Saturday, February 25, 2012

Golden age of NC Part 4

Old vs New- Batman: This is the first Old vs New and I avoided this. This is just different from others. It clearly shows... I mean it's more of a review than the reviews... I'll just shut up. Is Bale on tobacco? Didn't mind Katie Holmes? It's Caine. He always has a speech prepared. BOB! Over-analyzed... yeah. Bale argument was perfectly placed.
Full House: Now for the greats. Full House might be my first foray to American sitcom. And this review completely shattered my views. Typical opening. Saget and Stamos, I mean Saget... He is one of the miscasted actor in comedy history. His stand-ups and other skit are way out of there compared to his sitcom roles. I mean it's like Roald Dahl. Child growing up reading Charlie and BFG comes to his adult novels thinking it'll be cheerful... no, it's the one of the darkest stories you could ever read. Same thing with Saget. I mean he transitioned to more raunchy sitcom in the later years, but one child who loves Full House and comes up to his stand up comedy, and he/she'll start to bawl at how disgusting it is... But you come to realize you love both side of him. As for others, Jesse is a Fonzie and Joey is Fozzie. Stamos least got something from ER but Coullier... even his other roles were sub-par and confusing. Was he that guy? I had to look to the credits. He was! (I was thinking of the Even Stevens Movie) Girls didn't do anything, in the series and real life, and the Olsen twins... you know what's up. Life in picture frames is right, actually I was thinking of studio with no creative budget had some sets and brought random people to make some show so they could pay the rent. Least life in pictures has some eerieness behind it. Like Page 23. Becky was good, but it was their dead-end. Twin was exactly what you said. And Kimmy? I have to search her... Carrie Brady? Unexpected. Scott is Aladdin? Music is motif-heavy... and probably was discarded tapes they found in the studio. I can't get through 1940's laugh track and Saget's being kind... you'll laugh then cry then start to hurt yourself. Memory loss in very common with head injuries... in fiction. (I may be wrong...) I know. We all wish to be in the TARDIS... people in the 90's were brainwashed, that's why. Olsen will overtakes us in the dreams... See, I like this review.
North: Next one is great, too. Average comedy my butt. Sorry, not the review. This stinking movie, good everything except everything. Actor and setup and Director were great but... I believe this was in some trash of Jerry Seinfeld. Why is Elaine and George in this thing? Panic attack, nice read. Loosen... whatever. Child prodigy... Bruce is a bunny. O...kay. Some brownie later, Jon Lovitz? What's a judge doing? Worst Joke Ever!!! Dan and Reba... god what are they... whhhhhhy...... After a joke sighting, hello a song! What was... Bruce? I mean the jokes are stale as are made in the 30's? Pure evil. What? Needs a answer. Legit point.
An annoying mentor later, wha... Kathy Bates? Is the whistling... (Good Burger survivor, a good joke) That was so racist and Ben Stein? (Young Dick Cheney, good joke.) Short cruelty and Africa. China and France later... Scarlett Johannesson? What, is perfect family not good enough for ya? I hate you, and snap and boring routine and chase to the Judge and the secret spot... you know what's this going to be... it was all a dream. Oh great. Beyond Belief. Review, too.
Sidekicks: Chuck Norris is nothing if not for its meme. And so it is. But why? Slow-mo fight extraordinaire  Just a fantasy and Winnie! (I like you in HIMYM, little different style than used to.) What bridge? Oh. Karate master obviously is a jerk and fantasy continues with the teacher as the damsel? Ewwwww. Good motto: you're hopeless. Looks like Mitty has a mental illness and Mako? Great worship. Impressive bad acting later, random dough tossing! Oh... Walk and run by an asthmatic and Another Norris... Wide angle lense later, Kid survives Douchebag High by being crazy. This is the Wonder Years! Why I said that... weird rubbing by Mako? What gives? After learning violence gives you chicks, another... WTF? I'm acting! Winnie? Oh god. After realizing this is Karate Kid, turtles will dance you should not. Montage! Chick Norris is in the team? (Mad dog speech) Still fantasizing? What the hell? And set the blocks on fire? Heal the disable! Ahhhhhh Chuck Norris!!!!!!
Gargoyles: Disney's action series that defy people's expectation of Disney, and a positive review to boot.! A Cop in blue hair sees a rock with claw marking. Spork? No, and back to the backstory and... nothing. Oh the gargoyles become real at night. Princess whatever is very prejudicial and whatever and all but 4 gargoyles are dead and they turn to stone and ZUUL... whatever. Then there's Xatanos. Played by Riker. That's cool. Eccentric, even. Anyway the adventurous girl protagonist who talks to herself a lot (like me... wait did I said that) get saved by the Goliath, the main gargoyle and that's where the story rolls. After that creepy baby, we see modern shenanigans, and naming and whatever and the love interest is here but evil and with a name and hate the humanity (and is voiced by Troy). Clever ideas and not cheesy characters. Added with great twist ending and Did I mention Data is there, too? What gives? Third season came to be a shark jumper but original series is great. Review is good, but I got sidetracked.
Transformers 2- And we reach our half-way mark. There's one more update in the golden age and two long arduous journey that are next timespan. This really looks back at how the themes have changed. The original pitch has been changed to Bum reviews and the over-hyper persona turn to depressing but still emotional review are more reviewy  but fun! Anyway, it was great flashback.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Subnormality -another 50

Comic #101- The Christmas Comic #2
Good setup, good jokes, and a great punchline. Was Zoe Muggs at the end?
Comic #102- Effects
Nice thoughts. I like that there are not nice, per say, but thoughtful. Annealise and Marie FTW!

Comic #103- Better With Cheese
I'll get one shopping mall and politics, with cheese of course.
Comic #104- There Are Two Kinds of People
Then there's me. The Public. (It's cheese and not cheese, you stupid!)
Comic #105- Sketchy Model
Full of interruptions. And Nickelback.
Comic #106- Lady of the Night
No it's not ironic, and... what's ironic?
Comic #107- The Line
I believe this is great. It's breaking the line of what comic should be. There's a complete absence of form but it's amazing.

Comic #108- One Day in the New Kingdom
Another good one. Setup was good, and the punchline was expected (if you look close enough) but nevertheless I will stop writing in this format. And the exclamation marks.
Comic #109- The Calender
That was great. It was just beautiful. That's what the comic's about.
Comic #110- Bosstravaganza
Worst boss is God then. Makes sense.

Comic #111- Sphinx X
Mail is such an annoyance. E-mail's much better.
Comic #112- Webcomic About Video Games
This is great. Samus and Laura just talking about themselves... why we don't have that in our video games?

Comic #113- The Customer on Hell
It's that devil again. What a one-shot character. I know you can't resist the band names...
Comic #114- Ode to Embarrassment
See PHG, there's nothing wrong with you. It's them. (whistles)
Comic #115- The 1st annual Awards
Oh great, another award parody. This is like all awards distilled together. Oh, it supposed to be? Oh, good one then.

Comic #116- Constellation of Trolls
A boring way of life, I say. But everyone wants to be a star, you know...
Comic #117- Neo-Nazi Time Travelers
No one think of the inflation...

Comic #118- The New Apartment
Even Mongo have a inspiring moment...
Comic #119- Illegal to be a Jerk
Unfortunately the motion violate the First amendment... unless it goes to the supreme court.
Comic #120- Associations
That's why hot girls shouldn't have a open lifestyle.

Comic #121- 1984-2009
Comic #122- This Apartment Earth
OH MY GOOOOD!!!!!! Sorry, I don't know what I got through.

Comic #123- Sphinx XI
"did you just determined the capital of Spain?" Best line ever.
Comic #124- Mr. Parsons
Wow, that was the most awesome angst-filled acid trip ever!
Comic #125- Down at the Beach
Annealise and PHG get along nicely, right? I heard some birds can dismantle cars, but this is...

Comic #126- The Future II
Fine self-perpetuating mess you got there...
Comic #127- If your brain was a person
Things in lowercase is for comic he's not proud of. He made some factual mistake here and there.

Comic #128- Down at the Used Car Lot
Oh, do I see a love line? Well thanks for the advice.
Comic #129- Down at the Supermarket
I see PHG, Mongo and Ethel is queuing nicely up there.
Comic #130- Sphinx XII
Seems like the blue man from before believes in free will. I'll take a hearty laugh at that.

Comic #131- World's Worst Dating Service
The black female I believe is a recurring character, yes?
Comic #132- Halloween Costumes III
The water cycle looks fun. Getting more creative idea, eh?

Comic #133- Weird?
Some say it's the best comic, but I don't know... The kids in the theater is watching 'This American Life: The Movie"
Comic #134- The judge takes the bus
This one was too critical. Some like it, though.
Comic #135- The Date From Hell
Samus's got nothing on this devil. Also, PHG cameo!

Comic #136- Shango the Atomic Cowgirl
Another forgotten anneal in History of Women
Comic #137- (why i like animals)
They don't care, that's what.

Comic #138- Christmas Eve in the Future
That might be the best story in an comic strip I ever read. Thank you.
Comic #139- Musical Wheres
First of the grand encompassing look at our culture.
Comic #140- Best Friend Forever
With friends, anything could happen! The ponies really should refocus their message...

Comic #141- Down at Table Six
I'm proud of PHG getting her life skills.

Comic #142- Shyness
Calculation of brains is measured in flops for nothing. (I know they don't but let's roll with it.)
Comic #143- Understanding Nuclear Weapons
People ranted on that one. I guess they don't want Winston to be Randall!

Comic #144- Little Signs
Annealise next meets Zoe Muggs for a nice conversation.
Comic #145- Sphinx XIII
Great to see the old sphinx is back! (PHG and Rob Zombie is appreciated, too.)
Comic #146- Too Many Supervillains
Thacter and Reagan sitting in a tree K-I-L-L-I-N-G. I don't why I did that.

Comic #147- A Glimpse
True story, and it hurts so bad... Seriously, am I mental?
Comic #148- Over at the Airport
Oh, I know you do down at something but now you do over and does that fantasy thing again. I see. (By the way, rumor comes from the 60's and it was true. But then the fricking deregulation happened and... that's why most plane-goers are liberal.)

Comic #149- Interviews
Wasn't this great? Zoe Muggs at its best.
Comic #150- Down on 16th Street
Is this heaven? Interaction are perfect, little jokes are amusing and OMG the lesson is brilliant. I have tears.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Golden age of the Critic Part 3

Rock-a-doodle: We finally come to the post-marobot eon of Nostalgia Critic. And today we have Don Bluth's 1990's craziness. Extreme Zoom-in! Narrator thinks a stupid thought. Bring on the sun is a crazy job even for a rooster named Chanticleer. Oh, it's a storybook. And the Narrator is still narrating? Well, storm of the century breaks the law of reality and Plummer role was great. Edmund is now a pooey?  Anyway, Chanticleer does raise the sun and Owl sings. Giant Tree! Limited vocab later, we learn Owl's breath contains magical powers...
After a Mad libs and stern of bad acting, We find Chanticleer is now a Elvis impersonator. Wow. Song about anything? After all, it's a strange world of randomness. Family left, and owls sing again. Kiss him in the Pecker. Horrible song later, they get captured and escaped. Child is worse than Jake Lloyd. And this hallucinatory scene... Big Lipped Alligator Moment! Crow out of practice, magic breath, and a giant tornado. Edmund was a real boy and just a dream. Vicodin effect later, no exit? Odd movie, great movie.
Titanic - Animated Musical: From one horrible musical to another. It's a blatant rip-off, and this is weird. Rapping dog... Actual sinking with bad animation... still rowing. Flashback, yes and a Cinderella story too. Noah's Ark that is Titanic contain Mexican and weird accented mouse and what happened? Ahhhhhhh!!!!! A Rapping Dog! Go away! Go...(sobbing)... Sub plot and a detective... Dog voiced by Sam Elliott. What happened? Another sub-plot with a nanny? Lost a daughter? Ravishing? Spontaneous attraction... Then a girl lost a ball, and the destiny! Animals again? Random grunts are disturbing. Flashback? ADD scenes later... green gloves appear and disappears. Racist song later, and what? Here's the iceberg! Water with bucket! Non-trapped, Angelica gets a lifeboat and making  faces? Really? Breaking window and saving a child, the boy finally is saved. What a contrivance! There's a body out there and oh, dolphins... least I won't see it. Oh how charming? There was a contrived ending? Destroy the image! CARDS!!!!!!!
Pagemaster- A boring stop before Moonwalker. Reading adventure... was it? Nothing is an anything. Ted Turner is a bad teacher and McCulkin is a typical 90's kid protagonist. I despised him already. Everyone now kills him... and a Lenin Lloyd? Adventure! Horror! I need a adult! And a sonic sez, oh god. Colorful ooze, evil reading rainbow! A Corporate tool, a journey and Patrick Stewart? Whoopi's underware? Not trying. Zuul! sorry. Horror is great. Leonard Nimoy? Give you acid? Radioactive Ape Muppet! Books! Books! Books!!! Weird lightening scheme...  tossed aside. Laughing randomness. No interest. 90's songs to glance over. Exit is here! A dragon... that is boring. Funny line, eaten alive! Digest your book and a pagemaster. Ready to go, and the Pagemaster is... not great. Not good at all. Next!
Moonwalker- Ego trip of Micheal Jackson! World Peace start... picture of him performing...animations of him performing, Monty Python? Very humble... now a please shut up! New material of Bad by kids... hmmm... awkward conversation. Jackson wills it. Stop-motion is a rabbit and this is crack,.. more dancing and to next segment... leave me alone?  Train wreck and people trying to kill him. Perfectopia! Lost Ark? Drug dealers? Joe Pesci? Running... Running... Running...  Shooting Star and a transformer!? Anyway, it all comes to smooth criminal music video. It's a great M/V. Even more than Thriller... I guess. Then here's the story. Oh great. Micheal Jackson is an alien robot! pretty images... Acme corporations products later Jackson leaves? Then Returns? Oh, Concert. Bunch of music video with no story to tell.
Top 11 Dumbest Superman Moments- From one inflated hero to next. We have a top 11! Does the critic have a eye-liner? Too Young and Bland?  Niagara Falls Kid? Immediate Death with the rip-off? Covers the child for the carriage? Bad Special Effect?  Stupid glasses? Nuclear Man? Awful editing and Rube Goldberg? Broke the Waa-waa movie, and kissing of mind erasure? Richard Pryor? Spinning the Earth Backwards??? All the bad time and good time and... that depressing moment.
TMNT- Oh great, it's the Mako incident. Anyway, the review starts as opening narration calmly narrating the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and its... is this a video game? Central America. Okay... April is now a tomb raider? Name under the turtles? Turtles have a job now, too... we now missing a plot... Is this Watchmen? Cerebus Syndrome, much? And comes...Mako. Haaa.... up to the Villains and what? Ninja Turtle isn't... now they're fighting. Oh good. And complex scenes later, more fighting. And ladies a good night? What's that? Michelangelo... I couldn't care less. Now we play a video game. Cut scene and reconciliation, he's a good guy and this is confusing. An awkward trip later and sequel hook. Golden sand later, we fight again. What do we learn? Not much. Next. CGI is good, though. Commericials, oh it's the Melvin sketch.
Red Sonja- We get the Mako cleared. Anyway, to Red Sonja. Nielsen is Sonja, but Fairy Godmother comes and expositions. A reminder? Anyway to silly hats! Evil queen, too! Shittakes! Jump-cut! Gestapo guy... Put that cookie down (is funny) Music is out-of-place. Red Sonja is with Ewok Geisha? Singing swords of bugs bunny, you choose. Wise choice. Captain Obvious and Sonja goes off to the talisman. Surf Ninja is a spoiled brat. Named Prince Tard? Married to Princess Tard? Anyway to the candles and the long cut of walking to the throne, and what's this? Wow, subtle. Cross the Rhinos and tech some manner. Epic Fail... That looks so fake... save the day, Arnold! Continue with the dueling accents. I eat you, need a string? But that's Surf Ninjas... Only a model... it's you. Logo shout out! A way in! Weird trapdoor! Awful mouth-work! Jump cut like Gander! Stab her! To the candle room and horrible blue screen effect. Run away to what?  Whatever, Bad but not terrible. Good review!
Short Circuit- This is the last one for this update. Next part will be done this week. Now to Saint No. 5 blowing stuff up. Indian stereotype and Steven Gootenburgh  made this and does killing and stupid things.
Soul! Outside world is beautiful and bimbo. Parachute to safety, James Bot. Alien? Need input? Long movie? Input addiction! Ah, doi! Dialogue contrived. Morality hits hard! It's alive! He's funny? Sense make no sense. Wakes back up!? Lonely... You had me at soup. Mix between vibrator and man who can't get me pregnant. Brilliant. Reasoning with a joke, art of lying he has learned! Number 5 is blown up! Wha????/ Indian guy is hero for the next one. Con artist? Toy Factory and valuable Jewel, oh my? Lackluster career aside. Mr. Rodgers is so mean. Dominican Cuban Mexican, watch your my mouth. Droid is cracked. Accident-prone, isn't he? Improbable, too. Then comes God! I need an adult and a crush? 80's sitcom later, you're charming! No. 5 is a moron, this woman is a toymaker! Bleed! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Johnny 5! You animals! Most dramatic moment by a robot ever! I, Robot You, Dead... awesome!!! Sworn as an American? Well, a guilty pleasure. And a good pleasure of a review.

Subnormality- Next 50

Comic #51- Down at the Drugstore
Start of a three-part series, First it start with Paranoia with the Scissor industry.
Comic #52- Down at the Office Supplies Superstore
Then it continues the paranoia with the best way to sell some fax machines.
Comic #53- Down at the Post Office
Paranoia envelopes into most inefficient letter ever. Even the PHG can't stand it anymore!
Comic #54- Ballet Audition
This one is a classic. Little contrived but fun. Though if I wear off the metal, will it be alive again?
Comic #55- The Christmas Comic
Makes sense.
Comic #56- What to Watch For in 2008
Marie and Annelise knows when the Alien civilization comes in prosecution of white rapper's magnum opus. Although, this comic doesn't need contrivance.
Comic #57- Down at the Restaurant
Where is the PHG? And why is the leg made of frozen rats? Although, I've seen a man made out of thousand rats.
Comic #58- The Future
Well, Some thing never change.
Comic #59-Sphinx IV
Oh the Bayreuth festival. I haven't gone there since... never!
Comic #60- Sorry, I'm New Here
Ikea never have sales... unless it's nuclear bombs. (It's a national policy! Deal with it.)
Comic #61- Now Available in Cans
That's why you learn grammar, kids.
Comic #62- Randy's Hobby Store
Justine makes her first kill. Model Plane is appropriate with holding the bag the weird way.
Comic #63- Mrs. Smith is a Nasty Piece of Work
I've seen worse contrivance in Passion. This is actually applicable. 16th century Russian Howitzer...
Comic #64- the Election Process
Carly Fiorina was right! The politicians will blow up immensely for a vote.
Comic #65- Sphinx V
This slew of Sphinx is making me happy. I mean in here, you see the Sphinx is not a bully as a human-eating monster would be. She just have problems that everybody else has.
Comic #66- The Atheist Apocalypse
Great to see the four changing the world. Christopher Hitchens (1949-2011)
Comic #67- Metaphor's New Clothes
This is the turning point from Bush calling to profound statements. (See, I told you Bush was not the front.)
Comic #68-Take The Tightrope
That was poetic. It really give sense of hopelessness and contempt for reality, and how it builds up from here.
Comic #69- Bernard
Thinly veiled jab at religion, you might say? Brilliance shine in Bernard.
Comic #70- Down the Restaurant/Bar
See, I know it would work out. PHG and Central American God forever!
Comic #71- Crowd at the Rock Show
First of many in the observation series.
Comic #72- Not Worth it!
Serious contention in latest Fox lineup, but realize that they have a fear-mongering network and trashes it.
Comic #73- Princess Washburn
Why is Annealise brown? And don't fret about being a fictional character, it's not like we have free will or something...
Comic #74- Ye Olde Part One
Summer 2057? Well, least I have my viewing screen.
Comic #75- Movie Cone
Not that's a innovating marketing! (Oh hi, Mongo.)
Comic #76- Hockey
Mongo meets the PHG, before turning to hockey.
Comic #77- Sweding
Good god, Bechdel's law! But do you see the comic's getting sharper?
Comic #78- Sphinx VI
Pizza Hut, eh? Pizza House is like an Animal House! (Uplifting 70's music)
Comic #79- In Defense of the Weird
Of course, the weird achieve his/her dreams. Dreams are weird.
Comic #80- o--o
Never marry kids! Or least, don't go out with that girl.
Comic #81- Hypothetical Situation
I like the transition of style... And Selma Hayek is hot, in most disgusting sense of the word. (Joke: Do you know that movie with Selma Hayek and Skander Keynes? No. Well, most people don't know it, because it was an economical disaster.)
Comic #82- Down at the Job Interview
Now this comic is awesome! Brown!! Like she's a old liberal...
Comic #83- Paint it Grey
Then came Postmodernism. Thank God.
Comic #84- The Benz
Yeah! Teddy Roosevelt! Hurl the car into the Neo-Nazis! Hurl it!
Comic #85- Sphinx VII
It only worked one time. Also is Macerator a spelling bee winning word?
Comic #86- Newsstand Follies
Is everything on print crazy these days?
Comic #87- The T-Shirt
Samus's got nothing on her.
Comic #88-Truth Ninja
Well, it's better than Surf Ninjas.
Comic #89- Down at the 14th Street
Justine has more potential.
Comic #90- Science Fair
Don't let Roland Emmerich read this strip. Event will be worse than what's depicted.
Comic #91- The Coward's Tale
Good thing Janice has necrophilia!
Comic #92- Sphinx VIII
Surprisingly works. Sphinx become their mascot for five years before she got bored.
Comic #93- Sex Fantasy
I have no comment here. Start of embedded stories, though.
Comic #94- Meet Stephen Harper
Oh man, we only have this guy called Barack Obama. He's a professor. Sheesh!
Comic #95- Welcome to Hell
I said before. Green-skinned babe < devil with a snake belt
Comic #96- Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe
I told you Nazi never works! Especially with cake.
Comic #97- Sphynx IX
Eddie has god ideas. You should keep him.
Comic #98- 7 Dichotomies in a Bar
Mongo, Justine, and PHG in my favorite form of entertainment: Dichotomies.
Comic #99- The Service
What's with Samus, Sphinx and the PHG now not pink-haired girl in this strip? Is something going on?
Comic #100- Down at the Bus Stop, a Sphinx!
Must pitch Sphinx and PHG relationship to networks. "Seriously, it'll be like the next 2 Broke Girls!"

Monday, February 20, 2012

Subnormality: First 50

Comic #1: Fanboy Follies
Well, every comic must start simple, right?  Although, with self-referential and thoughtful humor, the glimpse is showing.
Comic #2: Down at the Gas Station
Ah, introduction to our first staple character, the Pink-Haired Girl! You can see the original girl was so happy and content, and the car freshers need to fresh their smell, I had the red one back in 1991, and I don't have a car!
Comic #3: Underwater Wild West
Simple comic in which shows the futility of underwater shooting... too much things in between! I don't know why I'm using exclamation marks so much!
Comic #4: Oedipus Redux
Here comes the sphinx, and this is her origin story. Apparently, she was just sick of Thebes. (Was it Thebes?)
Comic #5: Los Hombres Loco
No comment.
Comic #6: Prof. Stuartt Stickman
Isn't this premise kind of cliche? Well, I guess he/she was running out of things.
Comic #7: Sweeny the Clown
I like this clown better. But Los Hombres Loco is dead? Damn.
Comic #8:The  Evolution of Alternative Music
Yay, first Nickelback bashing comic. (Actually, it's just a front but insightful commentary of life. Don't spoil it!)
Comic #9: Opposite World
I guess gender is everything in workplace, eh? I could say this is the first insight comic but I won't.
Comic #10: Ain't No Karma
Henry Ford was a renown anti-Semitic but that;s one more thing Nazi gave us! (Come on.)
Comic #11: An Alternate Reality...
Yay, first Bush hating comic! (This is not a front.)
Comic #12: About the Author
I guess you achieved your goal. Menus all around!
Comic #13: Down at the Library
Hey, it's the PHG! Seems like she's little tired. Least the library coffee will wake you up!
Comic #14: Probably
I attest that the old devil chick is hotter than the new one. Anybody for a challenge? (I just need comments and interest, that's all.)
Comic #15: If Hollywood was a Person
Huh, I thought he would wear a suit.
Comic #16: Metaphors...
I totally get ya, wait I'm not supposed to...
Comic #17: Let's All Get Plastic Surgery!
Ugh, now even the title has the exclamation mark. I might need to get a plastic surgery for that.
Comic #18: Unpopular Halloween Costumes
Berlin sewer system? I can't see why not.
Comic #19: Huh? Oh.
I think Winston isn't good at panel placements. But that's another PHG for yeh.
Comic #20: Surprise Ending
Rule of Thumb is... Annelise and Marie's first... is that iron-booted Napoleon?
Comic #21: The Home of Adolf Hitler...
Michael and Webb-esque realize done by time-travel? Is that the Von Trapps?
Comic #22: Backup Goaltender
Hey you're up... what are you doing with that goal stick? (Who's Osgord?)
Comic #23: Sphinx II
Ogmugomugomugomugohgumhuogmugoh... It's the Sphinx! Is human white meat or red meat? I always thought it was white meat, but in the diagrams, it's red...
Comic #24: It's a Nightmare to Someone
Oh god! The girl needs therapy!
Comic #25: People Who Look Like Animals
I just think of him as Alfred E. Neuman, he's an animal, right?
Comic #26: Down at the Mall
Oh my god the PHG has a name? I thought she was just a abstract entity!
Comic #27: Perspective Man
When not being perspective, punching will do.
Comic #28: Life is Disappointing
Actually, DeShawn Thordason was right handed. He just used his left hand in suspect that left hand might kill him. (Fact from Great Big Book of Seattleites.)
Comic #29: Emil Mortandu, Freelance Tyrant
Actually many famous kings, like Richard III, was originally a freelance tyrant. (Also, who's ty and what's he ranting about?)
Comic #30: Please Enjoy Science Responsibly
This is why the creation science should be banned. (Hey, He/She has Bush and Nickelback, I have Creationism.)
Comic #31: Get Rich Quick
Do you have to kidnap your neighbor's dog, or does the service recreate it for you?
Comic #32: Explaining the Success of Sh!tty Bands
And now the exclamation mark is in the middle. This is embarrassing.
Comic #33: You Know It's True
See, I even took down the exclamation points! Oh...
Comic #34: Apartment for Rent
My indoor weather is gloomy. Maybe the fact that the previous tenant was a rain god.
Comic #35: A Terrifying Glimpse Into the Future
Well, you have to see some Newt Gingrich ads...
Comic #36: Down at the New Health Spa
auuuhhhuuh, Do I see a new love plot forming?
Comic #37: It Almost Feels Sorry For Them
That's why I don't read the newspaper.
Comic #38: Speed Dating Follies
So that's where Winston got his classical music joke...
Comic #39: The Jackbooted Thugs
Raoul and Samus cannot escape the power of the narrative!
Comic #40: If TV Was a Person
So she has hysteria, what about it?
Comic #41: Some People Like Them
If it's god, why did he created the anchovies just to remove it?
Comic #42: Sphinx III
Sphinx is back and better than ever! New monster are awesome!
Comic #43: The No-bullsh!t emporium
Is that Annealise and Marie? And why there's... oh, gotcha.
Comic #44: Supervillians Anonymous
You know 12-step program doesn't work, you know...
Comic #45: The Distinction Being...?
You stole my niche! I need to survive here!
Comic #46: How to Get a Job
Ah, wonders of Capitalism!
Comic #47: Duh.
I wish more people just do this. Least they'll change the world. And Zoe Muggs!
Comic #48: Unpopular Halloween Costume II
Bionic Lime Nuclear Guerilla Civil War with a Sprig of Paisley became much popular after the release of Portal 2.
Comic #49: Hitchhiking in Them Thar Hills
She's still stuck.
Comic #50: The Wager
Why is all the world have to end with Nazi taking over? I mean they're good at anything, and beside the thing must be a passing fad; revolution will happen in 5 years! North Korea is the exception, people!


Yes, I said that there's going to be a special review this week and today, I announce it's the total rewind of first 200 comics of Subnormality. (Along with some catch up to my other projects.) It'll be done in 50 comic packet and as at the time of writing, there hasn't been two hundred comics so I'll tack that on as a addendum. So enjoy Subnormality week, and continuation of other rewinds.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Golden Age of NC part 2

A Kid in King Arthur's court: A cheesy movie that is a 'normal' 90's kid's film, which is just flawed, just flawed. A cliche of different ideas and historic inaccuracies that defines contrivances. I say Nostalgia Critic is overdoing it on the horribleness scale but whatever,but this is his second year so he hasn't got immunity over it. But with Kate Winslet in lesbian relationship (or not), always dissolving scenes, baseball, dumbasses in danger disorder, and Gainax ending, he maybe isn't so overacting... but I'm acting...
Good Son: Silent critic? It works, and I like this as there not of in-jokes and  fourth wall ones, too. These include cut?, I'm acting, in-movie commercial, Fugitive reference, and Culkin says F-word? Wow.
Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog: Gateway to madness, indeed. The show is just wow. It's just a bad, bad trip. OF COURSE! and one of the best NC reviews. Annoyance mounts to miserableness as we descent to god-knows-what as we see something that has no thought, no focus and worst than doodling. Like what? pumpkin? what? what? pumpkin? Chili Dogs? and moral lessons... dryers and bad touch... Well least there was an another show at the same time with Katie Soucie (in her natural voice!) in the female lead. NC in brink of despair, find grace in this amazing show. So other show, queen it up, bitch!
Top 11 Another top 11. Toon town, crazy. Cool world, just bad. Dragon's Lair 2, awesome. Grinch spin-off, meh. Raggedy Ann? okay. Beetlejuice? That's more like it. Hallucination by Rob Zombie BLAM, that's wow. Willy Wonka tunnel sequence, you know there's been thesis about this stuff, you know. This is Halloween, genius. Pink Elephants, why? Pee-wee's playhouse, well that explain itself. ELEPHANT!
Twister: Natural Horror at its worst. Twister looks like the perfect natural distater to work a movie on because the diaster is short and plenty, the Aristotelian three-act plot could be constructed and it's not needed of plot logic. Opening scare? Twister! The cast is stellar, but the plot Dusty doesn't approve. Couple arguing! is not a good way to writing a disaster movie. Thinking storms? Too much music, so much that even Burger King can't handle? Corporate sponsorship? Physic powers! (I seriously don't know what I said there.) Use adult words, F5? Who refresh the page? I lost everything! Anyway serial killer tornado later, another tornado destroys the town, and... oh god a giant tornado, push F5! Refresh the tornado (and Pepsi!) Stop following and hold the pipe! That's what a inside a tornado, wait we can see this? Whatever movie over and the review is great and all that stuff.
Garbage Pail Kids: Yes...... Garbage Pail Kids. The worst movie in the series, maybe except for The Room. Just start. After warning and intro, opening shot that makes no sense, bullies that are waaaay too old and with a weird laugh. There's a antique captain that speaks only motivational speeches. After a contrived sequence of character introduction later, the titular kids are introduced. NO explanation to anything, however. Tangerine with a slow response with boobs later, Kids do stuff. I don't know... plot is weird as we find out Kids are sew-ers (get it?) and with their sewing, Tangerine can make a business. With a song. Lesson is always weird around here as Kids do... something, I don't know. Now three stooges are here to... is there a laughing gas here? Anyway a weird bar scene later, we found out there's a state home for the ugly, where men catch ugly people like dogs? Now the plot lines suddenly exponentially increasing, Bullies takes the kids in a contrived scheme and put dodger in a trash can which he gets out of and saves the inmates. Then they rip off the model's clothes and vomit on them. THIS IS NOT PORN! What is this? I mean does the writer have any sense at all in writing? Anyway, protagonist dumps Tangerine and Garbage Pail Kids go off in sunset. That's it! GOD, THIS MOVIE SUCKS! But the best part  about this review is the 2001 parody that moves on to just more than a review show. It's great and a real sense of change in direction with the Nostalgia Critic. A revamp with more joke, more community and more awesomeness then ever. Will you join me? We'll see when I continue the library of Nostalgia Critic. Goodbye.