Sunday, October 21, 2012

ApprenticeA: Week 29

Day 197: Jul 16th 2011
Just made it. Warp tour...
Bubble... Arret?
Boot tired and tying tie.
Just water. tripod.
people scream for me.
Another show done.
don't bother.
Canada is cold.
Exponentially crazy.
Girl shoes... tired.
Day 198: Jul 17th 2011
Epic intro for Carol.
1/1000th famous as Hitler.
Can't win. Don't even try.
Pretty intimidating person.
Gravity: 1 Catlin: 0
Dramatic sigh.
Cyr is gone, Carol is in.
Catlin is a ho... whatever.
Oh no.
Tim Horton= fast and hard.
It's like kitchen deity in India... but in Canada
Decanter... Not horse trotting.
Day 199: Jul 18th 2011
Length of the arm...
show business...
Syd= super hot and excited.
That's audio recording.
Wrapping Cords...
Come back...
Live stuff... Whup.
Corrado and his fedora.
Chilling with care-bear and James.
Oap. Don't get caught.
Day 200: Jul 19th 2011
Good for throat!
Going live... funny things.
Learning tricks.
Jimmy have friends.
Too much scats.
Extreme dutch.
90's sitcom.
Corey is just naked.
Cyr plays guitar.
Day 201: Jul 20th 2011
Tangerine machine...
That sucks...
Rapping again...
NO fat jokes.
practice focus...
who's singing?
Tiny pizza...
Theme party...
More shirtlessness.
I am Unstoppable.
Day 202: Jul 21th 2011
Saskia, it's a blackout!
Emily... hi.
Take a live picture...
Ladies in the kitchen...
I'm a serious editor...
Original girl of vlog!
Cookie and cooling down.
Just rockstar.
Girlfriend not impressed.
Too long for sideways.
Don't leave Carol!
Play O!
Corey plays guitar.
Johnny Quest...
Rainbow connecting to piano tunes.
Chocolate in wine glass!
Stressed out Cyr.
Good call.
Day 203: Jul 22th 2011
Corey is busy.
texting Brian.
Coffee Creamer...
C is not for Emily.
4 C's...
Actually in the vlogs...
Jungle bop dubstep.
Nice hair braid.
Ethan is dirty.
Canada speech.
Put the shirt on...
Trying to be me.
Creepy... slap Cyr.
Lens Cap.
No girl in the house.
Part of daily vlog!

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