I got problems. Another batch of mails. Two dollar bills. Ooh! This is mine. Little scripts. Strangest package. That's weird batch of mail. Comparing is not good. That's my foot!
Wednesday - I mean... that's not... that's a wrong unit. Pre-stamped? Stop locking door. Pretty poster. Pretty cool divider. We have back-up. That effect. THERE'S A BABY! Busting a nut and baby is coming. Whose pregnant? Touch me...
Thursday - Mari-Anne returns. Dolan... and there's a butt? Audio is obsolete. That's a fan poster? Making music? That's Draft one. In the interrogation one. That's love. They hate us. Lending the guns and then Crash Zoom returns. Six month race.
Friday - Lastie? Little bit pressed? Oh depressed. Sponsor deal? We miss you? What's changed. Efficient system. I lean forward? Working in favor. Truth and justice.
Saturday - Well look, it's a staple of Last Week. Long haul depression sleep. you have to be lazy slob. Submitted sketched. I hope it's good! Pretty good.
Sunday - Beginning of the day, as in past 10pm. No starving. GIVE THE Q'S! Thanks, Justine! YouTube Talent managers. Kill the rapists. Free time? Work with friends... Right into a nerve! LOSING WEIGHT! Writing advice, thank you. Start. BBC3 show. Oooh, online dating, secretly be a fan, very careful. Just a wave. White whale once again. Independent. Both.

Last Week I Died (March 20th - March 26th)
Monday - This is Last Week #52. Bustling fandom... just kidding. Few minutes... I was dead. None of those things. There's the frog. I'll live with this. Singing along. THERE IT IS! Destroy Iron Fist, people who watch and you destroy. I completely disagree. You like Iron Fist more than Luke Cage? RACIST. Destroyed in transit. You were five... creepy. Kill the bag. Suffering scripts. Thank you to James... We got for duct tape.
Tuesday - Spots never stop. SourceFed: End of an institution. Me dying? Reliable channel of content... I was content. Putting socks on. Little bit of sizzle. Comic is back on production. Working hard. Fat body is comedy genius. Chloe is voicing. LIVE REACTION! Me as pool guy shirt. Pregnancy... made of... That kind of boyfriend. Weeklings!!!
Wednesday - Special screening, deleted scene? Let me... forbidden and barren! So much work. It belongs there. NO ZOELLA! That's not good. Awful violent creatures.
Thursday - Avoiding experience. Delivering a sofa. Completely same. Good at socializing. Sofa party. Important art. Yes... no. He's the real deal. Talking about Star Wars. I'm sorry fellow. Tall Charlie? She's very insecure. Vlog debut. It's not scary. Filmed a video. She picks up! NOW WE'RE GOING TO SCAN... oh, we killed him. Again.
Friday - Good morning song. Things are taking longer .We have extra week, reached out... That's going to be everything. Speaks for itself. Imager? Im-gur is good. Big professional busboy. I appreciate it. Bookmark? Kind of complicated thing. Very much no. Tyrannical moderator. Cool letter. Let the good time roll. Last ten people... he said it... in Last Week.
Saturday - Time of my life. Gareth returns? Windchimes. Cemetery vlog? Lasting auras? So it goes? Five year anniversary. Biggest pain. So serene. Home of the Fratocrats. There's lost Santa! He's like that hard. There's little boy. I can't play this. Broken hands. Destroyed property!
Sunday - Mother's day? To become Mother again. Dignity? More tech support. More artwork. Mother's pretentiousness rubbed off. Here's the sketch! Confused?

That's it... That's the year. And one more, in case I extend this for a second year. If not...

Last Week I Beeped Like A Sheep (March 27th - April 2nd)
Monday - I can't sleep. Fanfiction... absence. Baby punch sound. Making all green. It's all color coded, very straight forward. Outside Skitch. That's where the guns here. ALL ENTICING, Making other changes? Catching up to Elliott? Thor is back. Poor taste... dead don't care? Obnoxious vlogger? There were no spirits? If John did it, it's okay.
Tuesday - Taking a sick day? Best show on TV? Working on comic. Conveying the illness. Heaviest comics... there's audio stuff. Oh look, sexy boy? ULCERS
Wednesday - Going back to the start??? Twelve-year-olds complaining. It's all done. Tom does know, don't ask him! Works out fine? Convention and merch sales... conversion rate is bad. Very weak pounds, jacking prices. How does this affects you? He wants his lemons. Echo. Temper has been awakened. That's... there the end. Filming the sketch again! Slow boring day... free vacation? No one can't help you. Not putting work. That's another script. No more movie. Oddly. NO ONE IS GOING TO BELIEVE THE FINALE COMES ON THAT DAY! Brilliant! Unlike Charlie's Hair, Jack never changes... When will the Pizza Guy return from the war?
Thursday - Charlie's birthday? Important gift. Decreases in critical thinking, Last Week shirt. Fashion sense out of hand. What's he thinking. We found the bondage section? GOOD DOG BOY! No one has... don't make it so depressing. I think it's romantic.
Friday - Hmm. Alice is working. Dead plants? Here we go? Alice looks like Alivia? Screaming for Help! This is normal volume. Always leaves through the window. He's gone. Asfdmovie? Longest jokes. It me! Minor lines, change the angles. Here we go. Best animator in the world. Bare minimum jokes. Removed. Mix-tapes. IT'S FINE! He's home and ready for bed.
Saturday - Polar opposite... Louise... Louise... in the end, brand might be different, but the personality is pretty similar. Did you really... yes. It's done. I appreciate. Making joke work. Petty changes to becoming everything. What do you... what? Edd's story.
Sunday - Dealing with infringement. Complete collection is my views! Take it down! Elliott has improved? All the good stuff is there. Anyone can't do this! Good shirts.

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