Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vidcon! and youtube chart update

This week was vidcon and to commemorate this occasion, I'll talk about how vidcon change the youtube chart. Unfortunately, the chart project itself is abandoned and probably will for a long time. But the idea is there on the prototype.

Youtube chart started in 2006-7 when Renetto started to collaborate with other people, like FilthyWhore and Nalts, and when SMPFilms held the first youtube gathering, but the today's chart wasn't created till second generation formed with the Youtube Live, in November of 2008. Youtube Live gave us some kind of equal platform between the celebrities and the youtubers for the first time and led the youtubers to manage themselves in a more high quality. By 2009, two distinct group formed. The Cools, held by the station and their allies and the Nerds, spearheaded by Vlogbrothers and its friends. As demonstrated by this video, the Nerds have been known as the Other Side of Youtube, not actually called that but you know... felt like, the guys and gals who are more interesting than the Cools, who have falling steadily in their laughs, but not seen by  causal viewer, who whiff through front page and never dig deep. But in June of 2010, that changed with Vidcon. Vidcon, like Youtube Live gave the Nerd chance to be equal to the Cool, and Cool saw it they potential, unlike the rotten fest they had then. The integration of Nerds and Cools  led to a new group, the Hips.  Making of Hips was agitated by two factor from each side. For the Nerds, Wrock was giving out. People didn't had much fervor about Harry Potter as before and the formerly wrock group started to write nerdy songs. Which piqued Cools' ears. For the Cool side, ShanePhil incident led the Station to be isolated, and when the Station net broke out, they broke out big. Olga Kay and her friend grabbed viewers, Fine Bros finally found the success formula, along with DaneBoe. If it weren't for Totally Sketch and Nice Peter, the Station might have been long dead. Anyway, by the start of 2011, Hips fully formed, along with new interesting people who didn't make side and enjoyed both side equally, like Winter Spring Pro and Tobuscus. Now, ideas pass like crazy throughout  the chart, leading to happy homogenization that Youtube can market, it's seen as renaissance of youtube, despite the haters. 

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