Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Last Week - December

Last Week But Every Time You Say Bee Movie I Want To Die (November 28th - December 4th)
Monday - Saddest thing... Let's write a script. It feels great, man? Characters are the hard bits. Understand them and get a zubat! Distracted! Turns out Conner has more subscribers than Eddie... Is this really a promotion, if one of the cast has less fame than the fan? No, no, no... don't watch this. Smash bowl... gone forever. Charlie's a hungry baby. Oh, he's the boss...
Tuesday - All the passes. Where did Tom go? Come back... British Gas gambling, that's interesting. Return of investment? Charlie's a full baby. Oh, I can see now...
Wednesday - It is cold. Mental health happened. There might be a crisis??? This is a beautiful dog. Hannah, give me that dog. I will not recognize the truth! Eddie made a video too... Lots of folder. Fluent language... bilingual is great! Like how great!
Thursday - Dog! Christmas tree... Tom is busy. Attack on the Titan... works again. He is Justice! Great joke. Dan detector! That is a pretty good shot. Ah, yes, I call it the rigmarole script and the first one I watched In Time by Andrew Niccols. It feels like he got bored with the script. BAD MOVIE!!! Eddie is upset. It was in the double digits... I think.
Friday - Weird ways to use the computer. Reading through the script. Script was so good. Rave music. Phone with BBC, cool opportunities? Juggling masters. But first, the behind the scenes. Very unbelievable. That was a good ending. Good punchline. Ace.
Saturday - OH ITS FAN DAY! Zamin dropping iPad, Aidan is very nice, Anna on a roof, Ben with dinosaurs, Brandon at a market, Bri at her old... haunt, Erin does baking, Jack teaching tricks, Jessie excitedly moonwalking, Joachim, um, hiking?, Matt with a good concert, Octo feels accomplished, Oscar is fumigating his house?, Rebecca... PUPPY, Sam questing, Sebastian is doing deep cover, Shortney wants someone pick up the whole thing, Syphon is cool! (All idiots.)
Sunday - 3 AM, Star Wars chronology, see the problem Tom faces is that we have to calculate the distance, not time because in space you look back in time, hence the space (far far away) and time (long long ago) are correlated. Just use the luminosity of death star to calculate that distance, taking consideration the accelerating expansion of the universe and you're set. Sign all the mine Turtle... Eddie's place, mostly a filming place. Eddie's married? Tom's adorable. Everyone canceled and no longer social event. Deaf cat? Jackbox TV. Wonderful. I mean... IT'S OBVIOUS!

Last Week I Conquered Mail Mountain (December 5th - December 11th)
Monday - We had all the fans! Exponential function here! Flower crown. WHO PUT GLITTER! Pretty good rendering. It's a letter. Just write your correspondence. Nice editing there. Thanks, Trinity! So many Zoellas. There we go. Too many sections! Exporting. Ah... okay, thank you? Mail mountain is half-conquered. Long time. WESTWORLD.
Tuesday - You're cool. Filming of Robot Wars. Great self portrait. Euphoric experience? I need to watch this. Signing... 530. Redemption arc! Tom has too much positivity... he's turning into Santa Claus! Coaster stamp. There we go. I JUST BOUGHT A FLIGHT!
Wednesday - Holy pilgrimage to the Robot lands. It's a bit early. That's great. They can sit back down, but why should we? I will stand! Puns work? Glamorous and sunny. Going to a cab to stand in a queue? Machine & Ass? Tom is filthy rich. So awkward... Yep. Cancelling the fight! Robot rotating in... Stop selfies! Actual fire. Bit windy in Scotland? Personal cliffhanger. Body is struggling to accept the 24-hour nature of a typical day.
Thursday - Too early, again. Get a joke right! Time commanders? Tom does not understand. Dicks and round one. There's a big hand. It's a... oh, he's dead. They give them one... Pizza break is necessary. Elephant is happy. So old and deaf. Video game day.
Friday - George getting his gun. Trains and trains and trains. Prop pizza? George is always weird. Heavy breathing. Tom is a new me. THE UNENDING WEEK! Everything is good.
Saturday - Christmas tree shopping. Draw me like your Buddhist girls. What country? See you next year? I haven't bought a present. PLEASE PUT ME! Going back in time! Very imposing, very bagels? Work from Home? December 7th is when it came out.
Sunday - Stop stop stop stop stop this. Surreal. AMT coffee's coconut yogurt! Finally a week begins on a Sunday! Everyone rejoice! Thank you? Only for magic of Christmas.

Last Week I Partied Too Hard (December 12th - December 18th)
Monday - 8 AM screening... it's early. Before actual coherent words... BrandCast... 'give us all your money'. It has actually gotten smaller. Do not understand. You're the best. Help me. Dan's a oompa loompa. Reviewing last week. Retention spike happened with Dan. Lot of dancers! We did it. Double fist is saved for... Rick Astley? This is too weird. Not again! Getting all the coasters.
Tuesday - All my Lego. All that press junket. Mari-Ann is great. Do the press junket! Commenters agree, Tom's a good interviewer. Mari-Anne: Well done! Who was that? Evolving?
Wednesday - Party cracker. Enough coasters. Disaster in efficiency. Tom's got goals, hitting 2017 running... intense year, intense comedy. Forgot to dress up. Putting food in the mouth. Music video, Tom is selling out... to his fans! Pretty good song, VERY GOOD.
Thursday - You'll be alright. Cool! Ultimate weapon. Helping out with the personal project. Again, let's say Tom doesn't draw. Good outfit. Sharing and quotable. Brandon Bowen controversy. Delivery is little different, but undeniably a clash of conflict. Musical suicide is so similar. You can't never be sure and Keemstar is always... he's a great guy... for laughs, of course.
Friday - CHRISTMAS PARTY! Stuff happens. Ben brought Christmas, and Tom is my favorite animator... Ooh, Dog! Cancelled. Order and they will come. Social people. Hurting gift are meant to passed. The hurt, of course. Nice! That's a problem. Miss dad, perhaps the hat will help? Why did you sully the boy... Charlie? Deeply upsetting.
Saturday - Hungover and watched movie, so there's Secret Santa! Freebooting is a real word now. Eddie's Mom, keeping in the family. He was God? Ah. Tom crashes a parade. Racist?
Sunday - Time to watch that Star Wars movie again. Worse screen necessary. It's gonna fit. Winter Wonderplace... cracking nuts. In the spirit? What's the man!? Old return! Nice mountain. Nose is cold. I look fly as hell. He's convinced. There's a strawberry. Who parked a Penny Farthing? Charlie likes h3h3??? She does like Game Grumps. TOO FAST

Last Week I Ruined Christmas (December 19th - December 25th)
Monday - Nice close-up. Goodbye Alcohol. Ordered yesterday. Portuguese standoff? Little rant of twitter. Amassed millions outside. I DID THIS! Star Wars place? Eddie... and me. Tom got one. Dodie is sweet and don't say that Ellen. Cheers to all. All the hazard.
Tuesday - Going to tough times. What? Making them worse. Tolling. Good. Good... Oh no. Just... you mess up everything Tom. Tom's so stupid...
Wednesday - Little too much of the subconscious. Bittersweet feeling.
Thursday - Beep. Boop. Back. Christmas good. Another batch of mail. Young magic. Sentiment is not a strong suit. New year's date... very cool. Draw something.
Friday - Start shopping now. All that interview. All the spikes. Theme of the thing. Painstaking. Obligatory Smash Break. Sentimental time. Oh no...
Saturday - Giving some gifts. He's so happy. Topical reference.
Sunday - It's Christmas morning. So much glitter. GOING TO BED, here's MOM! This is madness. Credit to the Devil, but that's what we do all the time.

Last Week 2016 Took A Hike (December 26th - January 1st)
Monday - Boxing Day. Running naked in a place. Quickly edit that video. Let's see how a real man does an vlog edit. We're going to give up now. Max Landis is great. 9/10 right out of a bat. TOO DUMB, but so much fun. Douglas Adam is dead, unfortunately.
Tuesday - Naturally 8 AM is not good. 1 PM is better time to wake. Quit unexpectedly. That is a very bad last week. I did it all myself! All the tweets. What criticism.
Wednesday - Tom was Jehovah's Witness for a while. Artistic shot. Attention peak and buying meat. There's a box for Tom? Sending random stuff. SO YouTube. That's a tracksuit. Oh no! This is not going to be good. New channel advert. So much chicky. You don't have a toast?
Thursday - Your enthusiasm is overwhelming. Reason Tom is little deaf! Welcome back to The South. Quite an interesting beat. It's not cold or nothing. Not yet.
Friday - All the bouncy balls. Nice dude. MORE JUICY CONTENT! Personal project. Teamwork. Eddie is still going... Saying going back. YOU LOST SO MUCH!
Saturday - New year's eve cleaning. HOUSE IS CLEAN! Pick up alcohol. There's a pizza. NO CHICKEN FOR YOU! It's... Barry B. Benson? Here's footage. So cold. Have to keep it safe, the last horcrux. Sky is exploding! Let's ward off the year that sucked.
Sunday - Interesting intro. Here's the cork! Easy anniversary.

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