Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Last Week - September

Last Week I Started A New Diet (What Happens Next Will Surprise You) (August 29th - September 4th) [small font?]
Monday - QUICK PACE VLOG! New diet! Thanks Sam! Justine's obsession and the death surprise? Let's be a friend, be a buddy. Oh Justine.
Tuesday - Alton cancelled. No need to sing?
Wednesday - Return to YouTube, all that ad rev! Toilet? Kind of winging and childline. All that YouTube video. So happy to be alive! Elliott is confused.
Thursday - Wait, where is he? What, he's in DC for Playlist Live?
Friday - Subway start. Policy shifts. Still been demonetized. Nothing more. Captain movie, Civil America... catching a Taurus. That's a sniper. RUN!
Saturday - YEAH! Camaraderie? There is a master! Mental health? Oops?
Sunday - Don't talk to me!!! We're meeting all these people! Timed out!

Last Week I Had A Big Sad (September 5th - September 11th)
Monday - Now moving home once again.
Tuesday - Time to get the phone. Beep-beep sheep.Went to America. Forgot the title change! Going below twenty minutes. Very black Justine. What's the factor? Lost my debit card? No key for the office? What a wild ride!!! I don't deserve money. Very sloppy.
Wednesday - Stealing clothes? By himself. All those beats and jokes. Charlie and her ever-changing hair. War Dogs and the couple who are moving way faster than Tom.
Thursday - Kubo and the sponsored video. Do you want a book? Obsessed with Game Grumps. Don't touch me... Live the dream! Good words.
Friday - Solid snake? It's just unnecessary. All the links for suicide. We got two sketches. Celebration. Steven Universe is very good. Been a weird week.
Saturday - Dash the fox. Charger uncharged. Primark on a Saturday? It doesn't look like... why can't I eat this? New shoes! Two parties, no show. Tara the panda... Need a hobby. Not a perfect... paper-thin story stuff. Don't smoke kids. Ready for Night Tube, Sammy.
Sunday - This doesn't look good. All that sadness and doubt.

Last Week I Drank Too Much (Surprise!) (September 12th - September 18th)
Monday - Running in a hour left. You don't know me. Doing a homage. I don't have any problems. HE BROKE AND THERE'S NO VIDEO! Oh god.
Tuesday - Patches of mold. Doing the Flop? Update the Go! Playing those Smash Bros.
Wednesday - Going to... beer breakfast. Like that. What a nerd.
Thursday - Elliott has a new motherboard. All the pokemon. Pocket in the Jacket... Who's the idiot? Man with a Spade and the impasse. Thanks says the Chicken. Affordable? More expensive? Rebooting the show, perhaps? Tom need food, Charlie. All the trash?
Friday - Can't play video game. That was good. Charlie betrays. I don't want this... relating to the millennials. Friday at a pub? Make it quieter...
Saturday - Nice transition. Gene Wilder died again! Weird sense of taxing. Nice.
Sunday - Haircut, office, Tara's, French person. This is still happening. Who did the narration in that segment. Windscreen... 2010 saiyan TomSka! Let me be dead.

Last Week I Kissed Eddie (September 19th - September 25th)
Monday - Tara was little late. Seven-year-old master. This isn't London? Tiny British roads... Where are the croissants. Now it has a theme song? That's where he has been. Only place to be racist. We all respect your culture. Photo perfect! Cat allergy. Bendy. Think about life choices. Eastenders? Wrapped up again. Good, We smashed the Frenchman.
Tuesday - Au revoir! New level of terrible. North Korean AK-47... It's hip and with it. Dropped the banana... Peak panic point. Very technical stuff. Credit jingles. Professional. Having a great time, taking all the wrong turns. What have you done.
Wednesday - Nightmare. New motherboard, computer dead. Cup of water??? It's all you! Power abuse... 10 pounds? That's a pillow. Bag of Popcorn. That's nice. Return of the Boat. Nice ending. Find Zoella song is just amazing.
Thursday - Summir for Social Change. Drawing pokemon.
Friday - There is no rushing. Journey to Scotland! Where is Eddie? She's home. THE SHIRT HAS RETURNED IN FULL FORCE! Looks it's Carrot. Two to Five... Competitive Find Zoella. Eddie gets a kiss! More Irn-Bru. NOOOO! Charlie laughing. Time is relative. They lose 100 pounds, driving in Russia? They did it, they worked out hard.
Saturday - Time to go to Comic-con... Glamour... hand trucks. NERDS! BOOTH IS TOO BIG AND THE REPEATING SONG! That was pathetic. So lovely. The movie is not done, now we go away. Time to stop. What a friendly people. Don't be mean to Charlie.
Sunday - Secret = French? Own lots of the stuff. It's dat boi. Got the Nerd Flu. Stylish bum bag. Longest meet-and-greet. What's in there. Good week!

Last Week I Met a Suicidal Fox (September 26th - October 2nd)
Monday - Going to a rural part of Scotland. Getting away from the hustle and bustle.
Tuesday - That was a dream. Scattering the ashes. Finger in the Grandma... Don't put the ketchup in the pea. I don't know what I'm eating. Come back.
Wednesday - Let's leave Scotland. There is a song! Epic travel song! I forgot the baby.
Thursday - Beard has been trimmed. No money. There's your name. Phone is a treat. Getting slowly there. It's fixed now. Perfect place to film. Thanks for the box. Very normal stuff... Scary stuff? Travel montage music... Worse than the other one. Little more forceful. Gig for Lucifer? We can have watch a... what? We always had Amazon Prime. It's just silly.
Friday - Four stars versus Four and half stars. Gotta job fast. Business lunch. Kickstart shut down. Dog speaker? Glitched out building. Symptoms... oh god. Nice fall. That is a severely depressed fox. Playing hard to get. Badly superimposed. Fox friend.
Saturday - Is he devil? The point? Just cooking burger. Wrong Charlie.
Sunday - Depression time, first time that nothing was filmed. technically.

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