Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ApprenticeA: Week 4

Day 22: Jan 22nd 2011
Camera Basics and pro things
Mediated production...
Flail arms and helicopter!
Timely is important...
Rubber duckies? You should talk to Ze.
Camera and Cable and Monitor
Captured separately
Never touch the camera!
Star wars kids pt. 2- featuring Corey Vidal
Day 23: Jan 23rd 2011
No hot water, or good lighting...?
You need Stephanie...
Air band it!
Bunch of guys in the bathroom...
What did you do in the bathroom... Applause?
Day 24: Jan 24th 2011
Too cool or too hot, never...
Epic words... All Vlog.
Behind the scenes... there is.
professional, yeah.
to the toast!
Day 25: Jan 25th 2011
Shot list and storyboard
No spoiler...
FLuffee talks!
Oh, Leah. expert door opener.
Door explosion!
Alan looks nice.
More shaving.
Leah vlogs the action shot!
Brush is a knife?
FLuffeeTalks is a stuntman?
Monday uploaded.
Day 26: Jan 26th 2011
lights... or nun-chuck.
Day 27: Jan 27th 2011
Jake and Amir!
Loud Applause! Canada!
Valerie... good.
Jake... good.
Hi Carl...?
Day 28: Jan 28th 2011
Downtown again?
Now for Stephanie and her first concert!
Nervous... a pretty song!

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