Thursday, October 30, 2014

TCGS - Episode 73

CHAT RATS!! Bethany feeling good. Hats episode? Man behind not a plant. A new year!

212-996-1413 with the black bars! technical difficulty?? HYPERRESOLUTION! Bill forgot!!!!

Chris's resolution - down to 150 pounds!! Always carry the scale! Scale app???

Hot Dog Parrish - Resolution Enforcer!!! HE WANTS TO HOLD IT! So say we all???

Andres from MA - Rat's nest? Better Grades and talking to girls!!! ON THE CASE! Bathing suit?

Megan from OH - Student teaching... not-noble profession? I feel like... bad joke. Shannon in zone! Birds teaching Special Education... Finish it off!

Bethany's resolution - Every week is different! I'm proving??? Transmitted...

KITTY PRYDE RETURNS - Kitty looks like a young Hallie. One of my fav. rapper. Happy Birthday Rob Malone, technical difficulty???

Sideline interview??? Getting old and feels new! The difficulty bit got funny again!

Lee from CA - Making EP and you have a in!!! Bad at music booking!

Stellan is coming to New York!! Kickstarter to Sweden

Erin from NY - Making awkward... Ariel??? - Phone stopped working again!

Chris is accessible... Shannon, proudly inaccessible! Food donation... book in hand? Are you okay???

Great sweater... being mysterious? Ariel from Long Island - Northwestern? Oh... welp. Stand-up! and Start drinking! (Can't endorse...) Fall face-down... yell a homeless guy! Still behave like a drunk! Dancing like a drunk man! Go do that one! Opposite encouragement.

Video dispatch Human Fish - That was... something.

Harry Wood - Great college! ADD... better texting! Hot Dog will go to a texting regimen.

ORDER DOESN'T MATTER Coop from KY - Want abs! NO. Find the videos??? Be more curious?

Insane lighting of the Human Fish... Bethany has gone cougar?

Erin from NY - Watch more movies... get film savvy. Casablanca, Star Wars... BANNED?

Lakitus - Home Alone reference. I feel uncomfortable... very uncomfortable. Nice reference.

Bananaman - WEAK! Cannot be taught! Hallie boos and chant for Hallie! Weird???

Clayton - Not... Ex-girlfriend? Chris going all-in... Tough love... Murder text thing? MAN... Dexter?


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