Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tangent: history of animation

(Based on WMG I saw on TV Tropes)
April 6 1906- REPORT
Strange creatures have appeared that are apparently resembling the drawings made in newspapers. They function like humans, but work in a different physical laws that we do. Please send reinforcement for further study.

Ah, I remember the days. ToonTown was what they called it. People working on their shorts minding their business, courteous to the competitors. Sure, Disney, Warner and MGM didn't get along but they didn't mean they acted upon it. No, we just go in to our little cubbies and laugh at whatever has come up. They were others, too. Fleischer, UPA.

Then a strange thing happen. Our town got lot smaller. We got more crappier. We became just lines, not a three dimensional beings. Corporation will raid and put out crap like nobody's business. Bakshi made things that are intentionally dirty. We are dirty, too, but we're sophisticated about it! Then there this Japanese people who called themselves Animane. They said they were inspired by us and was here to study them. They looked all right. Ridiculous, but in other ways than us. We kept them.

ToonTown eventually got too small for all of us. Disney stay at the town, while we left to found some other place. Disney got their renaissance while we got nothing going through barren landscape tasting the bitter dust door blew as it shut. There was one faction that kicked out Disney or somehow but the point is we found a place.

There was this guy named Turner. He said he wanted to make a studio and you looked like the perfect thing. So he made it and called Cartoon Network. There was a guy next door, Nickelodeon but it was all right. In fact they came and made us new people, including one from Canada from all places! But they looked all right.

They were strange call coming from the original ToonTown while we're booming. People started to take over the ToonTown and make a mess. But that they were combating it with a blown up Toon thingy. We heard about this weird 3-D toons and hope nothing will come that make us that desperate. 

Then came call from the our neighbors. They were known for existing peacefully with humans and cartoons with each giving its respect to each other, but the call was devastating. They say human have taken over, a la Disney, and cartoon have become deformed and unrecognizable. We're horrified at the onslaught of this, even Animane were afraid. This was serious.

But we went on make great shows such as Billy and Mandy, Fosters and Kids Next Door and not cared about the others. Then the adult toons, who got the spot after a abondoned Animane site, throw a party that got us PoPo and let mayor resign. The new mayor let the human did their own thing and they started making awful shows. Awful, awful shows. We lost our footing. We were on a war to keep the our place in a world where blandness is taking over creativity. That's where we are right now. Those Canadian show are nothing but crap and live show are going nowhere. There is some trusty friends who help the cartoons but it's not strong enough.

P.S.- Fight is better now. Animane came back after a temporal shift cause the 2007 team to pop up and crush the weird San Fran standup. Our shows are coming back on air and seems like the respect of the Nick is coming back for them. But the damage is still not reversed. Let us go back to era where creativity is a virtue not a hindrance. Please save us.

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