Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just an Update

Sorry about yesterday, here's a new font for you.
The girls are out for few day, but us boys have been sitting around... and nothing.
As any summer day, we look outside, eat and lie down with the laptop
Reading magazines, playing solitaire...
It's quite boring, I say.
Nothing to do, nothing to need
Grey sky overwhelm us while we long for the yesterday's sun.

Anyway, apologies to the mean spirit in the last post,
That was a character I was trying to do. 

There has been no much readership in here.
How I suppose to bring viewers?
Everything about me is a sham.

Composing a blog post
Obscure as I, this gets lost
Making a statement or two
Perhaps picture and video, too
Useless ideas plague my brain
Trite thought, It's hard to obtain
Entertainment I seek.
Retain your vigor, my friend...Aren't I a geek?

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