Friday, July 8, 2011

Thinking about Thoughts

Few month ago, I wrote a piece in my notebook called "Thinking About Thoughts". I have continue my thoughts about thoughts and I going to share with you a piece of it. And also the original piece, which will coming later.

Imagine you woke up, or realized during the day/night but it doesn't matter in a different person's body, any body except yours. You could be shorter, you could shorter, fatter, more slender, stronger, weaker, in an opposite sex, or even you physically look the same. The crux is that no one knows you had this life, and instead had the other life. You could persuade people is acknowledge the fact 'you' are a misplaced being, and some do the near opposite, they knew that you're misplaced. But you can't go back, least for now. But now is forever, so you can't ever escape! (The First law of TG, but it'll work in this perspective.) You need to act like this new identity, think like the identity, meeting people you don't know, and some you might know but act and think differently. (The Third law of TG, although I skewered around a bit.) Then, you get familiar with your new identity, so familiar that you can't recognize which is which anymore.(The Second law of TG, though I took out a will there.) It makes sense in context. Richard Dawkins, I believe, said there's five different force which shape you. Your gene, your hormone, your immune system, your brain, your environment. You can't change your genes, a la first law (probably), you could change your hormone, but keeping it takes inconsiderable amount of surgery, and mental training. Just ask any transgender. you could change your immune system, with a flu shot or antibiotics, your brain is already different, and your environment? Well, it'll take long time for people to settle on you being a different person. Imagine you're on that situation. So, what? One against four and only one you effectively change without trouble, other than getting a shot? That's poor bet against you, and no matter because you are actually that person! Turns out your imagining your other stuff. You're all fine...

wait. That last three sentence rings a different bell. I mean you're saying that life I live in with all my friend and family, all my achievement and possession, all my memories and belief is product of my imagination/hallucination/dream/virtual reality/act/conspiracy? Then you realize, what if you're right? What if life was just a ruse and this weird life I think of is me? Or another life? Am I reading this right now, or is it just all in your mind? I think, therefore I am, but what if what I think isn't actually who I am? Do I ignore completely and enjoy the show? 

Now think about this, if I inject your mind with memories, is that part of you? Let's say I gave you memory of you in super strength. You surely use the power, the muscle remember the injected memory. But is that part of your life? What if you lost your memory, but instead giving back, I give you a new one. Is that part of you? Oh, surely not, but remember, you don't remember your life. Only thing in your brain is what I injected. Sure, it's all about perspectives. I resurrected you with memory you bestow, but only because I secretly live streamed your brain signals, and copy and paste that to your own body? Is that you? 

You're only confined by your thoughts, and you can't venture outside of it. It's like you can't venture out of the universe, or the multiverse. If you say, "Well, my soul can come out of your body, so what's your saying is false." Well, your thought IS your soul, at least in this explanation. "But my soul IS me, how it could not?" look at the second paragraph. "But, but.. that's impossible, how that..that.... I give up!!! (cries)." Well, actual comment will discuss more about my topic and many other topic I scrawl on this electronic pages. So, look forward to two more topics and other thing as well. Till next time...

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