Sunday, October 26, 2014

TCGS - Episode 62

Let's go futuristic! FUTURE NIGHT! Keeper of the Battledome and 40 Year Old Goosey!

It's a shame. Thanks to LLC and audience, Mimi, On the Plant, Shannon, Murf, Bethany, Ellen! Destiny, on an AOL Messenger! 40 Year Old Goosey is a Time Lord... Violence! STILLMAN!

Your fear is your undoing! Still on the radar! Goosey is a TIME LORD, TIME EGG! Fill the W-4... You didn't build that! Your life is cruise-bruisey! Overwhelming! Goosey is an intern???

Music first! Science Police - Last show for Joe??? Punk is okay... hear it sparingly.

Hallie is a... huh... I can see how that's connected. Mundane paperwork? Concussions! The CLOCK! That's amazing! No metal! Coward with Women! ICE AGE! Road trip? Kept flying!

Hybrid Ghost child! Keep doing more boring!!! Good to be home! WOW.

We need the metal! Charles Barkley!! Muff? Golden Goddess... eh. Random Zara! Wise Sage!! Shoes and Feet... No expectation.

Alyssa, checking in - Sh!tty and still in High School! Typical Alyssa. Failing Humanity... Feed?

Andre from MA - Mitt won? At his home state? Practice Proper Flossing (wrong)

Calstead - In the present, couch metabolism. No couch, it's awful. Losing... scratching. Killed? Travelling Man with Ricky Nelson! OH NO, CALSTEAD!!!!!!!

Grad GIFT? Hitting on... Jonas Brother song? Wes from CT - Pass the tit! Aunt Theresa???

Bell South??? Jackie - Kind of been tough. Little bit of Alcohol... rivers for mermaid... common phrase... basic idiom.

Chad from CT - Jame Gamdophin... Vacation Jason??? Can't be mean is kind.

Video of Keith of Old Favorite! Oh, DRU! Decoy bombs! JUST TAKE ME!

Don't greet them... it's a bomb! 900 party line! Todd from MD - Science Police and Buried!!! Bearing! Time vortex stirred up!

Stillman, old enough to rule everything! Nanobot! Mostly metal! Jack Parr? It was Steve Allen... Sellout, the keeper! Mistakes were made. Muff is too strong!

Twitter are critical. Aunt Tree Sap - Willow trees... supernatural trees!! Skip the cut scene! Keeper As-hole... been to such trees! Sure it is?!?! Hard as a rock!

Michael - Many timeline, party line. Right in front of you... MY BOOBIES!!! Blessed! YEAH!!!

Second song - Future makes great songs!!! Evil and awesome! Constant tits!!!! BATTLE!!

Battle Dome game!!! Wisest of the parable! CHRIS GETHARD! 3! 1! They are naked!

Human Fish loves the cock.... KEEP IT CALSTEADY! Dirty underwear! Got carried away!

There's no moral! Weirdest one by far! Forman Johnston! DEFEATED!

Ian from NJ - Huzzah. They've seen better. New New Dallas Cowboy... Boring question

Danny from Boston - Juggling tit was the answer. Phish the band vs Phish the scam

Chris from MI - 3412... You did not win the war! Silicone wristbands!

You must return... both must go... Swift elimination! Going faster!!! Time tunnel! Nothing wrong!

18th century American Gladiator will be later! Next week, even more intense!? Year 12? Lord??? Real History and Baths and Boys! On a plane! Yelp APP?? Wi-fi!

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