Saturday, November 17, 2012

ApprenticeA: Week 45

Day 309: Nov 5th 2011
Gathering and yelling!
Mostly Pumpkin.
Don't invite little kids (especially for candy.)
Tim Horton don't like flicking.
I miss the Asian and Tim and Sarah.
Free Coffee.
Matt and Andrew.
Open the Doors.
Keep warm dance.
A Tease!
Being a Animal of some sort.
The Dance.
That was good.
Not Italiam, just Scottish.
Is there... no.
Fancy... ouch.
Shawn Desman.
Relish and Gunpowder?
Day 310: Nov 6th 2011
Start with leaving.
Don't start throwing.
Sad Planking!
Fun... Corrado goes...
In space...
Computer mice?
Not Scotland.
Go home.
Armpit of Ontario.
Danielle? What?
Meat and Taco.
Two guys and shuffle.
No Business Card.
No lift.
Hair Clips...
Got Distracted.
not Well Being.
Spicy Freedom...
Vlogging experts.
Vlogbrother + Wheezywaiter
Extra Hour = Extra Pound.
That makes all the sense.
Day 311: Nov 7th 2011
More chair makings.
Don't use the lever.
Time and Effort.
Drop iPod...
Bride Pose.
Take a picture.
Do you like sushi...
Antillles... or Andrew.
No wiggle.
No sponsor.
Focus together!
Got something...
For Modern Warfare 3
Taste like victory!
Caitlin beat Corey!
Day 312: Nov 8th 2011
Falling apart...
Not related... Leia and Luke thing.
back at Ikea.
Bunch of stuff.
Captain Noah!
Any key?
Dad's birthday.
Sue's baby.
Great big Moose.
Dutch Candy.
Trust Shannon.
Breaking my heart.
Cup cakes...
So nutritional
Sid wants a cupcake.
Day 313: Nov 9th 2011
Saskia have some dutch stuff.
New room, New desk.
TV dinner...
Meant for Shannon.
Flash crash.
Not Square.
Be louder.
Giving the money.
Corrado... right, Caitlin?
Use hands. Paint it!
You're a sweet potato.
Wedding Planning.
John Green never blinks!
Right connection.
Not Fair.
Too Full... never mind.
Day 314: Nov 10th 2011
Never sorry.
Office? Lights!
Fan page?
I'm talking to the INTERNET!
Darker than I thought.
Be in the vlogs.
Don't do it.
Go in the Sun!
See the dust!
Prettiest girl!
Healthy Food.
Change life!
Be safe. (when chopping vegetable)
Mirror... Corrado?
Cyr's Chocolate milk.
Past bed time?
Shannon got a hat.
Don't do the songs.
Vlogging stuff.
Vlog TV + Twitter TV
Everybody tweet!
Good twitter...
Alex is cool.
Best Buy?
Peru events...
General clap.
Day 315: Nov 11th 2011
Audio working!
Sam's first video!
Stuff happens!
loud... and body mic!
Do not distract.
More haircuts!
I am not a dish!
Lot of change!
Old. Maybe they do.
Corrado, stop stealing stuff.
Good arcade game!
Arty fartsy.
Spanish Corrado.
White noise.
Scary knife!
massage scalp and orange.
All tech stuff! and Guitar!
Tease... tomorrow.
Keep trying.
Chase is the friend.
Your idea?
Vlog us reminiscing!
Magic trick... no.
On the Moon!
Megan Tonjes!
No reading notes!

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