Friday, November 9, 2012

ApprenticeA: Week 31

Long Hiatus, short time. Gonna finish the year before November is over!
Day 211: Jul 30th 2011
Double Rainbow!
DPC and Sandwich!
Yeah! Big Clap from everyone!
Song about bananas... live!
Thank you, LA!
Edited a Wheezy video!
Running, oh so hard.
So the vidcon collab commences.
Rootberry juggles like crazy.
Eat food and Riley's b-day.
Need Cyr and Shuffle
New buddy.
Shannon... gone wild.
Shay and Leah and NicePeter
Dave Days and Last of All Caps...
Everyone Vlog Dance
Intense moment.
Closer all the time!
gonna fly with my nredfighter sign.
Day 212: Jul 31st 2011
Airport and stay in America.
Oh, Andrew...
Corey in LA Jimmy in Canada
Window fail and baggage claim.
Ethan and Emptiness
Day 213: Aug 1st 2011
Cutting- Shaving Jimmy is like shaving a bear.
Solving a Rubik's cube.
Link in Doobly-doo.
4 rubik's cube solved.
Buy scissors. Piece of Taco.
Sidehawk. Zorro.
Not against the grain.
Shaved a man... aerial videos.
Being a cat.
Day 214: Aug 2nd 2011
Fencing- hit Matt with Sword!
Don't hit the nose.
smoothie with Catlin.
Ethan going crazy.
Never eat healthy.
Ethan on film.
More filming.
Day 215: Aug 3rd 2011
That one day. MattG?
More cutting hair
Catlin: Nerd.
Rap? Ethan: Witty
Never fix your work.
Do I look like...
my mom cut my hair...
You're not my mom.
Filming for Google. Jim+Dwight+Ricky from the Office.
Baby... Baby Chicken. Hot dog.
Not open all night. midnight work.
Caltlin surprise. No beard Jimmy.
Cut me and leave.Using us.
Day 216: Aug 4th 2011
Going Google.
Punching Chewie- two car.
Where's Shannon?
Princess- Shooting.
Deserve a backhand.
Yogurt thingy.
Velocorpator... Brett and people.
Vin Diesel= Googley.
Symmetry is lame.
Focus... NO shower.
Google Coffee. Constietncy.
Shower in Google.
And Tape.
Dab yourself... Shannon impressed.
other work.
Caitlin... going.
NO rapper...
Just shifty.
Steal the lego... Corrado makeup.
New York City.
So much work.
Going to New York.
Day 217: Aug 5th 2011
Shannon measures Corey's head.
23 inches. Double check!
Measure heads.
22, 23, 24.5 inches.
Get the... brakefast?
Vegan 3 days ago.
Like Change?
Change make pretty sounds.
Sandwich in 4 days...
Favorite soda... root beer?
Diet pepsi?
Leave Caitlin.
Zombie... Ethan is (in) Cyr's room.

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