Friday, July 27, 2012

Tangent: Olympic ceremonies

As the Olympic opening ceremonies is today, I'll go back at look at past Olympic opening ceremonies.
1896: A jolly affair that was cordial at best. Olympic hymn was nice, though.
1908: Controversy at the parade of nation... off to a running start.
1912: The first big ceremony as it were and seeing the circumstances... it was really nicely made. Big fanfare, and the demonstrations. All expertly made. 
1920: Nice theme of WWI with solidier and all that. Flag looked smashing and the doves gave a good touch to those lost in WWI.
1924: Similar to the last one. What a knockoff.
1928: Flame and smoke look so active, and the air plays were sketchy but admirable.
1932: Was the first one to have audio and it look quite nice. The ceremonies are getting better...
1936: For one thing, Nazi did sure know how to put a parade, and to redeem themselves to the world, lot of clear-up extravagant ceremonies like the torch relay and anything else, really. The benchmark to stand our future Olympics. 
1948: It was nice to take the modest route, for London had not much. But for what it gave, it was spectacular and well done. (Are you listening, Danny Boyle?)
1952: Plenty of surprise in this ceremony, Nurmi, German Women ransacking the podium... interesting affair. 
1956: Stockholm- great tribute to the 1912 Olympics.  Melbourne- Good reaction to the Stockholm event.
1960: Established the many finesse of the Olympics, but actual ceremony felt short. 
1964: Does it take an Asian to make a ceremony to an art form? Yes. Balloons and airplanes made the opening ceremony, a cultural event as well athletic one.
1968: Overcrowded stadium lead to balloon and pigeons in the last 'functional' opening ceremony.
1972: It's Germany who embrace the Olympics and made the art form that it is today. Although it didn't interrupted the proceedings, it still gave a nice show.
1976: Come on, transmitted Olympic torch? Still unfinished stadium? Not a good ceremony at all.
1980: Moscow had the full intention of going all the way. Yeah! I mean this sets the massive art piece that is the Olympic opening ceremony.
1984: The challenge to the 1980 Olympics, this one I said... um... maybe over did it a little without many substances... I know... just I felt 80's is just too much crap sometimes...
1988: Of course Seoul brings it a another level, as the act becomes an act, which leads to 1992... 
1992: Which as mention is pretty impressive. The act are presented so well and the program set standard which others copy off to. 
1996: I haven't seen this one, but this looks like the American ceremony done right.
2000: Massive mounds of people and the story-line gives spectacular performance although there's some that late 90's that I can't shake out of... cauldron was cool though. 
2004: This looked more focused and calculated than the 1980, 1992, and 2000. Effect of doing less in fact inflates the beauty and grandeur. As they say, one beautiful daughter is better than ten middling sons. 
2008: Great uses of technology and human power, it is said the best out of all, but I feel that there's something too grand about this that felt over-pushed the message a bit. 

My advice for 2012 opening ceremony, shoot for 2004 and 2010 rather than 2008 or 2000. Be modest but expressive. You don't have the capabilities of going all out. Make a impression. (And not a bad one.)

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