Saturday, February 25, 2012

Golden age of NC Part 4

Old vs New- Batman: This is the first Old vs New and I avoided this. This is just different from others. It clearly shows... I mean it's more of a review than the reviews... I'll just shut up. Is Bale on tobacco? Didn't mind Katie Holmes? It's Caine. He always has a speech prepared. BOB! Over-analyzed... yeah. Bale argument was perfectly placed.
Full House: Now for the greats. Full House might be my first foray to American sitcom. And this review completely shattered my views. Typical opening. Saget and Stamos, I mean Saget... He is one of the miscasted actor in comedy history. His stand-ups and other skit are way out of there compared to his sitcom roles. I mean it's like Roald Dahl. Child growing up reading Charlie and BFG comes to his adult novels thinking it'll be cheerful... no, it's the one of the darkest stories you could ever read. Same thing with Saget. I mean he transitioned to more raunchy sitcom in the later years, but one child who loves Full House and comes up to his stand up comedy, and he/she'll start to bawl at how disgusting it is... But you come to realize you love both side of him. As for others, Jesse is a Fonzie and Joey is Fozzie. Stamos least got something from ER but Coullier... even his other roles were sub-par and confusing. Was he that guy? I had to look to the credits. He was! (I was thinking of the Even Stevens Movie) Girls didn't do anything, in the series and real life, and the Olsen twins... you know what's up. Life in picture frames is right, actually I was thinking of studio with no creative budget had some sets and brought random people to make some show so they could pay the rent. Least life in pictures has some eerieness behind it. Like Page 23. Becky was good, but it was their dead-end. Twin was exactly what you said. And Kimmy? I have to search her... Carrie Brady? Unexpected. Scott is Aladdin? Music is motif-heavy... and probably was discarded tapes they found in the studio. I can't get through 1940's laugh track and Saget's being kind... you'll laugh then cry then start to hurt yourself. Memory loss in very common with head injuries... in fiction. (I may be wrong...) I know. We all wish to be in the TARDIS... people in the 90's were brainwashed, that's why. Olsen will overtakes us in the dreams... See, I like this review.
North: Next one is great, too. Average comedy my butt. Sorry, not the review. This stinking movie, good everything except everything. Actor and setup and Director were great but... I believe this was in some trash of Jerry Seinfeld. Why is Elaine and George in this thing? Panic attack, nice read. Loosen... whatever. Child prodigy... Bruce is a bunny. O...kay. Some brownie later, Jon Lovitz? What's a judge doing? Worst Joke Ever!!! Dan and Reba... god what are they... whhhhhhy...... After a joke sighting, hello a song! What was... Bruce? I mean the jokes are stale as are made in the 30's? Pure evil. What? Needs a answer. Legit point.
An annoying mentor later, wha... Kathy Bates? Is the whistling... (Good Burger survivor, a good joke) That was so racist and Ben Stein? (Young Dick Cheney, good joke.) Short cruelty and Africa. China and France later... Scarlett Johannesson? What, is perfect family not good enough for ya? I hate you, and snap and boring routine and chase to the Judge and the secret spot... you know what's this going to be... it was all a dream. Oh great. Beyond Belief. Review, too.
Sidekicks: Chuck Norris is nothing if not for its meme. And so it is. But why? Slow-mo fight extraordinaire  Just a fantasy and Winnie! (I like you in HIMYM, little different style than used to.) What bridge? Oh. Karate master obviously is a jerk and fantasy continues with the teacher as the damsel? Ewwwww. Good motto: you're hopeless. Looks like Mitty has a mental illness and Mako? Great worship. Impressive bad acting later, random dough tossing! Oh... Walk and run by an asthmatic and Another Norris... Wide angle lense later, Kid survives Douchebag High by being crazy. This is the Wonder Years! Why I said that... weird rubbing by Mako? What gives? After learning violence gives you chicks, another... WTF? I'm acting! Winnie? Oh god. After realizing this is Karate Kid, turtles will dance you should not. Montage! Chick Norris is in the team? (Mad dog speech) Still fantasizing? What the hell? And set the blocks on fire? Heal the disable! Ahhhhhh Chuck Norris!!!!!!
Gargoyles: Disney's action series that defy people's expectation of Disney, and a positive review to boot.! A Cop in blue hair sees a rock with claw marking. Spork? No, and back to the backstory and... nothing. Oh the gargoyles become real at night. Princess whatever is very prejudicial and whatever and all but 4 gargoyles are dead and they turn to stone and ZUUL... whatever. Then there's Xatanos. Played by Riker. That's cool. Eccentric, even. Anyway the adventurous girl protagonist who talks to herself a lot (like me... wait did I said that) get saved by the Goliath, the main gargoyle and that's where the story rolls. After that creepy baby, we see modern shenanigans, and naming and whatever and the love interest is here but evil and with a name and hate the humanity (and is voiced by Troy). Clever ideas and not cheesy characters. Added with great twist ending and Did I mention Data is there, too? What gives? Third season came to be a shark jumper but original series is great. Review is good, but I got sidetracked.
Transformers 2- And we reach our half-way mark. There's one more update in the golden age and two long arduous journey that are next timespan. This really looks back at how the themes have changed. The original pitch has been changed to Bum reviews and the over-hyper persona turn to depressing but still emotional review are more reviewy  but fun! Anyway, it was great flashback.

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