Monday, February 20, 2012

Subnormality: First 50

Comic #1: Fanboy Follies
Well, every comic must start simple, right?  Although, with self-referential and thoughtful humor, the glimpse is showing.
Comic #2: Down at the Gas Station
Ah, introduction to our first staple character, the Pink-Haired Girl! You can see the original girl was so happy and content, and the car freshers need to fresh their smell, I had the red one back in 1991, and I don't have a car!
Comic #3: Underwater Wild West
Simple comic in which shows the futility of underwater shooting... too much things in between! I don't know why I'm using exclamation marks so much!
Comic #4: Oedipus Redux
Here comes the sphinx, and this is her origin story. Apparently, she was just sick of Thebes. (Was it Thebes?)
Comic #5: Los Hombres Loco
No comment.
Comic #6: Prof. Stuartt Stickman
Isn't this premise kind of cliche? Well, I guess he/she was running out of things.
Comic #7: Sweeny the Clown
I like this clown better. But Los Hombres Loco is dead? Damn.
Comic #8:The  Evolution of Alternative Music
Yay, first Nickelback bashing comic. (Actually, it's just a front but insightful commentary of life. Don't spoil it!)
Comic #9: Opposite World
I guess gender is everything in workplace, eh? I could say this is the first insight comic but I won't.
Comic #10: Ain't No Karma
Henry Ford was a renown anti-Semitic but that;s one more thing Nazi gave us! (Come on.)
Comic #11: An Alternate Reality...
Yay, first Bush hating comic! (This is not a front.)
Comic #12: About the Author
I guess you achieved your goal. Menus all around!
Comic #13: Down at the Library
Hey, it's the PHG! Seems like she's little tired. Least the library coffee will wake you up!
Comic #14: Probably
I attest that the old devil chick is hotter than the new one. Anybody for a challenge? (I just need comments and interest, that's all.)
Comic #15: If Hollywood was a Person
Huh, I thought he would wear a suit.
Comic #16: Metaphors...
I totally get ya, wait I'm not supposed to...
Comic #17: Let's All Get Plastic Surgery!
Ugh, now even the title has the exclamation mark. I might need to get a plastic surgery for that.
Comic #18: Unpopular Halloween Costumes
Berlin sewer system? I can't see why not.
Comic #19: Huh? Oh.
I think Winston isn't good at panel placements. But that's another PHG for yeh.
Comic #20: Surprise Ending
Rule of Thumb is... Annelise and Marie's first... is that iron-booted Napoleon?
Comic #21: The Home of Adolf Hitler...
Michael and Webb-esque realize done by time-travel? Is that the Von Trapps?
Comic #22: Backup Goaltender
Hey you're up... what are you doing with that goal stick? (Who's Osgord?)
Comic #23: Sphinx II
Ogmugomugomugomugohgumhuogmugoh... It's the Sphinx! Is human white meat or red meat? I always thought it was white meat, but in the diagrams, it's red...
Comic #24: It's a Nightmare to Someone
Oh god! The girl needs therapy!
Comic #25: People Who Look Like Animals
I just think of him as Alfred E. Neuman, he's an animal, right?
Comic #26: Down at the Mall
Oh my god the PHG has a name? I thought she was just a abstract entity!
Comic #27: Perspective Man
When not being perspective, punching will do.
Comic #28: Life is Disappointing
Actually, DeShawn Thordason was right handed. He just used his left hand in suspect that left hand might kill him. (Fact from Great Big Book of Seattleites.)
Comic #29: Emil Mortandu, Freelance Tyrant
Actually many famous kings, like Richard III, was originally a freelance tyrant. (Also, who's ty and what's he ranting about?)
Comic #30: Please Enjoy Science Responsibly
This is why the creation science should be banned. (Hey, He/She has Bush and Nickelback, I have Creationism.)
Comic #31: Get Rich Quick
Do you have to kidnap your neighbor's dog, or does the service recreate it for you?
Comic #32: Explaining the Success of Sh!tty Bands
And now the exclamation mark is in the middle. This is embarrassing.
Comic #33: You Know It's True
See, I even took down the exclamation points! Oh...
Comic #34: Apartment for Rent
My indoor weather is gloomy. Maybe the fact that the previous tenant was a rain god.
Comic #35: A Terrifying Glimpse Into the Future
Well, you have to see some Newt Gingrich ads...
Comic #36: Down at the New Health Spa
auuuhhhuuh, Do I see a new love plot forming?
Comic #37: It Almost Feels Sorry For Them
That's why I don't read the newspaper.
Comic #38: Speed Dating Follies
So that's where Winston got his classical music joke...
Comic #39: The Jackbooted Thugs
Raoul and Samus cannot escape the power of the narrative!
Comic #40: If TV Was a Person
So she has hysteria, what about it?
Comic #41: Some People Like Them
If it's god, why did he created the anchovies just to remove it?
Comic #42: Sphinx III
Sphinx is back and better than ever! New monster are awesome!
Comic #43: The No-bullsh!t emporium
Is that Annealise and Marie? And why there's... oh, gotcha.
Comic #44: Supervillians Anonymous
You know 12-step program doesn't work, you know...
Comic #45: The Distinction Being...?
You stole my niche! I need to survive here!
Comic #46: How to Get a Job
Ah, wonders of Capitalism!
Comic #47: Duh.
I wish more people just do this. Least they'll change the world. And Zoe Muggs!
Comic #48: Unpopular Halloween Costume II
Bionic Lime Nuclear Guerilla Civil War with a Sprig of Paisley became much popular after the release of Portal 2.
Comic #49: Hitchhiking in Them Thar Hills
She's still stuck.
Comic #50: The Wager
Why is all the world have to end with Nazi taking over? I mean they're good at anything, and beside the thing must be a passing fad; revolution will happen in 5 years! North Korea is the exception, people!

1 comment:

  1. Nice list. Subnormality is the world's best webcomic. I have to disagree with you on #14 though.....
