Friday, November 9, 2012

ApprenticeA: Week 35

Day 239: Aug 27th 2011
Filming a Video.
Driving a Car!
Eat leaves.
Hello People.
DPC- Favorite.
Chasing a Whale in the sky.
So great!
All great.
Tricky Lighting.
Recording the contours of Sam.
Welcome to the Whale.
Pretty nice.
Shooting the Shooting.
Tear it!
Band's practice space.
Don't fight with whale?
Craig with a wig.
Day 240: Aug 28th 2011
pilot a new generation.
Good old fashion walking.
Chicago- Toast.
Let's go Matt.
Apprentice Airplane.
Nautical Experience.
Let's find Canada.
Water is sick of people.
Just a thing.
Run! Swim!
Lost Glasses.
Apple in pizza.
Day 241: Aug 29th 2011
5 days of Filming.
Perfect beardlover and sticks!
They will never break...
Michael Jackson.
Craig and Corey switch?
Still dancing.
I became Craig and Chicken.
Ahh, they're in love.
Day 242: Aug 30th 2011
Making Lightsabers.
Something explosion.
Sexy clone?
Making them glowy?
Made me bleed.
Stick fighting...
Joke's are you?
Shaggy hair?
War of Wordcraft?
Wrist muscles.
Country song?
Light has no weight and it'll just pass through.
You broke Corey's sweaty heart.
Sauce and Sauce and Food.
Yeah, Whale?
Matt with a wig.
Got the tune.
people in a wig...
Shot 8 days straight
But there's a new Couch!
Day 243: Aug 31st 2011
Going to home. Craig is home.
Going Fishing.
Great memories.
Matt's still...
Driving 60km/hr
Broke a plate.
Jingle bells.
You played Fellowship...
From Chyna : He broke ANOTHER plate? That leaves... four?
Camera: To the border.
Fancy glasses, Lake Michigan?
So emotional.
Bye Chicago!
Tolls and Tolls.
Water and Prison.
Jimmy's CD.
Meow rap.
Still Lost.
NO hat?
Weird form of Communication.
Day 244: Sep 1st 2011
TIFF. Awesome.
All the movies.
In the parking Garage.
Look at Ethan.
Film done.
At TIFF with Corrado.
Like it moving.
Where... Cyr is not.
Now be batman.
Identity and poke and british? Chav?
They're Titanium. Hurt.
Day 245: Sep 2nd 2011
Darth want pizza.
You poor thing. Wing Time.
Keyboard... LCD Screen.
100 little LCD screen.
Fixing Computer.
Pie. Microwave.
5:10 am?
Kitchen and not it.

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